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that coconut oil link is the one I bought, but i bought it from Amazon. Will try it to fry food with and to roast veg, and will also put it on my skin in the sun. Changai beach looks lovely in the picture, bet you got a great tan after applying your oil by the pint.   I too like a bit of oil on my skin to keep it moist when sitting in the sun, and don't use sunblock as it blocks the vit D and we need that. But I don't stay long enough to burn my skin.

so I can see why you use sunblock Emptybox, as you spend so long in the sun during your work.

Very interesting what you say about mushrooms and vit D, will have to remember that.

I like Diana Vickers and think Kelly is good on Celeb Juice. (when I remember to watch it, that is).



That is good news, that you have a new customer. Did someone recommend you to them? I agree, the last episode the The Syndicate was good.

I too watched Phil Spencer, don't think he is doing too well though, the 2nd house is still for sale, but of course he did try and tell the seller she was asking too much. And last week, one of the two houses was still for sale.

I think BB will be more interesting if we have some older contestants, they are often the most entertaining ones.

Interesting that Rylan is doing BBOT's, which probably means it is going to be rubbish again, so not really bothered who does BBOT's, as I probably won't bother watching it and will just enjoy the main show, without BBOT's giving away what is going to happen on the main show.


Had a busy couple of days, went with daughter round the Uni for Open Day yesterday, and today had to take her finance forms in for them to go through with me, they were complicated.

Not looking forward to her leaving home at all, am sure she will be homesick for awhile and I will miss her terrible, but hopefully she will settle after a while. She is a quiet girl who says she doesn't want to go getting drunk or clubbing, so I hope she will fit in ok, as I know Uni's are mainly drinking culture based now. She  will be able to join a few clubs though who do other things she is interested archery


We are going to see Oliver tonight at the local theatre, so must get a move on.


Am recording Secret Eaters.

Have a good evening all. xxx


Evening All.


It's strange all this talk about Rylan but he says it's just rumours.



Stories today, I haven't confirmed anything yet, until I say it, all just rumours xxx


A rather miserable day, sun just come out, too late though.


Had syrup porridge for brekkie, had the rest of my chicken Rendang earlier, just had a double helping of Laksa soup and 2 baked spuds.



Well the sun came out this afternoon, so I managed to get a bit done.


Yes somebody recommended me to the new customer Mollie.

I need sunblock because I have pale skin. Just 5 minutes in the sun without it and my ears and nose start to burn, and the back of my neck.


I'm sure your daughter will be fine at Uni. I was/am very quiet but I did OK. Did get drunk a few times mind you.

Enjoy Oliver tonight anyway.


Hi Hicky. Yes I saw that tweet from Rylan, after I posted earlier. Think it's almost certain he'll be doing it though.


Secret Eaters and then The Politician's Husband on BBC2 probably.

Not sure what to have for supper? Think I'll just surprise myself.


Just made a bowl of sliced fresh fruit, just orange, plum and banana.


O/H has been buying foods we don't usually have but I'm enjoying it.


Couldn't do much in the garden today, pumped most of the water from the tub saucers, when the plants aren't in full bloom the water gets contaminated with Algae so i thought it best got rid of, the wetness of the compost is fine.


I have put labels for each tub, even the ones i haven't got the plants for yet.


Watched the Hotel Inspector, now watching Masterchef.





I like those syrup porridges.   Makes a change from toast for brekkie.

Shame you couldn't get much done in your garden yesterday. Did you manage to get in the garden after work today?



did the hail prevent you doing your gardens?  We too had a hail storm, and I had to quickly get in all the washing as it was nearly dry. Hail didn't last too long though.

Thanks for telling me you too were quiet at Uni but coped allright.  I worry about her being so quiet, because the only students you ever see on tv are those brimming with confidence. Which Uni did you go to? Was it when you were in Norwich area? Uni fees are still free for Scottish students, but we have to pay ÂĢ3500 a year here, but in England it is a massive ÂĢ9000!  Hopefully she will get some sort of bursary to help out though, as she worries about all the debt.


I too am watching Ice Cream girls. It was quite good last week.   at that awful teacher.


Let's hope for some dry weather this weekend.


took doggie on beach today, am well enough, at last.

Good job I took her as she can't go on the main beaches again until September, after Tuesday as the holiday season starts on May 1st. So I will take her again this weekend. 


have a good evening all. xxx


Hi Mollie.

Glad you got your walk on the beach.


Didn't get any grass cut. I went out for a look, but it was too wet.

That's certainly a daft looking dress that Gwyneth Paltrow had on.


I went to Edinburgh University and got a degree in Biological Sciences (a BSc).

No tuition fees, but we had to pay for accomodation etc.

I left Norfolk when I was 7, so I'd have been a prodigy if I'd gone to uni by then.


Not sure about that bloke in Ice Cream Girls? He might be playing both of them? We also haven't been shown which one did it yet. Last episode next week.


Evening All.


Not a bad day, like yesterday, cool all day but sunny as well.

Forecast was saying rain all the time but it never came here.


The porridge was nice Mollie, need a little sugar, syrup or Honey on it though.


O/H did some shopping, fruit, nuts, fish and shellfish.

Potato's for baking, got lots of goodies anyway.


BGT & The Voice tonight.


Got a Christening tomorrow


My Lad has moved into his new house in Oz, had to go out to the store for more stuff.

He ordered a 62" Super TV, a Microwave Oven, a Washing Machine and some other bits and they delivered them within the hour.


Thats a strange dress Mollie, it's alright though.

Some people just like to be different.


Pity it's too wet for you Emptybox, we haven't had much at all, i'm trying to make sure the plants don't get too much water.





Pity it was too wet to get the gardens done. at the thought of you age 7 at Uni. I have heard that Edinburgh is one of the top Uni's, and of course it is where Prince Wills and wife went.

Ice cream girls... yes you are right, we haven't actually seen the murder so can't be sure which girl it was. Good storyline this one.



Glad your OH is looking after you shopping wise.   Hope your lad settles well in his new place, is it in Brisbane?  He has certainly made sure his tv is big enough, hasn't he?

How nice that you are invited to a Christening tomorrow. Is the youngster one of your family, or just friends? I hope you enjoy it.


Not a bad day here today, we only had a quick shower, but the wind was cold, so am still wearing my pink spotty ski jacket to keep the wind out.


Really enjoyed BGT. at the sword fella... how weird was he, with that wax in his eyes?  Watching The Voice now. Really like Saturday night tv.


Has anyone else heard about this new reality tv channel? It is called TLC and starts on Tuesday.


I am going with daughter to a concert in Cardiff tomorrow night, she wanted to see this pianist she like, I don't really know who he is. Have you heard of him?

Ludovico Einaudi

We will go in the afternoon so we can have a quick shop, then tea at Red Hot.   As you know HIcky, there is plenty of choice for all there.


Have a good evening both. xx


Hi guys.

Dry with a bit of sun, but no warmth.

Did some work at home. I planted my few potatoes and started to paint the sheds at the back with cuprinol. Take me a while to finish it.


I saw an advert for that new channel TLC Mollie. Don't think it's on Freeview though? Not sure if I'll be able to get it on Freesat? I doubt it, it's likely to be subscription only.


Watched BGT, now watching the film on CH4 'Season of the Witch'.


When I bought the Blu-ray of The Hobbit (haven't watched it yet), I also bought Brave on Blu-ray, but my player wouldn't even start it. However I found a firmware update on the Sharp website, and after applying it the disc plays perfectly.

Bloomin' ridiculous that you have to update your player just to watch a film. It's the weakness of the Blu-ray format.


Mollie, Wills and Kate went to St Andrews University, not Edinburgh University. But you're right in that Edinburgh is one of the top 'old' Unis (founded in the 16th century).


Haven't heard of that pianist, but hope you enjoy the concert.


Hi Hicky.Is that one of your grandchildren being Christened?

Well done on your lad for moving into his new abode.

That's certainly a whopper of a telly? Puts your 50 incher to shame?


Morning All.


My lads place is in N.S.W. thats were the company he works for is.


Very dull here today, can't see me getting any sun.


The little one being Christened is the child of a relation, my O/H's brothers lad & his O/H.


Enjoyed BGT & the Voice.


Had porridge & scrambled egg on toast for brekkie.


Haven't heard of the new TLC channel Mollie, sounds good, but as Emptybox says, it may not be on the normal channels.

Yes Mollie, think you would like that Maysan curry, it's not frozen, you just take 3oz add cold water, mix and bring to the boil, done.


I'm not bothering with planting potato's this year, needs too much room, and potato's are so cheap to buy.


Evening All.


Just had 2 baked spuds with king prawns and curry sauce i made again.


Been dull all day, not much on TV.

Can see some buds forming on vines.


Anyone fancy a job on BB.


Simply Big Brother ‏@Simply_BBUK 27 Apr

Endemol UK looking for SENIOR PRODUCER for Big Brother 2013 â€Ķ #Channel5 #BBUK


Just watching Countryfile, then Antiques Roadshow,


Hi Hicky.

Cold here and showery.

Did some housework and some ironing.


Treated myself to a sirloin steak. Had it with roast potatoes and parsnips, and some mushrooms. Not bad at all.


Watching Endeavour.


Hope you enjoyed the Christening?

I wasn't going to plant potatoes either, but my Uncle gave me a few blight resistant ones to try.


Evening All.


Evening Emptybox.


Not too bad a day, pretty busy at work.

Just had roast chicken with carrots, baked spuds, stuffing and gravy.


Just flicking through the programs and watching anything that looks ok.


Sirloin Steak eh, thats a nice meal, no onion?, love mushrooms with it though, and roasties.


Hope Mollie had a good weekend, and of course Frodo.


I think my veg plants will come mid May, maybe the 1st week.


Evening Hicky.

Not bad day here as well. Bit windy, but not too bad.

Got a lot of grass cutting done.


Watched 'Secrets of Your Missing Mail' on CH4, with mouth agape. Couldn't believe those cretins deliberately kicking and damaging our parcels.

Now watching the two new comedy things on ITV.


I've booked my car in for an MoT and service on Wednesday.


Your roast chicken sounds good. I had a king prawn curry (can't remember what type ).

I didn't have any onion with my steak, but I put some cloves of garlic in with the roast potatoes and parsnips. Frodo would have been proud of me.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Hicky.

Lovely day here, and actually warm.

First shirt-sleeve work day this year for me.


Think my car may need rear shock absorbers or rear suspension? There's a suspicious clunk from the rear when I go over bumps. Not likely to be cheap.

I'll find out tomorrow anyway.


Not much on telly tonight. Perhaps Alex Polizzi, and then NHS in a Day?


both xxx


I am back, had a few hectic days...

Sunday in Cardiff with daughter, shopping, dinner in Red Hot, very nice as you know HIcky, followed by a great pianist concert, a sell out. Glad daughter suggested we went.

Then yesterday a friend phoned so I met her in town for coffee, so am way behind jobs wise.



Glad you got the good weather today.   Does this mean you have shed the wooly hat for your cap yet?  Sorry to hear about the car, so hope that doesn't end up costing you a packet. Is the lawn mower still working ok?



Hope you enjoyed your good weather today. Bet you enjoyed your stir fry. How did the Christening go?  Hope work is not too busy tommorrow.


Didn't watch any tv tonight, was busy catching up with paperwork etc.


Goodnight all xxx


Good morning all


A lovely sunny morning here today, so hope it is for you too.

i know you are working today Hicky, but hope you can squeeze some time in the garden when you are finished at work. These light nights are good now, aren't they?


Hope the news is not too bad on the car front Emptybox.


I am catching up on paperwork today, then taking doggie a walk today.


have a good day all x


Evening Mollie.


It's been a lovely day today, been busy at work though.


I can't believe we haven't been back to Red Hot again.


Not a lover of Christenings, it seems pretty pointless really.


Am seeing a few buds forming on the Vines and Fig Trees, can't wait for them to get going.


!st May, wow, doesn't time fly, can't be long now till my veg arrives, should be here within the next 2 weeks.


I got a nice letter from a Bank today, not my Bank, thanking me for opening a new account with Apple online store account and letting me know that the first payment on my new direct debit will be taken on the 24th May.

And to check the bank account details shown to see that they are correct.

It gives my new account number, which is a 16 digit code.

Lucky enough the bank details aren't mine.

I rang the bank number given to check what was going on and it's another Fraud case, using my name and address.


Been watching Watchdog and Masterchef.


Evening guys.

Not a very good day here. Back to being cold and showery.

I did get some work done though.


That's very worrying Hicky? Sounds like someone has stolen your identity?

At least they haven't got your bank details as well.


Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed your day in Cardiff.

Don't get swamped in paperwork.


I swapped my woolly hat for my wide brimmed one yesterday, but I could have done with the woolly one back at times today.

My mower seems to be behaving itself at the moment. Might get away with it for a while.


Unfortunately the news about the car is bad. It's going to need new sills, as well as rear springs and new exhaust. Almost getting to the stage where it's not worth spending so much money on.


Also the garage can't (or don't want to?) fit the new sills, so I've got to take it to a body shop to get that done before they do the rest of the repairs.

Luckily there's a guy locally who can do it, but it'll be blooming expensive. I've got to take it to him next week, and he'll tell me what it will cost.


I think the car is worth something like ÂĢ3000 at most, so I'll have to make sure I don't spend too much on it.

Seemingly those X-types were well known for getting rotted sills. So the garage guy says anyway?


Morning Emptybox.


Pity it's not so good up your way, like summer here, sun was out 1st thing.


Bad news about the car, expensive repairs by the looks of it.

Sills rotting always used to be a problem, same as bottoms of doors, the problem was that water was allowed to run through but it rusted the inside which flaked the bit of paint off which then blocked the drain holes so the water sat inside and rusted the lot away.

The drain holes are probably too small.


Can see some buds forming better on my vines and fig tree's, about time, the apple blossom is weeks behind according to the orchard growers, my cherry and apple aren't in blossom yet either.


Good morning all

A lovely warmer sunny morning here too HIcky.

Let's hope it has gone up to Emptybox as well today.


Hopefully this means you will get a good day in your garden today.

Yes May already, and I too think after the cold end to winter, the spring buds/blossoms are a lot later this year. As far as the ordinary trees are concerned, they are usually looking a lot greener by this time of year than they are now round here. Hopefully spring has really arrived now though.



oh dear, sorry to hear the bad news on the car. Not an easy decision to make on whether to spend on it, or get rid of it when you get to this stage. Let's hope the cost isn't too bad when you see the guy next week. Glad to hear your mower is holding up.


Caught up a bit on the paperwork now, and have a nice lot of washing drying well on the line, Hopefully will fit in a nice walk with the dog down the seafront later. (maybe if warm enough, my first ice-cream on the seafront this year?). I love the raspberry sauce on the soft ice-cream at one little cafe.


Have a good day all xx



Evening Mollie.


A very nice day today.


My veg came, leeks, onion, cabbage, cauliflower, beetroot, seeds came but gave them to my neighbour.


Did some Fig grafting as well.


Went to Parkgate for fish and chips, fantastic. and got a big icecream as well, yummy.


Was trying to update the card details for my phone top-up.

It wouldn't let me top-up at ÂĢ35 so i rang customer service, she said you can't top-up ÂĢ35, only 5,10,15,20,30 & 40.

She asked me was i was using the phone for as the internet was using ÂĢ1 a day.

I said i don't really use it only for whatsApp she said you should be on a different option, she put me on one with 500mb internet, 300 texts and all for ÂĢ10 a month, so i went on that and she gave me ÂĢ10 back.


I heard on the TV this morning that the apple blossom is 5 weeks behind which will delay the crop.


I'm glad that the buds are getting bigger on the vines and Fig trees.


Hope you got your ice cream Mollie?



A nice day here. Got plenty done.

Looks like it might be rain tomorrow though.


Feeling a bit better about the car. I've got it back from the garage, and their estimate for the mechanical jobs (rear coil springs and brake pipes) is about ÂĢ300. So that gives me more leeway to spend a bit more on getting the sills repaired. Just have to wait and see what they will cost.

It's such a nice car to drive, so I'd be loath to get rid of it yet.


Sounds like you were on the wrong tariff for your phone Hicky? Glad you've got it sorted.

Your veg came very promptly.

I hadn't heard of 'Whatsapp'. I just looked it up. Some kind of messenger app?


Yes everything is very late in starting this year, but things are at last beginning to green up around here.


Hi Mollie. Glad you've caught up a bit with your paperwork.

Hope you got your walk and ice-cream?


Watched Secret Eaters and then The Repo Man.

I had lamb chops, potatoes, broccoli and gravy for supper.....but I don't make any secret of it.


Evening Emptybox.


A cloudy day here, no sun ill tonight really.


Thats not too bad from the garage, the problem with sill is, they usually cut them off then weld new ones on but they have to be painted then.


The WhatsApp lets you message and send pictures, my lad uses it from Oz.

But having it linked to the web was costing me the ÂĢ1 a day, O/H is the same.


It looks like one of my grafts on the apple tree has taken, the bud is converting to to leaves, so there's hope.


O/H did some shopping on the way home from work this morning, prawns mussels, fruit, and a strange indian uncooked meal, with 2 chicken breasts marinated and in a spicy covering, cauliflower florets,  peppers and a pour over type of curry sauce, the lot only takes 35 minutes to cook.


That supper sounds good, i enjoy that food.


Good evening both



So glad to hear it wasn't such bad news as you first thought on the car front. Hopefully you will be able to keep it running now, it is not easy finding a replacement if you like the car you have and any one you buy is always a risk as they could end up having hidden problems.

Glad you got a bit done yesterday in the good weather.

Wonder if you were lucky enough to get another good day in today?

It has been dry here today, but cloudy and with a cool wind.

  glad you enjoyed your food without being a secret eater. I am amazed by the amount of food those secret eaters get through.



Glad you too got to enjoy the nice weather yesterday, how delicious... fish and chips followed by ice cream.

That is good you got a great deal on your phone.

I hope you don't get any more problems with this bank stuff now. it took a couple of attempts to sort ours out and 2 new cards, but fingers crossed, it is ok now.

I bet you are well pleased with your OH's shopping. Hope you enjoyed eating it.

HOpe the apple tree graft carries on doing well.


I got my ice cream down the seafront yesterday and doggie got a nice walk yesterday and today. Hope the dry weather continues over the bank hol weekend for us all.


Just finished watching Ice cream girls, enjoyed the series, Were you surprised by "who done it?" Emptybox?  I was.

We went to Harvester for tea today, daughter has a big assignment to do, so thought it would be nice for us to have a break from cooking tonight. I love the salad cart there, and I had a delicious cauliflower cheese flan and new potatoes and green beans.


Have a good evening all xx

We are off to the archery shop tomorrow to get some gear for daughter, about an hours drive near Chepstow, so will hopefully make a nice day out.

Will make sure we are back in time for BGT though.


You have to laugh at these MP's, they sneer and call Nigel Farge a clown to try and discredit him, but then after he gets lots of votes, suddenly decide they best show him a bit of respect, probably as he is now a real threat to their own seats.

Didn't affect us here though as it wasn't voting day.

Goodnight x



Some rain here but mostly dry.


The jury is still out on the car Mollie. That ÂĢ300 was just for the minor stuff. As Hicky says, the repair on the sills is a big job. Might cost thousands?


Glad you got your ice-cream yesterday. Have a good day in Chepstow. tomorrow.


No, I didn't guess the end of The Ice-Cream Girls. I thought it might have been the sister, but not the mother. Also it was Poppy that stabbed the guy first, whereas i thought it would have been Serena.

Oh well, still a reasonably good programme.

Enjoyed Eddie Stobbart as well.


Hi Hicky. That's good news that one of you grafts has taken.

I cut my own grass for the first time this season this afternoon.


No, it wasn't voting day in Scotland either.

I always thought that Nigel Farage was a bit of a balloon, but I guess we'll be seeing more of him now?


Evening All.


Not too bad a day weatherwise, very cloudy at times.

Plants seem to be coming on anyway, fig trees slowly waking, like the vines,

Apple tree will be in blossom soon, the cherry is late as well.


2 grafts on the apple seem ok, some grafts may wait till next spring.


Think i know what to do with the watering but would need quite a lot of 12mm pipe and tee pieces and at least 10 12mm valves/taps.

It would mean dividing the tub feed 12mm pipe into 10 runs and installing a new 12mm pipe the whole length and fitting 10 tee pieces to supply the 10 sections, each section would feed about 6 or more tubs.


Glad you enjoyed the Harvester Mollie

What is your daughter doing with the archery stuff.


Hope the weather hasn't been too bad for you Emptybox, so many places have got cloud and rain.


Made some jelly and put loads of fresh fruit in it, raspberries, blackberries, sliced strawberries, blueberries, sliced banana


Then i made a curry using some duck breasts.


Will be watching the voice now as well.

May watch Ross then.


Tomorrow/Monday is supposed to be better than today, hope iot is where you are.


The Apprentice starts Tuesday.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky. I'm sure you'll work out your watering stuff.


Bit chilly and windy here, but dry with some sunshine.

Got more of my sheds painted. About a quarter of the way through now.


Never thought of using duck for curry. Sounds delicious.


Liked the Dutch dancers on BGT.

Now watching the Star Trek film.


Hope you had a good day out Mollie?

And I hope Frodo is OK?

Last edited by emptybox




Glad you appear to have worked out the watering system, and that your fig trees are coming to life. You are very clever with all your inventions.   My daughter did a beginners course in archery some time ago, and decided to carry on and join a couple of local clubs as she liked it. So yesterday we bought her her own bow and arrows for her birthday pressie, so she was pleased with that. She took them to a new club she joined today.

In winter the clubs shoot indoors and outdoor in summer.

Your fruit jelly sounds yummy with all that added fruit in it.

That will be nice to have a new Apprentice show to look forward to starting next week.



  I certainly hope the sills don't end up costing you thousands, that would not be good, especially as you hope to keep the car.

I didn't realise Eddie Stobart was back, must try and catch up with a repeat. I thought the ice cream girls murderer was the girlfriend, so good to have a who done it, that neither of us pre-guessed correctly.


I too liked the Dutch dancers on BGT, another good all round show, and I really enjoyed The Voice too. I think Will enjoyed all the attention of being the last one to choose.


Hope you both have good weather where you are.

A dry day today, but a bit cloudy early on with a chill breeze, but I am not complaining, at least it was dry.


We bought a few plants for your planters to give a bit of colour outside.

Had a nice day out yesterday when we went to archery shop as it was not far from area with a nice castle and pub, so we had a drink in the pub garden.


Today we bought one of these...


we can use it for floors, curtains, bathrooms tiles, so I have no reason to have a grubby house now. You only need water to get things clean with these machines.


Have a good evening both. We are going to see the free firework display on the seafront tonight, so won't watch much tv. I expect we will treat ourselves to some nice chips whilst there.


Evening All.


Not too bad a day, wind spoilt it some.


Didn't do much, another graft, might do a few more on the plum tree tomorrow to use the spare scions up.

Made some more fruit jelly, and some more Flapjacks.


Went out for brekki, yummy.

2 bacon, 2 eggs, 2 sausages & beans with a round of toast.

O/H enjoys it, it's a bit of a treat.


Yes Emptybox/Mollie i know what i need to sort the watering for the plants.

I reckon 50m of 19mm tube, 10 reducing tee's 19 to 13m, 10 x 13mm taps, 10 x 13mm elbows.

I am thinking of a main pipe run of 19mm with the tee dropping to each 13mm section to a 13mm tap then connected to an elbow with the end of the lower 13mm section bent over and tied.

It would mean having to turn each tap on one after the other.


The Karcher looks good Mollie, i've got the one for outside, seldom use it as there's nothing to hose down now.


Hope you enjoyed the fireworks, hope you got the fish and chips as well.


I had baked pots with 2 Dover soles that had been coated in tasty breadcrumbs.

O/H had made us a salad to go with it, yummy.


Had a pack of shrimps on bread this afternoon, as a snack.


We are drinking lemon green tea now, maybe it won't stain my teeth so much, normal tea is terrible for that.


Not much on TV,


It is supposed to be a nice day tomorrow, hope it is were you are as well.




Cold and overcast here.

Just did normal Sunday things. Papers, supermarket and ironing.


Glad you enjoyed your day out Mollie.

What's the occasion for the fireworks?

Hope the steam cleaner thing is effective.


Hi Hicky. Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out.

Green tea doesn't sound like it'll be better for the teeth?


Just watched Once Upon a Time.


Hi all.

Rain this morning, but dry this afternoon.

I got one of my big grass cutting jobs done after lunch.


Motor Morphers (CH5 8pm) looks like it might be good. It's got Jason Bradbury from the Gadget Show and sounds like that programme Scrapheap Challenge that used to be on.


Hope you are enjoying good weather for the bank holiday?


both x


Hope you both got the nice weather again today, we did, so I dried lots of washing, as the forecast for the rest of the week is real bad..gales and heavy rain.



was it work today? I agree with your OH, it is a nice treat to go out for brekkie. Glad you enjoyed it.  We went to the local greasy spoon on Saturday for our brekkie.  My OH has got a karcher for outside too, and he liked it, so that is why we went for the same make for indoor steaming.

I have heard these special teas are good for you, and if they don't stain your teeth, that is a bonus too.



Glad to hear you did manage to squeeze a big grass cutting job in.Did you manage to get any done today?

I missed Motor Morphers, was it good?


We enjoyed the fireworks the other night, they set them off at holiday times and in summer for the tourists close to the caravan park, but anyone can watch them from the beach. 


Looking forward to the new series of the Apprentice tonight, let's hope for some fun tasks and interesting contestants.


Have a good evening both xx


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