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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

well done Brisket and Emplula for the overnight stuff, much appreciated

methinks BB didn't want them to know the time so they wouldn't say it on LF and they could pretend the C4 show was live when we know it wasn't and hasn't been for a very long time.. Davina has to run off to do BBBM as well and they have to clear the lot before 11pm I think.. 

So we have more hogging of the bathroom to look forward to for at least another week.. that is so rude to fellow HM's 

Not a lot going on in there. .Ablutions, clothes washing and not much else.

Did just see a shot of Corin with no make up on. .she looked so much better especially without the Surprised Look eyebrows..
Mount Olympus *Olly*