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Yogi19 posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I have a cherry tree in the front of my apartment. Because of the rain there has been a ton of cherries, they have also had the chance to ripen up and not been eaten, they are all dark, dark, deep red, almost black. However, we have had a couple of days nice weather and the wood pigeons have pretty much decimated the tree. I try and scare them off occasionally to give the other birds a chance, but they always come back, stick two fingers up at me and carry on eating. 


The birds have eaten the fruit from my patio peach tree. So far, they haven’t touched the fruit on the patio apple tree but I’m guessing they’ll get to it next.

They will take any opportunity to grab a quick meal won't they. 


 Mr Y has a downer on all birds atm, as they keep pooping on his car

I feel his pain ....only in my case it’s the patio they keep crapping on 

Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I have a cherry tree in the front of my apartment. Because of the rain there has been a ton of cherries, they have also had the chance to ripen up and not been eaten, they are all dark, dark, deep red, almost black. However, we have had a couple of days nice weather and the wood pigeons have pretty much decimated the tree. I try and scare them off occasionally to give the other birds a chance, but they always come back, stick two fingers up at me and carry on eating. 


The birds have eaten the fruit from my patio peach tree. So far, they haven’t touched the fruit on the patio apple tree but I’m guessing they’ll get to it next.

They will take any opportunity to grab a quick meal won't they. 


 Mr Y has a downer on all birds atm, as they keep pooping on his car

I feel his pain ....only in my case it’s the patio they keep crapping on 

 Yes, our patio got splatted too but, he’s only bothered about his precious car 

Yogi19 posted:
Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


I have a cherry tree in the front of my apartment. Because of the rain there has been a ton of cherries, they have also had the chance to ripen up and not been eaten, they are all dark, dark, deep red, almost black. However, we have had a couple of days nice weather and the wood pigeons have pretty much decimated the tree. I try and scare them off occasionally to give the other birds a chance, but they always come back, stick two fingers up at me and carry on eating. 


The birds have eaten the fruit from my patio peach tree. So far, they haven’t touched the fruit on the patio apple tree but I’m guessing they’ll get to it next.

They will take any opportunity to grab a quick meal won't they. 


 Mr Y has a downer on all birds atm, as they keep pooping on his car

I feel his pain ....only in my case it’s the patio they keep crapping on 

 Yes, our patio got splatted too but, he’s only bothered about his precious car 


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Baz posted:

Their garden looks ok already !

I thought that. They can just add a few colourful flowers and job done. You don't need those two.

Exactly ! 


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