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Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


I can't get over the fact she was dressed Pam, why would she get dressed to go to the loo  and why was her mobile outside the loo and he was out on the balcony and had to pass her side of the bed and he didn't see she wasn't there, its all very odd 

Yep, obviously trying to escape from some situation you would think 


I thought I'd read/heard that she was wearing night clothes as in pyjama style black top and bottoms. Tbh I don't think we'll know all the facts until it comes to trial so atm there's a lot of hearsay, conjecture and rumour. Fact is if he never owned a gun this wouldn't have happened...America and other gun owners take notice!!! Whatever the circumstances of her death he killed her, whether murder or manslaughter

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:


I can't get over the fact she was dressed Pam, why would she get dressed to go to the loo  and why was her mobile outside the loo and he was out on the balcony and had to pass her side of the bed and he didn't see she wasn't there, its all very odd 

She was wearing a vest top and shorts, which is what style pjs my daughter wears  so I wouldn't class it as being dressed, from the way I see it, he heard a noise  panicked and shot without thinking, he has said in previous interviews that he feels most scared  when he hasn't got his legs on in bed, also this was a new relationship so he may have forgot she was there in the heat of the moment 

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Re him not noticing she wasn't in bed:


Sometimes my hubby gets up early and leaves his side of the bedclothes in a rumpled heap, so when I get up for work it looks like he's still in bed and so I get washed and dressed in the dimness and only discover he's up when I go downstairs.

If you thought there was an intruder though, Fluffs - would you first thought not to be to look for your hubby?     Despite only being together a couple of months, the family are saying how they were 'deeply in love' - you'd think her safety would be uppermost in his mind if that were true.

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I thought I'd read/heard that she was wearing night clothes as in pyjama style black top and bottoms. Tbh I don't think we'll know all the facts until it comes to trial so atm there's a lot of hearsay, conjecture and rumour. Fact is if he never owned a gun this wouldn't have happened...America and other gun owners take notice!!! Whatever the circumstances of her death he killed her, whether murder or manslaughter

I agree with that.. I know people say it's common in South Africa, but I can't help feeling it's not a great thing to own a gun and be so ready to use it.  

Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I thought I'd read/heard that she was wearing night clothes as in pyjama style black top and bottoms. Tbh I don't think we'll know all the facts until it comes to trial so atm there's a lot of hearsay, conjecture and rumour. Fact is if he never owned a gun this wouldn't have happened...America and other gun owners take notice!!! Whatever the circumstances of her death he killed her, whether murder or manslaughter


T'Grauniad did a two page special the other day with a floor plan and everything. They also printed the facts in a simple way. Any hearsay, conjecture and rumour seems to originate from the defence.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Re him not noticing she wasn't in bed:


Sometimes my hubby gets up early and leaves his side of the bedclothes in a rumpled heap, so when I get up for work it looks like he's still in bed and so I get washed and dressed in the dimness and only discover he's up when I go downstairs.

If you thought there was an intruder though, Fluffs - would you first thought not to be to look for your hubby?     Despite only being together a couple of months, the family are saying how they were 'deeply in love' - you'd think her safety would be uppermost in his mind if that were true.

I'd be jumping under the covers and telling HIM to investigate! Then when I found he wasn't there I'd creep carefully along the landing to the study. If he wasn't there either I'd start thinking that maybe we didn't have an intruder, but I'd still be cautious as I went downstairs!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Hello all on here


this Is one of the most disturbing cases I have read ,I can't fathom It do they have burglar S.Africa  and If Oscar is so rich and paranoid why not have a guard..he lives in a gated community,why so many guns in the house,and not a guard on the premises ,if he was that scared for his life..something just doesn't ring true ..and really folks feel free to tell me differently

I hope the truth does come out because a young lovely person with their life in front of them Is dead ,and her family have been very dignified ..  very sad all round 

         night all 

Originally Posted by Aimee:


Looks like they are going with the theory that she had just been to the toilet as her bladder was empty, just been reading a thread on DS on this subject and they have got to over 180 pages, there sure are some nutters on there



Hello Aimee

that' why I like this site and forums and I agree about the silly theories that are going around ...the D Mail  or Sunday doesn't help things along ,


It still doesn't make sense to me ,will the truth come out about really happened that night ,I hope so ,but doubt It ,if someone needs the bathroom and their partner thinks I ts an intruder and opens fire ,then that leaves anyone vulnerable ...sad world 



on a lighter note lovely to meet you on here ,I know AImee from the games   so thanks for reading my ramblings ..frodo






Originally Posted by frodo:
Originally Posted by Aimee:


Looks like they are going with the theory that she had just been to the toilet as her bladder was empty, just been reading a thread on DS on this subject and they have got to over 180 pages, there sure are some nutters on there



Hello Aimee

that' why I like this site and forums and I agree about the silly theories that are going around ...the D Mail  or Sunday doesn't help things along ,


It still doesn't make sense to me ,will the truth come out about really happened that night ,I hope so ,but doubt It ,if someone needs the bathroom and their partner thinks I ts an intruder and opens fire ,then that leaves anyone vulnerable ...sad world 



on a lighter note lovely to meet you on here ,I know AImee from the games   so thanks for reading my ramblings ..frodo






 We will have to wait and see what the trial throws up, one minute I believe his story and then I change my mind again, it's the going back to the bed to get the gun and not noticing that she wasn't in the bed 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

 We will have to wait and see what the trial throws up, one minute I believe his story and then I change my mind again, it's the going back to the bed to get the gun and not noticing that she wasn't in the bed 


Me too.  


Originally Posted by Aimee:


Looks like they are going with the theory that she had just been to the toilet as her bladder was empty, just been reading a thread on DS on this subject and they have got to over 180 pages, there sure are some nutters on there

then again if someone was shooting at me, I'd pee my pants....

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

 We will have to wait and see what the trial throws up, one minute I believe his story and then I change my mind again, it's the going back to the bed to get the gun and not noticing that she wasn't in the bed 


Me too.  


Originally Posted by Aimee:


Looks like they are going with the theory that she had just been to the toilet as her bladder was empty, just been reading a thread on DS on this subject and they have got to over 180 pages, there sure are some nutters on there

then again if someone was shooting at me, I'd pee my pants....

But this would have shown on her clothes, the other thing that seems strange is that he apparently shot 4 times 3 hitting her in the head, hand and knee, so presumably the first bullet hit her in the head or she would have shouted out, how did he shoot through a closed door, not wearing his legs in the dark and get his target first time 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

 We will have to wait and see what the trial throws up, one minute I believe his story and then I change my mind again, it's the going back to the bed to get the gun and not noticing that she wasn't in the bed 


Me too.  


Originally Posted by Aimee:


Looks like they are going with the theory that she had just been to the toilet as her bladder was empty, just been reading a thread on DS on this subject and they have got to over 180 pages, there sure are some nutters on there

then again if someone was shooting at me, I'd pee my pants....

But this would have shown on her clothes, the other thing that seems strange is that he apparently shot 4 times 3 hitting her in the head, hand and knee, so presumably the first bullet hit her in the head or she would have shouted out, how did he shoot through a closed door, not wearing his legs in the dark and get his target first time 

yeah.. i was half joking about the pee thing, but I still don't know what I believe.     I suppose though - maybe the loo is narrow.  If someone shot through my loo door they'd have a pretty good chance of getting me unless I was in the shower  I think this was just a toilet though?

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

From the floor plans that were doing the rounds kaffy, it looked like the toilet was a closed cubicle within the bathroom.

that's what I thought cinds, so if he was in the bathroom and she was in the toilet she was pretty much a sitting duck?

So which burgular in his right mind would head for there?

And NO sign of a forced entry - apparently

Sounds v v v odd

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I know it's the Daily Mail and all.... but they're reporting that the police told her family she had been hit by the cricket bat, but they didn't want to reveal their case to the defence at the bail hearing.  

Her brother is saying in the sun Reeva did have a mark on her head but that was from one of the bullets


Reeva was living with her friend and her parents, her friends dad said after Reeva started dating Oscar he would not leave her alone, he kept pestering her, phoning and phoning her, he was hasty and impatient and very moody, that's my impression of him

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I know it's the Daily Mail and all.... but they're reporting that the police told her family she had been hit by the cricket bat, but they didn't want to reveal their case to the defence at the bail hearing.


Police told Reeva Steenkamp's family that the model could have been beaten to death with a cricket bat before being shot by Oscar Pistorius, according to reports.

Originally Posted by Aimee:

ITV news said at lunchtime that Oscar hadn't turned up at the police station as his bail conditions state he should on Monday's and Friday's, the courts are now saying this isn't part of his bail anymore  Oscar did meet up with bail officials though 

Why don't they just pat him on the head, apologise for the inconvenience and wish him well?  I think that's what they're going to end up doing anyway.

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

ITV news said at lunchtime that Oscar hadn't turned up at the police station as his bail conditions state he should on Monday's and Friday's, the courts are now saying this isn't part of his bail anymore  Oscar did meet up with bail officials though 

Why don't they just pat him on the head, apologise for the inconvenience and wish him well?  I think that's what they're going to end up doing anyway.

That's my take on it.

Garage Joe

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