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Who's the one that keeps complaining about her job & not having enough responsibility ?? (My memory is shocking) 

Well....why have none of the adults taken her to one side & informed her that this is common practice ....she needs to prove herself first ! 


As for Lillian & Paul! Tut Tut! ...I've a mind to say poor Matt...but the guy is an won't waste my breath  ...there will be tears!


Awww & poor Linda when she came face to pram with lil' Bethany...She is old school I guess....but tried to redeem herself I think!


Hiya Baz! 

Hi Slimfern Do you mean Chris Carter's wife Alice ( Jenny's daughter): D If so , then I agree . As for Matt , I have zero sympathy for him And I am suspicious that maybe he already knows , or is at least suspicious, about about the affair , hence his sudden epiphany ! Oh , and I think it was Peggy that was a bit tongue tied when she bumped into Vicky

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