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Yogi19 posted
El Loro posted:

Tip for the day. If a cheetah gets into the back of your car and you are in the front, it's best to keep still, don't turn to look at it, and wait for it to leave.

I’m not sure I’d have stayed as calm as them

Hopefully, it's not that likely that something like that would happen (other than possibly at a place like Longleat) The cheetah in the video clip look stunning but I wouldn't want to meet one at close quarters. I'm glad you are getting over your cold

El Loro
El Loro posted:
Yogi19 posted
El Loro posted:

Tip for the day. If a cheetah gets into the back of your car and you are in the front, it's best to keep still, don't turn to look at it, and wait for it to leave.

I’m not sure I’d have stayed as calm as them

Hopefully, it's not that likely that something like that would happen (other than possibly at a place like Longleat) The cheetah in the video clip look stunning but I wouldn't want to meet one at close quarters. I'm glad you are getting over your cold

 Hopefully not. I agree that the cheetah was gorgeous


Thank you


On the Radio 4 programme Today this morning there was an article from Frank Gardner on Christianity in Ethiopia at the Easter period. It's quite extraordinary.
It starts just before the 1 hour 31 minutes point and lasts about 11 minutes.
There's mention of some photos he took (6 in all) which can be seen:

El Loro

Thank you Squiggle


I delivered the church magazines for my round first thing this morning as they weren't ready until yesterday and the forecast for the rest of today, tomorrow and Easter Monday is wet virually throughout. As you say, it's feeling really cold. There's a snow weather warning in place for Monday though I doubt if it will be anything other than sleet here.

El Loro

Good evening popping in to wish you a happy good Friday, I hope you’ve all had a lovely day 🐰🐣💕 

things have been rather busy here, but my mum leaves tomorrow and life should get back to normal (I don’t know where the last few weeks have gone!) 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Still raining here but not as heavily.


Summer, I hope you've had a good time with your mum and that she has an uneventful journey home


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, cold, grey and drizzly, I hope the weather is better where you are.  Safe journey home to your Mum Summer.  I hope the family get-together is a happy time for everyone Yogi.


Enjoy your day everyone 


For those who didn't watch The Silent Child on BBC1 yesterday, it's worth watching.


It's also worth watching the last part of yesterday's The One Show as it's an interview with the writer and director of The Silent Child (starts at 28 minutes in) and then at 33 minutes in showing some of the young actress's real life leading to the film winning the Oscar.


Link to The One Show:
Link to The Silent Child:

El Loro

Good afternoon Buddies  

Drab wet day here but I managed to find a dry bit to go to my local shops. So I am all set for the holiday now 


Yogi, happy organising  

Sweet, I hope your mum has a safe journey home 

El and squiggle  


Have a great evening everyone  


Hi Moonie


The weather here has been much the same as yours. It's just cloudy now and tomorrow looks as if it will be dry though cloudy. Monday looks as if it's a write-off - 15 to 25 mm expected widely.

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning all

It rained overnight and now it’s dry and cloudy.

I’m organising a family get together so I won’t be around till tomorrow.

Have a good day, everyone.

hope you had a lovely time with your family night yogisummer if you pop in

Rocking Ros Rose

Yogi, I'm glad the family get together went well


The Silent Child is being shown again this morning on BBC1 at 11.25. I still think it's worth watching the last part of The One Show I linked to as it's a good counterbalance to The Silent Child.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, dry at the moment but rain in the forecast.  May the joy of the blesséd hope that we have through the life, death and resurrection of our Saviour fill you with peace on this very special day.  God bless you all.


Image result for he is risen


Good morning everyone


Glorious weather here, clear blue skies and pleasantly warm, just perfect for a long walk through the countryside. One can but dream - it's raining


Quite interesting BBC article on the subject of two films coming out around the same time which are very similar:
Strangely enough it doesn't mention Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Kevin Costner) (released 19 July 1991 in the UK) and Robin Hood (Patrick Bergin) (released 17 May 1991)


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone.

It’s cold and bright atm but MrY says snow is forecast 

I remember the two Robin Hood films being released around the same time, El

Have a good day, everyone 


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