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Moin! I'm going to have a bit of catching up around the house. We've been so busy elsewhere and the stress levels have built up over the last two days. With a heavy heart I have had to arrange for Mum to go in a care home in her home town. She is quite vulnerable. We think she also has a blood/bone marrow lymphoma issue.

We will see how she settles and whether she can resume seeing her friends. Otherwise we may chose one local to us.

Garage Joe

Good morning everyone, a gorgeous morning here, I am glad to see it seems to be sunny for most


Sad news GJ I hope she can settle and feel reassured.  Lymphoma is a very wide issue, please make sure you know exactly what the diagnosis is, it's a complex subject, and one I know quite well.


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

GJ, rest assured that you have done the right thing for your Mum. Someone I know at church was trying to work out how he could look after his mother who needed care himself without causing himself harm through stress. I talked with him and said that to accept that she needed to go into a care home was not a sign of failure but a sign of love in accepting that she would be looked after by professionals. What good would it do to her if he became ill trying to look after her. She did go into a home and some time later he thanked me for having put his mind and conscience at rest.

El Loro

Still in trial stage but researchers have come up with a fruit shaped sensor to monitor the condition of fruit being transported. They've got orange, apple, banana and mango varieties.


Talking of mangoes, I see that M&S now have mango jaffa cakes. They've had them for some time but I hadn't spotted them until today. I may try them once Lent is over.

El Loro
Garage Joe posted:

Moin! I'm going to have a bit of catching up around the house. We've been so busy elsewhere and the stress levels have built up over the last two days. With a heavy heart I have had to arrange for Mum to go in a care home in her home town. She is quite vulnerable. We think she also has a blood/bone marrow lymphoma issue.

We will see how she settles and whether she can resume seeing her friends. Otherwise we may chose one local to us.


Joe, you have put things in place to ensure your mum is safe and well cared for - and that's a good thing. 


*night owls*  


I've been a busy little bee today, but am feeling less tired than yesterday. 


Joe, I can only imagine what a difficult decision it must have been but these guys are right in what they've said, and I think you've shown great courage in making the choice. You may find she settles well in her new home, and the company of others could well perk her right up again. 


I hope you all sleep well and dream beautiful things xx 

~Sparkling Summer~

I haven't mentioned Cheltenham Town FC recently. They have been struggling in league two and are too close to the relegation zone for comfort. They had been winning until recently but have lost the last four games. It may be down to their manager, Gary Johnson, being in hospital having gone a triple heart bypass. He's on the way to recovery and has thanked the NHS. Although it was a routine operation I think it must have been done as a matter of urgency given the timing. He is hoping to be able to be back by the end of the season.

El Loro

Good afternoon everyone  


To those of us who have lost their mums...we miss you, we will always love you, we will never forget you 

To those of you who still have their mums with them, have a lovely Mothering Sunday, hopefully with your mums 



I have been gardening since around 10am 

My front and back gardens now look in much better shape 

Not quite finished, each is 90% there 


I have a wheelie bin, two old dustbins and another bin full 

As soon as my wheelie bin  is emptied on Tuesday it will be filled up again


Have a love day friends

El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, you have been busy

Thanks El 

Just done another 2% in the back garden  

I calculate that you'll have finished both the back and front gardens by this time tomorrow ...


... if you work through the night

Garden tools away. Housework tools out 

Just hoovered all of the downstairs. Only have to mop the kitchen and bathroom floors now, twice. Do them, let them dry. Do them again 

I always do them twice. Dunno why 

Last edited by Moonie

I've been going to the same church for most of my life and I saw something done during the service which I've never seen before and it may be a first for the Church of England.


During her sermon the vicar decided to do a spot of juggling with three eggs. She was not successful and they fell on to the floor. Luckily her husband had  boiled the eggs so that they  must have been very hard so the contents didn't spill out. It was a service for Mothering Sunday so not a typical Sunday service. Not sure why she did it though

El Loro
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, a gorgeous morning here, I am glad to see it seems to be sunny for most


Sad news GJ I hope she can settle and feel reassured.  Lymphoma is a very wide issue, please make sure you know exactly what the diagnosis is, it's a complex subject, and one I know quite well.


Enjoy your day everyone

Sorry squiggle! I only just saw this. Thank you. xx

Garage Joe

*night owls*  


good evening all  


moonie well done on all your gardening efforts you certainly are full of the joys of spring  


yogi I'm glad you've had a lovely day  


el, there's no way your congregation we're going to nod off or day dream during today's sermon I love it! 


I've taken my mum out for lunch, stripped most of bramble's fur, cooked tea, watched a movie and had the quickest bath ever! My body still thinks it's 9.52pm

~Sparkling Summer~

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