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@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

We still have lots of snow and it is freezing cold.

lol at the cat

Just done the usual, housework, washing, ironing etc....nothing exciting.

Hope you’ve all had a good day and stayed cosy

Hi Yogi

We keep having flurries of snow here. Nothing substantial though

However, you have done

My day has been okay fankoo, I hope yours has too bar the housework

@El Loro posted:

Pleasant relaxing short piece of traditional Welsh music called "Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn" = "Watching the white wheat".
Instumental version, audio only.

Have sung loads of pieces by Rutter and there is a Catrin finch Centre in Glyndwr university in Wrexham have performed that song with choir 1 -gorgeous  -thank you EL

Rocking Ros Rose
Last edited by Rocking Ros Rose

2 scam calls received so far this morning within 5 minutes of each other. First was a repeat of that Amazon card call about an order for Β£1049.
Second was "Roger" offering business loans to me. Typically, anyone accepting such a loan would find that they had to pay a substantial up front charge so although the interest rate might seem low, the true cost is a lot higher.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

2 scam calls received so far this morning within 5 minutes of each other. First was a repeat of that Amazon card call about an order for Β£1049.
Second was "Roger" offering business loans to me. Typically, anyone accepting such a loan would find that they had to pay a substantial up front charge so although the interest rate might seem low, the true cost is a lot higher.

The latter is a new one on me El


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