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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Watching Dinnerladies on Gold, what a brilliant programme. I must see how much the box sets are on Amazon.I may treat myself !  Seen them all before, but i could watch them over and over 

I've checked, they're going for ÂĢ5.68.

Amazon ÂĢ5.97

Is that all !!  Great stuff . Thanks for that x
By the way i said about junk mail, of course the email from your DiL wouldnt come that way ! That was a stupid thing to say, but you know what i meant , hopefully  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Watching Dinnerladies on Gold, what a brilliant programme. I must see how much the box sets are on Amazon.I may treat myself !  Seen them all before, but i could watch them over and over 

I've checked, they're going for ÂĢ5.68.

Amazon ÂĢ5.97

Is that all !!  Great stuff . Thanks for that x
By the way i said about junk mail, of course the email from your DiL wouldnt come that way ! That was a stupid thing to say, but you know what i meant , hopefully  

I did know what you meant.

Collects thanks everyone & sweet dreams to you all Yoga was good tonight, and I did a head stand kettlebell has strengthened my arms enough so I don't put weight on my neck when trying headstand I've also been preparing mr summers mystery tour, I print out an invitation each year telling him when we leave, what to take and when we get back I only have one main physical gift this year-binoculars- so I wrapped them 7 times I'm off to bed too, sweet dreams
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Yogi, you could be right - they may have just tried the rear windscreen heating last year and found nothing wrong.


I assume your daughter in law has run a virus check on her pc and changed her passwords as it is more likely that it's her pc which has a virus on. Only change the passwords after running a virus scan as changing the passwords first could be a mistake.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Yogi, you could be right - they may have just tried the rear windscreen heating last year and found nothing wrong.


I assume your daughter in law has run a virus check on her pc and changed her passwords as it is more likely that it's her pc which has a virus on. Only change the passwords after running a virus scan as changing the passwords first could be a mistake.

I changed the password after I'd run two scans - I like to double-check things.

My DiL has done a scan and changed her password too, so hopefully all is well.



Don't feel guilty yogi, the housework is always going to be there, delaying it won't cause any harm Thank you, yes I'm sure he'll love his birthday, I always get a panic on just before I give gifts, I do it at Xmas; I buy & wrap and am thrilled, then I deliver my gifts, go home and panic that I could have done better! Silly really they always like their gifts! Skylark, kidding aside, I'm glad your joints are good today, I should imagine it makes a huge difference to your day
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
 I always get a panic on just before I give gifts, I do it at Xmas; I buy & wrap and am thrilled, then I deliver my gifts, go home and panic that I could have done better! Silly really

No, not silly. I think it means you care a lot for the people you are giving gifts to, and want them to be happy with their pressies.

any idea what a godmother is supposed to buy her unborn goddaughter? Or the mother..? She's due December 10th, I need to give the baby shower type gifts in November. I know zilch about babies! I'm getting the baby a personalised Xmas tree bauble for Xmas, I just need her to be born to see if they keep her so far chosen name it's Ava
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Morning Yogi, yes i have been ! Taking advantage of one of my "good days" . The old joints arent so stiff this morning 
Hope you are well this morning 

That WD40 works wonders.

I'm fine thanks, but feeling guilty - because I've only fed the dog and made the beds so far.

Ha ha yes its great stuff !  Dont feel guilty x

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Collects thanks everyone & sweet dreams to you all Yoga was good tonight, and I did a head stand kettlebell has strengthened my arms enough so I don't put weight on my neck when trying headstand I've also been preparing mr summers mystery tour, I print out an invitation each year telling him when we leave, what to take and when we get back I only have one main physical gift this year-binoculars- so I wrapped them 7 times I'm off to bed too, sweet dreams

Aww that's really lovely Summer, it sounds like you both really treasure your relationship


Wet and windy here this morning, with two huge grandsons crashed out in the spare bedroom, heaven knows what time they will wake up, I have just finished the housework (well just the kitchen and similar floors to wash) so now the trick is to try to keep it that way.


Ros can you reply to the dialogue if you do want a copy of the cookbook love?  If any other Buddies that stay up later than me are talking to her can you alert her please

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
any idea what a godmother is supposed to buy her unborn goddaughter? Or the mother..? She's due December 10th, I need to give the baby shower type gifts in November. I know zilch about babies! I'm getting the baby a personalised Xmas tree bauble for Xmas, I just need her to be born to see if they keep her so far chosen name it's Ava

Morning Summer, off now but will give it some thought xx

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning *hands front door key to skylark* Yogi I do hope you're computer is ok, and your daughter in laws too, I can't stand viruses! El, do you have to take your car back to the same place each year? I hope it's been a simple oversight and that it gets taken care of

As my car is out of the warranty period I don't have to take it to the same place each year, but it's relatively easy to get to. There is a local place I could take it to, but I wouldn't be prepared to. I happen to know that some years ago someone got a vehicle serviced there. One of the workmen there needed to take the engine out of the car and in the process dropped it on the ground. The workman just picked it up and replaced it without telling anyone, hoping that no-one noticed, but they did.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
any idea what a godmother is supposed to buy her unborn goddaughter? Or the mother..? She's due December 10th, I need to give the baby shower type gifts in November. I know zilch about babies! I'm getting the baby a personalised Xmas tree bauble for Xmas, I just need her to be born to see if they keep her so far chosen name it's Ava

Morning Summer, off now but will give it some thought xx

Was thinking of the things my Granddaughter got.......a silver engraved birth certificate holder, you roll up the bc like a scroll and it fits inside. A small white Bible, and inside a silver cross ..a silver money box with her name inscribed ....a silver baby bangle with her name inscribed. . If you were to think of getting something along these lines, wait until baby is born and the name is decided, its not unusual to change the name !    As for baby shower things, there are lovely ready made up baskets around full of baby toiletries, bibs etc.  Boots do a nice one, or they did (the larger stores)   Its wonderful shopping for a new baby   Oh and nappies never go wrong !!

Thank you skylark I'm pretty good at putting gift baskets together myself so I could look at the ones boots do and elaborate on that; the gift items for the baby, and a few gifts for the mama to be perhaps.. I like the silver item suggestions, something with her name & DOB would be fantastic! El, I don't blame you for not wanting to take your car there! I'm highly suspicious of garages anyway but that kind of reputation would definitely put me off for life Greetings everyone from the lake district mr summer & I are just relaxing in our delightful b&b before we go in search of an evening meal I love other people's birthdays
~Sparkling Summer~

Enjoy your meal Summer and Mr Summer. When is Mr summer's actual birthday so we can send him birthday wishes?

The Lake District is beautiful, I hope you have a great time.

Skylark has given you some good ideas for the gift for your goddaughter, and I agree that something pampering for the new mum would be perfect.


El, I don't blame you for avoiding that particular garage. We are lucky that our local garage owners are very honest and trustworthy.


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