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Hello all

bad news about your sons girlfriend Hicky really sad Its really a pain when your trying to read back and Its on the other page bear with me If I get a little muddled..loving hearing about the garden Hicky and looking forward when the flowers come out on your fruit trees (hope we have photo's) recipes are good too I have loads of mishaps ..I like experimenting unfortunately some turn out wrong but not to worry..I've started buying small crusty loaves..fed up of baking at the moment


Hello emptybox  so glad you saw the ending but what did It mean (Mayday) I like all the ends tied up I hate this trend that leaves you in  limbo .


By leftovers I mean food that needs to be eaten spuds and sort veg goes wrong so 

 I bung them in the freezer  my garden has had Its first cut to-day ,meant to ask I had these small roses bought ..they are not thornless ,they were in pots for mothers day ,can they be planted outside ,as Its a pain keeping them indoors .

I'll bet you busy at the moment with this weather I hope It lasts ..


HI Mollie ..I hope you are feeling better and your breathing problems have eased 

you need to take care advice please I have quorn ,you know I'm not keen on meat so how do I make cottage pie and pasta sauces anything or tips for veggies are welcome ,pasta bake for instance I love ..Mollie what terrible stories are coming out of America ,,who would do these terrible things ,my heart goes out to them as If 9/11 wasn't enough now this ..awful words fail me .


Well my three amigos see you xxxxxxxxxxx frodo 


Evening Frodo.


My Dwarf Peach & Nectarine are in beautiful bloom, just as well they are self fertile as there aren't any bees out yet.


The Cherry buds are breaking, also the Apple, Pear and Plum, the Raspberry plants seem on track, The vines are active, sap running, no buds active yet.

Just waiting for the Fig trees to break dormancy.


I opened my pack of moss with the fig cuttings and found 6 with nice roots so have potted them


Went for brekkie this morning, well, you won't believe this, the bill was ÂĢ12.13 i gave him my card to pay, he put the amount in but forgot to press the enter key, i entered my pin and pressed enter, but that was only confirming the amount, it said enter pin so i did, the bank rejected the payment, i told the bloke and he said, omg what an idiot, it had sent a bill for ÂĢ121,3??.?? might get a message from the bank

Expensive brekkie, good job i didn't have 121k in the bank.


Not much on TV, watched the sewing, then the NHS.


Work tomorrow so i'll be getting an early night.


Had a couple of chilli duck legs for tea, made some rice and some chip shop curry sauce to go with it.

Very tasty anyway.

Had tinned pears with evaporated milk with it.


Evening guys.


Very windy here again, but dry at least.

Got some grass cut, but my mower broke again unfortunately.

I got it mended again, but it's not looking good.

I can see me having to shell out for a new one before long.


Hi Frodo.

I think the idea in Mayday was that the dark haired sister was convinced her dead sister wanted to change places with her, so she dyed her hair and got on her sister's bike.

But she knew who the killer was so did her sister really come back from the dead.......?


Yes it should be fine to plant the roses outside. Dig a bigger hole than necessary and mix soil with potting compost and some bonemeal (if you have any), and refill the hole when planting and make sure to firm the soil afterwards. Also keep well watered for a while.

I don't have any luck with roses here. They get eaten by rabbits.


Hi Hicky.

Glad your fruit trees are coming on well.

That was an expensive breakfast. What a donut of a cashier?


Yes, it's very sad about what happened in Boston.

I've a feeling it might turn out to be American maniacs, rather than Islamist? Might be wrong?


Enjoyed watching The Syndicate tonight.

Last edited by emptybox




what a shame about your son's GF brother, you are right, these bikes are so dangerous. My brother used to love his motorbike, that was until he got knocked off it and ended up in intensive care. He has not been back on one again, he recovered well thanks the excellent nhs care, but has been left with a twisted spine.

  at your brekkie bill. Yes as you say, good job you didn't have the odd ÂĢ121k hanging around in your bank.   Sounds like you lovely garden is starting to come to life.



Sorry to hear about your mower, such a shame if you have to fork out so soon in the season.

Enjoyed the Syndicate again tonight.



I love small crusty loaves. Or even a nice slice or two from a big crusty loaf.

I can't be much help about the Quorn, don't cook really with it, the most I buy is the ready made Qourn cottage pie, which is lovely with some veg. I tend to just have one of these, or something like a cheese and onion crispbake, with whatever veg the rest of the family have. One of my fave veggies are sliced and roasted sweet potato. It comes up lovely.


I slept in my bed, the first time for a week last night. So haven't felt so tired today. Still have a cold though, but at least the breathing has eased a little. Been busy today sorting out daughter's very complicated finance forms for uni.


Goodnight all xxx


Good afternoon all



yes, you are dead right there, that lot in the Syndicate do seem as miserable after winning the lottery, as before they had won it.  

I had to on last night's episode when the "woman" revealed her body to him.

Was the weather ok for you to get some work done today?



did you get in your garden today?


I watched bits of the funeral today, even though I can't say I supported Maggie, we have lived and now live close to the Welsh mining valleys that are now deprived since the mines closed. I do like Carole though and I was more interested in the ladies outfits than anything else, Thought you boys might be interested in these pics..Katherine Jenkins that is...doesn't she look so beautiful in them, 2 pics in her hat, then scroll down and see how she still manages to look sophisticated and elegant in a very low top.


Not much on the Welsh news about the funeral, other than a bit about the Welsh guards, but the main news is that Cardiff now join Swansea in the football premiership.  Makes it difficult for me to get to the shops when matches are on, but can't complain as it is great news in that it brings money and jobs into the area.


Going to watch Corrie, then Phil Spencer tonight then A and E.  My fave tv night has to be Saturday though, now we have both BGT and The Voice.



hope you had a good day. what was for tea tonight?  I had Asda baked bean/cheese nuggets with veg, followed by strawberry mousse, Yummy, at last I have my appetite back.   (even though I still have a cough).


Have a good evening all xxx





Evening All.


Been at work Mollie, very cloudy and windy here, been 18C today though.


Bank stopped my card again, tried to get it reinstated but think the bank evening staff just pass you around, they have no intention of solving your problem, they just pass it over to the bank and then the fraud day squad.


The asked so many questions, ones i didn't even know the answer to so it was pretty obvious they didn't want to help.

Means i'll have to go to the bank again tomorrow.


The material has arrived to finish the horizontal support wires for the Blackberry plants.


I've already made the Raspberry support wires adjustable, you can slacken and remove them or set them high so they aren't in the way and lower and tighten them when the canes grow.


Thats a blow Emptybox if you need a new mower, what make/model do you use?


I see Jamie & Alive are out, not on bbbots anymore, new presenters coming in.


Going to be weird going back to BB with and not being there - best of luck to both of you, you'll be much missed.

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No it was wet here most of the day. No gardening.


I watched most of the funeral, and noticed Katherine Jenkins.

I like Carol as well, but not sure why she was continually fiddling with her hair while coming out of St Pauls? Probably just nerves?

Not sure why Fergie was there?


Don't know anything about football Mollie, so not sure what the Cardiff, Swansea stuff means?


Wathed Phil Spencer then Scott & Bailey.


Hi Hicky.

What a shame you are still having problems with your card.

As you say they are not interested in helping, just in covering their own backs.


Been having some problems with my share dealing account. They needed me to supply identification documents, even though I've been using them for years. Then when there was a delay in them processing the documents (their fault not mine) they put a block on my account and stopped me trading. Still not sure if it's sorted out, even though I spent ages on the phone to them yesterday.


I saw that about Jamie and Alice. Great pity that Alice is not going to be doing it.


The mower I have at the moment is a Mountfield. Previous to that I had two Hondas, which are much more expensive but better made. The Hondas lasted four seasons each, but I've only had the Mounfield for two and a bit seasons.

I've worked out if the Mountfield can get to the end of this season then it would work as better value than the Hondas, but if it conks out before the middle of the season then it would be worse value.

I may go back to Hondas, but a new one is ÂĢ800.


Perhaps I'm being optimistic but I've turned my heating off. Hopefully we'll not get another cold patch from now on.

ETA: I've just looked at my forecast, and it's due to go down to just 2 or 3 degrees overnight next week.

Last edited by emptybox

Good morning all


Well that's it have gone and jinxed the arrival of the warmer weather by turning off your heating.   Yes weather forecaster here says it is due to go colder again too.... down to 2 degrees tomorrow night. Turn it back on again quick!

Yes I expect poor Carol was nervous yesterday....not nice being on public display for your mum's funeral.

I don't know much about football either, but I have learnt that when a team goes into the premiership, (Swansea did the other year, and now Cardiff will soon), it brings in the big teams from home and abroad because they play them, as they are in the same league now, and lots of extra people/supporters come when they play, so I have to avoid town and the M4 on those days.


  ÂĢ800 for a mower, and even then they only last 4 seasons. Good idea to do your sums to see if it best to go for a cheap and short lasting mower or the longer lasting expensive one.

Sorry to hear you are having problems with your share account. These banks/share companies need to spend more money on their IT systems, these problems are getting more frequent. 



Sorry about the persistent bank card problem.  This is similar to what  happened to us...OH got asked loads of security questions, that he couldn't even remember the answer to, then they sent us another card, then again that got stopped due to fraudulent transactions, so we ended up having to get another new card with a completely new number. Such a pain. Hope you can sort it out at the branch today. (and you still get free time to get in your garden).


thanks for the BB news...shame Alice won't be on BBOT's, but I think she was probably too good for that show, and is probably busy now she has this job with radio 1.

Wonder if they have decided on the HM's yet? They usually do a practice run in the house don't they?


Still have this annoying cough, so no long doggie walks until I feel better, but feel stronger today, now started eating again.

Had a lovely sesame seed bagel for brekkie.


Very breezy today, if it stays dry, should be able to dry washing, but the wind makes it feel cold.


Have a good day all xxx






Hello all  did the unthinkable to-day and finally cancelled Sky ,,May 19th everything .phone multi room ,broadband .you name It ,in this day and age to expensive I have until May 19th for a new broadband and telephone provider 

Free Sat or Freeview Is good enough for me ,any info is welcome


What a change in the weather to-day freeeeeeeezing no need for the fridge on 

(rushes for the heating button)


don't know much about lawn mowers mine Is petrol will have to have a look at the make  ..but we have a large garden..but Its not as lovely as Hickys just grass and shrubs ,,easy peasy to look after ,just had a look a the petrol mower a honda emptybox .


Well if the story Is true about Big Brother sorry If I offend but Jamie East and Alice  byeee too smug for me both of them a clean sweep Is needed only my opinion,,we are too long mates on here to be able to agree and disagree and not fall out ,thats what makes  me love It on here. I can hope only more changes are    on the  way  ie we may get a little more live feed...sheesh ...lordy lordy ..what a hope 


Mollie have you had your cough checked out ..of course I know a little of you history but still that sounds worrying ke care and wrap up xx



Byee for now xx frodo

Last edited by Former Member

Hi guys.

Windy, cold and drizzly today.

I did manage to get a little grass cutting done though.


Hi Frodo. Well done on getting rid of Sky.

If you are changing broadband you want to make sure Sky give you a migration authorisation (MAC) code, so that you can give it to your new supplier, so the transition can happen smoothly.

If you just cancel Sky and don't get a code, then you might be without broadband for up to 10 days while the new supplier connects you.


I liked Alice Levine on BBOTS and could take or leave Jamie.

Trouble is, the rumours say Rylan is being considered? Don't think he'd be good at all.


Hi Mollie. Glad you are feeling stronger. I'm sure it won't be long before you are up to your long doggy walks again.

Hope it stayed dry for your washing?


I think my share dealing account is now working again, but annoyed I had to get on the phone to them to get it sorted.


I could probably get the same mower a bit cheaper online, maybe ÂĢ660 from ebay for the Honda. But if I buy it from the local dealership, then it's easier to get it fixed if something goes wrong, and there's no chance of transit damage etc.


Yes Frodo, America isn't having a good time of it with the bombs in Boston and now this huge accident in Dallas.


Watched Secret Eaters, and now I'm watching '24hrs in A&E' on 4seven.


Evening All.


Card sorted, had to go to bank branch and take photo ID, it had to be scanned & faxed to fraud dept.

They didn't like me trying to pay a bill for brekki of ÂĢ121k.


Thats an expensive mower Emptybox, i suppose with all the work it does it's like any machine, it needs servicing and repairing and parts replaced now and again, hard to say whats best to do.

Mountfield is well know, maybe you could get in touch to see if anything could be done.


Been putting a new wire support system up for the blackberry plants.


Went to Costco, got a few bits and some fruit, plums, pears and grapes.


It's hard without Sky Frodo, but it saves a lot of Money.

I've always been with BT for my Broadband and phones, if your TV has Freeview built in you only need an aerial.

If you use your Sky box you can probably get many stations, for Freesat stations you need to get a Freesat recorder and connect it to your Dish the same as Sky did.


Sorry to hear about that cough Mollie, did they say what it causing it?


Dreadful about Boston, some strange people about isn't there?


It's supposed to be 14C here tomorrow, nice.


Good evening all


No HIcky for  couple of days... hope you are ok Hicky, and not too busy at work.



Yes I too like Alice, I think she is a good presenter. I didn't like the BBOT's show last series though.... I stopped watching it in the end, as I think it got too silly and also it spoilt the highlights show for the next day, by showing you the best up and coming bits of the highlights show for the next day, and gave away who was up for eviction. A good move I think for Emma career wise to leave it and for Alice to get the job on radio 1.

Hope the weather was a bit better for you today.

Not a bad day here, managed to take doggie just a little walk today to see the Shetland ponies down the road, they are so cute, and they love the carrots we feed them. The dog loves to see them too.


Hi Fredo

hope you are having a good day. Good for you cancelling the Sky now, especially after all your problems with them. Was it crispbakes for tea tonight? I had a Morrisons mushroom and brie crispbake, very nice it was.


Heating on here too tonight, had a fair bit of sun in the day, but the breeze was really quite cool.


I watched double Corrie and am now watching that murder drama Ice Cream Girls.

have a good evening all xxx



we posted together.

Sounds like you have been busy with the garden and sorting that card out.

can't believe the brekkie people got as far as presenting that huge transaction to the bank. No wonder the bank didn't like it. Glad it is sorted now.

Sounds like you have got plenty of fruit in from Costco. All good for you though.

Don't know yet what is causing this bad cough every time I get a cold, have to wait to see consultant. It is easing now, but not gone, all the family have coughs with this nasty cold though, so I think it is just that type of cold that causes bad coughs, and affects me more after those ops on my throat.


Enjoy the sun to come tomorrow, looks like you will have plenty of chance to get in your garden. I hope to sit out and read my book... I could do with a good dose of sun and vit D after this cold.



Very nice day here, so I got quite a bit of work done.

Still needed to do a short repair on the mower, but it mostly behaved.


Hi Hicky. Glad you got your card sorted. We seem to have to keep proving our identity nowadays, due to the new money laundering regulations.

I bet real money launderers aren't affected at all, it's only ordinary bods like us that are inconvenienced.


I need a mower with a 21" cut so I can do the big lawns as well as the small lawns. They range in price from something from B&Q for under ÂĢ300, up to a professional Honda for ÂĢ1200 or so.

I can't afford the proper professional models, so I go for well made domestic models like the Honda izy or the Mountfield.


I think my mower would need a new gearbox to fix it properly, but that repair might cost ÂĢ100, and there is other stuff wrong with the mower. It needs a new drive cable, and the rear height adjustment doesn't work properly either.

So I could spend money to get it fixed and still be left with a not very good mower. Probably better to get a new one? The only thing good about it is the engine.


Hi Mollie. Glad you got s short walk in.

Hope you manage to catch some rays tomorrow. Perhaps it's time to exchange my woolly hat for my summer broad brimmed hat and some sunscreen?


I watched The Ice-cream Girls as well. It was very good.


I see those Boston bombers were Chechens, so I was wrong when I thought it was going to be home grown American nutters.


Evening All.


A lovely day here, 14C all day, problem is it's going to be cool overnight.

It says 3C feels like -1 which isn't good.


Just cooked a French trimmed rack of lamb with mash, peas, carrots and gravy, yummy.


I was wondering Emptybox, what does it cost to hire the mower from a hire shop, say by the month, most of the big stuff at work we just hire it, then it's serviced and repaired all free, and you can always have one that works, if it packs up you just change it.


Watching BGT, always good for me, then The Voice.


Hope your Cough soon goes Mollie, it has to be connected to your Op.


Those Ponies will be waiting for you to bring the carrots.


I gave my neighbour this months Rhubarb crop, they love fresh food.


I grafted 3 buds of different types of plum trees onto my Victoria plum tree, probably won't take but it's all practice.


Hoping for some growth on my new 5 vines this year, the existing 3 vines are getting active as the sap is running.

Can't wait for the Figs to break dormancy.


Glad they got those 2 nutters from Boston.

There's some crazy people out there.


Hi Hicky.

A lovely day here as well.


I did a bit of work in my own garden, plus a bit of maintenance on my van.


That's an interesting idea about hiring equipment, but I suspect it would be too expensive?

If a mower costs ÂĢ800 and lasts 4 years, with a 30 week season, then that works outout to less than ÂĢ7 a week. Doubt if they'd hire you one for that and maintain it as well?

Might be worth looking into though.

Hope your plum experiment works.


Dr Who, The Voice, BGT. Saturday is a good telly night.


Evening All.


Been a cloudy day here with some light rain.

Not a lot going on, doubt if the new buds i grafted on my plum tree with take but it's worth a try.

Wrapped the bud in with 1" Parafilm then coated with liquid wax.


Had a couple of flowers open on the plum tree, they will come out in stages.

Pear tree ready to flower, Cherry tree not far behind, Apple tree almost ready to flower.

Still waiting for the vines to break bud, a few signs so far.

Think a bud on a fig tree is moving.

Peach and Nectarine look lovely with their pink blossom.

Gooseberry has lots of leaves, just a growing stage.


Here's an example of HSS hire prices.

ÂĢ20 for the 5 day week, ÂĢ10 for 1 day with ÂĢ5 for an extra one.

You probably just need to supply the fuel.

I was thinking more if you could hire what you want local then you may be able to get some better rates, else adjust your grass cutting to match when you hire a mower.

Just an idea.


Went out for brekkie, paid cash this time though.

I told the bloke they had stopped my card.


Me & O/H are changing our diet again, she has been reading about the foods that help you if you have Arthritis like us.

So considering i love all food this could be interesting.


Work tomorrow.


Hi Hicky.

Yes similar weather here. Not very nice.

Haven't done much. Some housework and the supermarket.


I saw that tool hire site. I think ÂĢ20 is the cheapest you'll find. Some want a lot more. And you'd probably have to pay for any damage. Not a bad thought though.


I bet you are keeping your fingers crossed that it turns out to be curry that is good for arthritis?



When I was in the village getting my paper I noticed a cherry tree coming into bloom. Spring at last.


Watched Endeavour.


Morning All.


Stuck at work, got a few minutes though.

Going for brekkie in 10minutes.


Yes Emptybox, the curry is on the list of good food for Arthritis, thought it was, O/H read out a big list to me and as you would expect i love everything on it.


Weather looks ok today, may be some light rain, night temperatures still dropping down to 2 or 3 deg later in the week, holding back some bud breaking on the vines and fig trees.

My Cherry isn't in flower yet, it's probably the flowering Cherry that is in blossom as it doesn't have edible fruit.


Good morning all



Glad you got a bit of nice weather over the weekend, and that the spring blossoms have arrived up there at last.   It is lovely and spring like here too now with the blossoms out.

Hope your mower hangs on a bit longer. How did the van maintenance go?

I agree, Saturday night is a great tv night, and I bet you also enjoyed your sphag bol. 



Hope work is not to demanding today.

I bet your neighbour was pleased to receive a nice bit of fresh rhubarb.

You will have to take a piccie of your fruit trees in blossom, they sound lovely. Let's hope they lead on to some good summer/autumn fruits later.

That is good news that you like all the food on the arthritus list.  

I saw your fave coconut oil on tv today. Not only is it very healthy all round, but they have found it is good for memory and they also think it can reverse alzheimers.

What other types of food as well as curry do they say is good for arthritus?


Still cool here at nights too, bit dull today, but dry so far.

My cough has nearly gone at last. And my appetite is back, which is good as we went to Pizza Hut last night for one of the boys birthday treats. I had goats cheese/onion one covered in lots of rocket, Very nice it was.


Have a good day both.

Have you spotted any good tv shows coming up for tonight?


Hope Fredo had a good weekend.



Afternoon Mollie.


Thats interesting about the Coconut oil, i'm using it myself but a pity it is a solid in this country until it warms up.


The foods for Arthritis Mollie are vast, O/H had a list will see what i can do, of course Fish and certain fruits are included, but not white fruit, Red or black grapes for instance.


Glad you cough is easing, thats very good, and the appetite, you need the food to stay healthy.

That goats cheese/onion on lettuce sounds good, had a salad from Costco the other day, Salmon & King Prawn, massive it was.



Dry here with some sun, but very cold and windy.

Got one of my big lawns cut.


Great news that your appetite is returning Mollie.

The "maintenance" I was doing on my van was painting the sills, and that went all white.

Glad you enjoyed your pizza. Not sure I would fancy goats cheese?


Hi Hicky. I was just joking about the curry. I never actually expected it to be good for arthritis, but lucky for you that it is.

Yes, it was a flowering cherry tree I saw in bloom in the village. The type that get flowers before the leaves come on.

I've got a cherry tree here, but it rarely gets many blooms (or fruit) on it.


Have to look out for this coconut oil. Don't think you can get it in the supermarket?

I'm using rice bran oil to cook with at the moment.


I suppose it will be 'The Hoarder Next Door' tonight for me? I've never got into Broadchurch. Have any of you? I know Frodo likes a good mystery.


Evening Emptybox.


I'm going to make a Rendang curry tomorrow, but will be using chicken breast instead of meat.


You Cheery tree may not produce fruit because it needs a pollinator, depending on what type it is, a few are Self Fertile.


You may be able to get Coconut oil in the supermarket but will probably need to ask them where it is, sometimes it's in a specialised section that caters for the special types not so often asked for.


Frodo hasn't got Sky any more, thought she jacked it in.


Just finishing a jar of stuffed olives.


O/H made us a chicken dinner with baked potato & beans.


Watched Hairy Bikers, then Nature Shock, Ben Fogle, then Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares.





No I haven't watched Broadchurch, I get too many interruptions in our family home to concentrate on a tv show all the way through.   Thanks for the hint, it is the Hoarders for me tonight. Makes me feel good about the untidyness in my house this show does. I just had to rewind to check what they said..."in the last 29 years Roddy has not been able to throw away a single newspaper."   

Sounds like you still need your wooly hat rather than your cap for your gardens now.Goats cheese on pizza is really tasty.



I finally got round to ordering some coconut oil. I ordered it from Amazon. I'll have to try it out on my mum, she is getting so forgettful. That is interesting what you say about the different food types and arthritus.


It has gone very misty and damp here tonight. Won't help the damp we get in this house. Roll on summer...for both the better weather (hopefully), and BB too of course.



Good Afternoon All.


Hello to Mollie.


O/H is going all out with this healthy food for the Arthritis, bought packs of yumy fresh fruit, raspberrys, blackberrys, strawberrys, plums.

Packs of healthy nuts as well, some a small brown hovis loaf, at one time i couldn't get her near it.

And as it happens, all this lovely fruit she's buying i'm growing this year, must have dreamt it up.


Last night had fresh shrimps on Hovis, yummy.


Had a little bacon, scrambled egg and tomato with toast fro brekkie.





sounds like your OH and her arthtritus diet is good news for you, as the food all sounds good stuff. And it sounds like she will be well pleased with your home grown fruits this year too.

We often buy Hovis bread, very tasty.

And I try and eats nuts, (not salted, when I can), as I know how good they are for you. I like pistacious and cashews.

I bought the first lot of British strawberries from Waitrose over the weekend, so summer must be nearly here. I find the British ones so much tastier than the Spanish ones we get in winter.   I noticed the lovely Jersey pototoes have just started too, but at ÂĢ4 for a small bag, I will wait a bit longer until into the season when they get cheaper.

Did you manage to get in your garden today?



did you cut any grass today? Is it still wooly hat time?

Remember it is the last episode of The Syndicate tonight. Whilst I have enjoyed this series, i don't think it was quite as good as te 1st one.


Took dog a walk on seafront today as it was quite a nice day, bit of a cool breeze though, so needed my jacket. Cough still there now and again, but feeeling much better now and certainly enjoyed my tea...brie and mushroom risotto crispbake and veg.


Have a good evening all xxx


Evening Mollie.


Just had some Chicken Rendang and rice, very tasty.


Yes, not salted nuts.


It was nice in the garden, good to see some blossom starting.


If my fruit does well it will be fantastic, can only hope.

The vines are looking as though they are going to start bud break, have seen 1 bud on the Fig tree move to open thats all.

Plum tree has a few flowers, they open in stages.

Pears beginning to flower as well.

Apple needs another week, Cherry as well, buds have swelled ready.


Had a fruit salad after tea, most of the fruit that is good for you is Red or Black, not green.

the same with grapes, peppers etc.


Glad you got to the seafront, keep well wrapped up though, try not to get another cold.


Been reading about mushrooms, after you buy them, unwrap them and before you eat them put them out into the sun for 30 minutes before you eat them, they convert the sun rays into Vitamin D.


Evening guys.

Very cold and windy here, but at least it stayed dry.

Picked up a new customer today. Can't be bad.


Hope your new diet goes well Hicky. All sounds healthy anyway.

I always buy Hovis seeded batch bread.


Hope you have success with your fruit trees this year.

I do usually get a few cherries on my tree, but they never ripen anyway, so are useless.


I'll have to look closer for this coconut oil.


Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed your walk.

The Syndicate was good. Pity it's the last episode.

I haven't given up my woolly hat yet. In fact I've gone back to my heavy fleece jacket the last couple of days.


Had a vegetable pizza for supper.


Frodo, Aisleyne has decided not to do Looser Women tomorrow night after all. Sorry if I got you excited.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning All.


And it's hello to Emptybox.


Had Porridge at work today, but still had a sausage and beans on toast.

Will have to try and eat a lot healthier.

Plenty of fruit and nuts with fish, cut out the meat a lot.


Here's Coconut oil in bulk, very interesting site.


You can use it for your skin, anything really.


Not too busy at work so was able to pop in.


Here's a nice picture of Kelly Brook for you, think she's great, love watching her on Celebrity Juice on a Thursday as she is standing in for Fern Cotton.



Some rain this morning, but dry this afternoon. Got my new customer's grass cut.


Thanks for the coconut oil link Hicky. If I can't find it at the supermarket I could get it there.

And thanks for the Kelly Brook pic. I always forget to watch Celeb Juice for some reason?


Diana's song is very catchy isn't it? Hope it gets some airplay.


Phil Spencer then Scott & Bailey for me tonight.


Chicken in a mushroom sauce, I think?


Evening Emptybox.


I had a dish of Fresh Sardines marinated in chilli and garlic, only takes 22 mins in the oven, you take a

 the backbone out and just eat the rest of the bones.


I'll be rubbing the coconut oil on my skin in the summer like i used to do in Singapore for 18 months.

It never did me any harm, we used to use a pint when we went to the beach on a Sunday, Changi Beach, but it was 50/50 with Olive oil.

Changi Beach




Raining here. Doesn't look like I'll get a lot done.


I think I'll stick to my Factor 30 Hicky. I don't want to fry myself.


I see Rylan seems to have been confirmed as the BBBOTS host, which isn't good news for me. But they do say there'll be more older contestants, which should be better than all youngsters?

Last edited by emptybox

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