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 - Ben, JJ, Dave conclude their conversation by agreeing they all want Sunshine to stay on Friday.
 - They leave the nest.
 - Cut to bathroom - Team Mermaid in there.
 - Sunshine's in there too.  (She has a lovely figure)
 - Sunshine saying she's had to try hard at her studying, she's not naturally intelligent.
 - Ife says she wants to go in the BB house to gain exposure and to win the money.
 - Ife says she wants to record a CD and a video of her singing.
 - Shabby in the background lying above the bath on the ledge.
 - Sunshine says Ife should apply to an American record label rather than English.

 - Cut to bedroom.
 - Rachael walks in.
 - Ben asks Rachael why Caoimhe is upset - She's missing her b/f apparently.
 - JJ sat in bed waving some balloons around.
 - Rachael nearby washing her face with wipes.
 - Mario in bed beside JJ, he looks half asleep.
 - Rachael looks sad.
 - Cut to living room - Ife, Josie sat down, Rachael comes through asking if anyone is in the Diary Room.


I would not mind if I never watched teeth cleaning ever again.

Steve and Dave throwing a ball in the garden.
They go indoors.

Sunshine in bath. Speaking to Govan, who then leaves.
Steve cleaning his teeth.

Bedroom. Lights out.
Mario seems to have a cold.
JJ, Mario, Dave, in a bed (left to right).
Ben joins them and lays almost on top of Mario. Well yes, on top really.
JJ speaking with Josie in seating area. Govan being very camp.
(These are the 3 who set the alarm off this afternoon by sleeping. I wonder if they'll be late again tonight)
Sunshine still in bath. She yawns.
JJ, Josie, Steve and Govan in living area.
(Govan shakes his body and laughs rather more than each funny remark merits.)

Bedroom. Ben lays atop Mario. Dave leaves the bed after hugging Mario.

Living area. Govan buttering up JJ by criticising Rachael.
Govan says something about "exasperating the situation"!!
BB calls Caoimhe to DRoom.
JJ angry that he doesn't get called. In a fit of pique he says "I'm not even going to go and tell her."
I have a feeling this may another long, drawn-out night.
Dave has joined the group in living area.
ad break
Teeth cleaning (again - Ife this time)
Shabby lounging, Josie, and Govan.
(Why does Govan pretend things are funnier than they really are?)
Shabby is "basically " not going to bed tomorrow night and is going to drink loads of alcohol.
Josie sucks her thumb. She and Shabby are dangling feet in the bath.
They are treated like children - and that is why "we act like children".
Govan:  "yea."" and "No.n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no".

Living area Dave (yawns) and Steve. They throw a ball to each other. Dave keeps yawning.

They go to bed.

Smokers. Ife, Shabby, Govan.
(Each cigarette means one further teeth cleaning episode.)

Govan and Shabby back to bathroom.

JJ is there talking to Josie who is still in the bath.
Govan has changed his shorts.
JJ to Govan: "Me and you are very similar; I'm more vocal though."
Govan gets in the bath.

And now back to the topiv of Rachael.
JJ: "So what do I do Govan. You are the only one who can tell me."
(Some people place their trust in strange places.)
Govan tells JJ to lay off her.
JJ again goes on again. Anything said by Josie or Govan which implies JJ is an OK person is greeted with a scowl and a shaking of the head by JJ.
They tell him he is paying a lot of attention to somebody he hates so much.
JJ: "Well just wait and see what happens."
(Oooh yes please.)

ad break
JJ still goes on and on. People shouldn't be as arrogant as she is thinks JJ.

This is so repetitious that I don't think it is worth repeating.

Josie suggests he may be angry with himself because he fancies Rachael in spite of.....
JJ again tries to justify himself by repeating himself.
Govan, as usual, doesn't help by quoting other people.
Why is JJ so desperate to convince the world he was both right and justified in his attitude to Rachael?  He goes over the same ground again and again, and with each repetition I think he loses support. Partly because it is simply like a stuck record.

On and on he goes.
Living area. Shabby scratches her genital area and shows her backside. She is wearing knickers, white top and red jacket.   - oh and a silly hat.

JJ, Josie, Shabby, Govan move to bedroom.
They make a noise and disturb those who were sleeping.
Govan is on the floor daubing himself with lotion.
He is down to boxers and T shirt.

In spite of the grand announcement when he entered the house, there is no evidence that his appendage is anything more than average  (as most of us thought. Those who boast....etc...)
Govan wearing rather loud flip-flops.
Josie talking and laughing loudly,
Govan - alone - goes for camera time to the smoking area where he smokes camply.
He checks out one or two cameras.
Govan goes to DRoom.
Josie and JJ both making noises.
Little effort to keep the volume down.
JJ being like a naughty boy and is now talking at ordinary pitch as if he wants to diturb the sleepers. He seems wide awake and giggly.
Oh dear. He has disturbed Dave who now sits on JJs bed and chats.
JJ continues to speak fairly loudly.
** one wonders if he cannot sleep because he has sometrhing on his mind**

Govan returns to be and giggles with Josie. I think his DRoom visit was perhaps about constipation.
Their giggling again inspires JJ to call across the bedroom.
Josie & Govan continue to whisper and giggle.

Thumb sucking commences.

Sleep begins.
Goodnight BB fans and GaGa 
Last edited by brisket
Goodnight brisket. Thanks again.  

So the final post was meant to say 'all is quiet in the house, everyone is asleep and there is no snoring'... but wait!

The snoring volcano is now erupting! 

So I'm off too. An early night off for our faithful LUTers! 

Don't think I can listen to the snoring too long! I can't imagine how they cope tbh.
all caught up again thanks to late shift Spider and brisket.. great work guys

hope to be around a bit later if I get me bits and bobs sorted

must say I think all the LUTting I did on Tuesday must have been from a twilight Zone BB cos the only bit of Shabby's fullon all day tantrum at being put up that was shown on the HL show last night was a seemingly out of the blue convo with Ben who accused her of being an actress. Nothing about what led up to that, nothing about her group declaring war saying it's On now it's ON!! nothing about her accusations to Ben that it was his fault she was up..

It dominated the whole day including her blaming Ben for all her woes and telling anybody that would listn (except Ben himself until he pressed her) ..  Which BB are C4 watching?

Interestingly in the Bath Bitches Soup Group yesterday Shabby was educating the others about  how Editing a programme to make it appear to be what it isn't only what the producers want it to be is a common thing on BB and other reality shows..  She wasn't wrong  

Sorry for that non LUT stuff,  will shurrup now and come back and LUT later
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Chatting in the Garden a pearl of Wisdom from Sunshine

if you come in BB with a hole in your life and not happy with your life pre BB that is the wrong attitude. . you shouldn't come in here expecting it will fill the hole and solve all your problems when you get out..

Dave said a girl in his group had pinned all her hopes on getting into BB and thereby solving all the poverty/problems in her family etc..  she was desperate to get in..

Mario has a huge hole in is life tho . . oops!!
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Thanks brisket, spider Olly and all LUTers ...well done!

Just a quick one...

JJ, Mario, Ben and Sunshine in the garden.

JJ thinks it`s between Rachael and Shabby to go..he doesn`t think Sunshine`s done as much wrong as they have.

Sunshine.. Why did I get nominated then?
JJ:...Well you are a bit of a whinger and you talk about yourself a lot.
Ben...yes and you interrupt a lot.
Mario... yes you do
Sunshine..Do I? 
They all agree that they want her to stay.

Rachael looks puzzled but pleased.
Last edited by Scotty
Josie and Rachael in bedr. Rach saying she feels embarrased about situation with JJ especially after she went in DR & said how she fancied him
Josie can't understand why JJ going on & on about her
Rach says she feels she can't join in convo's as JJ disagrees with everything she says
Josie " don't let anyone ruin your exp here" she reckons it's sexual tension..
Rach " that's weird psycology but I get where you're coming from"
Shabby says it's like school yard mentality. Neither josie nor shabby thinks JJ is a bad bloke but they don't agree with the way he's going about things

Rach disagrees that it's becos JJ secretly fancies her. She feels she keeps double checking herself when she speaks now
.Josie "he's got weird little ways hasn't he?"Shabby is shocked at the way he flipped - it came out of nowhere

Big Brother randomly announced "This Is big Brother"

Shabby admits that she REALLY fancies Caiomhe. She doesn't want her to think she was only hanging out with her becos of that, though.. SD's
Rach reckons they(shabs and Caiomhe) would be good friends on outside
nathan comes in to ask if they like marmite..
caiomhe & Ife comes in and ask if they want to go in the pool
talk about how hot it is
talk turns to cappuchino's

Corinne & Rach at sink more washing up –

JJ Mario D Sun in a huddle in front of Bob Righter booth

Sun wonders if there is more to Bob or is he justa mannequin

Sun jokes she & BobR are going out – he is a good listener apparently

Dave & Ben join her on sofa

Dave β€œdo you ever wonder what’s going on in the outside world?”

Ben β€œNo”

Dave asks Ben if there would be women coming out with stories.

Dave reckons it could be the case with him(dave)


Shabby talking about a mozzarella based dish she once had to Caiomhe

Caiomhe β€œand how was it for you?”

Caiomhe & shabby pretending to be in a restaurant eating a meal. Caiomhe jokingly tells Rach there was a hair in her food

Shabs & caio now running around and out the kitchen

BB makes announcement for HM’s to gather

(could be time for final task)


Six final HM’s completing task have their instructions

They go into bedr to read

Can’t keep up- Govan reading too fast.

Sounds like same set-up as before ie knock out rounds.  Quiz element involved. Mario thinks it will be about re-cycling. (I think the general theme is Rubbish). They will be wearing costumes.

Mario β€œThis will be fun, I’ve been looking forward to this all day” he rubs his hands at prospect of winning luxury spending allowance. He wants to get two ice-creams

They can win up to Β£200 & special prize for winner

Ife β€œ right are we ready for this John?”

JJ replies he is ready

Living Room

Dave Ben Josie Nathan Sunshine Steve & Shabby  on sofas idly tossing sock-ball to one another

Shabby wishes she had a task to do today- in fact she wishes she had done this task instead. β€œeven if it is a bit smelly”

BB announcement costumes ready for collection

Dave says he will eat sushi with the mole when he gets out

More food talk, more SD’s
Josie telling Sunshine she has been a real little soldier not once complaining about being nominated
Govan come out dressed in black sorts black leggings blue t shirt and bright yellow vest and wellies
Much laughter
JJ wearing red vest and Mario blue vest
Sunshine says she didn't realise how hot JJ was until now..

Govan takes off his blue tshirt (i'm guessing not part of costume)
he says he feels embarrased


Everyone now in LR waiting.  Ball still doing the rounds

Mario practising his walk to cheers from the others

Mario has drawn a comedy tash on his upper lip

Rach has decided she will deffo have to wash her hair after this (thank god!)

Mario passes his boots to Josie to sniff. Boots have custom splashes of paint on them. Sunshine thinks she has paint on her hands.

SD’s while  ball being tossed around

Shabby comments to Rachael that Rach looks concerned

Rachael doesn’t want to have to wait as long as the other team did yesterday.  Camera keeps switching to JJ’s face everytime Rachael says anything. JJ still got his frown on whenever Rachael speaks. She’s obviously concerned about her hair as she hasn’t been able to wash it since she got in, due to lack of straighteners
Rach goes into bedr to pick up the task instructions which she reads
Sits back down with much fluffing of rag-tailed hair..


Shabby saying she doesn’t spend much time at her squat. She doesn’t know where her stuff is as she wasn’t around when they got kicked out of the last squat she lived in. Possessions mean nothing to her, she says.

Game show begins

Sounds like George Lamb, (can’t see screen)

 Game is called Binata (as in Pinata, the Spanish paper mache stuffed full of sweet etc hitting game) brief explanation then silence.

More waiting and SD’s

Ife β€œthe one time I get a blocked-up nose…brilliant timing”

Dave β€œthe best time in the world..”

Mario telling Josie he’s going to give her and Sunshine the biggest hug when he comes out of the Rubbish task..

Banging going on outside

BB announces hm’s should take their places in front of bins.  The blinds come up revealing garden

Lots of omg’s

3 large skips yellow blue red. Ladder in each skip. Nasty muck fills skip to about a third. Govan leaning against his skip psyching himself up. He has yellow goggles on his head & his put tissue up his nose. Rach wondes if that’s allowed

Rest of hm’s settling down in garden to watch

Contestants told to line up in front of their respective bins

Caiomhe having final sip of water


Govan and Rach trying to figure out where stuff might be buried in their skip. Lots of muttereing between them then Rach says β€œkeep it on the downlow”

Caiomhe saying ”..there’s used condoms, etc..”
Mario thinks there's a used sanitary towel in his
Teams being intr to applause from hm

You're welcome, Spider, and Hi!  

Contestants have to decide which one going in bin. Govan tells Rachael that if she does it people will say β€œwho would’ve thought she would do something like that?”

Looks like Rachael is falling for it and going in. Ife going in for the red team (with JJ) and Mario for the blue (with Caiomhe)

Rachael making a meal out of lowering herself in. lots of sd’s

Rach β€œis this the worst task ever?”

Rach now asking for some support please.

Round 1 is general scrummage. Answers to questions are somewhere in the bin

Rach & Govan get their answer out first ( a tyre)

Long wait.

Rachael retching while she rummages around in the bin. Govan tells her to stop poking around

Caiomhe shouting to BB β€œC’MON!!”


Next question… answer is shoes.

Blue team are thru to the next round. Cheers and high fives

Next question SD  it looks like it’s a close call – not sure who got that one

JJ shouts β€œNEXT – I’m getting angry now”

Next questions – answer is knickers. Govan gets them and waves them around before question has ended.
We are waiting to see who joins Mario & Caiomhe thru to next round

JJ reckons they will β€œmake a come-back, don’t you worry”  he insists that Ife wanted to go in the bin.


Mario saying after smelling this stuff he is no longer hungry.

Hm’s getting restless and wandering about.  BB announcement to hm’s to get back to their original positions

The yellow team are eliminated.

BB β€œGovan & Rachael you are totally rubbish, go and sit down” Rach clambers out and they go sit down.

Remaining teams instructed to get out of their bins & hand over their mikes

JJ & Caiomhe to take their positions in the bin.

Team member in bin to put on their bin-blinkers.  No clues to be given as to bin contents.

Teams are ready… some sort of race.. they have to work their way along row of bins. Red against Blue working in opp directions and first to get to bin in centre. Bin contents have to pour contents over other team mate

Klaxon sounds

Mario making good start- they pick up buckets of gross crap and run back to chuck it over team mate in bin, then run back for next bucket.

Only got to see Ife & JJ run – it sounds like a bit of an accident with caiomhe – Mario apologising. Caiomhe asking if she can eat one of the marshmallows. She is running around the seated HM’s covered in crap & making them nervous.

They get called to stand by their bins. Blue told to sit down & Red remain by their bins – They are the winners

Caiomhe showering off yellow custardy muck off herself (Mario did a good job with the chucking)

Reds are thru to the finale. They get to swing at the Pinata. SD Each correct answer gets a swing – each swing counts towards shopping budget

They are working out who should swing. Ife answering question

Shabby β€œIfe are you good at this?”


Ife gets 1st question right. SD can’t catch 2nd question. She is struggling with the 3rd, what does your boss give you if you’re not very good at your job..( duh..the sack!!! C’mon!!) She asks if they can repeat the question

β€œife you have failed to answer correctly, next question” which she gets

True or false question about bins/pins?

SD  Question about sesame st that she thinks Elmo is the answer to

Ife being given encouragement as she’s struggling again

What c is a waste disposal function that helps environmental growth.. she thinks it’s compost but is not sure

She gets Skippy the bush Kangaroo answer

Something about Shirley manson.. (Garbage, I love them!) Ife is faffing and getting frustrated.. (Come ON girl!!)

JJ gets the bat and is ready to swing. Waiting to find out how many swings she has earned.

Ife has earned five swings at the piΓ±ata.

Dave β€œyou only need one”

Everyone chipping in with advice on how & where to swing the bat


JJ finally gets the instruction to swing. his first two swings make no impression. He takes another and bag tears. The next two opens the bag even more and a tiny bit falls out. The HM's tell him he has another swing but he doesn't think so. He takes a swing anyway and bag finally tears open and stuff falls out. HM's clapping.
After a bit of a wait BB tells JJ that he got nothing so they have earned a total of Β£200 for shopping.HM's return to living room & are seated on sofas re-hashing the task. 
Ife is disappointed she didn't do better. Ben reassures her that he wouldn't have done any better. Someone reminds her that the answers were all rubbish-related. She is agonising over missing the 'sack' answer 

Right guys I'm taking a tea & fag break, catch you later!

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