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Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Moonie, are you inland or coastal?

Inland Sweet. The Midlands in fact Couldn't be farther away from the sea if we tried

yes - you lot head our way for your hols - i am in north Wales but  a MANC

you are having the nasty weather too then Ros

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Moonie, are you inland or coastal?

Inland Sweet. The Midlands in fact Couldn't be farther away from the sea if we tried

yes - you lot head our way for your hols - i am in north Wales but  a MANC

you are having the nasty weather too then Ros

yes but i am near English border - very wet and windy today

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Moonie, are you inland or coastal?

Inland Sweet. The Midlands in fact Couldn't be farther away from the sea if we tried

yes - you lot head our way for your hols - i am in north Wales but  a MANC

you are having the nasty weather too then Ros

yes but i am near English border - very wet and windy today

Hopefully it will calm down a little for you tomorrow Ros

Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Hi Ros. Are you back to school now?


Edit: Of course, I mean back at work?

yes - worst luck


Are you still going to choir?

yes been tonight  - we are doing Mozarts requiem in May and the Magnificat + other stuff in June

Lovely pieces, I'm sure your choir will do a great job.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

PB is arriving at 8am, so I better get off and get some sleep.

Goodnight Moonie, see you tomorrow.

Awww missed you Yogi
I was munching my way though a load of toast, well 2 slices actually. They just seemed like a loaf. Not my usual brand


I hope you have a lovely day with PB tomorrow and your cuddles-o-meter gets well and truly topped up with a few spare for a rainy day too


Goodnight. Sleep well and have sweet dreams


Good morning everyone


Quite sunny here at present, the next lot of rain arrives in my area this evening.


Rosgirl, I hope all goes well with the Mozart's requiem etc. It was unfinished at his death and it's not known exactly who and how it was completed. Amadeus (both the play and the film) included a fictionalised account of this,


El Loro
Good morning everyone
It's a beautiful day here, and miss bramble is very playful so she must be feeling better
I've got to finish removing the decorations and clean up, walk bramble and take her for her check up!
Back when I can. I need porridge before I start that though lol

Lovely to see Ros here last night

Yogi I hope you have a lovely day today keep us posted on the adventures of PB!

Moonie I'm glad you're not being battered by awful coastal weather

El & Squiggle I hope you both slept well and have a lovely day
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Yes, much better thank you Hopefully I'll be fully recovered very soon

I just had a little cry, Bramble (who is much better now & kept her rice down) climbed on the back of the sofa, licked me and promptly sat on my head

 Aww, she was trying to comfort you - in her own, strange little doggy way.

Just what I was thinking I hope you feel a bit better now Summer, when you have a cold all your emotions can feel a bit raw, and of course with you loving Christmas so much this must be your worst time of year


It's actually not windy or rainy here   It's just a bit bleeeuurgh.


Yogi have you moved all your delicate little ornaments out of harms way?  PB will soon be at that mobile stage and, as I am sure you remember only too well, nothing will be safe from prying little fingers.


Have a good day everyone

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Yes, much better thank you Hopefully I'll be fully recovered very soon

I just had a little cry, Bramble (who is much better now & kept her rice down) climbed on the back of the sofa, licked me and promptly sat on my head

 Aww, she was trying to comfort you - in her own, strange little doggy way.

Just what I was thinking I hope you feel a bit better now Summer, when you have a cold all your emotions can feel a bit raw, and of course with you loving Christmas so much this must be your worst time of year


It's actually not windy or rainy here   It's just a bit bleeeuurgh.


Yogi have you moved all your delicate little ornaments out of harms way?  PB will soon be at that mobile stage and, as I am sure you remember only too well, nothing will be safe from prying little fingers.


Have a good day everyone



Summer, I'm glad that Bramble seems to be better and hope all goes well at her checkup. I hope you are continuing to recover from your cold


Moonie mentioning that he's in the Midlands made me ponder where's Gloucester. The Met Office puts Gloucester in the South West region. The Environment Agency puts Gloucester in the Midlands. People in the southern part of Gloucester gets BBC West, and in the northen part BBC West Midlands. And in 2012 at the Sainsburys cash machines in Gloucester customers were being greeted with "A hoffech wneud eich trafodion yn yr iaith Gymraeg?" which is Welsh for "would you like these instructions in Welsh?"


El Loro

Good afternoon everyone

*listens* Gurgling and baby talk emanating from the Yogi household. It must be PB

Sweet, its quite calm here atm. Cool but not cold and dry I'm glad Bramble seems to be on the mend now too *passes Sweet a tonic, with gin*

Easy does it

Squiggle, geography not being my best subject, not many are Glad you got me out of that question posed in an earlier post, re Gloucester


Have a great afternoon all



And it's only a few miles to the east of Gloucester when you get BBC South (Oxford).


Summer, it you look at a map and take a mid point between Lands End and Lowestoft (so about as far west and east as you can get) you see that the mid point isn't that far from Gloucester. So your comment about Gloucester being very central is quite accurate .


Squiggle, I'm not surprised that people in Devon and Cormwall wouldn't consider Gloucester to be in the South West

I think the horrifically cold weather in the States and Canada is fairly short term and it should be better by the weekend.


El Loro

PB minding is over for today. She was in such a happy mood, and gabbling ten to the dozen. Blowing raspberries and sticking out her tongue are her new party pieces - most unladylike!

Moonie, I will join you in the geography dunces corner, I am completely rubbish at it.

Squiggle, I will definitely be moving all the ornaments out of PB's way, once she is mobile, and we are buying socket covers and safety catches for the kitchen cupboards to keep her safe.

Nice to hear a positive story on the England Cricketers, El.

Summer, I hope you are feeling brighter today, and that Miss Bramble got on okay at her check with the vet.


Aw PB sounds like fun

Bramble got the all clear, and a pedicure but we had to wait aaaaages; just as I arrived, so had a police van! They had just rescued 2 very malnourished dogs they got a thorough check up and then the RSPCA took them. Poor things, I hope they settle in to the rescue/rehab place and then find loving homes
I didn't mind waiting, we weren't in a hurry.
~Sparkling Summer~

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