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Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I hope that the boiler engineer can sort it out this time, you must be worried

Well this time the boiler had gone into lock-out so he pressed the reset button.  That made me think of something so I mentioned that our gas on the hob was noticeably pulsing and he immediately called the supply company and booked an engineer to come and fit a new regulator.  He is due any time - in fact he has just pulled up my grandson tells me and then will check all the gas appliances, whew what a day


Thanks EL the guy from the gas suppliers has gone, he checked the gas appliances and so far the radiators are hot.  The boiler guy thought the initial problem was some dirt in the boiler, I can't remember whether I had said that or not, I hadn't had it serviced because I was unsure whether to have a new one before the winter or not.  So I just hope it will keep going now until about May and then I can have a new, more economic, boiler fitted.


I had noticed the pulsing of the gas on the hob for some months but hadn't realised you were supposed to report it to the gas suppliers

*night owls*

I can't believe I missed all the cake

Squiggle, sounds like you've had an eventful day, I hope your boiler can hang in there until may. It's awful when they go wrong though

Moonie, lovely to see you back I'm glad you feel better

Yogi I hope you've had a good day? I've decided to pass on CBB this year, I wasn't impressed with the line up
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I'm grateful then. I had the TV to myself so caught up on some glee- that's not as good as it used to be, but I'm still glad I watched it

Did your son have a good birthday?

Son and his GF came over in the afternoon. He liked his cake ( and his money ), and they were going out for dinner tonight, so I think he had a good birthday.

I've been transferring pics from my ipad to my laptop and also from my camera to my laptop. Then I transferred them all onto a memory stick. I'm quite pleased with myself, as I didn't have to ask anyone for help.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Did you watch CBB tonight, Squiggle?

If you didn't, I wouldn't bother catching up with it. It was awful.



No I always catch up the next day. I thought it was a fairly good mix this time, well apart from Jasmine!

 it was like  a soft porn movie tonight -  not  a prude but ......

Rocking Ros Rose
Last edited by Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning all. Very heavy rain, up here.

Thanks El, I was quite chuffed with myself for transferring the pics with no assistance - as you know what a techie dunce I am!

Hubby has a few days leave, so we might go out and about (indoors places only!).

squiggle, I have crossed everything that your heating is still working this morning.

Have a good day, everyone.

Good morning colder and wet here today, I've been listening to the radio reports about the weather in Canada & North America

Squiggle I too hope your heating is working this morning

Bramble is poorly again- she ate something that I think is fat, out of a drain yesterday morning, and managed to eat a chunk before I could shoo her away from it
I'm starving her, she's had a bad tummy since yesterday lunch time and threw up this morning too. I've got some rice with me, I may try her on it at lunch time, if not then tea time
Silly dog, she never learns!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Did you watch CBB tonight, Squiggle?

If you didn't, I wouldn't bother catching up with it. It was awful.



No I always catch up the next day. I thought it was a fairly good mix this time, well apart from Jasmine!

 it was like  a soft porn movie tonight -  not  a prude but ......

Hi Ros   oh no!  I hate when they start to do that.  I have a soft spot for Lionel Blair, I think he's a real sweetie and Jim Davidson so far has been OK so I was thinking this might be a good mix but if they are going to go down the smut route that will spoil it for me.


Thanks EL yes thank goodness the radiators did come on, in fact they are piping hot and the boiler is no longer making a funny thump thump noise, so perhaps that was down to fluctuating gas pressure.


Well done Yogi on transferring the pictures all by yourself it makes you feel good when you master something yourself instead of having to ask for help.


Very cloudy and a bit showery here but better than it has been.  It has been interesting to read up about how fast the jet stream is this year.


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