Mary Taylor
Corrie: Norris resists Mary's charms
Look out Norris, she’s back.

Heeeeeeeere’s Mary!

Coronation Street’s Norris Cole (Malcolm Hebden) is in for an unpleasant shock on the cobbles. His one-time competition buddy and, ahem, lady-friend, Mary Taylor (Patti Clare), is back Back BACK and she has her eyes fixed firmly on the prize: Norris. Preferably back in her Winnebago.

Malcolm, speaking in an interview with ITV, explained that Norris has the feeling he’s being watched and keeps getting creepy glimpses of the infamous motor home. He thinks he’s being stalked – and he’s right. Mary eventually plucks up the courage to walk back into The Kabin.

But this time she’s a woman with a “cunning” plan. Patti revealed that Mary’s second time lucky approach is “softly, softly” and that she’ll try to inspire jealousy in Norris by telling him she met someone on her travels.

“Met someone, as in a man?” queries the querulous newsagent. Yes, Norris, as in a man.

Let’s see if Mary’s approach works. If the van’s a-rocking, we won’t come a-knocking. *Shudder*.


Coronation Street: The Wedding Crasher27 pictures, follow link to see.