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Good morning everyone


After a wet night here it's not raining at present but there may be some more over the next couple of hours then it should be dry for the rest of the day thought the next batch of rain is tomorrow.


You may have heard on the news that 3 of the 4 most serious flood warnings are in Gloucestershire. These are the same 3 as yesterday and relate to the Minsterworth etc areas which are right by the Severn and are south of Gloucester. It is because of the next Severn bore which will be coming up the river this morning. It does not impact on my area.


Although the bores will continue for some days they will quickly lessen. The highest tides occur a couple of days after a full moon which was on the 1st so yesterday would have been the highest and will now reduce as the moon becomes less full.


El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

I am glad the tide surges will be lessening now EL, thank goodness it does not affect your area.  I haven't heard of any loss of life so far from all these high tides so that is great news.


Oh dear there has been such a lot of bad health over the Christmas period hasn't there.  So sorry to hear you have another cold Summer, make sure you take those vitamins (maybe some echinacea too??) and how horrible that you have yet more spasms from horrible Crohn's again and it has interfered with your sleep too Yogi, hugs for you both   I hope that Mr Summer's migraine has properly gone away now too.


Thanks for letting us know about moonie Baz , and I look forward to seeing him again soon and Skylark too.


We are still getting loads of rain but at least the wind has dropped now.


I love that owl picture Summer, I bet those pups are seriously cute, are they all spoken for now?


I see that Cheltenham's football match has been postponed this afternoon.

I can't say I'm surprised as the ground must be waterlogged.

The Gloucester rugby match is still on though the players would be more used to playing in a mud bath.


Did you know that it you went to Jupiter and cooked chips, they would cook faster and would be crunchier than here. Though if you went to the Moon, the chips would be a bit soggy.

El Loro
good evening all

Aw squiggle, your pic made me smile lol
I think I've trashed my immune system with all the naughty christmas food I've eaten, it's no wonder I have another cold
I like raspberry & echinacea herbal tea, but I think getting some additional vitamins would be wise

El, I'm glad your home is dry & safe, the waves looked huge on the news!

Yogi I hope you feel brighter today and have been able to enjoy having PB over
~Sparkling Summer~

lol at the doggy 'selfie'.

Squiggle, I'm sure you are not alone in your wish for a huge wave to batter Verity.

I'm better today, thanks Summer. PB was a joy, as always, and was gabbling away good style. Boo seems to be her latest word and blowing raspberries seems   popular too.

I hope your cold is short-lived and you soon feel better.

El, your area has had an awful time with the floods. I'm glad you haven't been badly affected by them.

Hugs for our absent Buddies, Skylark and Moonie. Come back soon.

Yeah!!!! I love how to everyone else she's the countess, but to them she's "granny"

Fab, Keira will be happy then
Bramble met the puppies today! She didn't like it when they tried to feed off her though, she got nipped and hid behind my legs lol
She was very well behaved though and seemed to understand that they are babies. When she first saw them her face was a picture, it was like she couldn't believe her eyes
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Dry here at present, but rain returns by noon. It's not forecast to be as much as recent storms but it won't help those who have been affected by the bad weather. Weather forecast seems to suggest that the really bad storms may be over but it will remain unsettled and start getting colder.


El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is dry and no wind for the moment.

Moonie, good to see you back but I'm sorry you are still feeling poorly. Get well soon, we miss you when you aren't here.

Squiggle, what a lovely tribute to the Phil Everly of the Everly Brothers.

Their music is quite special and a gift to us all.

El and Squiggle, take care when you are out and about.

Summer, I envy you your frosty morning for dog walking. The ground is sodden up here and Keira's paws and feathers under her tummy are filthy every time she is out for a walk, or even if she nips out into the garden for five minutes.


Last edited by Yogi19
It'll fly by! I'm already planning this years christmas decorations

Moonie it's good to see you pop in, I hope you soon stop feeling sickly.
I had a queasy spell myself earlier and had to abandon some paperwork for work to have a lay down. I got through my paperwork albeit much slower than usual and then had another lay down until it passed.
I feel ok now and just ate a little supper. I LOVE tinned plum tomatoes

It looks like I chose the best part of the day for walking Bramble and I did 11 miles! Most of the ground was frosty, I had fun breaking an icy puddle but we still got really muddy. I scraped it off my boots with a stick and Bramble was the muddiest I've ever seen as I showered her lol
It's now blowing a gale and raining heavily!

Yogi, it must be much harder to clean Keira with her being bigger, I usually sweep Bramble up in a towel and carry her up to the bathroom

I haven't taken my decorations down
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Lol I like it!
I wonder how long mr summer would allow them to stay up if I just left them...

I've boxed up my advent tree, so that's a start I'll sort something else out tomorrow

Did you enjoy DOI?

The advent tree is a start.

Yes, DOI was good.

Youngest son has been on the phone. It's his birthday tomorrow, so he is coming over.


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