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Good morning everyone


Cold and cloudy here with the possibility of a bit of snow though not expected to be much. There must have been some overnight as there are some flakes on the car but very few of them.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Short clip on the BBC site of the snow in Moscow:


Although the visual content and the music are quite light-hearted, the clip mentions that one person had died so I think there's poor judgement made when choosing the music.

El Loro

Good morning Buddies  

Cold with a little snow which has already gone 

Not planning on going out unless my medication is ready to collect from the chemist this afternoon 

Have a great day and stay warm and cosy   

Last edited by Moonie

Moonie, I'm glad your snow has gone if you do find that your medication is ready


Summer, as I know you love snow I hope you get some settling so that you can scrunch away when you are walking


Squiggle, I'm glad your groceries have arrived

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, I'm glad your snow has gone if you do find that your medication is ready


Summer, as I know you love snow I hope you get some settling so that you can scrunch away when you are walking


Squiggle, I'm glad your groceries have arrived

Thanks El 

Its turned out rather nice here, for now 

El Loro posted:

A nervous farmer from Aberdeenshire rang the polce as he had seen a tiger in his cowshed. Several police vehicles including armed police were sent to the farm:


I saw that on the television El 

Looked kinda real though 

El Loro posted:

If any of you have wondered where the word suffragette came from, it came from the Latin word suffragium meaning a vote.
An article on the Latin word:*/Suffragium.html

Do we know who first use the word ‘Suffragette’ El? 

Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

If any of you have wondered where the word suffragette came from, it came from the Latin word suffragium meaning a vote.
An article on the Latin word:*/Suffragium.html

Do we know who first use the word ‘Suffragette’ El? 

Originally the various women's suffrage groups called themselves suffragists. Then in 1906, Charles E Hands, a joumalist wrote an article in the London Daily Mail deriding them calling them suffragettes. The suffragists decided to embrace the term hardening the g to suffraGETtes to show that they had every intention of getting the right to vote. The word suffrage comes from the French word (same spelling) which came from the Latin word I mentioned. Suffrage does not come from the word suffer which comes from a different Latin word.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Sunny with some clouds and still cold here - the amount of snow which fell here yesterday was no more than a few flakes.


Yesterday was the day the BBC ceased using the Met Office for weather data by moving over to a Dutch provider called Meteogroup. That's why their maps have changed. On the BBC site, you now get data for each hour for 14 days and a map for today and tomorrow or for the coming week by 3 hourly periods for the first couple of days then 6 hourly.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, the sleet did turn into snow for a short while yesterday but it didn't hang around for long and was all melted away a couple of hours later.  It's a beautiful morning here, I hope it lasts.  


Enjoy your day everyone 


It's a lovely morning here too with clear blue skies though cold. I walked to the local post office/shop only to find that it is closed for two weeks for refurbishment. So I walked on to the Co-op to get next week's Radio Times.

El Loro

Good evening Buddies  

Sharp frost overnight. Blue sky and sunshine all today but still bitterly cold 

Clear sky at present so another sharp frost expected tonight 

Have a great evening everyone  

El Loro posted:

The weather is forecast to be warmer tomorrow in my area not that there's any snow. Hopefully none of you have been inconvenienced by snow

Flurries yesterday but it didn’t stick. None today El 


*night owls* 🦉 good evening I hope you’ve all had a good day 


i had planned a lazy day today but the sun came out and we had blues skies.. after a lovely walk, I’ve done my best Cinderella impression on my house and my best Jamie Oliver impression in the kitchen  


squiggle, how was the panna cota?  


Sweet dreams everyone  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, cloudy here too and I think it's a little less cold but I haven't ventured out yet.  Summer the panna cotta was delicious, a lot like a crème caramel.


Enjoy your day everyone 


On my local news website. The article makes no mention of anyone being injured. It's not known how this happened - no other vehicles involved and the car has since been removed.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

On my local news website. The article makes no mention of anyone being injured. It's not known how this happened - no other vehicles involved and the car has since been removed.

Good parking job that  


Good afternoon Buddies  

Very cold and windy here today. Last nights frost was not as severe as the night before though. I have only been as far as the recycling bin today but was back in the house pdq  

Have a great day everyone and stay warm and cosy   


Moonie, sounds as if the wind there was what was making you feel so cold, I hope you are warm and cosy now


I'm not sure the driver of that car was parking. Might have been making a three point turn at speed

El Loro
El Loro posted:

On my local news website. The article makes no mention of anyone being injured. It's not known how this happened - no other vehicles involved and the car has since been removed.

 Yikes, El!


Hi everyone. Forgot to post in here this morning.

lol Summer, we should call you Cinderoliver from now on 

Moonie, it’s chilly up here too....and rainy.

Glad you enjoyed the panna cotta, Squiggle.

El Loro posted:

Moonie, sounds as if the wind there was what was making you feel so cold, I hope you are warm and cosy now


I'm not sure the driver of that car was parking. Might have been making a three point turn at speed

The time I was out and in, the wind didn’t have time to land on me El  

Warm and cosy I am a fankoo 


It makes you wonder how anyone walked away from that car 


Yogi, I hope you’re warm and cosy now 

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