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Good Evening Everyone.

A bit chilly today, good job the sun came out, not very warm though.

I left the computer on last night to see if the wireless connection to the internet stayed on,it did.

Ordered a bracket to hang the 50" on the fireplace, and ordered 2 x 5M extension cables to extent the Sky ones to the box.

Had a Thai curry tonight, made from a kit, boiled a little rice to go with it, put some left over chicken in.

O/H did a lovely Lamb roast yesterday, it was a boned leg joint.
But you can always guarantee a fault free meal with lamb.
Hi Hicky.
It's chilly up here as well, although I didn't go out. I spent most of the day on the couch watching the Commonwealth Games.

That food sounds good, although I've had no appetite today. A bit of toast and a digestive biscuit has been my sum total.

I think I'll get an early night anyway.
I doubt I'll work tomorrow either, unless i feel a lot better. Maybe Thursday?

You're really getting high broadband speeds now.   Maybe I'll think about moving to BT? But there's no saying that they would up the speeds at my exchange.

Hope Mollie had a good day.
Good evening all

Hope Emptybox is ok, and is getting over this bug. And hope it hasnt made him too behind at work.

nice for you to have a day off today, and your weather link looks like it is going to be good for some time to come.
You should be able to be bite free now you are equiped with your Avon SSS, and as an added bonus, have a nice soft skin.
I enjoyed the 2nd half of the JJJ show I saw too. But from what I saw, I still dont see them as young lovers, the passion seems to be lacking, and they still act more like a brother and sister.

Glad you enjoyed your Thai curry tonight.
I had onion bhaji , roasted sweet potatoe, peas,followed by my fave blueberry crumble,.. very nice.

A lovely sunny  and warm day again, but feels a bit chillier tonight, not cold enough to consider the heating yet though. Is your heating working ok now hicky?

goodnight all xx
Hi Emptybox
posted same time again.
poor you, that is not much food for a day. But if your body is telling you not to eat, best not to. Dont think you should work tommorrow, until you have perked up. You will feel tired if you do, after not being able to eat for a while.

Hope you feel a bit better tommorrow though.

Yes Hicky is getting a good speed. Ours is still awful, but like you say, if me or you switched to BT, it still might not help our speed. I know our exchange is not very good.
Good Morning Mollie & Emptybox.

A bit chilly last night again, to be expected.
Hope your feeling a bit better today Emptybox?

The Thai curry was very nice, forgot to put the herb/spice dried thingies they supplied, not to worry.

Can only put the heating on for a short time, have to watch the pressure on the boiler gauge, it blows off at 3 Bar, and with the pressure vessel rubber bag being split the pressure builds up, it should be taken by the air pressure in the bag being compressed in the vessel.

Just watching the Miners being rescued from the Chile mine.

These adverts at the top for google follow what is said in the post, they have an advert for a curry house and one for British Gas Boiler insurance.
Last edited by Hicky
Good afternoon all

hope you are feeling a bit better today. xx

work day today? Do you still get your brekkie in the canteen?
at those adverts you saw, that follow what we say in here.
Hope your heating can be sorted soon, with it starting to get colder now.

It is another lovely day here today though. Plenty of sun, even though OH's temperature thingie showed it at only 5 degrees outside this morning.

Hicky... I have been watching bits of thsoe miners been rescued. Fascinating. And what a story they will have to tell. Let's hope they will all be out soon, and suffer no ill health from their expereince. It must of been absolutely terrifying for them stuck in there for all that time.

Am expecting my Sainsburys shopping delivery soon. They still do free delivery for Tues, Weds, and Thurs if you spend over ÂĢ100, which we always do.

have a good day. xx
Son has just checked our Broadband on the links you both gave me.

It showed this speed...2416 kbs
However, what we usually get is only 350 kbs max.

This is obviously lots and lots, less than what we should be getting, and it means it runs slow, and son can't play on his games with his friends online. So he has wasted a lot of money on games and accessories for these games.
Any ideas how to rectify this?
Would getting a new modem help?

our ISP is Zenn and they are supposed to be good isp's. OH checked on Which before we got it.
Hi Mollie.

I still get my bekki in the canteen, nothing has changed.

Heating should be sorted tomorrow.

Haven't seen the weather since 6.15am so not sure whats it's been like really.

It was 5deg here last night.

The Miners may suffer later, lack of daylight and stuff,,being trapped in the darkness.
They didn't get found for about 18 days, they have been down 69 days.

Broadband speed of 2416 would probably be OK, but not if you don't get it.
Don't forget there's a down and an up speed, the up isn't so critical and is only a fraction of the down anyway and only used if you are uploading a picture or as a reply to the blocks of download data.
Don't think changing the modem will do anything, each time you reboot the modem it chooses a speed that it can run at to the modem at the other end or exchange.
I've always been with BT because they own the lines so never been tempted to try the others.
I never believe what they tell me and most of them in the early days were just kidding you as they didn't have the equipment to supply what they had promised.

I can't comment on other ISP's, just that I wouldn't trust them, and most of the names are just made up and they aren't who you think they are either.

15 MIners out now, hope I'm not here at work much longer.

I am feeling a bit better today thanks.
My head is still woozy, and I'd be no good to drive, but my stomach feels more normal now, and I had some ravioli for my lunch. Still don't feel very hungry though.

Been watching the Commonwealth Games again, and also the news reports on the miners' rescue.

Hope your heating gets sorted Hicky. I don't know as much about my system as you obviously do about yours, so i hope mine doesn't go wrong.

Not sure what you can do about your broadband Mollie, apart from complain to your supplier, or change them. I've heard of Zen, so suppose they should be OK?
The 2416 kbps that you reported, would be fine for gaming, but you might be only getting that at certain times of the day. Or your supplier might be deliberately cutting your speed at peak times?
I would take readings at different times of the day, so you can give a complete picture when you complain. 

It's been very cloudy here today, with a little rain this evening.
I've had the heating on all the time, while I've been ill.
Hi Hicky
hope you weren't in work much longer after you posted.

Hi Emptybox
glad you are feeling a bit better today.
hopefully you will shake it off now you have eaten a bit more now.
Yes, you musn't drive out to work whilst your head is feeling whoozy.
And yes, you must keep warm if you are not well. You want your body to use its energy fighting off the bug, without fighting to keep warm as well.

Lets hope the rest of those miners are all out unharmed and soon.
I hope they get some sort of sick pay, because they will need some time to rest. I heard some of had kidney problems from the lack of fluid, so I should think they would have to treat that before they can work again. 

here is a Diane vickers article incase you havent seen it HIcky..

We have lost one of the contestants on the Apprentice already. What a shame this happened.

Thanks for your hints on our connection.
My son is going to try and change the settings on the router, to see if it is that, because it seems strange if our speed is being shown as 2416kbs, but we only get 350kbs. It is a good idea of yours Emptybox to take note of how much we are getting at different times of day, so we can complain, if we cant fix it.

Looking forward to seeing The Apprentice soon.

have a good night. xx
Good Evening Mollie & Emptybox.
Didn't get away from work till 5pm ish.

At least your eating a bit Emptybox, that's good.

I think the Miners problems will come later.
I don't think they will need to worry about money, I'm sure they are in for some good money.

Off in the morning to get the Flu jab, got the boiler men back again as well.

Diana's new single is about wanting one night stands, she's a dare devil sort of girl.

Bad news about the lad from The Apprentice, it's on tonight I assume, judging by all the tweets.
Just watching the Cooking one.
Hi Mollie and Hicky.

The Apprentice was good, although I didn't think much of either products.
Pity about the guy who had to leave, but i couldn't remember him from last week anyway.
I'm struggling to find a favourite girl, although the one who was put into the boys' team was OK.
There are a lot of attractive ones there, but not sure they are especially likeable? Felt a bit sorry for Joanne though.

I'm not sure what settings you could change in the router Mollie? But it would certainly help to look in the settings to see what speed the router is seeing. It's usually a bit higher than you ever get at the computer, but of the same order.
Also, if all your computers connect wirelessly, it might be a good idea to get an ethernet cable and connect one of your computers with that, to see what the speed is. The problem might be with the wireless side of the router.
Did you not recently buy a new expensive modem/router?

Good luck with your flu jab Hicky.
Good Afternoon Emptybox.

Had my Jab this morning but they are running late, half hour behind, they are scheduled in 5 minute intervals, went to Morrison's for brekki, cash till down so had to pay later.
Blokes came to sort the boiler, O/H was up, he was here before 8am, I was in bed.
Should be OK now hopefully.

Glad all the Miners came out OK.
Just watching the look-back now on Sky news on the Puter.

It's a bit dull here today, chilly as well.
Forecast says Partly Cloudy and 13 deg, but doesn't look like clearing yet.

Well, nearly back to normal now. Nearly got my appetite back and I went into town to do some banking this afternoon.
Still feeling slightly fragile, but I may do a little work tomorrow? I'll see how i feel.

I watched the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games. The little Scottish section was quite fun, I suppose?

Glad all the miners are all up now.

At least you got your jab OK Hicky. Even if it was a little late.
And it's great that your boiler has been fixed.
Hi Emptybox.

Hope you will be OK to get some work done tomorrow, save you getting too far behind.

I ordered a walk in compact greenhouse today, big enough to walk in with a zipped front opening.
This one:
It's only strong plastic cover with steel tube frame with shelves.
I need it to put certain gardening composts etc in, plus need it for spring to get ahead with the plants, was very late last year as I had to wait till all frost had gone, that put me way behind time wise.
Good evening all

pleased to hear you are almost back to normal now. don't overdo it when you go back to work though.
Regarding the girls on the Apprentice, I thought you might be taken with Laura?  (the PM for the girls this week), I think she is a very pretty lady, and seems quite nice. I think the lads certainly enloyed having the blond lady for their leader. They certainly wasted no time trying to get her into the briefest of outfits they could, for their campaign. 
It is again this series an enjoyable show, which is good.
Thanks for your hints about our connection, I will pass your hints to my son, he is not sure what he is doing and OH too busy with work stuff at the moment.

fingers crossed that boiler is all fixed for the winter now.
Your little greenhouse looks really handy, just what you need.
that was a good idea to treat yourself to brekkie out after your jab.
It was cool today here too, the first cooler autumunal day we have had so far this year.
I have bought us a new winter quilt from Argos todayt, it did feel a bit cool with the summer one on last night.

Just enjoyed watching an Idiot Abroad.

hope you have had a good day. xx

goodnight all.
think I will have a quick dance on my game before bed.
Hi Mollie and Hicky.

That little greenhouse looks handy Hicky, and will take up much less room than the one you used to have (if i remember correctly?).
I thought it was quite funny, when i clicked the link, it  says "Customers who bought this item also bought..", and it has 3.5mm audio splitter. Random or what?

Mollie, that Laura looked fine, but i didn't think she was very good as a team leader. Maybe she'll get better?
Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.

I quite like Laura, seems a nice girl, will have to see how she gets on, not easy with a gang of blokes, but the other girls are awful so she's better off.

Boiler seems OK now, had to bleed some water out as they left too much pressure in the system, only need 1 Bar, they left 3 in it.
It needed about 3 pints to come out.

The slim greenhouse can go on the sheltered fence to the left of the garden, will be able to secure it to that as well.

It always amazes me Emptybox when they show you what others purchased as well, not related at all.
Evening guys.

It was a bit wet here this morning, but it dried up by the afternoon.
I did a couple of jobs this afternoon, to ease myself back into it, but I feel quite tired now.
The ground gets very soft at this time of year, and difficult to mow, but the grass is still growing a bit because of the relatively mild weather.

Hicky, Laura was the leader of the Girls' team, not the girl who was made the leader of the Boys' team. Can't remember what she was called, but she was very good.  

There's this Davina's Comedy Roast programme on tonight at 9pm Channel 4. Not sure if it'll be any good, but might be the last BB related show on CH4?
Hi Emptybox.

Glad you got a couple of jobs done today, you will be OK as long as your eating well.

Our grassed area is pretty wet still, could do with cutting again, not sure when we are getting a new mower.

I'm getting the team leaders confused, liked the leader of the lads anyway, will have to check the girls, but they just rowed in the boardroom.

Will watch Davina then at 9pm.

Just ordered my new 125litre big plastic tree tubs.
Morning Mollie & Emptybox.

I had an email at 7.05 am this morning from a courier who was going to deliver a parcel for me, they said between 8.23 and 9.23.
Didn't read my mail till after they had delivered at 8.45.
Don't know what time they think I get up on a Saturday morning.

Clear Sky here today, Sun pretty low so not much heat in it, the tree's and houses are shielding the rays with it being so low.
Damn... my post yesterday didn't turn up...
I caught my lappy turning itself off, before I could stop it.  saying something about an update

Good evening all
it was a lovely sunny day here today.

gosh that was an early delivery, and with not much notice either.

hope you feel all better now. That is the trouble when you have had a nasty bug, you can feel tired for a while aftewards. Hope your appetite has returned now.

We had a lovely day out today
We went here to see the beautiful autumn colours....
Really nice and colourful it was. Lots of people there, but it was such a big place, so it never felt crowded. I feel shattered now, we were walking around there for about 4 hours, and I went shopping this morning for groceries.

hope you are having an enjoyable weekend.

goodnight. xx
Evening Mollie.

The updates can turn your puter off if your not there, mine wants to update now, such a pain, mind you it's only an add on to Firefox as well.

Well at least I've got the bracket to fit the TV on the wall now, and the Sky cable extension.

The autumn leaves do look good, unless you have a drive full, they don't look as good when you have to shovel them up, thank heaven for the snow shovel I bought a few years ago, it's fantastic for leaves.

My finger has had some matter in it lately, squeezed some out tonight, was spraying some of that magic stuff on from Avon.
Have run out of dressings, will have to get some tomorrow, need fuel as well.
Had a couple of Grand Daughters here before, popped in for a visit, cooked them some Choc Cookies, pre-made just wanted 18 minutes in the oven @ 150C from frozen, you get a box of 45 from Costco, good value anyway, and lovely hot.

Loved SCD and X-Factor tonight.
Lady Gaga on twitter has 6,784,316 followers, imagine if she asked for advice on something.
Evening guys.

That looks a nice place for a walk Mollie.

It was cloudy and chilly here, but I got one of my big jobs done.
In truth, i don't feel 100% back to normal. I don't have my full appetite back yet, and I'm tiring easily. I can't afford not to work next week, but i may have to take it a bit easy, wouldn't want a relapse.

Sorry to hear you are still having problems with your finger Hicky. Would have thought it would be healing nicely by now?

That's a lot of followers for Lady GaGa.  A lot more than Stephen Fry.
Hi Emptybox.

It wasn't too bad here today, no rain but chilly and not a lot of sun.

Glad your getting back to normal, it takes a while.

Will have to see how my finger goes, still a bit sore and a bit green looking.
Bought some more dressings for it anyway, and the microporus tape.

Will be watching SCD and X-Factor later, have just laid on a roast Chicken dinner for one of my Lads and his family, only 6 of us, they all enjoyed it anyway, nothing left.
Good evening all

I think if you have had a stomach bug, it does take a long time to get over it. And if your appetitie is not back properly yet, then your body is telling you it is not ready for normal eating because it still needs to recuperate and rest. So it is a good idea to try and keep work to a minimum next week.
hope you can manage to do that.

sorry to hear that finger is still not right. Is it painfull at all?
Good to hear you have been enjoying cooking cookies and sharing a roast dinner with the family.

I am shattered again tonight.
been out on and off all day, enjoying the lovely weather.
this morning we went with the dog down by the river, and there was some really pretty frost lying around. Then this afternoon we spent the afternoon walking on the seafront and rock pools with the dog when we took son to drama.

enjoyed x factor and Downton Abbey this evening.
what a baddie is Thomas, he was always a goodie when he was in corrie.

hope you both had a good sunday.
Good Afternoon Emptybox & Mollie.

It doesn't looks so good again today.
But it doesn't effect me being at work.

My finger doesn't hurt unless I bang it, haven't looked today yet, will change the dressing tonight.
Was hoping I could squeeze the bad stuff/green stuff out and let it get back to normal.

Just been squeezing it through the dressing and it didn't hurt a lot.
Have been fairly busy, nothing too much though.

Watched the USA Under Cover Boss, brill, and Secret Millionaire, that was brill as well.
(That was Sunday night, a good one as well)

You were absolutely right Mollie. I did get back to normal eating too quickly.
I had a bad night last night with very bad indigestion, and am feeling bad again today, and am back to not eating much again. Also the coating is back on my tongue.
Just have to take it easy for a while longer, but I've got some work that I really must try to do this week, if possible.

Glad you enjoyed your walks yesterday Mollie.
I enjoyed Downton Abbey as well.

Hi Hicky. Hope your finger is pus free soon.
Good evening all

Aaaww Emptybox
sorry to hear you have not shaken off that nasty bug yet, sounds like your tum still needs some rest time. Try and just eat bland low fibre foods that are easy to digest, but will give you white bread toasted with small amount of butter, (maybe a bit of marmite for vitamins)..mash potatoes, white toasted bagel..., type stuff, so your tum can easily digest it. Try not to overdo the work, and I hope you can keep warm, that is hard to do if you are unwell and not taking in many calories.
Hope you feel better again soon.

Glad work wasn't overbusy today.
That is good that your finger isn't hurting all the time. Let's hope it clears, and dries up  soon.
Did you enjoy seeing Diane Vickers last night?
Who do you like in  X factor?
I like Mary and Aiden best, for their strong unusual voices, and also like John and Rebecca.
at Wagner, at least he is amusing.

Not a bad day here today, washing dried nicely anyway.
had loads of jobs to catch up with after spending all weekend outdoors enjoying the autumn sun.

I wonder when IACGMOOH starts?
Evening Mollie & Emptybox.

Bad news about your indigestion, not good to eat fast at anytime, depending on what it is of course.
Have changed the dressing, it doesn't look too bad really, will see how it goes.

It wasn't too bad at work, orders still coming in, and more opportunities to quote for work.
Just up to 1.9 million so far.

I saw Diana last night, I always enjoy listening and watching her.
I did see X-Factor, there's a few that are OK, like a few girls, and 1 feller.
You have to laugh at Wagner, hard to take him serious.

I enjoyed SCD as well, was expecting Mr Magic to go, must be pretty embarrassing for his fairly young wife, he's older than me.

Don't know when IAC starts, can't wait though.
Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.

Rotten day here, raining on and off.
My big Tubs came before, pretty big, made from old reclaimed car tyres I would think, look very tough anyway, great handles as well.

Just waiting for a big skip to arrive, then going to one of my lads to see his new chairs and settee.
Can't remember if I told you that I have 2 Daughter in Laws that are expecting, exciting times eh.

Feel a bit better today, but made that mistake last week, so I won't be rushing into eating again this week.
Had a small bowl of cornflakes for breakfast, and some toast and bovril for lunch (couldn't find any marmite). I'll see how I feel by suppertime, but it'll just be something light.

It's been raining here as well, so I don't feel too guilty about taking it easy in the house.
Although it's sunny at the moment, so I might go out and do a small job, if the grass dries.

More grandchildren on the way Hicky?
How many will that make now?

Glad your tubs came OK.

Is it nearly time for IACGMOH again Mollie? Be interesting to see who's on anyway.
Hi Emptybox.

Hope you'll be OK tomorrow then, miserable day here.

It was raining again before, went up to one of my lads to see his new suite, very nice.
Then went to the 'Moby Dick' for a Carvery, wow, so good, and for ÂĢ4.50 each it was well worth it.
I wouldn't mind that a few days a week, mind you it's ÂĢ6.50 on a Sunday.

Not sure exactly how many Grandchildren I have, some  Grandchildren, but out of the 7 I know of 3 girls and a boy are blood relatives with hopefully 2 more on the way.

Saw Diana again on 'This Morning' today, she sang her new single as well, just downloaded it from iTunes, want to give her a chance.

Work tomorrow.
Good evening all
Wasnt too bad a day here today. Got the washing half dry outside.
Am busy washing quilts now, so we can change to bigger ones for winter. Coudnt get the double one in the washer though, so think I will buy a new one. Can probably get one for the same price as getting it cleaned.

glad to hear the finger isn't looking too bad now. I guess you would soon know if it was infected because it would throb. Gosh that family of yours is expanding.   I bet your OH has a job there remembering all those littles ones birthdays. Did you like your lads new settes and chairs?
Yes Diana is doing very well for herself. It obviously did not matter that she did not win  factor, she couldn't of done any better if she had.
That is good that the orders keep coming at work.
These carvarys are good value, do you help yourself to veg, like you do at ours? Yours is even more of a bargain than ours, ours recently went up to ÂĢ5.25, but still no complaints for what we get.

glad you feel a bit better again. Hopefully your light diet should be easy on your stomach, but still give you energy. Cornflakes are good because they are not too high in fibre, but have added vitamins. And your Bovril too. Hope you coped ok on that job if you went out to do some work today. I hear on the weather forecast it is going to be quite cold up there, so hope you stay nice and warm.

My Heat came today, and Chantelle is on the front page. Poor gilr, she has to put that Preston behind her for good.  I think he is quite a cold fish, as far as Chantelle is concerned.  You could tell in the BB house he was not interested in her. Chantelle story below.

Not much on tv again tonight, I have given up on 7 days. But at least we are spoilt for choice at weekends.

Goodnight all xxx
Hi Mollie.

Pretty chilly here this morning.
Having to have the heating on more and more, cold nights as well, mind you the days aren't so good either.

Will just have to see how my finger goes, but it's calm at the Mo.

At the Carvery, they give you the meat, it was Roast Top Side, Turkey Crown or Gammon, just had the Beef.
The rest you serve yourself so you can have what you want, lovely Roasties, Cauli, Cabbage, Carrots, Peas, Stuffing, Mash, lovely Gravy.
I'll be going back there, no worries.

I'll read that link about Chantelle, I see Chanelle had some coverage in New mag and a few papers, she's looking good, wanting to get back into the modelling.

Hope I'm not too busy today, then I can read all the news on CNN etc.
Good evening all

hope you feel a bit better today, and have managed to eat something. Did you get any work done? Hope you dont feel overtired.

My OH has that spray on plaster stuff. Hope it helps your finger.
Yes your carvary is the same as the one here. Nice choice of veg, and good that you can help yourself. I reckon if you bought and cooked it all yourself, by the time you added up the cost of petrol to the supermarket, the electric to cook it, and the cost of the food, it would not be any cheaper than what we pay for it at the carvary.

Yes, I am sure you will find good use for your extra money, if you work Friday. Another dozen bags of slate, perhaps?

We havent switched our heating on yet, not cold indoors yet, but I am wearing my Pineapple  hoody today.

Looking forward to the Apprentice tonight.

Goodnight all xx
Good Evening Mollie.

This isn't spray on, you cut the piece you want out of a sheet, she's going to bring me a sheet.
She gave me a few pieces to start with.
Think I can see some green stuff through.

Just watching The Apprentice.

My Walk-in greenhouse has arrived, have built the sections in the back room.
It just needs pushing together now.
Might have a bit of a problem getting the cover on, might have to get O/H to give a hand.

Really frosty here this morning, on the car and on the grass.
In fact the frost stayed on the grass all day, in the sheltered spots.
Apart from that, it was a lovely sunny day.
But i definitely need the heating on here.

I got a few hours work in, but I'm still taking it easier than usual. It would have been too frosty to work early on anyway.

I'm feeling much better now, but I'm going to stay on light food for a little while just to make sure.
I've lost half a stone since i got ill. I'm only 10Â― stone now, but I'll quickly put it on again soon enough.

That magic skin stuff sounds good Hicky. Hope it helps your finger to heal.  
Pity you've got to work extra this week, but it'll keep you out of the garden.  

Both teams seemed a shambles on the Apprentice, but they both made very good profits.
Still haven't found a favourite though. Nobody stands out. Perhaps when there are fewer of them?
Hi Emptybox.

Didn't have any frost this morning, mind you I'm pretty close to the coast, maybe that's it.
It must have been quite a nice day, but I missed it.
Will have to do some Skip filling tomorrow, will try and get some of the grass sods put in.

At least you got a few hours work in, it all helps and you'll soon put your weight back on, the problem with having no weight is that you feel the cold more.

Took the magic skin off to look at the wound, think some of the bad bits came off as well.
It sticks pretty good so put a non stick dressing back on instead for now.

Watched the Only way is Essex, makes a change

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