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Dame_Ann_Average posted:

Remember when they mocked Diane Abbott when she was ill for days...I give you Priti evil Babbage .....


Three hundred thousand, thirty four, nine hundred and seventy four thousand tests carried out across UK. Your home secretary Priti Patel


Yep, Diane wasn't well. I wanna know what Patel's excuse was. No the wonder they've been keeping her hidden. 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Every day is groundhog day with these briefings Dame. She failed to address the more extreme behaviour of certain forces down South for one. And that behaviour is a worry.


Hancock is just rinse repeat. Staggering we're all watching this very real epic disaster unfold in what seems like slow motion. Clueless. Telling medics how to use their PPE - those that have it. That took the biscuit and is the wrong advice if cross contamination is of any concern. It looks like in Matthew's eyes it's not. And he's got "leading experts" on either side of him when he says it. We are in deep shit.

Velvet, it's totally beyond belief...I really have to be careful what I say because I am so so angry. 

Every time they open their mouths it's easily proven lies, just one after the other. I'm sure they think we are all idiots and don't look up these facts, every lie that comes out of their mouth I despise them a little bit more...Never mind, I'll just sing Land of Hope and Glory and all will be fine.... stay safe everyone, that's the best we can do for now. 

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Every day is groundhog day with these briefings Dame. She failed to address the more extreme behaviour of certain forces down South for one. And that behaviour is a worry.


Hancock is just rinse repeat. Staggering we're all watching this very real epic disaster unfold in what seems like slow motion. Clueless. Telling medics how to use their PPE - those that have it. That took the biscuit and is the wrong advice if cross contamination is of any concern. It looks like in Matthew's eyes it's not. And he's got "leading experts" on either side of him when he says it. We are in deep shit.

Velvet, it's totally beyond belief...I really have to be careful what I say because I am so so angry. 

Every time they open their mouths it's easily proven lies, just one after the other. I'm sure they think we are all idiots and don't look up these facts, every lie that comes out of their mouth I despise them a little bit more...Never mind, I'll just sing Land of Hope and Glory and all will be fine.... stay safe everyone, that's the best we can do for now. 

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Saint posted:
Moonie posted:

Loved The Goodies - have an original copy of Sick Man Blues somewhere

Very very sad times - one of the nice guys


Stirling Moss has died too but not from COVID

I read about Stirling Moss, Sainty 

Saint posted:
Moonie posted:

Loved The Goodies - have an original copy of Sick Man Blues somewhere

Very very sad times - one of the nice guys


Stirling Moss has died too but not from COVID

RIP both of them 

Saint posted:
Moonie posted:

Loved The Goodies - have an original copy of Sick Man Blues somewhere

Very very sad times - one of the nice guys


Stirling Moss has died too but not from COVID

Just heard about both Tim Brooke-Taylor and Stirling Moss. Sad to hear about Stirling, but I knew he was ill: Tim's death was a nasty shock, though. As I'm sure is the case for many FMs, The Goodies were a hugely important part of my childhood.


Every report acknowledges that Tim Brooke-Taylor was a thoroughly nice man, but I think it's because he was the "quiet, nice" one that his achievements are often overlooked. 

His early connections with Graham Chapman and John Cleese led to him co-writing the "Four Yorkshiremen" sketch: he worked with Marty Feldman and Orson Welles; and even had a minor role in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". Oh, and he voiced "Bananaman" as well...


We'll all miss him deeply... 

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Roxan posted:

My fondest memory of Tim Brooke Taylor is from the Goodies episode The End Of The World Show where he cuts out his jumper to reveal his nipples

The Goodies were right up there. Preferred them to Monty Python tv wise    


Stirling is my favourite driver of all time. His Mille Miglia is the stuff of legend.  



At the end, Moss and Jenkinson crossed the finish in 10 hours and 7 minutes—a record that stands as the fastest any driver will travel on those roads. Threading his Silver Arrow through Italy’s epic terrain, Moss performed a feat of driving skill that is scarcely believable, even today. It’s important for us to remember this event as an achievement from a time when mankind was pushing the boundaries of speed in every way—and that to go any faster than Moss on May 1, 1955, you’d need wings. 


Another sad day. RIP both.

Last edited by velvet donkey

Some people are still ignorant,

I had to return a parcel today and the carrier wanted me to hand it to him, I had to ask him to stand back while I put the parcel on the bench at the front door, he then tried to hand me the receipt!  6 feet? 6 inches!


There can't be a bigger brass neck in politics than Hunt. He was everywhere about 3/4 weeks ago - basically the Govt's PR man. Mind you it's a competitive field. Temerity to defend his tenure as Health Sec on Nick Ferrari. No one was fooled.


Chair of the health and social care select committee. No wonder I drink.

Roxan posted:

My husband went to the grocery store 6am for protected shopping for over 65’s. As he came out some idiot in his 30’s rolled his trolley into our car. OH told him to be careful and this moron came right up and asked if he had a problem. OH told him to back off 6 ft etc etc and the idiot started pushing him screaming about the “Chinese virus” and fake news. Security came over and got rid. So so 


that is shocking Roxan, I can't believe that people still think this is all fake … even without the virus, that is no way to behave, hope your hubby is ok

Roxan posted:

My husband went to the grocery store 6am for protected shopping for over 65’s. As he came out some idiot in his 30’s rolled his trolley into our car. OH told him to be careful and this moron came right up and asked if he had a problem. OH told him to back off 6 ft etc etc and the idiot started pushing him screaming about the “Chinese virus” and fake news. Security came over and got rid. So so 


Omg Roxan .....what a total moron 

machel posted:

Some people are still ignorant,

I had to return a parcel today and the carrier wanted me to hand it to him, I had to ask him to stand back while I put the parcel on the bench at the front door, he then tried to hand me the receipt!  6 feet? 6 inches!

What a twit !

Roxan posted:

My husband went to the grocery store 6am for protected shopping for over 65’s. As he came out some idiot in his 30’s rolled his trolley into our car. OH told him to be careful and this moron came right up and asked if he had a problem. OH told him to back off 6 ft etc etc and the idiot started pushing him screaming about the “Chinese virus” and fake news. Security came over and got rid. So so 


It's unbelieveable Rox. The US is in a bad way. I watch Trump nightly and his dummy is getting bigger. The guy's an egomaniac and people worship him.


Some would have just said eff it and knocked that moron out. Or worse. That's gonna happen as sensible people's patience and tolerance runs out.


Thinking about you. Stick in and all the very best    


Stay safe!

Last edited by velvet donkey
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

He's ranting and raving at the WHO now. He's running out of people/organizations to blame for his own shortcomings.

I think that's the only thing he's got right in four years. Beijing lobbied for that head. Look up China - Ethiopia.


What is wrong with this government? (Rhetorical question!) They're going to test staff and patients in care homes...…...BUT ONLY THOSE SHOWING SYMPTOMS!!!!


So all those NOT showing symptoms are being left to wander around freely potentially spreading the virus to all and sundry!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

What is wrong with this government? (Rhetorical question!) They're going to test staff and patients in care homes...…...BUT ONLY THOSE SHOWING SYMPTOMS!!!!


So all those NOT showing symptoms are being left to wander around freely potentially spreading the virus to all and sundry!


Roxan posted:

USA numbers are dropping off...... because they have all but stopped testing. Awesome.  

I apologise for sounding so angry in all my posts!

Still some very scary rises in the numbers of new deaths across the states, though... 


Keep safe, Roxan. 

Eugene's Lair
Roxan posted:

USA numbers are dropping off...... because they have all but stopped testing. Awesome.  

I apologise for sounding so angry in all my posts!

No need to appologise. We're all angry too, both for here and there. HE may think that what he does only affects him and those Americans he likes and cares for (sod the rest!) but REAL people know he is affecting (infecting?) the rest of the world too - and that's even before the WHO funding question!!!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:

News Article


Eastern Europeans to be flown in to pick fruit and veg.


...I'll just leave that there.


I love Stephen McGann 



I picked fruit when I was young. It's honest work, but hard work. Back-breaking, monotonous, but necessary. So imagine my surprise when I discover that jingoism and flag-waving doesn't magically translate into hordes of Albion's finest flocking to help our farmers in the fields?

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


"White House defends Ivanka Trump's personal travel amid lockdown".


 What is it with these people. Clearly, it's one rule for them and one for everyone else.


machel posted:

At least another 3 weeks 😱🤬😥🤪

Moonie posted:
machel posted:

At least another 3 weeks 😱🤬😥🤪

It’ll soon pass by 😳🤣

Yes , and hopefully that will be it .....although sadly , I don’t think it will 🙁❤️

Baz posted:
machel posted:

At least another 3 weeks 😱🤬😥🤪

Moonie posted:
machel posted:

At least another 3 weeks 😱🤬😥🤪

It’ll soon pass by 😳🤣

Yes , and hopefully that will be it .....although sadly , I don’t think it will 🙁❤️

No, I think your right Bazzy  ❤️


Tobias Ellwood is in cuckoo land - and not the Black Forest.


Discussing business, the hospitality area and the lockdown he patronisingly alludes to the local pub in his mother's village thinking out the box and doing food deliveries. Alright for Mrs Ellwood.


Well...I'd like to see the menu and prices for these enterprises. Because we're all in this together aren't we? Except those who haven't received any promised Govt. financial aid yet, those who have been caught between a rock and a hard place and have nout, those on the nightmare universal credit, those facing unemployment and those who don't live in villages with the disposable at this moment in time for a takeaway to support the local publican.  And we can't all get our daughters tested because we know Whitty - can we Gove?  Same for Johnson. Shameful. All in it together.....pull the other one.


If one good thing comes out of this in future years I hope it's the us and them is smashed to pieces for good. I sense change is on the cards - if there's an after this. Tolerance is being tested from inept leadership to attention seeking celebs from A to Z - lest we forget them. And all self- satisfied, self-serving I'm alright Jacks in between.

Last edited by velvet donkey
Moonie posted:
machel posted:

At least another 3 weeks 😱🤬😥🤪

It’ll soon pass by 😳🤣

I have depression, some days good, most bad, it’s difficult to see the end of this on a bad day


Murdoch made a mistake with Johnson, now he's got the dagger in, it's behind a paywall but I am sure it will be reported in full elsewhere. The enormity of the situation made much worse by so many incompetent people 


Absolutely damning report in tomorrow's Sunday Times:

"Boris Johnson skipped five Cobra meetings on the virus, calls to order protective gear were ignored and scientists’ warnings fell on deaf ears. Failings in February may have cost thousands of lives."


this from the New Statesman, even the Tory rags have had enough


Remarkable from senior No 10 adviser: “What you learn about Boris was he didn’t chair any meetings. He liked his country breaks. He didn’t work weekends ... There was a real sense that he didn’t do urgent crisis planning. It was exactly like people feared”

machel posted:
Moonie posted:
machel posted:

At least another 3 weeks 😱🤬😥🤪

It’ll soon pass by 😳🤣

I have depression, some days good, most bad, it’s difficult to see the end of this on a bad day

Dame_Ann_Average posted:

this from the New Statesman, even the Tory rags have had enough


Remarkable from senior No 10 adviser: “What you learn about Boris was he didn’t chair any meetings. He liked his country breaks. He didn’t work weekends ... There was a real sense that he didn’t do urgent crisis planning. It was exactly like people feared”

Which explains his every absence when things go 'tits up' eh? 

Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

this from the New Statesman, even the Tory rags have had enough


Remarkable from senior No 10 adviser: “What you learn about Boris was he didn’t chair any meetings. He liked his country breaks. He didn’t work weekends ... There was a real sense that he didn’t do urgent crisis planning. It was exactly like people feared”

Which explains his every absence when things go 'tits up' eh? 

Throw in he's got a book to write. Publishers may accomodate.

velvet donkey posted:
Sprout posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:

this from the New Statesman, even the Tory rags have had enough


Remarkable from senior No 10 adviser: “What you learn about Boris was he didn’t chair any meetings. He liked his country breaks. He didn’t work weekends ... There was a real sense that he didn’t do urgent crisis planning. It was exactly like people feared”

Which explains his every absence when things go 'tits up' eh? 

Throw in he's got a book to write. Publishers may accomodate.


Gavin Williamson     


Feck. They don't know who to put up next.


We all need an angle eh? He's got a Tarantula in his office. Well, I hope it goes rogue.


I'd like to see The Comic Strip Presents covering this.


Meaningless graphs.


Like being back at school in geography. Still, it wastes time. Give me the Boards of Canada. Dunno if anyone remembers these days. Public information films. Unlike this.


EC'll get that!

Last edited by velvet donkey
velvet donkey posted:

Gavin Williamson     


Feck. They don't know who to put up next.


We all need an angle eh? He's got a Tarantula in his office. Well, I hope it goes rogue.


I'd like to see The Comic Strip Presents covering this.

Spitting image would think all their Christmas had come at once 😂😂


Up to 40% of students have no computer at home or have a difficult environment to work in. How can the government prevent them falling behind while schools are closed?

Mr Williamson says the government is helping disadvantaged children "to really succeed" and will do "absolutely everything" to stop them falling behind during the coronavirus crisis.



What a NOTHINGY response!!!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
velvet donkey posted:

Meaningless graphs.


Like being back at school in geography. Still, it wastes time. Give me the Boards of Canada. Dunno if anyone remembers these days. Public information films. Unlike this.


EC'll get that!

Everything You Do Is A Balloon.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson fears second peak from relaxing lockdown


Earthshattering news! - NOT!!!!!!!

Who'd have thought of such an occurrence?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson fears second peak from relaxing lockdown


Earthshattering news! - NOT!!!!!!!

Who'd have thought of such an occurrence?

That is just saying "we will have an extended period of lockdown stretching into May". Doing the groundwork for the next announcement in 2 weeks time.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Roxan posted:

 Since I have been so angry in my recent posts,  I thought I would share a nice story. The staff at an animal shelter in Miami are celebrating because for the first time ever, they have found homes for all of their dogs!

Anger is better out than in but that is a lovely story 😃


People wonder why so many more men are dying of COVID-19


I'll tell you - arrogance

Men think they're above it all

Even the elderly have walked right passed me while in the garden - one saying a cherry 'hello'

Zero attempt at social distancing - many times

@Saint posted:

People wonder why so many more men are dying of COVID-19


I'll tell you - arrogance

Men think they're above it all

Even the elderly have walked right passed me while in the garden - one saying a cherry 'hello'

Zero attempt at social distancing - many times

I often sit on a bench near my front door just to say hello to anyone walking past, however they are about 3 metres away! 

@Former Member posted:

Do you remember when this thread opened? Did anyone think it would get this bad?

With the narcissistic and crazy antics of the president I am losing hope. We are going to be stuck with this here for years..

A journalist asked him a question about the number of deaths here and the strategy to reopen the economy. His response... “A lot of people love Donald Trump you know, a lot of people love me. “

Don't even have the energy to be angry any more. 

Oiiii!!! Be angry. Never give up. We never give up on this forum  

Trump types come and go but we, the masses, will be here forever 

@Former Member posted:

Do you remember when this thread opened? Did anyone think it would get this bad?

With the narcissistic and crazy antics of the president I am losing hope. We are going to be stuck with this here for years..

A journalist asked him a question about the number of deaths here and the strategy to reopen the economy. His response... “A lot of people love Donald Trump you know, a lot of people love me. “

Don't even have the energy to be angry any more. 

When I made this thread I never thought that we would be in this situation, I was just concerned about my granddaughters school x

Donald Trump🤬🤬🤬🤬

@Former Member posted:

Do you remember when this thread opened? Did anyone think it would get this bad?

With the narcissistic and crazy antics of the president I am losing hope. We are going to be stuck with this here for years..

A journalist asked him a question about the number of deaths here and the strategy to reopen the economy. His response... “A lot of people love Donald Trump you know, a lot of people love me. “

Don't even have the energy to be angry any more. 

Looking back on my early posts, I'm sorry to say that I rather did. 


if anything, I was concerned I was over-reacting. I didn't post on this thread until a few days in for fear of coming across as a bit of a doom-monger, but the early claims that people weren't showing symptoms till nearly a fortnight after being infected really worried me as it suggested the extent to which the disease had already spread was being under-estimated. Then I saw a documentary report on a doctor working in Wuhan... That, coupled with the breath-taking arrogance and incompetence of Trump, convinced me this wasn't going to end well...


That said, the one thing I did underestimate was just how badly New York would be hit. Given that the first US cases were in Washington State, I was more concerned for our GaGa friends over there: it didn't occur to me that the East Coast would be hit much, much worse...

Eugene's Lair


Deaths now over 20,000 but we know from most data that it's double that. Priti Patel announcing shoplifting is down and Euginist Dominic Cummings sitting in the Sage meetings and my jaw hit the floor, Herd immunity worked out quite well didn't it Dominic!

What an absolute shitshow, the two most useless leaders in the world have the highest death rate so far. Three holiday Johnson and Detol Trump the hell did we get here. 

I know governments make mistakes but in times like this, you would normally think they would follow the countries that have managed and contained it the best, not the opposite. We are still allowing flights into the country and people walking out of the airport, no test, no temperature checks, and now talks of easing lockdown...


Keep safe folks 



@Saint posted:

Got a slot for Morrison delivery


Went to make a cuppa


It was taken off me for not being quick enough - now i have no order!!!


I hate Morrison 

Oh no I had a similar thing happen on the Sainsbury site ....picked a slot but then told it was gone .....luckily I managed to get another one ...I hope you can too Renton 

@Former Member posted:

Hey @Eugene's Lair be curious to know how you think this will pan out now.

 Roxan :

Just as trying to predict the weather more than 5 days in advance is pointless, I think we’re now in a “Butterfly Effect”-type scenario where there are so many variables in play that anything could happen. That said, there are a few basic observations which many people including myself have been worrying about since day one: apologies in advance if any/all of the following is teaching you to suck eggs... 


1) This won’t be over till we get a vaccine. Not a comfortable thought, but even with some sort of treatment (and that’s not as likely as some are claiming/hoping…), the coronavirus is going to keep coming back until we’ve got proper immunity. That’s why they’re now talking about some sort of social distancing for the rest of the year… 



2) Different parts of the world are being infected at different times and at different rates. This should be pretty obvious, but a lot of people – particularly some politicians – still don’t seem to have fully grasped what that means in practise (e.g. consider the fuss over Georgia State coming out of lockdown...). Some countries are starting to recover from outbreaks, but others are still to undergo one – and that could cause the dreaded “Second Wave” in those first affected…


I’ve been worried about Africa since the beginning: South Africa’s coping incredibly well (thanks to systems previously established to fight HIV and TB), but it's still to hit its peak, and the rest of the continent remains frighteningly unprepared. Others have been worried about South America: it’s not doing too bad so far, but Brazil’s a real worry that could hurt the rest of the continent, as Bolsonaro’s another arrogant Trump clone who’s still in denial.


India and Russia also appear to be reporting misleadingly-low infection rates which could mean delayed peaks (China recently expressed concern about fresh infections from across the Russian border). There’s also Japan, but I think they’ll remain isolated.


And then there’s the general worry of increased infections in the Southern Hemisphere as it enters Winter…


If/when a second wave hits without a vaccine or other form of herd immunity, we’ll be straight back into lockdown…  



3) Most of the Northern Hemisphere will still be recovering when the Winter Flu season hits. This hadn’t initially occurred to me, but as someone who always gets a flu jab I’m starting to get concerned. Even Trump’s mentioned the risk of dealing with coronavirus and flu at the same time, but I’m sure he’s underestimating it. As with a ”Second Wave”, we could find ourselves ramping-down just as we need to prepare again. I’m also worried that the preparation and availability of the flu jab could be affected by the continuing fight against COVID-19.


I hope all this doesn’t give you sleepless nights, folks… 

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair

Please tell me I'm hearing things...did Johnson just say "Many people will be looking at our apparent success" 


We have the second-highest death rate in the world and one-tenth, yes one-tenth of all deaths worldwide so far. Do people really believe his bluster, waffle, and Captain Mainwaring speeches? 


Please tell me I'm hearing things...did Johnson just say "Many people will be looking at our apparent success" 


We have the second-highest death rate in the world and one-tenth, yes one-tenth of all deaths worldwide so far. Do people really believe his bluster, waffle, and Captain Mainwaring speeches? 

Can't listen to him. It's all an act. Knock-off RADA delivery and mannerism. All bluster as you say Dame. No substance and black is white. Do these idiots seriously think we are that stupid to buy this because that's what they're trading on.


Still, for some The Messiah will have returned. Let's see.


Just watched HardTalk on BBC


Chinese Ambassador to UK denies that China was the source of COVID-19

He said it has been found in other places too and the outbreak wasn't just in China

@Saint posted:

Just watched HardTalk on BBC


Chinese Ambassador to UK denies that China was the source of COVID-19

He said it has been found in other places too and the outbreak wasn't just in China

Did he mention the conspiracy theory that it was the CIA who released the disease in China? 

Eugene's Lair


"Trump says China wants him to lose re-election".'s not JUST China. 



I think it's half his medical team and scientific advisors too      


Get Cuomo or Michelle up against him. Wildcard it.


And Stephen Sackur is pretty good Sainty   

Last edited by velvet donkey

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