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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

Govan has been a  bit  thoughtful ..think he got told off by BB again

sunshine is stressing still about the get sunshine out chants from the crowd and from over the wall

Dave mentioned that 'them' lot got told off for Nomination talk..

dunno who he means tho.. could be Govan and the BR crew

in the bathroom Josie and Sunshine are Ribbing John for the cliothes he's been wearing and asking him when he is going to change..

John says well maybe when I get suitcase I might. .

he only got his holey shorts and a few white T shirt and copious amounts of hoodies which everybody else is wearing, in the suitcase task

Josie is washing his T shirts which has got really badly stained.. John thinks everybody has been walking on it cos it is so dirty..

[how come he isn't doing it himself.. he did his own washing last week ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*