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Baz posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


GBD - 1


He could not help himself. 

Who is winning EC ?

I think that is entirely who you support or like/dislike. Personally, I have a real problem with Johnson as I do listen carefully and he always veers away from the question, even in a debate of this sort. To be honest, I think in terms of actually following the line of questioning, JC is the better. 


Boris tells the better jokes.!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:

Boris never addresses the points put to him. A direct question to him personally turns in one sentence to an attacK on JC & Labour.

Johnson clearly thinks he's on strong ground, but I honestly think his/Cummings' strategy is backfiring. Instead of playing into Johnson's hands and responding, Corbyn's using the opportunity to make a brand new point.


Overall,  Corbyn's covering a lot more political ground, whereas Johnson's starting to sound like a mean-spirited broken record.

Eugene's Lair
Sprout posted:

So, the Tory party have renamed their Twitter account to Factcheck uk to trick people in to folling them. It's against rules and regs to inpersonate a valid organisation or person Factcheck is already a valid account. Just shows how low these 'people' will go 

Apparently it's back to normal now (I'm not going to reward them with a click to check).

It sounds like a "Dead Cat" strategy from their kiwi ad agency. Basically, they subscribe to the notion that "There's no such thing as bad publicity." and anything that get's people talking about them (like we are here) is a success...

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:

Boris never addresses the points put to him. A direct question to him personally turns in one sentence to an attacK on JC & Labour.

Johnson clearly thinks he's on strong ground, but I honestly think his/Cummings' strategy is backfiring. Instead of playing into Johnson's hands and responding, Corbyn's using the opportunity to make a brand new point.


Overall,  Corbyn's covering a lot more political ground, whereas Johnson's starting to sound like a mean-spirited broken record.

 Yes, on reflection a good summation Eugene.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Eugene's Lair posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:

I recorded it, and am watching now.


As a tribute to EC, I'm keeping a GBD count from the beginning...

In the end, "oven-ready" didn't come to much, but I counted 11 GBDs - an average of one every 5 minutes. 

TBH, I'm pretty sure I missed a few: at one point he actually managed three in one sentence!  

Thanks for the count , I knew it was a lot more than I counted. By the time I realised it was going to be a running theme I was too far in. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities


So the tories changed their twitter account and pretended to be FactChecjhUK tonight, this is against Twitter rules and they been reported. they have used a legitimate company to publish propaganda and fake news. They disgust me 


They even put it in a video. This is obviously election fraud. You can't rebrand the Conservative Campaign's Press Office as "factcheckUK" - it looks like an independent, objective body. Tell me this isn't illegal.

when in truth the official ITV poll was
Dame_Ann_Average posted:



I've just heard Laura Kuenssberg say that there wasn't a clear winner, so in that context, that snap poll's even more remarkable.


Before the debate, I had a suspicion that Johnson would come across badly, but not that badly. Corbyn can be unpredictable, often getting prissy and patronizing, but he held it together admirably tonight...

Eugene's Lair
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

That's disgusting! I hope they get more than just 'hauled-over-the-coals' for that!

nothing surprises me with them Fluffy, Twitter is on fire...I may bed popcorn


another post ..not by me though


What you did is absolutely disgusting and the Conservative Party should be charged with electoral fraud through spread of disinformation. This account should lose its verified status at the very least.


Eugene's Lair posted:

I've just heard Laura Kuenssberg say that there wasn't a clear winner, so in that context, that snap poll's even more remarkable.


Before the debate, I had a suspicion that Johnson would come across badly, but not that badly. Corbyn can be unpredictable, often getting prissy and patronizing, but he held it together admirably tonight...


Kuenssberg seems to have forgotten what Purdah means. I read her twitter, she's an appalling journalist. I am so glad Peter Orborne called out her and Peston 

  1.  Some interesting stuff on #LeadersDebate...


    What happens when the cameras are turned off tells you more about the person than when they are playing up to the cameras. This is a text someone received from a member of the audience.


Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:

I've just heard Laura Kuenssberg say that there wasn't a clear winner, so in that context, that snap poll's even more remarkable.


Before the debate, I had a suspicion that Johnson would come across badly, but not that badly. Corbyn can be unpredictable, often getting prissy and patronizing, but he held it together admirably tonight...


Kuenssberg seems to have forgotten what Purdah means. I read her twitter, she's an appalling journalist. I am so glad Peter Orborne called out her and Peston 


Just had to post this before it gets wiped off the internet, Yougov poll. tory pollsters...posted 1 hour and ten minutes before the debate...that's some crystal ball or a pile of **** I know what I'm going with  



here's the link to the original, but it might ne removed by the time you read this.


Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

Just had to post this before it gets wiped off the internet, Yougov poll. tory pollsters...posted 1 hour and ten minutes before the debate...that's some crystal ball or a pile of **** I know what I'm going with  



here's the link to the original, but it might ne removed by the time you read this.


I know what I'm going with an all 


I watched an interview this morning with Dominic Raab. That man makes my blood boil. His dismissal of social media (using the words "people don't give a toss") seems incongruous with the action of faking a Twitter account. Also, there has been so much in the media about social media being used to influence elections, has he forgotten about that. ????

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Promise the earth, like all of the parties , but once they get into power suddenly they can’t carry out their policies ....but of course it’s never their fault ! And tbh the thought of the hard left getting into power fills me with dread will be out of the frying pan and into the inferno  ! What we need are moderates ...and consensus .....not hard left ...nor hard right !


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