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Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:

 that he lives in northern england

I didn't know that  Well, there are plenty of us 'Northerners' on here....I'm just a bit wary, tbh, he was obviously q a private person and shared what he chose to share and I'd hate to think that we were suddenly intruding or disrespecting that on his death

Originally Posted by Lori:

Well, once we have more information, we can decide exactly what to do. To me the ideal thing would be for us to send a floral arrangement on behalf of the community, and then maybe he has a charity of choice to which we could individually contribute in his name?


That's what I like to do....

I agree Lori....let's be guided by his nephew and Kathy as to what they consider would be most appropriate

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:

 that he lives in northern england

I didn't know that  Well, there are plenty of us 'Northerners' on here....I'm just a bit wary, tbh, he was obviously q a private person and shared what he chose to share and I'd hate to think that we were suddenly intruding or disrespecting that on his death

Yes, I agree completely with that .. I reckon flowers from the community and individual donations to a charity he supported would be the way to do it

Originally Posted by Lori:

Well, once we have more information, we can decide exactly what to do. To me the ideal thing would be for us to send a floral arrangement on behalf of the community, and then maybe he has a charity of choice to which we could individually contribute in his name?


That's what I like to do....

I was going to post that self-same idea Lori! 


My bro' has set up a tribute page for my mum on the donations part of her chosen charity website. That way, it wouldn't be necessary for us to know brisket's RL name in case that made his family and friends uncomfortable but one which we could donate via in his forum name. It would be a page that Kathy could then show those who she chose to see it.


(By the way, a quick and quiet thank you to all for your own kind thoughts for me at the moment.) 

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:

 that he lives in northern england

I didn't know that  Well, there are plenty of us 'Northerners' on here....I'm just a bit wary, tbh, he was obviously q a private person and shared what he chose to share and I'd hate to think that we were suddenly intruding or disrespecting that on his death

just assumed (again) that it was commonly known. you did suggest that someone from here represent him at his final journey so i assumed (again again) that you were aware of that. have to agree based on all the messages here that his privacy should be maintained and a contribution to his chosen causes and charities would be most fitting.

Mighty Quinn
Originally Posted by Lori:

Well, once we have more information, we can decide exactly what to do. To me the ideal thing would be for us to send a floral arrangement on behalf of the community, and then maybe he has a charity of choice to which we could individually contribute in his name?


That's what I like to do....

I think that's a perfect idea Lori - I'm sure brisket would be pleased with it as well.


My eyes have barely been dry since I read your post yesterday and reading all the lovely things people have had to say has been heartwarming as well as sad.  He was a very special fm and it is fitting that we do something to show that we appreciated him.


Since he shared our forum life here it seems to me that it would be appropriate that we do something here to celebrate him and the contribution he made to our community. 


It's already been suggested - so I wondered if we might go ahead and choose a day to celebrate brisket......maybe Saturday.  On that one day we could all choose our own rose avatars and fill the forum with flowers in his memory.


By way of celebration and in his spirit perhaps we could all make a pact to abandon our familiar boltholes and post a thread in his memory - all of us - even those who never start threads.  A quiz, a gentle rant, a favourite piece of music, a poll, a piece about what was on telly last night, pictures of our favourite pets  .....the sort of thing he'd post and we could talk to each other in those threads - probably to people we never normally talk to.


I think it would make him smile to see the forum buzzing, and us making the effort to talk and be nice to each other in his name for that one day, and it is in keeping with the brisket that we knew and loved....

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

The Rose Beyond The Wall

A rose once grew where all could see,
sheltered beside a garden wall,
And as the days passed swiftly by,
it spread its branches, straight and tall...

One day, a beam of light shone through
a crevice that had opened wide
The rose bent gently toward its warmth
then passed beyond to the other side

Now, you who deeply feel its loss,
be comforted - the rose blooms there-
its beauty even greater now, nurtured by
God's own loving care

Originally Posted by Lori:

Well, once we have more information, we can decide exactly what to do. To me the ideal thing would be for us to send a floral arrangement on behalf of the community, and then maybe he has a charity of choice to which we could individually contribute in his name?


That's what I like to do....

That would be lovely and I'd very much like to contribute in a fitting manner without overstepping on his privacy.

Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:
 you did suggest that someone from here represent him at his final journey so i assumed (again again) that you were aware of that

I think that it would be lovely, and fitting, if one of us quietly did that, preferably, if the geography fits, someone like you, who was 'closer' to him x

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Mighty Quinn:
 you did suggest that someone from here represent him at his final journey so i assumed (again again) that you were aware of that

I think that it would be lovely, and fitting, if one of us quietly did that, preferably, if the geography fits, someone like you, who was 'closer' to him x

didn't say i was closer to him, just that i'd chatted with him. he was a great person, but i never presumed to be in his inner circle like kathy. as it happens the geography and not wishing to impose fits so i'll go along the charity giving suggestion.

Mighty Quinn

I love Hoochie's idea of a 'Brisket Day'; a day where everyone posts their own rose images, in his memory


I also agree that Seattle doing what should be done on behalf of us all is the best, most discreet and less intrusive way forward.  It would be great to know of Brisket's favourite charity, too, and I would definitely donate to that. 

In any event, I'll be making a 'Brisket' donation today regardless - to Cancer Research.  



yorky pud
Originally Posted by ~Lee~:

The Rose Beyond The Wall

A rose once grew where all could see,
sheltered beside a garden wall,
And as the days passed swiftly by,
it spread its branches, straight and tall...

One day, a beam of light shone through
a crevice that had opened wide
The rose bent gently toward its warmth
then passed beyond to the other side

Now, you who deeply feel its loss,
be comforted - the rose blooms there-
its beauty even greater now, nurtured by
God's own loving care

Awww Lee I remember that poem, it helped me once deal with the anger of losing someone....


brisket's Sparkly rose 

An Angel fly's by to say hello friends so dear.
Out of the everywhere and into here. 
Your eyes are dazzling , oh so blue
a lovely smile, reaching through. 
that dazzling flickering sparkling light

You brought it will you, i see it tonight!
Where did you get that sparkly tear?
I found it waiting when I got here.  
What makes your aura like a warm red rose? 
It will touch you deep, there in your soul. 
Why should you be out of mind, because your not in our view

Your just in the next room, your still

Leaving us your smile, and warmest glow,

a treasured gift and so much more.





Thank you Kathy for coming on here and bringing us comfort. Hopefully our posts are returning the comfort to you. It does make you feel warm when you read this thread. So many lovely posts.

The wallpaper is amazing, much better than i imagined, thank you Rosemary and Lori, its  so good. 


A quizz night and a flower thread/theme on here sound brilliant idea's, and the charity of choice.

Possibly a memorial day on here for brisket, once a year? 







Ev (Peachy)
Last edited by Ev (Peachy)

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