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@Saint posted:

A letter has been sent out by Gateshead Council - at our expense telling everyone how to stay safe from COVID

What a waste of  money - I read it   -tells me nothing new

Mind you Gateshead got on telly, 6pm news as a COVID hotspot so at least they've achieved something the ruddy "Angel of the North" couldn't

Forgive me Sainty considering the current situation but 

We had a letter too last week from Sandwell council. Just as useless 

Last edited by Moonie
@Saint posted:

A letter has been sent out by Gateshead Council - at our expense telling everyone how to stay safe from COVID

What a waste of  money - I read it   -tells me nothing new

Mind you Gateshead got on telly, 6pm news as a COVID hotspot so at least they've achieved something the ruddy "Angel of the North" couldn't

Aww Renton ....I agree with the sentiment ....but that really made me laugh 


@Baz and @Moonie

Gateshead at it again

Cos the North is in semi-lockdown there was a report on the 6 o clock news yesterday 

"I'm in Gateshead looking over into Newcastle"

Is Gateshead Council paying someone to get their name on the telly?


Let me tell you there is nothing in Gateshead - just a nice view of Newcastle where there 'is' something.

Gateshead is a sh*thole

@Carnelian posted:

It's probably me then!  Peter Kay is annoying as well.  Although I do like his Car Share thing.

Oh and that hipster Top Cashback bloke in the green blazer saying "top" every other word. 


Tbh i've never seen that advert

Peter Kay's "Amarillo" song really annoyed me - so i can see the "dependable chubby guy next door who'll lay yer carpet with his mate Steve" could be annoying 



GP practice called unexpectedly,

"We need your Mum's weight - it's very important due to the meds she's on"

Me: "We don't have any scales, sorry"

"Can you go out and buy some?"  

Me: "Erm no - we're isolating"

"Can you borrow some from a neighbour?"  

Me: "No - we're isolating"  

 Me (again): "Could the District Nurse perhaps lend us some and wait outside - we can return them in 5mins"


GP : "Oh no we couldn't possibly do that"

They never called back

Last edited by Saint
@Saint posted:

GP practice called unexpectedly,

"We need your Mum's weight - it's very important due to the meds she's on"

Me: "We don't have any scales, sorry"

"Can you go out and buy some?"  

Me: "Erm no - we're isolating"

"Can you borrow some from a neighbour?"  

Me: "No - we're isolating"  

 Me (again): "Could the District Nurse perhaps lend us some and wait outside - we can return them in 5mins"


GP : "Oh no we couldn't possibly do that"

They never called back

What plonkers Renton ....surely if it was that important they could have lent you some !


Same GP practice today

New private prescriptions from my chosen pharmacy are now on line ... this is also the preferred method for repeat prescriptions by my GP practice.

Guess what? My GP practice will not forward a private prescription to an online pharmacy.

"It's not allowed"

Why - you use on line? "We're not allowed"

How not - my on line pharmacy accepts private prescriptions so it's legal .... they had no real reason.

Just utterly unco-operative and set up to aid their own system - not to meet the individual needs of the patient


@Saint posted:

Same GP practice today

New private prescriptions from my chosen pharmacy are now on line ... this is also the preferred method for repeat prescriptions by my GP practice.

Guess what? My GP practice will not forward a private prescription to an online pharmacy.

"It's not allowed"

Why - you use on line? "We're not allowed"

How not - my on line pharmacy accepts private prescriptions so it's legal .... they had no real reason.

Just utterly unco-operative and set up to aid their own system - not to meet the individual needs of the patient


Thatā€™s awful Renton you say , seems the patient is last in line 


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