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Not too bad weather today, but quite cold. Got a lot done anyway.

I might cut a hedge tomorrow if it's nice.


Don't have the car back yet. He says he has to do some more welding on the sills, so won't get it back till Monday or Tuesday. Says he won't charge me any extra though. I suppose he is embarrassed that it didn't pass the MoT.


Haven't heard about the hot water either.

Hope he doesn't come first thing tomorrow, as I like a longer lie on Saturday. I've been setting my alarm for 7am the last few days.


That sounds like a great meal Hicky.

Thanks for the news about the BB start date.

Not too keen on the new eye, but I suppose it's supposed to fit in with the recycling theme?


Guess you'll just have to make the most of those plants that you sent the photos of? I hope it's just a case of them being late to develop, and they flourish later.



Hi Mollie. Hope you had nice weather for a walk today?

That's interesting that one of the Apprentice guys went to the same college as your kids. Though I can't picture which one that is?


Hi again Frodo.

Glad the pup is doing well now.

You'll get all the free satellite channels with Freesat-from-Sky surely?

Yes, feel free to message me on Twitter if it would help you.


Last edited by emptybox


Super day here. Sunny and quite warm.


The electrician came at 10am, so I was able to get my longer lie after all.

He confirmed that the motorized valve isn't working. He didn't have one with him, but he'll get one and fit it sometime next week.


I think the airlocks I was getting was a symptom, because he has set the valve permanently on in the meantime, and the hot water is working, but only when the heating is on, but no sign of airlocks.

I think when I turned on the hot water the boiler fired up and the pump came on, but the valve wasn't letting any water through, and that was creating a backlog. But, fingers crossed, that doesn't seem to be happening now.

So hopefully the new valve will fix it?


As it's such a nice day, I think I'll go and cut this hedge, just in case the weather next week isn't good.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Those BB start dates could still be wrong, everyone likes playing games, and the show will be called Secrets & Lies, so anything could happen.


Pity about the car, won't be long now.


As you say, the boiler valve was sticking off, that probably caused the air lock.


I've Planted the new grafted veg plants, only waiting for the last 3 blackberry plants.


I've altered a lot of the watering nozzle ends so that they can be used as a spray but if the plants can get watered from the base then i put the water nozzle into the pipe that goes into the base saucer.


Hope your having a good weekend Mollie & Frodo.


Made some Tempura batter today, deep fried a pack of king prawns today, have just battered some Salmon pieces and deep fried some Squid, had some new pots and made a pan of cheese sauce.


Watching The Voice at the Mo.


Good evening all



good to see you call in, glad to hear pup and mum are doing so well. It must be such hard work for you watching over them both. Good luck in finding a good home for pup, I am sure you will be sad to see pup go, but at least you know yours and doggie mum's job will be done by that stage.



thanks for the BB ad, very interesting. As Emptybox says, the Eye is a bit boring, but probably fits in with the recycle them.

Glad you managed to get a bit of planting done today.

I bet your batter is yummy.

I too had some batter today. It was such a nice day that OH and I had chip shop fish and peas out of a box in the park.



glad the water is nearly sorted and that you still got your little lie in. That is fortunate that the sills man won't charge you any more. HOpe you are pleased with the car when you get it back. Did you manage to do the hedge job?


Nice here too today, but wind a bit nippy. It was nice enough to sit on sea front cafe and I had a coffee ice-cream. The donkeys were on the beach and trampolines out and a singer outside the pub, as it is bank hol week. So lots of people around.


I too am enjoying watching the Voice tonight. Plus lots of BGT for us to look forward to next week.


I either have bad hay fever or a cold at the moment. So will try taking an anti-histamine tonight. Constant sneezing, runny nose driving me mad.   It hasn't put me off my food though.


have a good evening all, aren't these light nights great?


Hi Mollie.

Pity you've been bothered by hay fever. But glad it didn't dampen your enjoy ment of your fish and chips.


Yes I got the big hedge cut. It wasn't too hot to work in, just comfortable and no wind here. It's always a tricky one, as it's high in places, but the sloped ground makes it precarious balancing on a step-ladder.


Hi Hicky. Those battered seafood sound great.

I think the battle rounds on The Voice make for great telly, but we lost some great singers.

The girl that sang Landslide and Laura.



another lovely day here, hope it is where you are too.



I am not keen on one against the other either as it seems they end up trying to outshout each other, and as Emptybox says it means we have to lose some great singers.

I bet you are out in your garden today.



Glad you got the hedge done. you must take care and take your time if you have to go up a step ladder.


I am glad to say I took a anti-histamine last night and by morning it had done well and eased the hay fever.

Strange how it is not windy for both of you, we still have a chilly sea wind here, but don't mind as it is so nice and sunny.


Am off now to the seafront for an ice cream.

have a good afternoon xx


Evening All.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Another lovely day, sun all day and very little wind.


went to New Brighton for brekki for a change, ended up with sausage meat, bacon, egg on a Muffin.


Got my Scarecrow cat scarer working, fantastic, detection and range of water 35ft.

Set it to spray the area you want, and set the sensitivity also.


Change the pressure reducer on my watering system, i had bout a gauge and the mains id 3bar, 40psi, the pressure after the reducer i bought was only 1bar, changed it to an original and that gave me 2bar and 1.5 when in use.


Have listed what plants are watered by each of the 12 taps, quite a list.

Will have to put them on here when i get them typed up.


On the sloped ground Emptybox you could make a wooden section like a wedge that would sit on the ground and give you a more flat surface for your steps.


The battered Squid was very tasty, not had that particular option before.


Glad your Hay Fever eased Mollie, lots of pollen out at the mo.


BGT tonight i see.


Have a good day tomorrow, weather not as good as today though.



Nice day here again. Not as good as yesterday but not bad.

Just the usual Sunday things.


Probably do a bit of work tomorrow if it's nice, but not a full day.


Glad your hay fever is better Mollie. Enjoy your ice-cream.


Hi Hicky.

That cat scarer sounds like a gardener's nightmare. . One of my customers has one that makes a high pitched noise at you, but it doesn't squirt water.

Glad you enjoyed your brekkie.


Treated meself to a sirloin steak (medium rare) with chips and garlic mushrooms and a side salad, followed by raspberries and cream. Delicious.


Evening Emptybox.


Those cat scarer's are suppose to  emit a sound that only the animals can hear.


It's a bank holiday here tomorrow so won;t be at work, next work day being Tuesday.


That Sirloin Steak sounds good, usually better than Rump, but not as good as Ribeye.


I've listed my plants in relation to each Tap.

As below.


Garden Watering system
Showing tubs/container content for each Tap.
1) Tomato - Belricco
2) Pepper - Miena & Chilli - Medina
3) Vine - Boskoop Glory
4) Tomato - Juanita & Money Maker.
5) Peas

1) Beetroot
2) Vine - Golden Champion
3) Leek - Musselburgh
4) Cucumber - Fitness
5) Vine - Boskoop Glory.

1) Rhubarb - Timperley Early
2) Spare Tub
3) Vine - Golden Champion
4) Garlic
5) Gooseberry

1) Apple Tree - Cox

(Raised Bed 3m x 1m)
1) Raspberry - Joan J (12)

1) Spare

1) Vine - Lakemont
2) Onions - Santero
3) Cabbage - Frostie
4) Cauliflower - All Year
5) Vine - Fragola Blanc
6) Rhubarb - Timperley Early

1) Cherry Tree - Stella
2) Strawberries - Sweetheart
3) Fig-1 - Brown Turkey
4) Fig-2 - Brown Turkey
5) Fig-3 - Brown Turkey

1) Flowers
2) Dwarf - Nectarine
3) Dwarf - Peach
4) Flowers
5) Pear Tree - Conference
6) Peach Tree - Peregrine
7) Plum Tree - Domestica

1) Black Currants - Big Ben
2) Red Currants - Rovada
3) White Currants - Verailles
4) Flowers
5) Garlic
6) Flowers
7) Vine - Sauvignon
8) Spare Pot
9) Flowers

1) Strawberry Plants - Sweetheart (15 in 5 tubs)
2) Flowers
3) Plum Tree - Victoria

1) Blackberry Plants-1 - Reuben
2) Blackberry Plants-2 - Reuben
3) Blackberry Plants-3 - Reuben


Morning Emptybox.


Tap 6 is spare in case i need to add another row of sprays for the Raspberries, i had 2 rows but changed it.


Pot 8 on Tap-10 is spare as i don't know what to grow in it yet, i need something that only grows to 45cm, O/H is rather fussy, don't want more flowers, got loads of those.


One of the grafts on the Plum Tree has taken, got a shoot or two coming from that as well.


It looks like 3 grafts have taken on the Apple, interesting.


Very cloudy here today, might go out and get some more plastic mesh to make protection for the pots from next doors lad playing football.


The water cannon is great, have to turn the detection off when i am in the garden or i would get soaked.

It covers 35ft in front and 45ft wide, i can turn the sensitivity down though.

Haven't tried it with the cats though, haven't got one to test it with.


  Good evening all



wow that is some watering list. I am sure you have more than enough to open your own farm shop, and one that is far better than the one the Apprentices attempted to do too.

Glad to hear your grafts are doing well.

HOpe the cat scarer keeps the cats away, and the plastic mesh does the trick keeping away the football. Do the kids play football in your garden, or do you mean the ball comes over your fence from next door?

  that water cannon covers some area, and yes a very good idea to turn it off to avoid a soaking when you go in the garden.



did you find out if it was bank hol in Scotland today? HOpe you enjoyed taking it half off though.


hope all is well with Fredo and the doggies.


Met a friend today from Oz today who had come to Cardiff to visit the Doctor Who exhibition. We took her to the outdoor Welsh museum, we were lucky with the weather and it stayed dry until we left. She has also visited Paris and Amsterdam and London whilst over here.  As it is such a long way from Oz, she said she wanted to see as much as Europe she could fit in whilst she was here.


Time for BGT now,


have a good evening all. x


Evening Hicky and Mollie.

Not great here. Quite drizzly at times.

Still I got my one job done, plus some work in my own garden,plus a big pile of ironing, plus last month's accounts.

So quite a productive day really.


Don't think it was a bank holiday in Scotland officially, but my Brother's firm was off, plus there was no post today.


Hope your friend enjoyed their visit Mollie.

I'd like to see the Doctor Who exhibition I think, as it's one of my favourite progs.


Glad your grafts are coming along Hicky.

Bet you do forget to turn your cat squirter off one of these days, and get a soaking?


BGT OK. I guess the little girl singer was best? Didn't feel bothered enough to vote though.

Now watching The Fall.


Yes, I hope Frodo is OK, and keeps in touch.


Morning Everyone.


A miserable morning really, doesn't look good for most of the week.


One of the Boss's has gone to Spain for the week, he has places out there, and his Brother lives there.


I've found some plants for my spare Tub, got 3 Dwarf Toms, F1 Totem, thats all the big Tubs full, have got a few little ones yet but they aren't on the watering circuit.


Enjoyed some of BGT, all but Simon put any rubbish through.


That was nice Mollie, meeting a friend from Oz, plenty to see for her anyway.


They don't play ball in my garden but next door has goal posts and little ones kick the ball anywhere,

I've bought more plastic 2" mesh netting, the heavy duty type, ÂĢ12.99 for 5 x 1m roll.

I can cut it into pieces 26 meshes wide and tape the ends into a cylinder, it then sits in the pot and i fasten it to the support wires that run along the fence, i cut a round section as a lid, most of the plants wound be damaged by a ball of course.


Emptybox, why on earth are you ironing, wow, non of my clothes get ironed, if you buy the right material combination they are ok, if they are dried in the drier then they have to be folded straight away, we don't buy any clothes for me that need ironing, trousers etc have to have a combination of fibres or O/H wouldn't buy them because they would need ironing.

I only wear Long or short sleeve Rugby Tops.


I'm not a Dr Who watcher, just like reality myself.


Told O/H to turn the outside tap off outside the kitchen if she is going to go in the garden or use the rotary clothes line. 



Not bad day here, quite warm and a bit of sun.

Got quite a lot done, and got my car back, so all good.


I'm not a great fan of ironing Hicky, and I do have some non-iron items, but I would hate to be constrained in what I can wear depending on whether it needed ironing or not. I prefer natural fabrics like cotton, wool and linen etc over man made fabrics generally. I do like a nice crisp cotton business shirt.


Wonder why Lauren is dancing on  that video? Quite good guitaring on that track though.

I didn't like Lauren on BB, but seeing her dancing in her short skirt there, I quite forget why.


Enjoyed The Apprentice.

I like Leah, but she was quite annoying this evening.


Good afternoon all



Glad you thought to warn your OH about the water system, it would not be good if she got a soaking pegging out the washing.

Yes good idea to protect your plants from flying footballs.



glad the weather means you are managing to get a bit done work wise, so hopefully you are not behind are you?


Like Hicky, I too keep ironing to a minimum, and look for clothes with a bit of polyester added in the mix, so I don't have to iron it.


Yesterday saw my friend from Oz again.  Had coffee in her hotel with another one of our friends (a Canadian who now lives in UK), then we drove her to the train station to see her off.  My poor friend from Oz started crying when we got to the station because she didn't want to say goodbye to us. 

That is the thing with Oz being such a long way away, she knew she won't be able to come back here to visit for some time again now.

Yes HIcky I agree and some of the acts the judges apart from Simon,put through are not that good.

Haven't got round to watching The Apprentice yet.

Am taking my mum to theatre this afternoon to see the younger ones from my lads Drama group do Alice in Wonderland. I think she will enjoy that.

have a good day all xx


Evening All.


I see BB start dates announced.


Big Brother will launch its new series with a double 90-minute premiere on Thursday, June 13 and Friday, June 14, it has been confirmed.

Garden coming on well, mainly dull or wet today, very little sun.
Am changing some of the wood structures round the pots/tubs, making them 1 board high, going to put the corner pieces in and add more 35x25mm wood to try and stop the sun getting to the water in the saucers they stand in.
I've now protected the plants in the tubs
Glad you got your car back, assume it passed it's MOT then.
If the material for your clothes has a little man made fibre in it you don't have to iron it, as Mollie says, a little Polyester added makes all the difference.
That was nice Mollie, having coffee with your friends from afar.
I liked Lauren, she is very popular and has been very busy since BB.
In big demand.
Just made some more egg fried rice and had 2 duck legs with it.
Then a few little iced cakes and a cup of Lemon Green Tea.

Hi there.

Wet here all day so no work.


I had an appointment at the local cottage hospital this afternoon.

When I saw the doctor a while back I mentioned that I sometimes had cold feet in bed, and sometimes had cramps in my toes.

I'd almost forgotten about it, but I had a phone call on Monday to say that he'd arranged a doppler test to look at whether I had blood pressure problems in my legs.

The test took about an hour, because you have to lie down and relax for 30 mins before they can do the blood pressures.

They said everything was within the normal range anyway, but I had slightly worse pressure in my right leg. Don't think it needs anything done about it, but they send the result to the doc anyway.


While I was in town I arranged an eye test at the opticians for Saturday. I need a new pair of specs anyway, even if the prescription hasn't changed, because I broke the spare pair that I use for work, so I've been using the one pair for work and good, which isn't ideal. Whenever I do any strimming they get spattered, and it's very difficult to get that stuff off.

I'll get varifocals again, because these ones have been so good.


No sign of the electrician coming to fit my new valve.

And I've been setting my alarm for 7am every morning, just in case he turns up early.


Hi Mollie. Glad you got to catch up with your friend again before she had to fly back.

Hope you and your Mum enjoyed the theatre?


Hi Hicky.

So the BB launch date has been confirmed.

Hope your garden alterations go OK?


Yes the car got it's MoT eventually. I enjoyed driving it again today.


I think if I folded my clothes straight after they have dried, then they might not need so much ironing? But I tend to leave them for ages before I get round to them. And by that time they are creased and scrunched up, so need ironing.


No BGT tonight, but I'll enjoy Location.... and Frankie.


Evening Emptybox.


Hope you blood pressure is ok in your leg.


I have 2 sets of glasses, both varifocal but one pair is safety glasses that i have to wear when walking around inside the factory, it's mandatory, i have normal safety glasses as well, but they are plain plastic lenses.


Just seen the BB advert with Emma on C5.


If you don't fold your clothes as soon as they are dry they will crease and stay creased.

We fold them as soon as dry and have no problem.





Glad to hear all was within the normal BP range, and hopefully as your leg was only slightly worse, it won't need attention or lead to further problems. That is very annoying that you are having to set your alarm for 7am each morning incase the electrician turns up. Sounds like it might be time for you to push and see if he can give you a firm day and time arranged.

Could you try hanging up your clothes as soon as they have dried?  That is what I do with mine and it generally means no creases, especially if they have some polyester in them.

Glad to hear you are back driving your car at last.



Thanks for the BB confirmation date.    Can't wait, I love to see all the new unknown HM's enter the house on opening night. I try and avoid reading any spoilers of who is going in before they go in, but from what I recall, unlike CBB, we don't generally get much idea about the HM's beforehand for the usual BB.

Glad your garden is coming on well.

Hopefully we have some good weather coming up for next few days, so say the forecasters.


My mum enjoyed Alice In wonderland,and so did I and daughter. There must of been about 100 young children in it in all.  So sweet.  


Enjoying watching BGT this week.

Alesha's cackle laugh is so funny.


I have a hospital appointment with the blood speciliast tomorrow, so I expect I will be there all morning, as I usually am. Good job there is a nice coffee bar and newsagents there , so I can get a coffee and some nice mags.  OH will drive and daughter has offerred to come too , so we will treat ourselves to lunch after at Red Hot. 

back to BGT,

Have a good evening all xx



Wet here this morning. Dried up a bit this afternoon, and I got a bit done, but was cold, dull and miserable.

Then, what do you know, it got sunny and warm from 7pm. What good is that to me?


Hi Hicky. Yes I remember you got a pair of prescription safety glasses. I should really wear goggles when I'm strimmimg, but I can't be bothered.


Hi Mollie. Glad your family enjoyed Alice in Wonderland.

Hope your blood tests go well tomorrow.


I think when the electrician comes depends on when he gets the parts delivered, so I doubt if he could give me a precise time? Hope he comes tomorrow though.


Quite enjoyed BGT but not stuck on any of the acts really. Now watching Human Swarm with Jimmy Doherty.


Hi again.

Lovely day here.

Got quite a lot of work done, but I'm quite far behind, so I'll have to do some work tomorrow, as well as my optician's appointment.


The electrician came at 8.30am, but only to tell me he won't be coming till next week.

This is because the landlady has asked him to fit mains powered smoke alarms at the same time as fitting the hot water valve. Seemingly it'll need three smoke alarms, and a heat alarm in the kitchen, so is quite a large job.

TBH I think it's a bit daft, as I already have 2 battery powered alarms, but I suppose the landlady is only doing what the regulations say?


Hope you all had the good weather too?

Hope it's warm again tomorrow. It makes such a difference.


Have recorded BGT and will watch it later. Watched The Time Travellers Guide toElizabethan England.


Evening All.


A lovely day here, might be good over the weekend.

Have been re-doing the wooden cover round all the tubs, the sun gets at the water in the big saucers and turns it into alga, quite a lot of work, but got a lot done today.

My 4.6kg tub of Coconut Oil came today.


The little ones where playing trying to dodge the Scarecrow water cat scarer, of course there's no escape.


Pity about your boiler Emptybox, powered smoke alarms, as you say, quite a big job.


Hope you blood test is ok Mollie? enjoy your Red Hot, wow, thats so good.


Just had some Fish Cakes, microwave potatoes and asparagus.

O/H did some shopping so got lots of goodies in for a few days.


Evening All.


A nice day here, pity about the breeze though.

Been busy in the garden remaking the single height frame for the tub saucers to keep the sun off the water.


Made a nice meal earlier.
Baked 2 medium spuds, boiled some small baby pots that had been slice thin, then kept them in the oven with some butter on them, baked 7 pieces of battered squid, then sliced some rump steak into little thin slices and stir fried with some sliced onion and sliced mushroom, then made a creamy pepper sauce.
Put the baked suds on the plate with the sliced spuds, added the stir fried meat then covered with the pepper sauce, very nice, then had strawberries & banana with cream, then had a trifle, then had a pan of giant king prawns.


Yep, that sounds like a nice meal Hicky. But let's face it, it's not spag bol is it?


At least your grandkids are getting some fun out of your cat squirters.


Busy day today. Did some work, then came home and changed and went to my optician's appointment, and chose my new specs, then came home and changed back into my work clothes and went out to do more work.

Bath and spag bol this evening.


Only a slight change in my prescription, but as I said earlier, I wanted them to make me new specs anyway. They're quite similar to my present ones; half frames and varifocal lenses. About ÂĢ230 worth.


I've recorded The Voice and BGT.

Watching this 'Chime for Change' concert at the mo.


Hope you had the good weather Mollie?

It was nice here, but still a bit chilly in the evenings.


Evening All.


Not a bad day really, warmish and not a lot of wind.


Just doing wood work in the garden, the surrounds of the tubs need changing to stop the sun turning the water into algae.


Just had a chicken roast, i now cut the chicken in half to roast it, it knocks a lot of time off the cooking time.

It's just like cooking a chicken leg really, 50 minutes and it was done.


Had brekki out, lovely as well.


Not much on TV, The Voice was ok, didn't watch it all, got bored.


Glad you were able to get some work done Saturday.

You glasses sound good, i'm well used to the varifocals now, expensive though.


Hope Mollie is having a good weekend, and Frodo of course.






sounds like you have been real busy catching up workwise whilst weather good.

those specs certainly aren't cheap, good job you don't need new ones too often.

What a nuisance these electricians visits are for you, I hate it when I have to fit in times for tradesmen to call, into my day. Let's hope he gives you a firm time and sorts the water and fire alarms out quickly.



Glad the weather has been good enough for you to get in the garden.

  at the little ones having such fun with the water cat scarer.


Great weather here too for last few days. Not too hot either, need my sweater on now and again on the seafront.

Hospital visit went fine, no problem, I just need to contact them if I have problems, and go back in couple of years.

Red Hot was enjoyable, but not so much choice at lunch times as in the evenings, so we reckon it is worth spending a bit extra to go in the evenings. Still good choice though for what you pay.


I have been outdoors a lot in this weather, walking dog and eating ice cream on seafront and reading mag in garden. Good for drying all my washing too.



has the tablets helped shift your toe nail problems. I ask you because I know my lad needs them too, and I have read they can take about a year to cure the problem. He was ignoring it and refused to go to docs, but now he has to. It has now started to move to his other big toe nail and he dropped some scenery on it when he was working in the theatre last week and it has gone  black, bleeding and swollen now.


Enjoyed the Voice and BGT.


Have a good evening all.xx

looks like good forecast for next week, hope they are right.



Lovely warm day here. Got my grass cut and went to the supermarket.

Cleaned up my outside table and chairs and got out my parasol.

I doubt I'll have the time to sit out, but it makes the place look more summery.


Yes Mollie I'll be glad when these electricians are finished. I still have no idea which day they might come.


Those anti-fungal tablets made a big difference to my toenails, but a 3 month's course wasn't enough to completely get rid of it. There's still a bit of thickening left on my big toes, but I didn't want to carry on as I think they were quite strong drugs. I think a further 3 months would have been sufficient to get rid of it completely.

If they get worse again I might have to go back to the doc.

Sorry ro hear your son injured his toe.


Hi Hicky. That's a better way to roast a chicken.

I only ever bother with chicken breasts.

Hope the changes you are making to your tubs stop the algae production.


I recorded The Voice and Once Upon a Time (on CH5).

Now watching 'Australia with Simon Reeve' on BBC2. Are you watching that Mollie?

Last edited by emptybox

Afternoon Everyone.


One boss gone on Holiday, one just come back.


They have dispatched my Blackberry Plants, yippeeeeeeeeeeee.


Have had delivered live Nematodes to kill the vine weevil that gets in the fruit tubs, it only lives for 2 weeks in the fridge and i have to use it all at the same time, bit of a bother, it makes 16 gallons, you get a little pack of 50 million.


Still got a lot to do on the wood surrounds to stop the sun getting at the water, will need my electric rotary saw for the rest but as neighbours were in the garden i didn't want to set the saw up Sunday as its noisy and dusty.


Thats good news Mollie from your hospital visit.


I haven't been to Red Hot in the evening, but i believe thats when you get the sea food.


Thats nasty for your lad, dropping anything on your toe is bad enough, a lot worse if it's already sore.


Emptybox, i think you may get time to sit on your cleaned chairs now the weather is picking up, but with BB starting and live feed from 7pm it's going to take a lot of time up.


I found that cutting the chicken in half before cooking it saved a lot of work, not only does it cook so much faster but you don't have to carve the chicken on a plate, you just put the half on your plate, add the spuds & veg, add the gravy and sit down to eat.


Hi Hicky.

You talking about your bosses' holidays reminded me that you've got a holiday in Portugal planned this year. Which month was that again?


Glad your blackberry (brambles in Scotland) plants have been sent. Hope you get them soon.

Mind and keep track of all those tiny nematode worms; cos if just one of the little blighters escape......


Hi Mollie. Glad your hospital visit went well, and you only have to go back in a couple of years.


Lovely day here again. Not quite as much sun, but nice and warm.

Got a lot of grass cutting done, and some hedge cutting.


Watching the Gadget Show, and then The Fall.

Fishcakes tonight.




Glad to see we are all enjoying this summer weather.


It at least means Hicky can get out in his garden, and Emptybox doesn't get behind work wise.

And it means I get to dry all my washing easily.



Glad the tablets helped your toe, don't blame you not taking them for too long though. Let's hope it does not get any worse now so you can keep off them.

OH has cleaned up our sun umbrella and chairs too. Let's hope you and me get time and plenty of sun to sit out and enjoy them now.

I didn't see that Australia programme, was it interesting?



hope you are pleased with your blackberry plants when they arrive. Watch you don't breathe in too much dust when you get that saw going.

  at the simplicity of your methods for serving your chicken up.


Got a docs appointment for son on Wednesday about his toe, it still looks horrible but at least the bleeding has stopped now.


Me and OH took mum to hospital eye clinic today. We were there 2 and half hours, but they were very nice to her. They say she has an eye infection and some rejection problems from the corneal graft she had, so they gave her  drops and ointment, and some sterile wipes to use. OH had had to make stickers for her meds, so she can read what to use on which eye, and I have to ring her to remind her when to put it in.
Hopefully it will all help improve her problems soon.

Doggie is continuing to enjoy her walks in this warm dry weather, and I am enjoying an ice cream, which I can't resist each time I take her out.

Looking forward to watching the 2 itv comedies now. Anyone else watch them? I like Viscous, but The Job Lot is my fave of the two. So funny.

Have a good evening all xxx


Hi Mollie.

The Australia prog was good, but it was the last in a series, and I missed the others in the series.


Sorry to hear your Mum is having problems with her eyes. Hope the meds help.


I watched the first couple of episodes of those ITV comedies, but I haven't watched them recently. They clash with The Fall.

 ETA: Watched The Job Lot on +1.


Hicky, it occurs  to me that I made a similar joke the last time you got nematodes. You'll be thinking that my routines have got stale?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


My Blackberry plants came, will plant them Thursday, i'll keep them watered and in my gazebo till then, they look ok anyway.


I think another few grafts seem to have taken, i've been taking the wrapping off them to see if the wound has heeled and they have so far, it looks like a bud graft has taken on the apple tree and a couple of bud grafts on the plum tree seem to be pushing through the protective wax tape.


Growth seems good all round, had to put net around the red currant bush as i think a bird is trying them for taste, they are only about 5mm at this time but they may be tasty.


We filled the car with stuff for the recycling plant, clearing out loads from the garage so i can move stuff into it from the gazebo.

Bought a couple of nice shelve units from B&Q to put along the wall in the garage.


Hi Emptybox.

My holiday in Portugal begins on the 13th August for 10 days.

I've even had shorts on today in the garden.

Will have to sort these Namatodes out soon as well.


Hope your lads toe is ok Mollie,


Thats awful, your mum having eye problems, nasty.


Glad your enjoying have those ice creams, O/H sorted the big freezer out  and threw a lot of stuff away.

I saw a box of lollies and ice creams etc, so i had a few of those this afternoon.


Just had some fish fillet with salad for tea.

Nothing much on tv will be going to bed in a minute, up for work at 4.30.


Forecast says sunny till next Wednesday anyway.



Hi Hicky.

Yes, it was shorts wearing weather here as well. Not that I was wearing them, you understand.....but I could have done.


Glad your grafts are coming on well and your blackberries came.

That was a good idea, making space by taking stuff to the dump.

I should really do the same. I've got a couple of old mowers and loads of other stuff just hanging about in my shed and garage.


Quite right, taking advantage og those spare ices that your OH was throwing out. Silly not to.


Enjoyed watching Frankie this evening.


Morning Everyone.


At work so can't see the lovely weather.


Had my usual bacon, sausage and egg on brown toast, yummy.


Yes, Emptybox, will be wearing my shorts all summer now i reckon.

O/H said probably best to wear normal trousers for work.


Very pleased with the grafts on the fruit tree's, i've been taking the protection and fastenings off most of them, they look healthy and the bark seems to have healed well.

Some grafts might get active later in the season, also some may wait till next year even.


I've been printing off some pages from the R.H.S. of growing fruit for the record.


Not sure what programs i watched last night, just flick through and see what turns up.

I saw Frankie one one of the shows, i assume thats whom you mean.


There's plenty of flowers on the strawberry plants, plenty of growth on the raspberry plants as well, also the figs are churning out leaves.





glad to hear your grafts are going well, and it sounds like you will get some good fruit this summer too.   You are becoming a real garden expert now.

Hope work was not too busy, good job you are still getting a good brekkie to see you through your working day. Good job your OH stocked up with the lollies and ice cream now summer has arrived.



Was it a "could of worn shorts" day again, or did you actually dig them out and wear them today?

Hope it has been nice and warm for you and HIcky like it has been here today.

Emptybox.... my son too has been given 3 months of those tablets to clear up his toe nail problems. Did you get any side effects from them, It must be a common problem, even the doc said he had it too, and his did clear after the 3 months. So hopefully like it has helped you, it will help my son too.

Daughter and I went swimming today in the lovely pool at the caravan holiday park. Daughter went down slide, but I was still too scared I would do myself a mischief if I did.  
  OH has given doggie a trim as the weather has warmed up now... so she looks real tiny.
Apprentice time now.

I am recording the new comedy drama on itv at 9pm, as it looks quite good.

have a good evening all xxx


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