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apologies for the break in transmission. .my mouse was palying up so I decided to clean it. .then I proceeded to drop the ball and spent the rest of the time on my hands and knees trying to find it .. with no help from my cat who thinks everytime I get on the floor it's play time and sticks his nose in the way..

no idea where the ball rolled to but luckily had a spare mouse with another ball in it

am knackered..

anyway the players spent all this time doing their faces up for the task which Mario loved eve4n better than the task whatever that may be ..

and now we find out

Nooooooooooo the task is called boohooozula

they have to continuously blow that bluddy horn vuvuvuvuvuvuvuvupaininthearsezula horn  for 90 mins none stop. .

they have to remain in the stand for the full 90 mins and the ref must stay on the pitch for 90 mins and blow his whistle for 90 mins too,..

they are allowed to take some toilet breaks but must maintain a continuous noise for the full 90 mins..

am going to retire from LUTting until this is over..  arrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh

they agree to make sure at least 3 of them are making the noise all the time..

I feel really sorry for the poor people living just over the fence from the BB compound.. this task is  really out of order.. 

see ya laters guys when this is over. .HM's are already making the noise without the bluddy horns...

Mount Olympus *Olly*
apologies for the break in transmission. .my mouse was palying up so I decided to clean it. .then I proceeded to drop the ball and spent the rest of the time on my hands and knees trying to find it .. with no help from my cat who thinks everytime I get on the floor it's play time and sticks his nose in the way.. no idea where the ball rolled to but luckily had a spare mouse with another ball in it am knackered..
Best bit of Lutting ever.......Thanks Ollie...

there is a break in the vuvuvuvuvuvuvuvuvukillanybodyplayingoneofthemzula horn  feed

Inside Govan is going apoplectic at the greediness of people just eating everything including a lot of the very few things they have that Sunshine can eat.  [knew it would start soon ]

She says don't be too bothered about my stuff am sure BB will give me something Vegan if it is all eaten even if tis just some rice.. and she has crisps left for now..

while this convo about greedy pigs is taking place the camera is following Ben the whole time as he makes himself yet another snack... ..

then they, Govan sunshine and Rachael discuss how Ben   is always questioning Steve about his lack of legs/how it happened etc.. and Sunshine thinks he brings it up far to much and can be incredibly insensitive sometimes.

Rachael says yeah like when he asked of the legs were attached to nerves in his leg but as he takes em off every night it's obvious they aren't

Sunshine well not that exactly as that can be conceivable with some false limbs..

it was other more delving and possibly private stuff he was probing Steve about..

cut to outside and the bluddy racket...

Ben must have left the kitchen as they continue to talk about him

Govan felt something Dave said in the earlier Sofa area chat was also possbly offensive but Bb cut the sound so no idea what it was..

sunshine is saying little things are getting to her cos she is feeling continuously insulted by Ben. .he is taking his 'jokes' a bit too far and making ehr feel bad...

Rachael says John has been better to me today and try to not let Ben get to you either as it could be any of our last days..

and back outside and I'm off again til they STFU with the horns already!!! 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
*waves to Olly* Hiya! I hope the headache has completely gone  Just got in & caught up - thank gawd i missed all that hullaballo - thanks to you for putting up with it for our benefit
I agree it's been a laff hanging out, LUTing & chatting over the years, it's a shame it's last one (well, who knows, eh?) Great idea dedicating thread to Angel! 
Olly, I am also guilty concentrating more on what they say & less on what they are wearing. I simply can't type fast enough    
I'll sort meself out then pop back and do some LUTing in a bit..

HM's passed the task and are ecstatic
same asjust a brief bit of info regarding the 'and who's been eating all MY food' topic that Govan was getting all pisse doff about..

Seems Ben ate the Humous and he thinks Sunshine is picking on him as others ate it too and he has always been nice to her. .

(Sunshine was upset at him for the jokes' he makes that are personal to her not the food eating)

he then upsets all Vegans by saying if you choose to eliminate 85% of all foodstuffs from your diet thru a personal not Religious or medical reason you can hardly expect ..... he tails off..  maybe somebody walked in the kitchen..

he is becoming more than a bumbling fool but rather a petulant ignorant idiot -Opinion...

it's started already... I am getting fed up of them all...  

Rahcael asks Ben to not be horrid to Sunshine cos of Eviction day.. and to leave having a talk with her for now..

[Ben just hates anybody being angry with him. .me me me me person.. ]
and now they are chatting and sunshine says she is upset with him because he has  been pick pick picking at her all day today and yesterday. .she said I told you yesterday in a sharing moment that I had an eating disorder. .(eh I thought she was a Vegan)  and you told me to shut up and not interrupt then you have been taking the pee out of that after  which will upset others out there with the same eating disorder 

then you tell me I am not a caring person when you know I am trying to be a doctor which is meant to be a caring profession (is it anymore?  well not 100% for sure it isn't)

This argument is silly Ben always has an excuse and Sunshine always never listen properly...

Ben has his I have always  been good to you whiney voice on.. and turns everything around as it always against him and the other person who is upset has no right to be as Ben is the most upset and they end up apologising to him ..well Sunshine does..  tho I don't think she will this time

apparently when sunshine was upset yesterday Ben also asked her if she was on medication too ..she took offence to that.. maybe she thought he was implying she was a tad mental.. 

Hope Emplula got more of the convo.. tho it is pretty stupid anyway..

Now he is telling her off for walking into the Shack last night when he was having a chat with the boys and she started talking about something completely different and he was annoyed with her..

She said yes I realised in the end that you were saying nasty stuff about others so I chose to leave..

She says he points out every flaw she has. .like you need to stop interrupting' you need to think before you speak' etc.. she says her enemies say that to her she doesn't need her 'friends' to say it too and her family are watching will they feel..

Ben apologises for being a bit brash..

Sunshine interrupts and Ben gets annoyed as she is not letting him finish..

Ben admits he has a sharp tongue. .Sunshine interrupts again. .Ben says you have jumped in. .he carries on and says but the boys understand and get me but you don;t because you have different sensibilities..

he tries to carry on and Sunshine interrupts again..

Somehow Ben making Sunshine  feel bad for making him feel bad but she is not allowed to feel bad because he made her feel bad.. 

and  then Sunshine explains that last night she was upset and the others said to try to enjoy her last night so she looked for the people she had been closest to ie Ben and the boys but cos Ben was having his private chat about something Ben was upset about unrelated to that..    she is upset that he didn't say that was what they were doing and they only needed a 10 minute chat and would come and play in a minute.. he was just short with her .  and she should have known he was upset

Ben says all I am saying is we both shoudl have been a  bit more understanding that we were both upset..

Sunshine said I had no indication that you were upset because you were talking about 2 people in a nasty way ..  and on and on and on..

and the suitcases have arrived together with a buffet treat..

ben now bitching to Mario about it all saying she has annoyed me but she dishes it too and needs to learn to take it too..

Dave says it's Eviction day too so she is a bit more sensitive

the boys say it's only teasing some people just don't get it..

Ben says I was almost crying when apologising but she just went on and on and on..

Maripo tells Ben he takes things too personal and to heart..

Ben says he is worried she'll present it as he has been really cruel..

oh gawd. .

Mario says she needs to toughen up a bit and accept ragging and teasing and not cry allt he time.. says let the apology sink in. .leave her be and see what happens

JJ comes over and Ben now tells JJ he's in trouble with Sunshine and we have another witches coven forming  but tis the boys this time

Ben makes a good argument but only when it personally affects him and he never shuts up about  things either  same as Sunshine..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*



Sunshine is upset at Ben asking her earlier whether she was on medication.

She thinks it’s inappropriate in front of cameras

Ben says he always takes Sunshine’s needs into consideration re food etc

Sunshine also didn’t like Ben gossiping in the Nest last night – that’s why she wanted to leave the Nest.

Ben replied he was having a private convo – he can’t get his point across properly cos Sunshine keeps interrupting him, he is getting frustrated

“You don’t give much, do you?” he says

Sunshine eventually shuts up

Ben explains that his internalizes when he is upset. Sunshine is more external

He goes on to explain that he was already in convo in Nest when she turned up. Sunshine butting in at that point is why he asked her hold on until he had finished.

Sunshine replies that all she wanted was to have fun on her last night. She doesn’t appreciate ben making snide comments about whether she may or may not be on medication (as possible reason for her interuppty & hyper behaviour)

Ben saying she should have realised he was upset & needed to vent Re convo in Nest last night with JJ and Dave & Mario)

Sunhine thinks Ben should have told her he was upset. Ben thinks it should have been obvious
They are going round in circles - ben saying he has come over to try and make amends but Sunshine still harping on and on.
Ben accusing her of only thinking of things in terms of herself - (opinion -she is very self-absorbed)
She keeps dismissing Ben's (valid) points and focuses on how the situation relates to only her.


Kitchen and food has been laid out.

Mario Steve Caoimhe picking at crisps on table

BB announcement  nommed HM’s cases in store-room

Sunshine comes in kitchen briefly & gets a hug from Caoimhe

Corinne at kitchen sink “it’s going to be a sad day today”

Steve agrees

Ben in convo with Mario in kitchen “She takes a lot but doesn’t give out a lot”

Dave saying something SD “ â€Ķbasically some people are more sensitive than others”

Ben can’t understand why she was going on and on

Mario advises him to just apologise the once & then that’s it.

Mario & Ben have now moved to living room to carry on convo

Ben says he’s used to be teased – he can take it & dish it out

Mario “She needs to toughen up a bit”

JJ has joined them now. Ben goes to sit between them – he says he needs to feel the love..

Ben now relating the convo to JJ SD


JJ and Mario telling Ben a lot is to do with the upcoming eviction

JJ  â€œat the end of the day all they’re thinking about is eviction, eviction, eviction”

Ben saying how in his opinion Sunshine is very self-centred – no matter what the convo topic is she will find a way to bring it round to herself. She can ‘t see the other point of view much less be able to take a joke

 Mario coming up with idea that highly intelligent people sometimes have problems integrating socially
Ben saying it's also becos she is spoilt


Nathan Steve Dave JJ and Ben are lounging on the sofa

General chit-chat re Football, they are wishing BB would at least give them some news re how eng are doing


Caoimhe Ife and Rachael discussing eviction outfits.

Shabby is in the tub, she has asked if Rachael will meet her at carousel after she’s had her bath cos she wants to talk to her about something.

The other girls are leaving the bathroom so Rach and shabby are having their convo in bathroom now

Shabby has asked Rachael to tell (I think Caoimhe) that she wasn’t hanging out with her solely because she fancies her. This is in the event Shabby goes.

Shabby is very concerned about this and really wants Caoimhe to understand  she fancies her only because she is such a good friend.

Rachael asking Shabby if Shabby has brought this up in the DR

Shabby says yes, they really know how to get stuff out of you

Cut to Living room

JJ assuring Ben that he knows ben can take a joke. He says he is loyal to Ben.

Back to bathroom

Shabby saying she feels she has a large group of friends here and yet she is still up for eviction



JJ still giving Ben a bit of a pep talk “you shouldn’t be down, you don’t know long you’ve got”

JJ reiterates this to Sunshine who has just walked past.

Sunshine says that’s fine but she can’t endure insult after insult from Ben

Cut to bedroom

Corinne all dolled up with big pony-tail

Josie putting on make-up

 Living room

Sunshine on sofa re-hashing earlier convo, this time in front of JJ


Bedroom - back to Corinne sat on her bed. Nathan lying on his, Govan under the duvet wondering whether they will get alcohol

Rachel in bedroom as well, doing her packing

Josie has just realised they have got a Jordan  Beyonce and Becks look-a-like in the house

(Josie, duh, you’ve only just realised?? LOL!!)




Govan not happy about how Sunshine is going round bad-mouthing ben to different people.

Living room

Ben asking Sunshine if she will promise to not interrupt people so much in the future.

Sunshine says if she knows she right thenâ€Ķ. SD (I think we can guess  )

Mario interrupts Sunshine (LOL) to remind her she needs to finish her packing befor DR calls cases back in.

Sunshine goes off (nice one Mario!)

The 3 guys carry on with their evaluation of Sunshine..

Mario “you can’t carry a cross on your back forever becos someone won’t accept your apology”

JJ "she just has a different sense of humour" Ben jokes is his humour too black then?

Steve joins them, puts cuppa on table

Mario giving advice to “factor in the fact that it’s raining” to nominees who are getting ready

Ben recounting how his dad has sharp sense of humour – he used to joke to Ben that he would turn into Michelin man if he ate too much

He refers to Steve and how they love him which is why they tease him

Josie walks past & cracks a joke before continuing into bathroom.  She has got her make-up on & is looking good

Caoimhe walks past next, she too is looking good, hair is shiny & slicked back. She has just got on her grey jumper, so not quite dressed yet


Ben & JJ still deep in convo sd’s  JJ “people will think you are playing the gameâ€Ķ”

Ben nodding


Corinne Govan Sunshine loudly crunching away at bowl of crisps

Govan saying Good Luck to Sunshine. He gives her a hug. He says whatever happens he hopes she has had a nice time sd

Sunshine staring in mirror -asking Govan if he thinks she looks like a witch. Govan laughs.

Shabby joins them and gives Govan a big hug

BB announcement – I missed what was said but Shabby says bollocks and runs off

pops head around door. .

great Work Emplula. .

Live feed may go on a loop tonight . .am fairly sure the 'Live' show will be actually filmed  earlier but not shown til the England Match has finished..  it ahsn'r been live for a good few years now

Hope you're ok to carry on for a bit Emplula. .I'm flagging now and fingers and brain have seized up. .if you need to go don't worry if there is no cover
Mount Olympus *Olly*

JJ Steve and Ben & dave still on sofa chatting, lots of sd’s

Shot of Sunshine also sitting on sofa looking serene

Corinne sitting next to her

Rach in bedroom/closet area straightening her hair

Govan watching her & chatting about hair length & extensions

Rach saying she cut her hair to just above shoulder length years ago & it never grew back. This is why she has extensions

Shabby voice in backgr saying she wishes ut wasn’t raining cos then she wouldn’t wear shoes

Nathan asks her is she not going to wear shoes? SD

Shabby wearing her military-style jacket & black hat. The kohl eyeliner round her eyes is about 3 ins thick She is dangerously close to a panda eyes situation

Living room and Corinne is styling Dave’s hair

Dave saying he trusts Corinne, but thinks his wife (who is a hairdresser) will be wondering what the heck is going on.

Dave goes to inspect his new look in the mirror.  His hair has been parted to one soe side, slightly spiky in front & slicked at the back to a fish-tal. He looks a bit nerdy but seem s to like it. He hugs Corinne and says thanks then goes to sit back down next to ben


Ife helping Rachael with hair. Hairdryer blowing in backgr – Ah, it’s Josie blow-drying her hair. She is in good mood, laughing

Ife asking Govan how is he today?  Govan saying he’s not too good today, but he realises he’s not under fire today soâ€Ķ

Ife got her short black wig on.  Lots of cheering and whooping as Ife comes out of bedroom

Corinne doing the battery change rounds


Living room

Shabby saying she has gone thru the full spectrum of emotions in the house. Real highs and lows

JJ talking about tasks from last year he watched on youtube but SD

Shabby saying you can never get too comfortable

JJ saying they could have a snap eviction at any time

Shabby telling them about previous times when HM’s have had to nominate on the spot & evict immediately. JJ is shocked at this

Sunshine in full flow but SD  something about editing..

Steve and Rach in bedroom.  Steve saying it would be strange if they stuck someone else in

Rach fiddling with her hair in mirror, now she’s putting on make-up

Steve sitting on edge of bed

Josie in closet straightening her hair

It's the lull before the storm, not much going on, peeps getting ready & sitting on sofas waiting. Loud WOWS from nathan as Josie walks past..

 Right, I'm off to finish watching Eastenders & dinner.. laters!


Ife Rachael caoimhe Shabby at carousel.

Shabby still agonising how she got to be in this position.

Dave in living room with Corinne JJ & Sunshine

Dave asking Sunshine to put in a good word for him if she leaves

Back to smokers. Talking about what they wear at home. Rach just wears leggings and t shirts usually. Ife like to wear hoody and leggings and a hat


Josie lounging on bed

JJ voice in backgr talking about biscuits. Ben walking around the bedroom looking preppy with his pull-over slung around his shoulders


Living room

Sunshine asking the others if they thought she was silly yesterday crying over pizza

Shabby snuggled up to Josie in bed. Josie says she can feel Shabby’s heart beating very fast.

Shabby eyes closed “hmm.. breasts” she murmurs..  Josie laughs

Steve Corinne Sunshine Dave Mario Ben are sitting on the sofas

Nathan pacing about in bedroom

Rachael in front of mirror – again

Corinne comes into bedrm & gives Shabby a hug. Now she’s offering Rach words of encouragement

Got side-tracked with the footie -
Live streaming has been suspended until after the Ch4 show...
Was watching with half an ear (?!?)  and nothing much of note apart maybe from Govan puking in toilet from 'nerves'
They have decided to do a little hand-waving dance in sync when davina comes on
Shabby told Caoimhe that if shabby goes caoimhe should watch her back in the house. Shabby has resolved to keep out of other peoples rows should she end up staying
Hi brisket   I'll try & pop in later on as well. I've got an early start tomorrow so no all nighter for me..    I don't understand why I'm not getting all the smilies in smilie box showing :-(
Could someone please show me how to use the reference/quote box? Or is it simply cut and paste?

HM's have got alcohol and they are toasting Rachel. Plenty of whooping & cheering going on.

i'll pop back later..
emplula  Hi 
I won't be here all night either but I'' do a bit.
Highlight the piece you want to quote (don't copy) then click on the "post reply" box. The quote will appear in a little box.
When you type your response make sure your cursor is outside/below the little quote box.
Ask again if I've not explained it clearly.
See you soon.
Govan and JJ in a huddle talking with lowered voices, about arrogance etc....
(Govan just can't help himself.)
Sitting or mooching about in sofa area. Shabby,Caoimhe, Josie doing strange dancing, Govan, Steve, Nathan. Some holding glasses of wine.

Sunshine is called everyone together to announce that BB is sending her straight to bed for "discussing nominations". She is called back to the DRoom - possibly for just telling the housemates that she is being punished, and not going straight to bed as ordered. This time she emerges but cannot talk about it to the others.

Sunshine straight into bed - with  all that hair which she has been tossing all night.

Dave in kitchen saying because he got away with it this week he will be targetted next week.
Giving some advise to Ben about avoiding stress/difficult situations with housemates.
Shabby appears thirsting for more wine - which Ben gives her.
Ben saying where he thinks he went wrong, (attempting to get along with everybody) to which Shabby replies "Yes I think that is where you did go wrong."
Shabby has obviously been drinking.
When Caoimhe appears Shabby barks "We're having a serious conversation."
Last edited by brisket
Bedroom still loud.
Mario talking to Ife. Ife struggling to respond. Talking about dancing.

Living area. Steve, Nathan, Josie (who seems somewhat drunk), Shabby (also drunk), Corin and Caoimhe.
Steve encouraging Shabby and Caoimhe to climb on top of Sunshine and say "Oh yea! Oh yea!" in a lascivious tone. They run to bedroom and do it.

Mario still chatting with Ife. (I don't think I've seen these two have a lengthy chat before.)
Dave now laying nest to Sunshine referring to Rachael. A touch of anxiety because he played a part in nominating Rachael.
Some reference to nominations, Sunshines warns him, yet Dave continues to refer to 'votes' and 'nominations'.
(I sometimes wonder if they know what it means when they are told not to discuss nominations.)

Dave has now chatted to Ben and Sunshine about his possible fate next week because of this week's nomination twist. He is a bit low.

Smoking area. Shabby, Corin, Josie, Govan, Nathn.Lots of references to Rachael by most housemates tonight.
Shabby wants some romance in the house.  She wants a lesbian to be sent in to the house to f*** her!

Mario has hay fever. She leaves Mario to do whatever it is she does for hay fever.

Ben arrives, sits next to Ben. The word "darling" is used
Smoking area. They are still toasting "Rach".
(They seem to like her much now that she has gone)
Bedroom. Dave laying in between Sunshine and Ben. JJ is standing at foot of bed.

JJ says Caoimhe, Shabby and Ife have been described aa the "3 witches in Macbeth" - he told BB this in the DRoom.
Analysing Shabby.
Mario says she has only opened up to him in last 3 days, and that you have to waitr for Shabby to come to you, rather than approach her.
JJ says he'd like to know them better, but he feels isolated because they are always in the spa together which isolates them and him.

Josie and JJ in closet. The subject is JJ which he seems to be enjoying.
Josie tells JJ that men who are close to their Mum look for women who are like their Mum.

JJ says anyone with half a brain will know that he will be evicted next week.
(So that's JJ and Dave who think they are leaving.)
to quote , just copy the thing you want(well make it blue highlight) and when you click 'post reply' that text will be there, just make sure your cursor is under the quote box when you type. as for the smileis, what browser are you using?
Aha! thanks jacksonb & brisket   I am using internet explorer, I tend to get the first 9 or so & the rest are just boxes with x's. Also i can't see any of the avatars until I click on them to reload page & then only that avi shows up.
Bedroom. Sunshine, Dave, Ben still laying together.
JJ goes to sit on Josie's bed.

I'm not an expert in the field but they may be mildly flirting.

Sunshine says she thought there was going to be a robot - an anagram of BB but there isn't.
Steve quickly works it out and says "It's Bob Righter." Sunshine shouts excitedly.

Now everybody gets excited about Bob Righter.

Kitchen. For some reason there is "no electrici'y", so Govan cannot warm up soup.
Corin and Caoimhe are there too. Corin tosses her hair over the dining table.
Several times.
Shabby - after visiting DRoom - announces that BB will not be providing any more alcohol.
Shabby and Caoimhe embrace. Shabby tells her she smells lush.
Smoking area.
Shabby already has her nominations prepared with reasons (not particularly nasty reasons.)
Govan flattering somebody (one of his techniques - opinion)  "you are so talented......"

Bedroom. Light off curtains shut.
Steve and JJ went to DRoom to ask for more alcohol - as a reward for spotting the Bob Righter anagram. BB said "NO".
Dave laying in Mario's bed space.
Ben hugs JJ and gets into his bed.
Mario goes to Ben. Hug and kiss.
JJ goes to Ben and has a brief whisper.
Dave vacates Mario's bed. Dave now leans against Bens bed.
Dave flops back his head across Ben's tummy and asks Ben to rub cream into his face.
"Moisturise me" says Dave."People will think I'm running some sort of brothel" says Ben

Smoking area. Lots of F words because Nathan is there.
Shabby still yearning for more booze.
Most of them showing signs of having had alcohol. Most noticeably Josie, Nathan, Dave, Shabby.

Corin called to DRoom.

Bedroom. Dave fondling front of Ben's shirt on some pretext or other. And again. And again.

Josie thinks of a game - How many BB housemates can we fit into the bath - but decides to do it tomorrow.
Oh no. Bath-time. Ife (who usually lasts for hours) is sat in the bath. Shabby gets in  - wearing hat of course.  Now Caoimhe.
Mario standing by  chatting.
Josie pops in and out.

Bedroom lights still on. Everyone speaking at normal volume. Govan, Dave, Ben, Josie, Steve.Govan does most of the talking. Josie, restless moves yet again. And again.

JJ arives eating something.

They agree most of the place smells.
(Apparently there is no electricity because BB didn't want them to know the time.)
Bathroom. Shabby beckons Mario and whispers something in his ear. Mario leaves.

Bedroom. JJ appears to be in bed fully clothed. Ben mentions going to sleep.

Mario enters bedroom and turns lights out. Several goodnights are spoken.
Those who aren't already there, return to their own beds.
They comment that Corin has been in the DRoom a long time.
Doing one of those "The Waltons" goodnights, where everybody has to say an individual 'goodnight' to every other individual.
Ben does his little bit of twitching of head and arm, which seems to be a regular part of his night-time routine.

Dave, Govan, Ife and Corin stand near DRoom. I think that Corin has been told she may be in for a nice day tomorrow.
Dave says there are many nice people in the house this year.
Dave goes in DRoom. Goven tells Corin and Ife that Dave is a really, really, really nice guy.
Mention of Rachael again.
Nice people can still conflict says Govan.
Govan doing his "I love everybody" technique.
(Oh yea???)
Govan flatters Ife (who obviously has not stayed in the bath as long as usual.)
Goven says both JJ and Rachael are his friends.
Dave emerges from DRoom carrying a copy of The Bible.
He also says there is nothing BB can do about the electrical problem tonight. It will have to be done tomorrow.
Kitchen. Corin Shabby (sitting on table), Caoimhe.  
Govan arrives to look for potato salad.
The mention Rachael again. (Extremely popular now she is no longer there.)
Corin has obviously told them that she has been voted as worthy of having a treat tomorrow.
They are all eating various things.
Shabby being an 'expert' about the mechanics of BB.
Now talking about the selection process.

Govan has been called to DRoom. He goes there in a camp fashion.

Bedroom. Lights out. Nobody talking. Snoring.
Ife, Corin, Caoimhe still speaking of the selection process.
They refer to someone (who did not get onto the show) who was "very camp".
(More camp than Govan? I ask. Are these wordly-wise women?)

Caoimhe and Corin leap up to the table and the worktops. Ife sits on a chair - how conventional.
Govan has been told by BB that they must not continually disregard the rules or there will be consequences.
Ife's eyelashes seem to be slapping her forehead every time she blinks.
BB calls Shabby to the DRoom. Govan curls up into wildly exaggerated hysterical giggling.
Shabby has been reminded to abide by the rules.
Corin flicking her hair all over the kitchen as she binds and arranges it.
Dave appears from somewhere and says goodnight.
So the bathroom trio and Govan and Corin are still awake.
They are all gigly - in an alcohol-kind-of-way.
They go to smoking area and suggest getting into bed after this cigarette.
Instead of talking about the guy from the selection process they are now talking about the guy from "the time we do not name". (How bright they are.)

Shabby thinks they are getting 3 or 4 hours sleep each night.
Govan the only male member (forgive the expression) of this girlie group.
They move indoors. Commence the teeth cleaning. Speak of Rachael again. Not a bad word to say about her!!
Corin says goodnight. Govan spits.
They move towards their beds.
After making disturbing noises and giggling they settls down.
Snoring begins and LUT ends.
Yes, it does add a slightly different dimension to the situation. Group dynamics can be fascinating can't they, as well as very frustrating. I hope Corin is a keen observer.
I can't describe how Govan's tactics make me feel.
I am pleased you are reading Xochi. After feeling a bit worse for wear your post brought a smile back to my face. That is worth a lot.
Many thanks for your comments and recognition of the LUT.
well done Brisket and Emplula for the overnight stuff, much appreciated

methinks BB didn't want them to know the time so they wouldn't say it on LF and they could pretend the C4 show was live when we know it wasn't and hasn't been for a very long time.. Davina has to run off to do BBBM as well and they have to clear the lot before 11pm I think.. 

So we have more hogging of the bathroom to look forward to for at least another week.. that is so rude to fellow HM's 

Not a lot going on in there. .Ablutions, clothes washing and not much else.

Did just see a shot of Corin with no make up on. .she looked so much better especially without the Surprised Look eyebrows..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Corin's just ahd the first of her treats today...

a full English breakfast, plus Hash Browns,  coooked by BB and served int he DR

they read poetry to her and said she was beautiful.. and the BB person chatted to her all sweetly...

They asked her order for dinner tonight and she is having chicken Tikka Masala

She asked for a pack of ciggies too..

The others think the public voted for her to get the treat and now think she may be popular on the outside...

Wonder how that will change the dynamics 

Corin doesn't believe BB is being nice just for the sake of it. .she reckons something will go down later.. something maybe not so nice.. awwwwwwww
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Govan has been a  bit  thoughtful ..think he got told off by BB again

sunshine is stressing still about the get sunshine out chants from the crowd and from over the wall

Dave mentioned that 'them' lot got told off for Nomination talk..

dunno who he means tho.. could be Govan and the BR crew

in the bathroom Josie and Sunshine are Ribbing John for the cliothes he's been wearing and asking him when he is going to change..

John says well maybe when I get suitcase I might. .

he only got his holey shorts and a few white T shirt and copious amounts of hoodies which everybody else is wearing, in the suitcase task

Josie is washing his T shirts which has got really badly stained.. John thinks everybody has been walking on it cos it is so dirty..

[how come he isn't doing it himself.. he did his own washing last week ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
it is a quiet morning in there

talk in the Sofa area was about books and films and now DAve has his bible and is going to read from it..

Ben tells the others to think of it as a story not a religious thing

Washing is going on in the bathroom still

will pop back if anything of note occurs  but am not hanging around to listen to bible stuff... got enough of that shoved down my neck at school many moons ago..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Dave talking to Ben,Steve and Mario about his church work
Iffy and caohime at smoking bench talking about singing more now they know it won't be shown on TV
Shabby cleaning the shower
Josie doing JJ's washing
Just about to start a game of rounders but BB has called everyone to the sofas, Shabby not happy as she wants to finish cleaning the shower

Hope i'm doing this right
Aimee you are doing a grand job. .

there is no wrong or right way. .well unless tis pure fabrication which is a no way 

I am doing Housework stuff so not able to LUT atm

and I had to turn off when Dave went off on his God Came to me in a vision talk.. won;t say what it reminded me of..  but it wasn't good.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Govan and Iffy on sofas, Govan seems to be having a mini breakdown cause BB won't let him in the DR when he needs to talk to them, even though they say they are there 24 hrs a day they don't seem to want to talk to him but let everyone else in, he thinks they are trying to wind him up

Iffy advises him to talk to other housemates when he needs to, but he says he doesn't want to ruin they experince, Govan has now been called to the DR  *naughty BB*

Shabby and Iffy now running up and down the sofa singing we are in the BB house
Reference: I am using internet explorer, that could possibly be the prob, suggest you try google chrome. thanks lut -ers.

Thanks jacksonb, I'll re- install google chrome - I did have it before & then I reformatted lap-top & haven't put it back on - cheers!

*waves to the LUTers* I've literally just got home, so I'll be catching up - ta for the overnight and today stuff ..
Some of the housemates cleaning the kitchen
Lunch being served, can't make out what it is, Ben has decided to fry something instead, the others don't think it will work
Corin still struggling with the candle task, she's lowered the distance and still can't do it
More religon talk, don't think Nathan cares for it much and is challenging Dave at every opportunity
Reference: Mount Olympus
Wish Angel of The North was also here for the last ever Channel 4 or Ex C4 Forum LUT she started it all on the old forum . think I will dedicate this last Live Update Thread to her even tho I know she doesn't watch BB anymore .. but she deserves a name check..
Nicely said Oly. I'd like to associate myself with those words.
More god talk from dave, JJ asking him questions
Dave saying he didn't go on BB to preach, just to let others see a different side to religon
Corin still practising
Shabby talking about starting a new band when she leaves BB
Govan seems to be still upset that BB isn't giving him enough support, he's pacing up and down in the bedroom clutching a shirt to him, he says he's so angry *don't know who with, probably BB*


BB announcement laundry ready for collection

Nathan & Shabby at Carousel

Ben & Josie sharing an afternoon nap. Josie has got woolly ear-flaps hat and big specs on

Govan in his black hoody pacing living room, looking pensive, now he’s going in garden,  presumably for ciggie

JJ has joined ben &Josie in bed

Josie is requesting white coffee from  someone just out of ear-shot

General hubbub in bedrm as laundry is sorted.

 Camera focusing on Josie Ben & JJ  giggling & whispering

Ben says he loves the fact they don’t know what time it is.  Josie agrees

JJ loves the series prison break. Josie saying she loves Sonic

Fair bit of sound dippage..

Josie & JJ agree they are into all genres of music

Mario has joined the trio in bed

Josie loves samba, bassline, electro funky house..

Ben has dropped off & eventually the alarm sounds..

Dave now also on bed with quartet. There is talk about how the house is more united. SD & then Ben says “â€Ķexcept the witches”..

Dave trying to pronounce ‘conglomeration’ without success



Govan sat at table – (he’s not in a good mood today, is he?)

Ife  putting kettle on asks him what’s up

Cut to bedroom general chit-chat

Cut to Ife & Govan with cups of tea making their way to carousel

Ife asks again whats up

Govan saying it was horrible to see Rach go, he liked her – she reminds him of a friend

Nathan has joined them so convo halted

Cut to Bedrm – laughter


Govan talking about a friend of his whose boyfriend or Dad (can’t remember which, lol) is in tv.. SD

Cut to JJ & Josie chat still seems to be about musical tastes.. JJ loves calvin harris so does Josie

LOTS of sd’s  camera flicking back & forth between carousel & bedrm but not for long enough to catch convos properly.

It’s all very chilled out, nothing much going on..

Corin has been called to DR – more treats maybe?

She goes in and we hear her say OMG in a pleased voice before the door closes



Josie and Ben still in bed having a chat

Josie asks Ben if he’s upset about Rach going. Ben replies “yeah, I guess.. I fancied her but she didn’t fancy me.” He shrugs “at least I’m realistic”

Josie asks if he can understand how Mario must feel re unrequited fancying.

 Ben doesn’t seem to think it’s the same thing as him fancying Rachael cos he reckons Mario is half-joking about his feelings for Ben.

Ben saying age is irrelevant to his friendships & relationships

Josie asking if all his friends are upper-class. Ben says No they are quirky. Josie wants to know whether at parties Ben & his friends do the car keys in a bowl thing at end of the night.. (ooo er, missus!)

Ben laughs and says he & his friends are not necessarily debauched.. & he doesn’t have a car

Josie now asking him about his work – Ben explains what diary/blogging and stringers (freelancing) is all about..

Living rm

Caoimhe Steve JJ Ife Dave Mario Shabby & Nathan are playing a golf-based game using one of Steve’s crutches





Josie asking Ben about how he lives & Ben says he house-sits for friends. He reckons he can live quite frugally and still have a good time. He has done all sorts of things in his life in order to make a living. he can't abide regular 9-5. Josie wants to know whether he’s met Princes Harry or William.

Ben has nodded to William when they were at Uni in Scotland together

Corin out of DR

She’s had a relaxing head massage and her nails done, a bit of a pampering session in DR – She keeps saying “I can’t believe it!”

HM’s are suitable envious. Corin says that they will get their treat in a bit.

Govan cracking a smile for 1st time today

Corin goes into bedrm to tell the others about her pampering session

Golf game resumes as before in the Livingrm




Shabby Josie & Corin having a smoke

Shabby saying that she’s avoiding Cao becos she really fancies her. Josie saying she understands where Shabby is coming from. (opinion: I agree with Olly - she should tell Caoimhe about her feelings  

Josie says if she fancies someone she ends up on other side of room..

Convo halted as Caoimhe joins them.


Govan in bed chatting to Sunshine & Ben who are in bed together

Back to smokers

Shabby wants an arts & craft kit.  She has been in bathroom earlier getting creative with tin foil & bits and pieces. All very blue peter

Corin is giving Shabby some ideas. Shabby gets inspired and runs off.

Corin suggesting that  all the girls have some girlie time in bathrm at some point

Ife & Corinne talking about Ben being bashful & easily embarrassed. Josie telling them about her earlier convo with Ben & how he gets to go to celeb parties in his capacity as free lance journo.. SD

Shabby is now in Bathrm by herself with selection of plates, plastic glasses, salad bowl and cutlery which she is using as drumsticks & is having a good old drumming session.

The Golf game is still going strong – every now and again loud cheers and whoops can be heard from the players

JJ helping  Mario & Dave to wring out wet clothes. Mario hanging out his washing

All done, they head back into LivingRm

Golf game recommences.



DR call for Caoimhe

Shabby asks Josie to come to gdn for private chat. Shabby tell Josie she know Cao is prob being quizzed about her & is asking for advice from Josie as to what to do. She is sure Cao is going to notice she has started avoiding her

Shabby must have just come out of DR and she tells Josie that BB could’ve at least waited a bit before calling Cao in. It’s blatantly obvious BB now want to ask Cao stuff about Shabby

Cao come out of DR so must have been v quick chat

Any advice Josie might be offering is SD. She is laughing a lot.

Cao has now joined them. Josie asks what BB was saying. Cao saying oh, it’s just about an item of clothing (hoody I think) that’s gone missing

Shabby leaves them  & goes back in house leaving Josie & Cao chatting & laughing

Josie asks Cao if she thinks Shabs is alright. Cao says she’s noticed Shabs a bit on edge.. SD

Talk turns to parties they might be invited to when they get out. Josie saying she didn’t hear boos for Rach only cheers. Cao saying she heard boos, definitely.  SD


Cut to Livingrm

Sunshine Corin  Ben  Mario & Govan chatting about spilt tea earlier & Bens efforts with the bleach..

Mario thinks a lot of money must have been spent on items in the house. He wonders how much Bob Righter cost.

Sunshine reckons things probably weren’t that expensive.

Cut to Josie & Cao still sucking on their ciggies & having a SD convo


Shabby back to her arts & crafts project & chatting to Corinne about her feelings for Caoimhe.  Corin can tell there is sexual tension & agrees it could be potetntially embarrassing

Shabby agrees, basically she feels bad for feeling this way & not being able to tell Caoimhe.

Josie joins them in bathrm. Shabby drums a little riff for Josies benefit.

Shabby tells them the bathrm is now “the creative hub”

She also reckons that she doesn’t believe that missing clothes was all that BB spoke to Cao about


Cut to Sofa’s

Sunshine in full flow but SD

 Cut to bathrm

Corin plucking her eyebrows to within an inch of their life. She thinks it’s more relaxing vibe since Rachael left.

Caoimhe comes in gets something and leaves to complete silence from Shabby. Corin tell Shabby that she should at least engage in small talk with Cao – if she ignores Cao completely she will know something is up

Cut to Livingrm
Ife comes out of Nest where she has been napping and is saying she had an awful dream where she thought she had woken up but it was still part of the dream - she can't believe she has been asleep this long - she thought BB would've woken her up.
Great work Emplula... 

Sorry I've not been around much today. .. took a bit of a rest from BB. .Shabby and her antics were starting to get my blood boiling a bit which then can affect my LUTting and trying to be impartialish. .irrational I know but sometimes the HM's just get up my nose too much and her pining over Caoimhe is doing me head in too..  especially as the poor girl hasn't a clue that her 'friend' actually fancy's her..

anyway am having a mainly BB free day today and maybe tomorrow too. . forgot how stuck into it you can get with Live Feed and need to break from it for a day here and there. 

Hopefully back and fully refreshed tomorrow or the day after. . 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
@Olly  No problem, I've had a lazy afternoon myself & taking a break now for din-dins  
I can see we will need to pace ourselves re LUTting- we don't want to start suffering from burn-out at this stage 
I hear ya re Shabby - she gets on my wick too - she's been agonising all afternoon but I think she may be working up to telling Caoimhe after her chat with Corin earlier so we'll see..
Enjoy your evening & I'll catch you later 
Mario lays with Josie.  Dave lays with Sunshine.
Govan whispers with JJ.
For some reason Ben is wearing something that looks like a caftan in shiny gold stripes.
I don't know if there has been a suitcase mix-up or if this is the result of a task, or it belongs to Ben.
But it is causing comment and laughter.

Smoking area.   Shabby and Nathan.  Lots of F words. Shabby tells him he is lovely.
Still mentioning Rachael, and Shabby says the "wrong choice was made".
Nathan says he is a good judgeof character and that Rachael is "sound."

Bedroom. Josie sucks her thumb. Dave is hanging from Ben's neck.
Kitchen. Caoimhe sitting on table. She is called to DRoom.
Smoking area.  Nathan says there is far too much whispering going on in the house.
Shabby agrees. 
(Excuse me - is this the same Shabby who herself whispers?)
Shabby and Ife enter kitchen. Shabby says "I need to talk to you."
Seeking Ife's opinion about her feelings for Caoimhe. Ife feels Shabby should tell Caoimhe how she feels. Apparently she has already spoken to Josie and Corin about it.
Ife recommends Shabby asks Caoimhe. But Shabby feels Caoimhe may not be able to give an honest answer because of the BB situation.
(So if she is agonizing and yet is not going to tell her, it will never get sorted. Now there's a prospect.)
Shabby: "This is why I have been in the bathroom all day."
This love-sickness is painful. Shabby: "I'm not in love with her or anything.....she'd be a very good girl for me.....she's crude and gross."   Shabby doesn't want to upset Caoimhe's family and Dave, her boyfriend who will be  watching the programme.
It goes round and round and goes nowhere new.
Simply put Shabby wants to tell Caoimhe how much she likes/fancies/cares for Coimhe. (She has already said she is not in love with her.) But she fears her feelings may not be reciprocated.
Ife is sure the only way to settle the uncertainty is to tell her.

Sofa area. Shabby, Ife, and now Caoimhe who has emerged from DRoom.
(But I have a feeling that this sort of saga will give Shabby some extended attention from BB.)
Last edited by brisket

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