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Vanessa, Nick and Preston in the garden talking about people going abroad for operations and getting their teeth done
Brian, Victor and Chantelle in the kitchen talking about Vanessa, Brian thinks she is fitting in very well but wonders if she is on a task, Victor doesn't think she is
Victors going to cook all the sausages and bacon before they go off
Brian telling Michelle about a documentry he saw on CH4 about killing dolphins
Chanetelle asking Michelle about why she doesn't eat meat, she say's she hasn't eaten it since she was 4, her mum never made her eat it
Niiki is going to cook chicken for her and Vanessa, Nikki want's to use the tray Victor is using to cook her chicken, she's just noticed the chicken should have been used by yesterday, she's still going to cook it though
Ulrika in the garden doing her washing

brian reading a laminate, there is going to be a loud party tonight, there are costumes in the store room, the Hm's have to be quiet during their part of the task anyone that fails won't be invited to the party
Ulrika says she knew the task would be nasty, Chantelle and Preston say they are looking forward to it
Hm's are talking about what they wrote down as their phobias on the form, Ulrika and Michelle don't think they will be going to the party, Michelle worries that Titan will be her's, she didn't like him
Store room open for costumes,Nikki is moaning already, she say's she's not going to the party as she isn't wearing her costume, Chantelle is pochontis (sp) Victor thinks his is a pimp, Preston has got a silk robe, Brian is a farmer, Ulrika has got a white coat and a sailor hat, Nikki is happy again now, she thought her's was electric shock costume but realises it isn't now
Nikki has got a blue lycra suit (looks like electric shock costume to me)
Nikki still whinging on, Chantelle tell's her she'll be fine
Nick's got a green lycra suit on
Nikki is now putting the suit on but still moaning about it, the camera follows her around so she stomps off, she say's she's cooking so she'll put it on properly after that
Other Hm's in the BR getting ready, Nikki want's to know why BB are being nasty to them
Michelle has got a stripped hoodie and shorts
Preston helping Chantelle with her costume, she say's she is really going to try and be quiet, Preston agree's he want's to go to the party
Vanessa is dressed as a cowboy
Nick is reading the task again, the Hm's have got to go into the task room several times during the day and face some unpleasant things but remain quiet
Chantelle think's this will be fun, Preston can't wait to see what it is
Ulrika advises everyone to eat now as they will be puking soon
Hm's speculating about whats going to happen to them, Ulrika thought they'd have a quiet day to day
Preston think's this abit like the ignore the obvious task
Michelle isn't that bothered about the task as she doesn't want a party tonight, she think's her task is going to be horrible
Ulrika let's out a big burp, Brian think's his task will be to sleep with a woman
Brian doesn't like fish, he won't even touch them, Ulrika think's she will make a nosie as soon as she walks into the room if it's something she don't like
Rex (bb9) is in the task room, Nikki has just been in (missed the task) but it was something to do with fish, she's complaining cause she washed her hair this morning and it took her 2 hrs to do it
Ulrika's turn in the task room now and she has to eat a wassarbi (sp) and lard ice cream while being quiet, Rex is trying to wind her up and make her laugh, she's spitting water at him, she manages not to speak
Vanessa is telling Victor about doing wife swap with Paul Daniels, she said it was like living in the middle of no where, Victor ask's if she had to sleep in the same bed as him, she say's of course not, she goes on to say Debbie was very rude to her boyfriend and was asking questions that where none of her business
Hm's told to gather on the sofas
Vanessa and Chantelle called to the task room, they have to throw a cactus to each other without making any noise, Rex say's that was too easy, BB say's they have passed
Vanessa tell's Rex he looks gorgeous, he thinks not looking like this (he's dressed as a devil)
Chantelle is picking needles out of her hand, Vanessa goes for some cake
Chantelle is still shaking she thought he had a spider in his hand
Vanessa talking to Ulrika about Jack Dee and Anthea Turner, she say's Anthea was in full cleaning mode while in the house and Jack did the cooking, they wouldn't let anyone else do it, talk goes onto Coolio, he did all the cooking, he just threw anything into the pot
Nikki thanks Ulrika for sorting out the snoring in the bedroom
Vanessa ask's Ulrika to tell her about verne from her year, she say's he hated her for helping him out too much, she can't help it though it's just her motherly side coming out. she say's she tried to make an effort to talk too him but he wasn't interested
Ulrika say's she didn't agree with what his and Coolio's view on women were, they were both Playboy mansion visitors
Vanessa think's they should be allowed at least 1 book in the house that they could read aloud to each other
Preston next in the task room, there's a massive bloke in there, he's got to do wrestling moves with him  (poor Preston looks shit scared)
All the Hm's are watching the plasma, they are laughing at preston, Victor shouts stay down Preston
Chantelle has got her head in her hands, she's looking very worried, the other Hm's are concerned for him too now
Chantelle isn't watching anymore, she's cuddling Brian, she's very nearly in tears now
she ask's the others if he's ok
Task over for Preston, he say's the bloke was quite nice really
Brian tell's Preston how upset Chantelle was when he was being thrown around, he say's he was scared for her as well, he thanks her for being worried about him
Preston think's he deserves some cake after what he's just been through, Victor is wondering what BB have install for him
There is alot of SD today

Hope there is someone out there reading this
Vanessa say's she's been asked to do the jungle a few times but she couldn't even cope with the BB house let alone the jungle
Preston always thought you couldn't do the jungle if you'd already been on a reality show, Ulrika think's you can
Brian ask's how long she's been engaged, she say's nearly 4 years
Still no sign of Michelle, don't know where she's gone
Brian talking about his last relationship, it took him 2 years to get over it, he went abit off the rails and was horrible to be around
Brian is looking for a man that makes him laugh and will look after him, he say's it's hard to find someone, his sisters are all in relationships, even his mum is always asking him if he's still single, Vanessa say's he's only 32 theres no rush
Michelle is sitting in the BR with her hood up looking very glum (think we may have another walker on our hands)
Vanessa telling Ulrika she had seen a picture in the paper of the plane going over with a message for her, Ulrika say's she has a lovely husband, Vanessa say's she hopes her boyfriend will do something like that for her
Hm's called to the sofas
Michelle say's she isn't feeling very well, she has a bad head
Nick next in, Rex ask's him what has happened to him, why his he so nice now, Nick ask's if the show has been funny rex say's well your not bloody funny, Nick tell's Rex he was the only one not to run from the clown (they still think the clown was rex)
Nick has to crawl over up turned hairbrushes while remaining quiet
Rex is chanting nasty boy nasty boy
Nick passes his task, the others said that was too easy (Rex is peeing himself laughing in the task room)
Vanessa ask's Nick if he is happy now it's over, he say's yes it was a long wait, brian think's the task's have been changed since Prestons one
Nikki wants to ask BB if Michelle can go to the party as it's not fair, Michelle has gone back to the BR
Thanks Mrs H

Michelle is now in bed crying, she has pulled the duvet over her head
Vanessa and Victor talking in the garden about her boufriend, she say's it took them along time to actually start dating but she is very happy now, he is lots of fun and everyone loves him where ever he goes, young or old get on with him, Victor wishes she had brought him with her, she say's he would be more fun then her
On paper Vanessa say's her and her boyfriend are total opposites but it seems to work
Michelle has gone to the DR
Ulrika tell's everyone that Michelle has a middle ear infection thats why she's been feeling dizzy since wednesday, the doctor has been called to see her
A plane goes over and Vanessa jokes thats her boyfriend flying a message over for her, BB tell's them all to go inside, Vanessa shouts to BB that she was joking it was a bloody great big jet, BB tell's them they can go outside again now
Chantelle is playing hide and seek with Nick, she's gone to hide in the wardrobe, Nick say's let's leave her for abit, Victor starts chanting get chantelle out
Nick and Victor look in the toilet for Chantelle, she jumps out the wardrobe and makes them jump, she say's i found you (they were mean't to find her)
Preston has got too have some tablets as well from the doctor as he feels sick
Vic is wearing a suit and a curly black wig.

It's really sound dippy at the moment.

Nikki is sitting with her arm round Michelle and twiddling her hair (her own hair nor Nikkis)

Now they have started talking about ganster films.

They speculate that Rex is their new Housemate. Nikki says he is alright you just have to put him in his place.

Despite being told several times, Brian still thinks Rex was the clown.

Victor is called into the DR.
Victor goes to the task room where Rez is waiting beside a table with water pistols and a custard pie.

Rex laughs at his outift.

BB says that Victor will be squirted with some thing fishy, something curry - ish and a custard pie. He must remain silent when he gets squirted.

BB tells Vic to take his mike off and he takes ages doing it.

On the sofas they are talking about Rex and Nicole, Vanessa says their relationship was terrible. They watch Vic get squirted with the gook, Vanessa thinks he will have to take his clothes off and shower outside.

Victor gets the pie right in the face. Rex takes a bow. Vic has passed.

In the house they tell Victor he cant come in coz he stinks of fish so Ulrika goes and gets the towels. Vic gets in the shower outside fully clothed. Nikki feels really sorry for him.

BB asks the HMs to gather on the sofas.  

They are worried about the smell of Victor (who is still washing under the shower wearing the wig)

He's took all his clothes off now and is wrapping himself in a green towel.
thanks Angel

Nomination Roulette

At 11:07am, Big Brother announced to the House that they would be nominating today.

However, this time there is a twist. Each member of the gang must spin a special nominations roulette wheel which will then decide how they will nominate. For example: a housemate could be asked to draw their nominations on a white board, they might have to rap their nominations or they may have to do a dare before nominating.

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