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@Baz posted:

Don’t go Suricat ….all views are welcome here .

You couldn’t make up what’s happening today , could you ? Never in all my 50 plus years watching politics  have I seen the like . If Truss has a shred of  conscience  she would resign immediately , and call a bliddy election!

Thanks for your invitation to stay Baz, but the 'thread originator' seems to be 'up for an argument' whilst I'm NOT!

Whilst deleting 'spam' from my mailbox I discovered a 'link' to your post here and 'yes'! Current political activity is (IMHO) 'unprecedented' in the history of UK politics due to the 'lack of any public mandate' caused by Tony Blair's desire to hand over 'power' to Gorden Brown. The 5 year period for a 'political party' to 'maintain the Governing Power' within 'our Parliament' invokes 'a problem'! When 'a political party' elects a 'leader', this 'leader' becomes the nation's Prime Minister. However, this 'leader' doesn't enjoy the sanction of the 'public electorate', only 'the party's electorate' (I could go on, but I won't)!

IMHO any governing body needs to take itself to a 'General Election' when their 'leader' can't form a 'viable Government'!

BTW, I've a couple of decades on you, but thanks for your continued outreach for our continued discourse.

Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat).

@slimfern posted:

Blimey! that would make you over 100 years old!

There are plenty of other threads you can join in on Suricat, if you wish to

There's No intended malice here...

Yes, it sure would

But I think it was my fault for not making clear that it was my *political * years I was talking about …not my actual age ….but I second Slimferns  assertion that you are very welcome in any of the threads Suricat …whatever the subject .

@suricat posted:

Thanks for your invitation to stay Baz, but the 'thread originator' seems to be 'up for an argument' whilst I'm NOT!

Whilst deleting 'spam' from my mailbox I discovered a 'link' to your post here and 'yes'! Current political activity is (IMHO) 'unprecedented' in the history of UK politics due to the 'lack of any public mandate' caused by Tony Blair's desire to hand over 'power' to Gorden Brown. The 5 year period for a 'political party' to 'maintain the Governing Power' within 'our Parliament' invokes 'a problem'! When 'a political party' elects a 'leader', this 'leader' becomes the nation's Prime Minister. However, this 'leader' doesn't enjoy the sanction of the 'public electorate', only 'the party's electorate' (I could go on, but I won't)!

IMHO any governing body needs to take itself to a 'General Election' when their 'leader' can't form a 'viable Government'!

BTW, I've a couple of decades on you, but thanks for your continued outreach for our continued discourse.

Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat).

I totally agree Suricat  , and let’s face it the current PM didn’t even come to power with a mandate from her own party ….even before the mini budget debacle ….!


Just to add accuracy and reduce speculation as to my age guys. I was born on the first of June in 1951, which makes me 71 years of age as I write. Yes, I’m an β€˜old fart’ waiting for god (but I’m not as old as some of you speculate)! There should be an β€˜emoji’ here, but I’m just not conversant with this style of comms.


I also concur Baz. When any β€˜elected party’ that formed a β€˜government’ from any β€˜general election’ can no longer β€˜hold it’s party together’ to expedite it’s β€˜general electoral mandate’, the β€˜party’ must call a β€˜general election’ to refresh the β€˜public mandate’ for the party’s β€˜political direction’!

A β€˜party election’ for their leader just doesn’t β€˜cut it’ with β€˜the country’s electorate’ when the/any β€˜party’ alters the β€˜mandate’ that the β€˜country’s general/public electorate’ elected it for the public β€˜mandate’ insists this upon this by the β€˜democratic constitution’. What differences are there between the original β€˜mandate’ and current β€˜mandate’ ! Affordability.

This is a subject that I really don’t want to get into here, but we could take this elsewhere (if we can find a β€˜place’).

Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat)

@suricat posted:

Just to add accuracy and reduce speculation as to my age guys. I was born on the first of June in 1951, which makes me 71 years of age as I write. Yes, I’m an β€˜old fart’ waiting for god (but I’m not as old as some of you speculate)! There should be an β€˜emoji’ here, but I’m just not conversant with this style of comms.


I also concur Baz. When any β€˜elected party’ that formed a β€˜government’ from any β€˜general election’ can no longer β€˜hold it’s party together’ to expedite it’s β€˜general electoral mandate’, the β€˜party’ must call a β€˜general election’ to refresh the β€˜public mandate’ for the party’s β€˜political direction’!

A β€˜party election’ for their leader just doesn’t β€˜cut it’ with β€˜the country’s electorate’ when the/any β€˜party’ alters the β€˜mandate’ that the β€˜country’s general/public electorate’ elected it for the public β€˜mandate’ insists this upon this by the β€˜democratic constitution’. What differences are there between the original β€˜mandate’ and current β€˜mandate’ ! Affordability.

This is a subject that I really don’t want to get into here, but we could take this elsewhere (if we can find a β€˜place’).

Kind regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat)

I still beat you Suricat …I’m 75.

Well after last nights omnishambles. I’m hoping that we are going to get an election very soon ! I think a lot of conservatives themselves just want out now !

@Baz posted:

I still beat you Suricat …I’m 75.

Well after last nights omnishambles. I’m hoping that we are going to get an election very soon ! I think a lot of conservatives themselves just want out now !

Yes, and I'm impressed with your candour on the disclosure of your age Baz.

Currently, the Conservative and Unionist Party seems to be impossible to manage. This is probably why Boris resigned in the first instance of this controversy, but these are only my personal thoughts/conceptions.

IMHO Kwasi Kwartang was a member of an unmanageable party faction which, although it had a healthy parliamentary majority, couldn't/can't agree with its political direction as a group. This only leads to chaos!

As I write, our PM has resigned! We NEED a General Election.

Kindest regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat).

@suricat posted:

Yes, and I'm impressed with your candour on the disclosure of your age Baz.

Currently, the Conservative and Unionist Party seems to be impossible to manage. This is probably why Boris resigned in the first instance of this controversy, but these are only my personal thoughts/conceptions.

IMHO Kwasi Kwartang was a member of an unmanageable party faction which, although it had a healthy parliamentary majority, couldn't/can't agree with its political direction as a group. This only leads to chaos!

As I write, our PM has resigned! We NEED a General Election.

Kindest regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat).

At my age I’m passed caring who knows how old I am .

Yes, she’s gone , but unless we get a general election I can’t see the chaos ending any time soon ….although I think sunak would be the best of a bad bunch .

@Baz posted:

At my age I’m passed caring who knows how old I am .

Yes, she’s gone , but unless we get a general election I can’t see the chaos ending any time soon ….although I think sunak would be the best of a bad bunch .

Me too (on age) and that's why I disclosed this earlier.

However, I don't think/believe that 'any' Conservative and Unionist Party's 'leader' can now provide the 'stability' that the UK needs. The 'Party' is just 'so disconnected' from its 'elected MPs' that populate seats in Parliament. IMHO the only way that this 'disconnection' can be ameliorated is by 'breaking' the recent 'Ruling Party's 5 year Protection' against taking a/the decision to the general public in a 'General Election'.

We need a 'get out of jail/gaol card' that can release our Nation/Nations from a 'governing body' that, quite simply, is damaging to the electorate that they represent.

Kindest regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat)

@suricat posted:

Me too (on age) and that's why I disclosed this earlier.

However, I don't think/believe that 'any' Conservative and Unionist Party's 'leader' can now provide the 'stability' that the UK needs. The 'Party' is just 'so disconnected' from its 'elected MPs' that populate seats in Parliament. IMHO the only way that this 'disconnection' can be ameliorated is by 'breaking' the recent 'Ruling Party's 5 year Protection' against taking a/the decision to the general public in a 'General Election'.

We need a 'get out of jail/gaol card' that can release our Nation/Nations from a 'governing body' that, quite simply, is damaging to the electorate that they represent.

Kindest regards, Ray Dart (AKA suricat)

I totally agree that we need an election Suricat ….sadly I don’t think we are going to get one any time soon …so imo Sunak is the best we can do ….at least he seems to have at least some fiscal nous.


Will Hunt make Halloween?

Was he not the cat who caught the cream being appointed Chancellor?

Ask a junior doctor.

Let’s hope they don’t change it again ….the Β£ has already dropped again this morning ! I’m not keen on Hunt , but hopefully he knows what he’s doing …fingers and toes all crossed .Mind you if bliddy Boris gets in everything could go even more Pete tong !


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