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Evening all

We still have lots of snow and it is freezing cold.

lol at the cat

Just done the usual, housework, washing, ironing etc....nothing exciting.

Hope you’ve all had a good day and stayed cosy

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

We still have lots of snow and it is freezing cold.

lol at the cat

Just done the usual, housework, washing, ironing etc....nothing exciting.

Hope you’ve all had a good day and stayed cosy

Hi Yogi

We keep having flurries of snow here. Nothing substantial though

However, you have done

My day has been okay fankoo, I hope yours has too bar the housework

@El Loro posted:

Pleasant relaxing short piece of traditional Welsh music called "Bugeilio'r Gwenith Gwyn" = "Watching the white wheat".
Instumental version, audio only.

Have sung loads of pieces by Rutter and there is a Catrin finch Centre in Glyndwr university in Wrexham have performed that song with choir 1 -gorgeous  -thank you EL

Rocking Ros Rose
Last edited by Rocking Ros Rose
@Moonie posted:

Good morning everyone

It was very cold overnight. A sharp frost but we have sunshine currently

A high of 1° is the forecast for today

Have a super day and stay warm and safe

Same here

El Loro

2 scam calls received so far this morning within 5 minutes of each other. First was a repeat of that Amazon card call about an order for £1049.
Second was "Roger" offering business loans to me. Typically, anyone accepting such a loan would find that they had to pay a substantial up front charge so although the interest rate might seem low, the true cost is a lot higher.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

2 scam calls received so far this morning within 5 minutes of each other. First was a repeat of that Amazon card call about an order for £1049.
Second was "Roger" offering business loans to me. Typically, anyone accepting such a loan would find that they had to pay a substantial up front charge so although the interest rate might seem low, the true cost is a lot higher.

The latter is a new one on me El

@El Loro posted:

Moonie, Braemar is one of the main locations in Scotland for the highland games events when they are held and is the one where the royal family attend.

Interesting information, thanks El


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