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Sprout posted:
Carnelian posted:

It's not in my nature to worry about this sort of thing as although I'm in a vulnerable group - it always feels like the media is always trying to frighten people.  But this time I am starting to worry.  I did think twice about going to the supermarket yesterday.

And yet you wouldn't have to, if our shitstorm of a government got it's act together.

Our shitshow of a government can't get its act together while it's led by a class A f***tard!


After months we are still sailing blindfold into this. Act now, even though it's far too late - that horse has bolted. Open borders with people from all over walking through airports unchecked for starters. No thermometers, hand gel or info. Nothing. No info on self-quarantine for Italians or Iranians. Where's the crowd control as in Europe? If you think the NHS is coping with this dream on.


They know how this is heading. Hancock really struggled this morning - you'd think you were about to pull all his teeth. He's a joke like Johnson and the rest of them. This is life v money/economy and this bunch of shysters are going to choose money. It's frightening, completely inept and criminal.

Last edited by velvet donkey

Boris Johnson will say the NHS is well-prepared and the government will "stop at nothing" to fight the virus.



Then why (harsh as it may seem) are we still letting travel into this country happen?

In light of the recent report suggesting that the incubation period is more likely to be 24 days, not 14 (which was just a guess), why are we still saying you are OK if you test negative after14 days? - off you go and waltz about the country to your hearts content!


Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

…….another thing .I've heard is that masks only give 20 minutes protection.


I bet you in the end it'll effectively be seen as a particularly virulent strain of flu!


I'm sorry for the people who have died/ will die, but these things happen - It's called life!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:

…….another thing .I've heard is that masks only give 20 minutes protection.


I bet you in the end it'll effectively be seen as a particularly virulent strain of flu!


I'm sorry for the people who have died/ will die, but these things happen - It's called life!!!

I have to admit that I do wonder why there is so much hype about this . So far , like you say,  it sounds like a virulent flu strain ....which is constantly changing , and which we get every year ...but I’m wondering what they aren’t telling us . As someone in the high risk category,  I switch between blind panic and common sense  I have to admit I’ve stocked up on dettol wipes etc...and I’ve always been overly cautious about hand washing.....but the bottom line is what will be , will be ....or that’s how I feel until the next newsflash 

Last edited by Baz


BBC One 19:30-20:00 ::: Coronavirus: Everything You need to know.


The BBC dedicating a 30 min programme to it is not fanning the flames of panic much !!! 



The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet's population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


BBC One 19:30-20:00 ::: Coronavirus: Everything You need to know.


The BBC dedicating a 30 min programme to it is not fanning the flames of panic much !!! 



The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the deadliest in history, infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide—about one-third of the planet's population—and killed an estimated 20 million to 50 million victims, including some 675,000 Americans.



Yes , bliddy ridiculous .....all they need to do is tell us how best to try and avoid it ....and they’ve already told us that ....most of which is simply common sense 

velvet donkey posted:

How does it transmit?  I might have missed that experiment.


It's all unknown. Where did they get that within 2 metres for 10/15 mins. from?  They're plucking things from thin air.

I agree Velvet 


Apparently when you cough or sneeze, microscopic moisture droplets are catapulted from your mouth and/or nose up to that distance. Therefore to protect yourself as much as possible you should keep that distance (as a minimum) between yourself and other people.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Growing up we were always told to cover our mouths when coughing/sneezing - part of general good manners. Sadly such things as good manners died a death in this country many years ago and unbridled coughing and sneezing is the norm and general good manners is unheard of - mostly.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

'I was at a hospital where there were a few patients and I shook hands with everybody' says Boris Johnson.


Nathaniel Tapley Retweeted Sky News

No you weren't. You went to Kettering Hospital, where there aren't any coronavirus patients. The fact that you felt like making up nonsense that flies in the face of your own government's current medical advice shows what a hooning bellend you are, you thunderingly dull spoon.


I think that reply was tame compared to some of the tweets 

Why does this man feel the need to lie every time he opens his mouth, I really do feel the country is in the hands of idiots, the corrupt and the evil . 

velvet donkey posted:

Can you believe sing Happy Birthday twice is an official government line?


Don't patronise us.

I know what you're saying, Velvet, but one of the things that recent events has brought home to me is just how bad certain members of the GBP are at basic hygiene. 


I was in a pub on Saturday evening that's heavily geared towards family dining, and I retired to the toilets to "wash my hands" before eating. While using the hand-drier, a bloke came out of the stall and walked straight out the door without even stopping to think of running his hands under a tap!  

Not uncommon of course, but still not on under normal circumstances.  Given the current situation, I just stared in shock!

Eugene's Lair

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