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Good morning everyone, a little cloudy but I don't think it will rain until tomorrow.  Hope your son gets off OK Skylark, is his leg OK now?


My eldest grandson came off his bike yesterday and cracked his ribs, he is in a lot of pain.  Evidently he was going quite fast downhill and a bus in front slammed on the brakes (not at a bus stop but where the road narrows).  My grandson tried to stop using the back brake alone because he thought if he used the front brake he would go right through the bus's back window but he couldn't stop so put the front brake on, went over the handlebars and hit his face on the rear window of the bus.  The bike then landed on his ribs.  A lovely guy came out from a shop and helped him inside, gave him a coffee and a cigarette and then ran him to the local A & E, waited for him and ran him home.  Wasn't that kind?  There's no real treatment they can give (they used to strap them up but they don't do that now) just painkillers and time to heal.


Good morning everyone. Sunshine and showers up here.

Summer, all I will say re the eviction is .

Squiggle, I hope your grandson's ribs heal quickly.

What a kind and helpful guy the shopkeeper was - there are still lots of good people in the world.

Mr Yogi and sons have gone to an auction, so I am off out and about.

I wonder where I should go?

Did anyone watch the Olympic Opening ceremony? I managed to watch quite a lot of it and thought it was brilliant. I particularly loved the cauldron, what a great and innovative piece of engineering.

Have a good day everyone, see you later.


Morning x

Oh my goodness squiggle, what a fright your grandson must have got. Hope he has strong painkillers. What a nice guy that was. 
its my son,s friend who broke his ankle, he isnt going, his brother going in his place. 
Didnt see the opening ceremony will catch up with it later today . 
Have a good day Yogi, and all x 


Squiggle, I hope your grandson's ribs heal quickly That was nice of the shopkeeper to help him and look after him. Did the busdriver just carry on ignoring your grandson? If so, shame on that driver.


I didn't watch the opening ceremony as I went to the chuch bingo evening to show support. The evening was to raise money for the Childrens Society so a good cause. It was surprisingly well attended and on the night ÂĢ432 was raised. By the time I got back in, the ceremony had reached the parade of the various countries' competitors. I realised that that would go on to the small hours. So I've been catching up on what sounds to have been some of the major highlights.


James Bond and the Queen:


The forging of the Olmpic rings:


And the lighting of the cauldron:


El Loro
Evening wow yogi you must have needed the sleep! Hope you feel refreshed now Skylark I hope son has a wonderful time, what have you got planned for yourself? Oh Crikey squiggle your poor g'son I hope the whole experience hasn't frightened him too much, and that his pain subsides soon Thank goodness for that shop keeper, it's wonderful to hear of a decent person being around El I'm pleased the Bingo night was a success, that's a nice little fund!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Is anyone else finding the forum pages are taking a while to load tonight?

I thought it was just me! Annoying eh? 

It's driving me nuts.

That took 8 mins to get back here , if i disappear i am not being ignorant, its just that i cant get back ! x

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
No problems here but I'm on the app. Hope the problems sort themselves out quickly! Sweet dreams yogi I hope you sleep well Skylark, I had to chuckle a little at you packing sons case for him, what are boys like eh?

Seems a bit better now Summer. 20 t-shirts and shorts! Lost count of nicks and trainer socks. Not going to mention the smellies! He can pay the excess!


Good morning everyone


A lot cloudier than recent days. It's dry but showers are expected here this afternoon.


I was on the forum yesterday evening for a couple of hours from 9.30 and I didn't notice any speed issues in getting on here or in posting. Hopefully Skylark and Yogi won't have any problems today. There's no mention of any speed problems having been reported on the Social Strata help forum. If it continues let me know

El Loro

Good morning everyone, I wasn't about last night so I missed all the slow loading issues.  I hope everything is back to normal this morning.


Well done to your church on raising such a good amount of money EL.


Skylark I think it's lovely that your son wants to be so clean and fresh on his hols - I hope he doesn't get stung for too much excess baggage.


Yogi you certainly needed that nap, hope you slept OK last night too.  I have had broken nights too but really slept well last night, it makes such a difference to how you feel.


Good morning everyone. Sunshine and showers forecast for today.

After yesterday's mega-nap, I didn't expect to sleep well but I managed 7 hours. I feel much better today, and I'm glad you do too, Squiggle.

El, glad the speed issues have been sorted, things definitely seem better today.

Skylark, the 20 T-shirts and shorts, plus mountains of smellies is a familiar holiday scenario in my house. I guess we should be pleased they are clean and like to smell nice.


At church today we had a guest preacher doing the sermon, a friend of the vicar. I knew we had a visitor today as last week I spotted a different set of initials on the services sheet from the usual sets.




It turned out not to be anything to do with the pop group though


I'm glad you had better night's sleep last night squiggle & Yogi. The weather being cooler and fresher does help.

El Loro
Good afternoon Humid here, sunny spells and (welcome) rainy intervals at times. I just spent 2 hours waving fern leaves around my head to fan off flies & bugs while walking bramble! Got some lovely pics for you though, will upload them shortly. Just going to have a bath, back soon Yogi, I'm pleased you feel better for a good sleep
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a bit cloudy here but we might get some rain later.  Glad your son got off OK Skylark, I hope he has read in the papers about not leaving his phone on if it has internet access, some of the charges can really add up even though you're not using it.


Bramble is sure growing up quickly, is she near her full adult stature yet Summer?


I am glad that your son is aware of these roaming charges, I feel sorry for those who do not realise.  I leave my phone on all the time and to think it would be clocking up charges is frightening, lucky I don't go abroad.


My grandson is still in pain but coping with it but his wrist which was pinned is playing up quite badly, I reckon he might have fallen on it.


I know that at some point in the future, mobile phone companies won't be able to charge exorbitant rates for foreign calls thanks to OFCOM.


The neighbours are having there external walls being re-rendered this week. I have been advised to move my car on to the road and to keep all my windows shut because of the dust which wil be coming from the old rendering being removed. It will also be rather noisy with the equipment being used. I'll be glad when it's over.

El Loro

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