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Hi Hicky.
Very cold overnight and a freezing fog this morning.
Everything was white when I looked out the window first thing, and the windscreen of the van was iced up.

The sun came out this afternoon, but everything stayed soaking wet because of the earlier fog. Got up to 4 or 5c in the sun, but was only 2c this morning.


I went and saw the woman about the new job. She seemed pleasant enough. Maybe 2 or 3 hours work. More cutting back stuff than weeding really.
Haven't done anything yet as it was too wet, but I'll go back on a dry day.
I did notice that she was looking at every car that went past. Maybe looking out for the other gardener's pick-up?


Pity your loaf didn't turn out well. Seems a bit hit and miss?
Glad your mortar and pestle came. It sounds a good heavy one.
Yes probably a good idea to turn the outside watering system off while there are frosts.

I should really get some knee pads, because my knees aren't what they used to be. I quite like weeding in the summer, but not in the winter.
There seems to be a lot of ground elder in this rockery, that the woman wants rid of.


ETA: I seem to be the first post on a new page, so you'll probably miss it anyway.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Cool today, 9c sunny intervals, wind of 8.

Didn't do a lot, had bacon and eggs for brekkie, my tea strainer came, it is to get foam or fat from the top of liquids in pans or for straining small quantities of stuff, i have bigger ones but a small strainer is handy.

I did a bit more in the garden, removed the hanging cords that i use to grow the tomatoes up, they are attached to loops of bungee cord as that gives them some flexibility, all the other support strainers i use have bungee cord at one end so i can remove them and swap to other positions.

Made another loaf, that didn't bake either, had it on high heat, a mistake i think, i cut the crusts off all sides and put it back into the machine on a bake only mode, have taken it out, will have to see if i can use it.

For tea i just had a piece of cod, put a couple of spices on and fried it gently with a lid on.

My builder relation, BIL is working on next doors house with his lad, he is re-pointing the outside walls, they wanted them to do the same as us, the special rendering but he said it would be very expensive, the old mortar may be the lime and sand stuff as it falls out with the weather.

Had to alter the heating setting, it was going down to 20c at 5.30pm so have put it to 21c till 10pm.

The 6 settings now are 6am=19c, 8am and 10.30=20c, 12.30 and 17.30=21c, 10pm=19c.

The new job could be ok then, 2 or 3 hours work isn't bad.

I have turned all the outside watering off, and have stopped the computers, will have to remove the batteries now, will test them next Spring to see if they will do another season, they are mainly 'C', i usually test them to see if the voltage is 1.5 or over, if so they can do another year.

Yes, kneeling on hard or damp ground or stone isn't good for the knees, you should always have the strap on pads in the van, the ones that look like tyres but they do the job.

Yes, i stared at the screen wondering where the post was, it then dawned on me that their was a faint new number at the end, i missed the 'Next' that was showing.

Got my eye clinic in the morning at 08.30am 

Got 2 BB recording to watch, i saw Lewis win his 5th F1 Championship, the rules are getting a bit ridiculous, 1 was penalised for using too much fuel on a Lap, one was penalised for the car touching the ground too often, the tyres are a massive problem, it's as if they are trying to ruin the whole thing.


both xxx


you do indeed need the heating on at those temperatures to keep you nice and comfy whilst watching tv. It has been cold here too, a heavy frost, so it is heating on for us too.

How nice you got a new customer, but quite funny how the new client might be on the look out for the other gardner. Maybe she has not been pleased with his work in the past? This will be interesting to see if you find out what went on there.

I agree with Hicky, yes you must get knee pads, you don't want to bring on problems later in life. Should think you could get them easy on amazon?


what is the crumbly cheese you like? I too like crumbly, or a strong cheddar, I also like goats cheese with eg pizza. I am eating a stilton with cranberries at the moment, real nice.

That is good you managed to get a lot done in your garden today.

What a shame you seem to be having a problem with your loaves. I know they do take awhile to get used to though.

We tend to have our heating on about 18c, but I don't feel cold as I wear my fluffy teddy onesie. And we have it on at 15c overnight as I get warm in bed with my fluffy teddy sheets/duvet cover. The teddy range from Dunelm is lovely, daughter has it too.... here it is...The blankets are the warmest I have ever had, recommend one for your OH if she feels the cold after her op Hicky...

I hope the eye clinic goes ok tomorrow, that is an early appointment. Do you have a lift?

Got back from aunts yesterday. , real busy on way home, had to take 2 detours because of accidents, one on m50 and one on m5. But didn't delay us too much. Aunt took us to her local pub for tea, I had halloumi in batter and sweet potatoe chips. Delicous.

Have you tried halloumi Hicky?  If not, I think you would like it .... (fried or battered, we like both).

Been to my friend's house today as someone came about stair lift , and we went for coffee after my  daughter and her friend. So I have loads to catch up with tomorrow now round the house, and paperwork wise.

Watching Bake Off final now....makes me want a do-not now!

Goodnight both xxx


Forgot to say....either of you think Canada will take over BBUK?

I am thinking this because the Canadian BB presenter is currently over here and has appeared on BBOT a few times now.

She was talking about how in Canada it is accepted to be a "gameplayer" HM, whilst it is thought of as something bad here.

Plus our tasks are much better this year, more competitive and they have spent more money and planning on them than they always used to .... Done to catch the attention of possible Canadian buyers to take over perhaps?


Hi both.
Raining off and on today. Little flashes of sunshine inbetween, but not enough to dry anything up. Not quite as cold today perhaps. No frost anyway.
Just stayed in the house.


Hicky. Well done on seeing my post.
Pity you can't seem to get the hang of making loaves. I thought these bread makers did everything, and you just have to shove the ingredients in? Or have you stopped using the bread maker?
Yes, I see that a little strainer might come in useful.


That's good that you can control your heating so exactly.
I'll have to have my heating on earlier in the evening and also in the morning from now on. At the moment it doesn't come on till 7pm, and I find I'm very cold in the house before that, and today i had the electric fire on for a few hours, which is silly because it'd be cheaper to have the central heating on earlier instead.


Good luck at the eye clinic tomorrow.
That was good that Lewis won the F1 championship.


Mollie. Glad you enjoyed your pub meal with your Aunt.
Pity you had to take detours on the way home.
That was nice that you went to your friend's for coffee.


Yes, I see there are loads of knee pads on Amazon. I might get some.
It might be my back that gives problems though, rather than my knees.
When you said "teddy onsie" I imagined you dressed like a teddy bear, with little ears and paws etc, but your link actually looks quite classy.

I noticed the Canadian BB presenter was on BOTS yesterday, but can't see how Canada could take over our one?
Maybe it would be worthwhile trying out the Canadian/USA format over here though.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

10c today, sunny intervals, wind was 10.

Was out early at 10 past 8 to get to the hospital, o/h took me then came home, i rang her about an hour later and she picked me up, they took a picture of my right eye, the doctor said he wanted to see it so i went back to the waiting room, the one who took the picture went to see the doctor then came to me and said i could go home now, not sure if that was good news or bad, i know they said they would monitor it.

Had bacon and black pudding when we got in, then o/h fancied mash with peas and sweetcorn with the lamb loin chops, so i made the mash again as she liked the last lot, kept out of the garden today as i wouldn't be able to see that good until all the eye drops wear off.

Made another loaf and the center collapsed when it was cooking, all was fine before i altered the recipe to add the malt flour, might have to go back to the start.

Mollie, The crumbly cheese is called Lancashire Crumble ÂĢ8.90 / kg

The heating could be lower if i wasn't sitting at the computer / TV all the time, we also have vents in various walls to keep the air circulating, one is in a front room, 2 are in the kitchen which is 3 doors away but the air can pass through each.

I think i will have to start again with the bread, not sure whats wrong.

That Teddy-Bear stuff looks good, o/h doesn't usually feel the cold as she sits in bed watching the TV.

Thats a pain having to take detours to get home, so many accidents, crazy, 50 % of the driving population can't even drive, otherwise we wouldn't have this level of accidents.

I'm sure i've had halloumi  before, but as i like all foods it wouldn't make any difference, if o/h liked it then she would probably buy it so i would have been introduced to it.

Watched Bake-Off, it was good, the winner sure was clever with his baking, and his flavours.

Emptybox, If the weathers not ideal you might just as well stay at home, it cost fuel to drive around.

You are right about the breadmakers, just put the ingredients in, but i strive to make nicer more tastier loaves, thing is they go worse.

This thermostat i am using is the wired one i bought to replace the faulty wireless system i had, it kept breaking down.

Not good using Electric for heating unless you have thermostat control and only use when you are there.


both xxx


Good idea now it has suddenly cooled down to put your heating on earleir, as you say, the electric fire costs more!

Are you nearly ready for your seasonal break from work? How much work do you have left to get done now?

Yes, I think it would be a good idea to try out the Canadian/US BB method of gameplaying here now. I cant' see why a Canadian company could not be planning to buy our BB, and maybe broadcast it online or through another tv channel of ours,.... the USA seems to buy us out of most things now, so it would be a change if a Canadian company bought something. Wonder if it will disappear for a while, then reappear again somewhere else after a break, but in a different format?


sounds like they told you not a lot at the hospital today, but hopefully as they sent you home without the doc asking to see you again, they were ok with your present state. 

Pity the centre of your bread collapsed, sounds a good idea to go back to the method that was working.

You are right, you do feel the cold when sitting, that is when I feel it, at night when I am watching tv, but don't notice in the day.

I'll look out for some Lancashire crumble.

Bit milder today. Been raining on and off quite heavy tonight though.

  Halloween so daughter made lots of goody bags for the kiddies, out of black tissue paper with an orange ribbon. The bags had eg plastic animals, whoopie custion, glow stick, sweets etc in them. About 25 kiddies came and they had all gone by 7pm.

Not a bad day, but some heavy showers this evening on and off.

Went to costco, got a bit of shopping, with a few free food treats thrown in and a baked potato lunch.

Thought BB was  a bit boring last night.

Apprentice time soon.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.

Dull and a bit drizzly today.

I didn't go out because the farm workers came to unblock the drain. The neighbour must have called them in.

They took ages locating the place to dig down to get to the drain, but when they did eventually find it, they weren't long in clearing the blockage with the rods.

It was mainly the neighbour's drain that was blocked, but mine is running much better now as well.


Afterwards I went into town to do some banking.


Hicky. Pity you weren't given much info at the eye clinic, but at least they are keeping tabs on your condition.

Probably best not to try any gardening if you couldn't see properly.

Ah well, I guess you'll just have to persevere with the bread recipes until you find one that works.


Mollie. That was good of your daughter making all those Halloween treats for the kids. Mind you, it just encourages more of them to come round.

Glad you enjoyed your Costco treats.


Yes, it was because I was sitting down at the computer that I needed the electric fire on yesterday. It wasn't as cold today, and I was outside 'supervising' the drain work, so didn't need the heating on early.


Still got quite a lot of work to do. Could do with getting 4 or 5 jobs done before the 6th of November (when I send my bills out). Also I'll have work all through November, but only when the weather is good.


Big Brother is owned by Endemol I thought? They licence it to the TV companies. I can't see how a Canadian company could broadcast it here TBH.

I suppose they could put it on the internet to be watched though?


Enjoyed Apprentice and thought the right one went, but didn't think much of the task. You'd have liked the pink trainers I think Mollie?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

November all ready, 10c today, sunny ntervals, winds of 10 to 14,

Just had a small omelet today, used some mushrooms up.

Went to butchers to give in the Christmas order, got our meats etc as well.

Did some work in the garden, dug the old tom roots up, wow, some where so long, 5ft or so, got to fork over all the beds now so the leaves can be put in and the compost heap spread around the beds.

Made a loaf to the original recipe, was looking online about the malted flour, thats the problem, it said just use 1 or 2 teaspoons per loaf, that was my problem, lost 3 loaves, it said something on the front of the flour but it was in German, it mentioned 20 to 40g per 1kg of flour, but online it said 5 to 10g.

For tea i had cold food, crumbly cheese, Port Sunlight Pie, ploughmans pickle a couple of slices of my bread and a couple of Chabatta biscuits.

Was recording too many programs last night, and watching another so recorded The Apprentice, got a few BB to watch now as well.

Mollie, I was a bit confused after getting the injection, one of the injection staff came out into the waiting area with me as i had felt a bit dizzy after laying so flat during the procedure, she said you can go when you feel ok, i said but they want a picture of my other eye, i said can you check, she went back in and another staff came out and said, yes, come with me for a picture of your eye.

It seems the bread failure is down to the new malt flours i added, the Barley Malted flour says Active, it seems looking at the web that is like a yeast.

Only had 4 callers in a group last night, so got some goodies left over, mind you it was pouring with rain so that was disappointing.

Almost missed them as well as i was waiting for the door chimes, oh dear, heard a faint knock, went to the door, asked if they pressed the bell push, yes they said, oh dear, the battery in the push had gone, wondered why  a delivery the other day was left in a safe place when i was in, the battery was a 12v 23a 28mm x 10mm Alkaline, o/h picked a couple up while out with her Mum shopping, my chimes are doubles, i have 1 in the hall and 1 in the kitchen as it's quite a way away, they are the 20 or more musical tunes to select from.

Those goody bags sound great what your daughter made for the kiddies.

Emptybox, Great news that you got your drain blockage sorted, a good job done, did they build a manhole and cover for next time or just fill it all in again?

Think the bread problem is sorted, realised it only started when i was adding some of the malted flour, it seems i was adding too much, not sure why that stopped the loaf baking, but, it did, i have loads of flour so it didn't matter too much, and flour is pretty cheap.

I noticed the online Amazon flour is so expensive compared to the supermarkets.

We can't watch programs from most other countries without using a VPN, lots of countries restrict you watching, depending on which country you are in.

Even some recipes i want to watch a video and it say, not available in your country.


both xxx


that is a relief for you that the farm workers came and cleared the drain. Did either you or your neighbour have to pay them?

The good thing then is, as you didn't need to switch it on, the drain clearing saved on your heating.

Fingers crossed the weather is ok to let you get your November work done now.

Yes very puzzling about where BB is going next, but surely it can't be a co-incidence in that we have had much better tasks, and a game more like an American/Canadian one, and the Canadian presenter has been on BBOT a few times talking about how they play it . (but of course then again it could just be co-incidence!).

Oh yes, you are right,  I did like the Apprentice pink trainers.


that is good you got in your garden today.

Pity you lost 3 loaves because of the mix up in the recipe. I am sure you will get it right in the end.

Shame you only had 4 callers because of the rain. We had heavy rain showers too but most came inbetween the showers. Good job you have now realised your chime battery needs replacing though.

Daughter has made some soda bread again, and she finds it easier now she has done it a few times. She also found the Cranberry, sage and onion loaves have come on sale again in tescos, so bought one of those. They are so delcious.

Well I did made the effort and went to Aqua Zumba to help my knees today. But flip me, what a fiasco. OH bought me a new lock for the locker and I am so nervous with locks etc as it is. When it was time to leave the pool, I realised I couldn't find the key that was tied to my costume with the elastic band OH had given me for it.. So I got 2 ladies in the pool and umpteem staff from the sidelines looking at the bottom of the pool for it. They came to the conclusion it had gone down the drain as we couldn't find it.  So I had to wait by the locker whilst these guys got a tool to break the lock so I could get my stuff. So it was broke the 1st time I used it! Another bright idea of my OH's for me gone to pot! When  I got home, I washed towels and costumes, then I realised the key and elastic band were in the bottom of the basket! It must of fallen into the pads on the bust of my costume and come out when I washed it .

Think I will talk daughter into going with me next time so I dont' get so flustered.

Enjoyed the silly Halloween episode of BB last night. Hope it is good tonight.

Wonder who will win? Maybe we will be surprised and Sean will take it? Don't mind if she does, she has not been mean.

Nice day today, quite a chill but not as cold as it has been.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.
Nice sunny day here, up to 7c.
I started out wearing my heavy fleece and woolly hat, but had to abandon the fleece jacket as i was getting too warm cutting grass.
Got two more places finished for the season anyway.
Another customer rang up about a tidying up job, but there's no hurry for that.


Hicky. Glad you worked out what was causing your loaves to fail.
That's good that you got all that work done in the garden.

Yes, it's annoying when your doorbell isn't working. I've got a wireless one, with a battery in the bell push part, and the actual ringer plugs into the mains inside. But it keeps losing focus, and you have to unplug and replug the mains part back in to get it to respond to the push.
If I'm expecting a delivery I test it to make sure it's working, but if I get an unexpected caller, sometimes it doesn't work.


No the workers didn't build a manhole, although they agreed that would be the most sensible thing to do, but obviously the farmer would have to pay for it to be done. They just filled in the hole again, and asked me to remember where it should be dug for the next time.
TBF I had remembered more or less where it was, but hadn't realised there were two pipes side by side, and they first of all uncovered the wrong one, which is why they couldn't find the break in it to put the rods in.


Mollie. Sounds like a right palaver with the key to your swimming pool locker.
Hadn't heard of needing to bring your own padlock with you?
Anytime I've been to a swimming pool they've given you the key when you pay to get in, and you keep it in a wristband thing. Mind you, it's years since I've been to a pool (30 years ).


No, the workers work for the farm that owns the cottages, so it's cheaper for the landlady to get them to do the job, rather than calling a plumber or drainage person.
I wouldn't have called them, as my drain was just slow, and was OK as long as i didn't put too much down it. But the neighbours one was blocked completely.


Maybe the Canadian presenter was over because they hope we tune into the Canadian version instead of the UK version. I suppose one of the minor channels could show it? Would be cheaper than making a UK version.
I don't really want to watch Canadians or Americans though.
Yes, I think Sian is actually my favourite to win. Don't suppose she will though. But hope she's not out on Friday. I'd probably rather see Zoe and Brooke go out.


Evening Both.

Not bad today, 11c sunny with light 9 wind.

Didn't do an awful lot, O/h brought my shopping list, not much on that just some fruit and bacon, shrimps and smoked salmon, goats milk red & blue and a jar of horseradish sauce.

Forgot to have brekkie so had a bit of a brunch at about midday, o/h brought a roasted chicken in so made a could of sandwiches with pickle.

Did a bit in the garden, took down the supports i had put up for some trees to take the fruit weight, will be shortening the branches later in the year and will hav to cut down the quantity growing on the trees.

Had the bacon ribs for tea, got 1300g of them yesterday from the butchers.

Just watched the lifr of 5 year olds, love this series.

Got to watch last mights BB yet as well.

Spend a lot of time watching Border Force, Australia and New Zealand, and of course 24 hrs in A&E etc.

Am going to get the Sainsbury's kitchen towels now instead of the costco ones as it's cheaper.

O/H has bought me some shavers etc for my birthday and Christmas presents, early as i was letting a beard grow as i didn't really have the gear to control it, i don't wet shave, never did.

Mollie, I will keep the leftover goodies for any children at Christmas, wasn't here last Christmas was i, was away in NYC.

Oh dear, that wasn't nice losing the key, don't you have any of the clip on key clips, here. :

Maybe best to take daughter with you if possible

Emptybox, Another customer with a clean up job, nice if you can do it when the conditions are good.

My doorbell is the same as yours, have the 2 inside the bungalow, hall and kitchen, they are plugged in, the bell push has that battery in it, i fasten it to the door with blue tack, it works fine, this is my second set as the last one packed in, i need the 2 sounders though with it being a bungalow.

I remember at the other house i had a similar system but it had a selection of frequency settings, you had to set it up then press the bell push, i forgot to push the bell push, the house over the road had a caller, they pressed their bell push and my chimes went, after a couple of days i caught on and reset mine.

Over the area they dug to do the drains can you put a frame of wood to something to mark the area out, a rod manhole should really be accessible all the time, did they break through the sunken pipes to put the rods in then what did they put over the smashed hole while they filled the hole, and how deep was the drain.


both xxx


nice to hear you got some sun to do your jobs and also that you got another new customer.

I agree about annoying doorbells, ours too doesn't work! OH bought a new one, and that too hardly lasted!

Yes they still have those keys on elastic bands but most of the lockers are either taken or the band is broke.

BB... I never thought of that, but you could be right and the Canadian lady was only over to try and get UK viewers for their show.


not like you to forget brekkie, but sounds like you made up for it later with the chicken sanwich.

That's good you got in the garden today and with a nice bit of tv inbetween.

Good idea to keep the left over goodies for Christmas. Oh yes of course you weren't home last Christmas. HOpefully by then your OH will be well on the mend.

The clip on key clips sound interesting, I can't get the link to work though.

Went viewing at the auction today, even more stuff there today than last week. It is always so cold in the warehouse, but I was ok as I had my warm fluffy jacket on that I bought at the auction last May.  Here it is....but of course I didn't pay that much, we got 3 of them in the bottom of a whole box of clothes for around ÂĢ25! So my niece had one and one of mum's ex carers has one too now. I love it, it is so warm.

Went to docs appointment after and she has given me a form to take into the x ray department. She said the physios should help a lot with getting back to walking ok and my balance. So just waiting for my appointment now.

I hope Sian stays as  think she is a nice girl and has been a good competitive HM. Not keen on the other 2 girls though, especially Brooke.

Am watching Goggle box... and how exciting isn't it??  As they have shown 3 Christmas ads so far. Asda, PC world and Lidl. I must get some more Christmas shopping in now.

Goodnight both xxx



Another nice sunny day here, but with a hard frost first thing. Got up to about 7c this afternoon.

Got another place finished for the season. That leaves two place I should get done by Tuesday, so hopefully either tomorrow or Monday is a good day.


Had a bit of a fright today. I was driving along and I saw a large bird by the side of the road. It was a Buzzard I think. And for some stupid reason, just as I was passing, it took off in front of me dragging  it's kill. It had no chance of taking off quickly, and I had no chance of avoiding it.

I don't think I hit the Buzzard, but it dropped it's kill, which I think was a Rabbit, and it splatted on my windscreen and bonnet. There was guts and blood everywhere. I had to stop and clean the worst of it off with a clump of grass. Blech! 


Hicky. That's good that your shopping came, and you could get a bit done in the garden.

Good job you made up for a lack of brekkie with a good brunch.


Your Birthday's not for ages Hicky. I think your OH must be subtly sending you a message that she wants you to spruce yourself up a bit?


My doorbell has a few choices of tones, but I don't think it has different frequencies. Not sure what the neighbours have, but have never had a conflict like you had.

The hole in the pipe has been there since before we moved in 26 years ago.

It's a plastic pipe, and there's a bit of plastic drain pipe that covers the hole, with some large stones to hold it on, then the soil on top. Seems to work OK, but a nuisance having to dig it every time.

The pipe's maybe 18 inches below the surface?


Mollie. It was an existing customer that rang up. She's just remembered another area she wanted me to tidy up.


That was obviously a good bargain fluffy jacket that you won at the auction, and has proved very useful.

Hope you get an appointment for the Physio soon.

Can you go for the X-ray any time you like, or do you need an appointment for that as well?


It's too early for Xmas ads Mollie, and I don't really get the point of that Kevin the carrot ad? He's far too small to be driving that truck.


Really sad that Sian went tonight I voted for her to be the winner.

Think I might give Akeem a vote now.



Evening Both.

Not so nice today with 13c light rain winds of 16 to 19.

Didn't do a lot outside, just got rid of the old tomato plants, the wind was annoying so went back into the house.

Had Mac & cheese on toast for brekkie, then decide to have a biscuit and cheese tea with tomato, smoked salmon, ploughmans pickle and fig pickle to save cooking.

Watched last nights BB recording, loved the storeroom task, it's great when they can get some food, sorry to see 2 go really, have a feeling Cameron could win.

Looking forward to Strictly tonight, think there will be a lot of fireworks tonight.

Mollie, When o/h is getting in between 10.30 and noon i leave brekkie till she arrives in case she wants me to make brekkie for us both, if she doesn't i can then make something, she doesn't like too much fried food.

 Not sure why the keyring link wouldn't work, it wasn't even active, i copied and pasted it to try and even that was dead.

It should help when you get the X-Ray, didn't realise so much doesn't show up though, the CT scans are fantastic but cost an awful lot.

Don't you get cold at the auctions, that wont help your condition, the fluffy jacket will keep you warm though.

Emptybox, Oh, heck, a flying rabbit, that sure would give you a shock, i think the bird was giving you the rabbit for tea, the bird didn't respect your clean van.

Yes, o/h did drop a hint some time back, but i was letting the beard grow so it is easier to cut because i can see it better when it's longer.

The chimes i have now don't have multiple freq options, i don't think.

It seems strange that the drain blockage area keeps getting opened and filled again, i suppose no-one wants to pay to get the hole bricked around with a manhole cover fitted.

strictly now, yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.



Hi both xxx


oh no, what an awful experience with the dead rabbit all over your van, and the fright of it all happening whilst driving. You must of felt real stressed after that. 

That's good you got another job done and now only have 2 to do now. HOpe it is dry now for you to get it done.

I can just go when I want for the x ray, doc put a sticker on my form saying the hours they are open. So that is like the walk in physio thing I went to. I will go early morning in the hope it is not a long wait.

Yes it was sad Sean went last night, I too want Akeem to win now.


Mac and cheese on toast is an unusual choice for brekkie, but I am sure you enjoyed it.

Me, OH and son met my friend for brekkie in Weatherspoon again. Then went to do a bit of Christmas shopping, only got one gift and ended up in M and s buying food treats.

yes great tasks on BB. I agree Cameron could win, but I really don't want him to! Something about him I am not keen on, not sure he is genuine.

X factor was annoying how they messed up the sound on 2 of the acts! Obviously it is not live any more as they never even referred to it. Not fair at all on those 2 artists. I think there are 2 execllent stand out singers  imo this series. One is Scarlett and the other is the tall guy whose names begins with a D.

Went to tesco with daughter and OH and bought some party food for bonfire night. Hope it is dry so we can go to display.

Goodnight both xxx

edit...just seen they have cancelled the voting until tomorrow night, they should give those 2 artists chance to sing again then  though.


Hi both.

Rainy most of the day, so no work, but quite warm outside actually.

Just went out to check the oil and tyres on my van, and it was slightly drizzling then.

I stayed inside at the computer most of the day, but didn't need the heating on today luckily.


Hicky. That was a good excuse, that you were letting the beard grow out so it was easier to cut. Seems your OH wasn't buying it though.

Yes it'll be down to cost that they've never put in a manhole.


Mollie. I was a bit stressed yesterday anyway, as I started out then realised I had forgotten to take my lunch, so I had to turn back and get that. And I hadn't long started out again when the incident with the Buzzard occurred.

I was quite upset that I might have hurt a big bird of prey.

I don't mind if a Pheasant or a Pigeon flies up, as they are stupid, and more or less commit suicide, but you'd think a bird of prey would have more intelligence?

Perhaps it was a juvenile with not enough experience?

Wasn't nice anyway. I don't like killing anything really.

I just hope it got away unscathed, but must admit I didn't go back to check, as I wouldn't have wanted to try to put a Buzzard out of it's misery if it'd been injured. Could have been dangerous.


That's good that you can go for the X-ray whenever suits you. It's the same system up here I think.

Hope you enjoyed your Xmas shopping, even though you didn't buy many gifts.


Yes, enjoyed X-Factor. I liked Shan, Scarlett and Bella. Dalton was quite good as well, but he went for too many high notes IMO.

Didn't like the two blokes who sounded like they were singing from the bottom of the sea. Don't see how anyone would vote for them?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Didn't do a lot today, organised the roast dinner for when o/h got in, a nice half leg of lamb, with veg, my home made mash and lovely gravy.

Just had a round of toast for brekkie, just had some butter on it as i didn't want too much in case it put me off the main meal later.

Did a bit in the garden, mainly raking the raised beds, got rather a lot more leaves to collect though.

Going to make another loaf as SIL coming in the morning for brekkie and i always make a new loaf ready, we all sit down and have toast and marmalade.

Mollie, Is Mac & Cheese unusual for brekkie, oh, thought it was as usual as beans on toast, or Spaghetti on toast.

I see you had brekkie in Weatherspoons again, a great idea and lovely to get out, and even better with 4 of you.

Haven't been watching X-Factor as don't like their format or the way the singers are treated, only like the head judge Simon as well.

Will record Strictly tonight as the darts are on.

Not too bothered who wins BB now, i would like Cian to win as out of the ones left he has been the most entertaining.

Party food eh, well, i have every food known to man, will have to dig some out.

Emptybox, It's amazing what difference a few degrees make to the heating, but of course when it's controlled by a thermostat every degree counts.

The beard story was right, the foil type razors on get the short spikes, any that get missed lay down and then grow, so the only thing to do is use a trimmer like they use in the hairdressers, i had one but a bit difficult to use, o/h bought me a new Braun Series 7 smart shaver kit and a Braun Face & Head trimming kit, so i have no excuse now.

I can't believe that when the drains starting blocking many years ago they didn't decide that the best thing would be to build the proper manhole which is normal for rodding access to drains.


Hi Hicky.
Sunshine and showers today.
Just went for the paper this morning and Sainsburys this afternoon.


Sounds like a nice roast that you made for your OH.
Hope the bread turns out OK for SiL in the morning.


I have a beard, so only need to shave underneath it, on my neck, but I use a trimmer first to get the longer hair, then a shaver. As you say, if you just use a shaver it tends to leave longer hair, if you've let it grow for a few days.


I still watch X Factor, but haven't been as keen these last couple of years, as there's been nobody to get behind and support.
I think my favourite judges this year have been Robbie Williams and his wife. Can't stand Simon Cowell.


I think the landlord/farmer has always just sent the men down to unblock the drain, they've never had a look themselves. So there's been nobody to take a decision about a manhole.


Looking forward to watching Doctor Who at 7pm.
I'll think about what I'm going to have for supper after that.


Evening Emptybox.

Didn't do a lot today, SIL came so we had toast and marmalade for brekkie, walked around the garden, nothing really to do but pick up leaves so i didn't bother, got my hat with the ear flaps which i got in NYC, will use it for the winter, good in the garden.

BB final tonight, should be good,

For tea, decided on butter chicken, just making some Chapati's to eat it with.

Have ordered a 45th anniversary thingie for o/h, it's a Blue Sapphire Necklace Pendant in sterling Silver with Blue Sapphire being the anniversary thing.

12c today, cloud all day, light wind of 8.

The bread turned out fine, have had to order more seed for the bread, will only make it with seed, think you need it.

I don't have the eye or the mirror to mess with trimming a beard etc, i grew it once but had no chance of trimming it so now i just get rid of it when i can.

Oh, isn't that strange, i like Simon, but he does judge with music sales in mind whereas the others just like the music, thats why they pass stuff that Simon wouldn't, he's a lord Sugar of the music industry, i would back him as he's a business man, Robbie and the others, not sure what they are.

I am wondering if the landlord really knows that the farmers that come have to dig up the ground every time to clear the drain, i bet she thinks there is a manhole all ready built, how would she know there isn't one?

Oh, dear must have missed Doctor Who again, will have to find on demand.

IAC back this month as well, yippeeeeeeeeeee.

The BB final  on tonight.

Last edited by Hicky

Gggrrr had that damn "sign in to reply" message yet again!

both xxx


Hope the weather was ok for you to get those planned jobs done.

Did you enjoy Dr Who this week? 

Hope your symptoms have not come on following the van/bird incidents.


that New York city hat will come in very usefull when the winter comes.

I bet your SIL enjoyed your home made bread with her marmalade?

What a lovely gift for your OH for your anniversary. I am sure she will be well impressed you found the relevant jewell for the 45th anniversary.

Xfactor...My fave judge is Louis. My fave singer is Scarlett. I think she is brilliant. But I also like Dalton. Glad to see they showed them all singing last night as those 2 fellas had missed out with the sound problems.

Went to Cardiff with daughter today as we had to see someone in OU about her course. She has decided to defer the last course of her degree until next year so she can get some work experience.

Then we went to see local fireworks, they were lovely, the weather was dry and mild, so perfect. Then we had party food when we got home.

Looking forward to the BB final tonight.

Won't mind Aseem or Caen taking the prize.

Wonder if it is the last we will see of BB altogether? Hope not.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.

Cloudy and dull today, but at least it was dry and mild. Up to 9c.

Got 2 jobs done, and looked at another, but it didn't need the grass doing. So I got everything done that I needed to before Tuesday.

Still got busy days ahead in the next couple of weeks, but the pressure is off a bit.


Hicky. That sounds like a lovely anniversary gift for your OH.

Glad your loaf turned out OK for SiL.


Not sure what you mean about not having a mirror to trim a beard, but I understand about your eyesight. You could always get your OH to trim it for you?


Simon's certainly made a big success of his career, but not sure he's good for the acts he's signed? He seems to not allow them to release albums for ages after X Factor, so they are in danger of being forgotten by the public.

Saara Aalto was signed to him, after coming second, but she was getting nowhere, so she had to break with him and sign to Warner, and she's now got a successful album out. 

BTW she is going to be on Dancing on Ice on ITV in January.

Which means I suppose I'll have to watch it this time.


Mollie. Yes, having to keep signing in is very irritating.

Thankfully my symptoms are behaving themselves at the moment.


I really enjoyed this week's Dr Who, but it hasn't had a very good reception in the forums. I think people are taking it too seriously, and are wanting it to be exactly the same as previous series, whereas it's a different show now.

But I'm just enjoying it as an entertaining show, and am loving Jodie Whittaker.


Glad you enjoyed your local fireworks display. I heard some tonight and took a while to realise what they were, as I'd forgotten the date.


Pity Cameron won BB. I'd have preferred Akeem. Ah well.

Emma got a bit emotional, saying it was the last final.

I suspect we'll see it again, in one form or another.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A cloudy miserable day here, warm at 15c with a 11 to 15 breeze.

Had bacon and black pudding on toast for brekkie.

Made tomato soup, i made a couple of litre, o/h had a bowl full, but she said she could taste the onion in it, i had roasted the tomatoes but the recipe said gently fry and onion, only had small ones in the fridge so did 2.

Did a bit more clearing up in the garden, cut the Asparagus fern's down, will lay them over the raised bed when i'm finished.

My Chapati's i made last night were lovely with a portion of butter chicken, going to see if i can get the correct flour tomorrow as we are going to Burley Dam and they have special flour there.

Had some spring rolls from my freezer for tea, very nice.

 Mollie, Not very good at getting any type of gift for anyone so not sure if it's the thing to do, i probably forgot the other 44 years but better late then never.

Stayed in to listen to the fireworks from the local fields i imagine, not sure where they came from but an awful lot.

I watched the BB final on a 1 hour delay of course, wanted Cian to win as he had been by far the most amusing after Thomasz left, didn't even want Akeem or Zoe in the final or Cameron, what did he do for the show.

I had to agree to cookies and sign in again yesterday, lucky it was before i had posted.

 Emptybox, Didn't realise you still had a couple of weeks work to do still, thats good.

What i mean about beard trimming is looking in a mirror to work on my face, i find it difficult and would make a mess, i would never get the right and left side to match.

Thats always been the problem with those on X-Factor if you are signed to Simon they have control, total control.

Looking Forward to IAC this month, not sure when it starts yet.

My bread seed came today, it's a 7 seen mix 2 x 1kilo bags.


both xxx


that's great you got all done that you needed to do on time. At least, so far the weather has been quite acceptable to enble you to get your work done.

I know what you mean about Simon and leaving new artists. It is so annoying, the public vote for their winter, then they disappear for  whole year until they appear on X factor a year later!

That is interesting about Saara and DOI. I hear Gemma Collins is too. I love that show so will be watching anyway.

Glad you are still enjoying Dr Who, I too read some were not enjoying it.

I was not happy at all about Cameron winning!


Do you mean your OH does not like the taste of onion in tomato soup?

That's good you enjoyed the chapatis, hope the butter chicken turns out ok.

I am sure your OH will appreciate such a lovely gift, and appreciate the 44 year wait was worth it.

I too am looking forward to IAC. Wonder how Holly will do?

Watched Lego Masters, really interesting. Watching "School" now. The cut backs in our schools are scary now. Poor kids, poor struggling staff.

Went to my GP exercise referral interview today, so that is all approved now, just have to wait to see physio then can start in the gym or hydro therapy at a cheap rate.

Then got food shopping in Asda, bought a couple of half price jumpers in the sale.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.
Not bad day here, quite warm actually, and sunny this morning. More cloud this afternoon, but still mild. Up to 10c.
Got a couple of jobs done, including my new customer. Tidying her rockery.
Didn't get it all done, as i had a vanfull of rubbish to take away, but I'll go back next week to finish the job.
She seemed quite pleased anyway. At least that's what she said.


Hicky. Were those your own tomatoes that you used for the soup or bought ones? I ate the last of mine on Saturday, so had to buy some from Sainsburys.

That's good that you could get some clearing up done in the garden.

Glad your Chapatis were a success.


Mollie. Yes, the tabloids were running articles saying that people were turning off Doctor Who because it's gone too PC, but the viewing figures they were quoting were misleading. They were quoting 6.1 million viewers for Sunday's prog, and saying it was lower than earlier series which got over 7 million. But the 6.1 million were overnight figures and the 7 million figure was a consolidated figure which included catch-up viewers taken over a week. So they weren't comparing like with like.
It's actually doing better in the ratings than previous series.
But yeah. the reaction to Sunday's episode was very mixed, although I thought it was an excellent episode.


Yes I'd heard Gemma Collins was doing DOI. Can't see her lasting the pace, but you never know.
Saara is already a good skater, having grown up in Finland, but that might count against her, as the public tend not to like people who are good right from the beginning, for some reason.


That's good that you've now got approval to do the aqua exercises under the Physio.


Watched Celebrity Hunted. I enjoy it, although i think it is stage managed to a certain extent.
I mean if they really wanted to hide, just take enough food for 2 weeks, and stay in a tent in the countryside. They'd never find you.




Evening Both.

A dry morning with a wet afternoon, 13c with varying winds of 17 down to 12 then up to 14.

We went to Burley dam, didn't eat, was getting a few bits, got a Christmas card for o/h and  a few tasty bits, got a nice pack of fly pies, as i call them.

They had no Chapati flour so will have to order from Amazon.

Went to Parkgate for Fish & Chips, ow the size of the fish, amazing, it covered the whole dish, only got small chips though as you get so many, it is defo the best Fish & Chips i've ever had, and they only cook the fish when you walk in, they have non stored in the heater unit.

For tea will just be having brown shrimps and mayo on crackers.

Mollie,  For some reason o/h has started to have onions repeat on her, similar to what spices do, not sure why, then last night i realised i had used the wrong recipe, i had the one i should have used on my desk with some other post it notes, darn it.

The anniversary gift arrived, will keep it under wraps for now, not sure when you give it though.

Looking forward to IAC, show, it starts on Sunday the 18th Nov, love Holly.

Watched more of the 4 year olds, so interesting.

It seems strange without BB any more.

Hope you get your exercise or hydro stuff sorted and cheaper.

I got rid of all my winter jumpers, put them in a charity bag, too awkward getting them on and off all the time, so i went over to the zip up ones as i can put them on like a coat, so much easier.

Emptybox, I'm sure working on rockeries is a big job, i'v had a couple in the past, not a nice thing to tidy up.

Yes, the tomatoes were mine, a lot really, i managed to get half to ripen in dishes in the kitchen, forgot to get a banana, should put in a brown bag with the toms as that ripens them, i roasted them all in the oven, 180c for 30 mins, added to the onion, my bad, then blitzed with the blender and put through the sieve then added 1 litre of stock, 2 table spoons of tomato puree and some cream, should have left the onions out i think.

I think the secret is being able to make the Chapati's thin enough, it says it's just whole wheat flour but it also seems that all flour is classified as fine medium and course and it also seems that Indian Chapati flour is called Atta flour, i will get there, could take a while. 

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
Drizzly and windy day here, but not cold.
Did get out to do one job this afternoon, but even then it started drizzling.


Pity you didn't get the chapati flour at Burley Dam, but sounds like you found some treats to buy anyway.
The Fish & Chips sounds great.

Haven't tried roasting the tomatoes for the soup. I just fry them in a pan with the onions and add the stock etc. Think most soup recipes include onions, but if your OH doesn't get on with them, you can probably leave them out.


When you say you don't know when to give the Anniversary gift, do you mean that you've forgotten when the actual day is?
Just have it wrapped up and easily available, then when your OH gives you your card/gift, you can produce it quickly.


Looking forward to the Apprentice tonight.


both xxx


that is good your new customer seemed pleased.

De Who...Well I guess we should not be too surprised about the tabloids misleading us with figures if it makes a story for them!

Yes with her history, it will be really interesting to see if Gemma does last the course on DOI.

You are right , those Hunted people do seem to make it easy to find them!


you are really organised buying your OH a Christmas card already.

Glad to hear you enjoyed your nice fresh fish and chips so much.

What a shame you got your tomato soup recipe wrong. Your poor OH having trouble with some foods now, I think that is quite common. I can't touch garlic stuff now,

That is good it is not too long until IAC, as you say, it is odd with no BB.

I think it would be nice to give your OH the anniversay gift on the actual date of your anniversary. Hope she likes it.

The only downfall with Emptybox's idea about when to give your OH the gift,is what if your OH doens't give you a gift or card? 

Went for x ray firs thing this morning, no one waiting when we got there , and waiting room was full when we left, so it was good to go early. Have to wait 7 - 10 days for results.

After I called in physio dept to ask how much longer I have to wait (I have been waiting 5 weeks) and they said it was average 10-12 weeks, but then said they had a cancellation today, did i want it? And of course I did! Anwyay they did lots of checks and movements and asked lots of questions, even got me to walk. I was shown what exercises she wanted me to do , and had to return in 2 weeks. She gave me a walking stick and showed me how to use it, to ease the pressure off my bad leg and help prevent me falling. So I have to get used to it now.

Going to watch Apprentice now.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie.

That was good that you got an early appointment with the Physio. Pity you need a walking stick though.

I would have thought it better to wait for the X-ray result before starting physiotherapy? Or have you been advised to start immediately?

Good that you got in to the X-ray department before the crowds anyway.


Ah well, if Hicky doesn't get a gift or card he just keeps schtum, and sells the gift on Ebay..............everyone's a winner.


I think Lord Sugar fired the right one tonight.

Think I'm a fan of Jackie now, after seeing her in that uniform.


Evening Both.

Cool but dry today, 12c cloud and winds of 9 to 13.

Didn't do much, had bacon sausages and egg for brekkie, for tea decided to make a stir fry with some sliced rib beef and a pack of veg stir fry o/h brought in, did some fried rice to go with it, very tasty.

Mollie, Yes, the soup didn't need the onion, but not sure why it was a problem, she always has onions in the food, and she had pickled onions with the fish and chips, no problem.

Oh, right, give the anniversary present on the day, wasn't sure if it's given ahead of time or not.

Yes, if you go early you get seen early because there are no appointments as they don't really work well in the X-Ray department.

I hope the exercises help with your problems anyway, it should.

Didn't watch the Apprentice, have recorded it, but i find them all so stupid it is just annoying to me.

Emptybox, I've ordered the Chapati flour, it's a lot dearer online but it doesn't seem to be sold in this part of the country.

It was just that the soup recipe said that the tomato's should be roasted, to give a roasted flavour to the soup.

I meant that do you give the anniversary gift before the day or on the day, thinking about it we are going for an anniversary meal on that day, the 17th so could take the gift with me.

Been watching the 5 year olds, so good.


both xxx


hope the weather was ok for you to get some work done, or are you up to date now?

Yes I too thought the physio wouldn't want to start until the x ray results and when I asked about this , they said it was ok to continue. She did go and look at the x ray, but she said the results had not been recorded yet.

Apprentice....Interesting how seeing Jackie in uniform has promoted your support for her.


that is strange how your OH didn't like the onion flavour in the soup,but eats picked onion. At least you know for next time you make the soup.

I know anniversay cards are usually given on the day, so pressies usually are too. I guess if people have a party, they might choose to celebrate on the weekend, which could be a differnt day to the actual anniversary, so in that case they would be getting presents on a different day to the actual anniversary. But as you are going for a meal on the actual day, when you go for the meal would be a great time to give it to her.   What a lovely surprise that will be for her.

Went to aqua fit today and daughter helped me with my physio exercises, so I am hoping it will all help to strengthen the leg muscle problems. The physio thinks I have damaged tendons and ligaments..

Not much to watch on tv tonight.

I agree the 5 year old show is absolutely lovely. I really enjoyed it, the children were so cute with the oldies.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.

Cooler here as well, but quite a nice dry day.

Went into town to get my prescription then did a tidying up job.


Hicky. Yes, give the present on the day.

Strange that you can't buy Chapati flour somewhere in Liverpool?


Mollie. Ah well, if they say it's fine to carry on with the aqua exercises, then the X-ray was probably OK.

Hope they help with your problems. Nice that your daughter went with you.


Watched DIY SOS then the thing on Prince Charles, now 'Rich House Poor House' on +1.



Evening Both.

12c today, cloudy with strong winds of 14 to 18 but expected to be 40-ish from 5pm to 10pm.

Forgot to have brekkie again, was waiting for o/h to come in, she had a few bits of shopping then the shopping delivery came, put that away then started on my Easy Beef Stew.

Then found out i had no beef in so decided to use mince and make it into meat balls, problem was it took about 4 hours as i was cooking the veg, cooking the pots part done, making the meat balls, cooking them, making the dumplings and cooking them, added a few spices to the stock, thickened it with flour/water mix when all cooked, it was very nice, just had a big soup bowl type dish, may have another.

Mollie, Right, give gift on the day, what about the card, will have to give that in the morning i assume.

If you have damaged tendons and ligaments then that would explain the problem, but it will take longer to sort itself out.

I find the way the 4 and 5 year old think interesting, it's good having an insight into what they think.

Emptybox, I'm not in Liverpool, i'm over the water on the Wirral Peninsular, i don't like going to Liverpool really to shop and you have to park in multi-story car parks as they don't have much parking space.

At least you got your prescription, have to order mine in a couple of days.


Thank you very much El Loro.
Another year older, but none the wiser.


Hi Hicky.
Cold dull and windy here. Didn't fancy working in that on my Birthday, so stayed in.
I had all my invoicing to do though, so not exactly a day off.
Went into town to get some more envelopes as I'd run out, also posted some of the invoices off at the same time.


Pity you missed out on brekkie, but sounds like your meat balls were worth the wait.
I knew you were in The Wirral, but thought there'd be good public transport between there and the city? I suppose the Mersey is quite a barrier though? Looks like there are only a couple of road tunnels connecting, unless there are ferries as well?
Maybe a wee bit too far to walk right enough?


Very little on the box tonight by the look of it. I might watch Michael Portillo.


both xxx


good for you, for avoiding the bad weather and so having a sort of day off work,  for your birthday. (despite the invoicing). After all it does only come round once a year.

Did you manage to have a bit of cake for your birthday? Or a beer maybe?

Do you not watch Gogglebox now? I still really enjoy it and they often give me ideas of tv shows to watch that I would not of noticed otherwise.


Gosh your easy beef stew certainly ended up being not so easy did it ? But glad you enjoyed it when it was done.

That is a great idea to give the Anniversary card on the acutal morning of the anniversary, then your OH will assume that is all she will get, so it will be a nice surprise when you later present her with her special gift when you go out for the meal. If you get chance to get some, it would be nice to wrap it up in gift paper, or get a gift bag to put it in.

Gosh my exercises the physio has given me are hard work, but already seem to be helping and the stick certainly is.

This morning went with daughter to docs, poor thing has an ear infection, so has to put this steroid/antibiotic spray in her ear and then olive oil. It has been bothering her for awhile now and she has been feeling really tired, but was too nervous to go to the docs, as it was a completely new surgery to us.

Went to view at the auction again today, a few things we might be interested in. Lots of people go now, but each week they seem to have lots and lots of more stuff. Must be due to all these shops closing down.

Goodnight both  xxx


Hi Mollie.

Thanks for the Birthday greeting.

That's a lovely looking girl in the pic, and all that red hair.


Unfortunately I didn't think to get anything special in, when I went to the supermarket, so I didn't have any special cake, and I only have one beer in, which is saved for Saturday's spag bol.

I did have beefburgers chips and beans, which was a sort of treat for me.


Sorry to hear of your daughter's ear infection. Must be very irritating.

Hope the meds clear it up quickly.

That's good that there is stuff you might be interested in at the auction.


Very rarely watch Gogglebox nowadays, but kind of wish I had tonight, as the Michael Portillo prog was a bit boring.

Never mind, I'm now going to watch my Doctor Who episode.........for the third time.


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