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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I hate the (new) Ryan Connor character in Corrie.

And me, not a good advert for Glasgow, he goes there a nice lad comes back a horror !! 

I hadn't thought of that!

If he gies his maw any mair cheek, she should gie him a Glesga Kiss.



Good morning everyone


Lovely sunny day here and I hope it's as nice where you are

I don't think it will get too hot here until Wednesday which currently is forecast to be a scorcher.


My brother arrived on schedule yesterday afternoon at 4.15. About 5, someone pushed an envelope through my door and I heard them getting back into a car and drive off. The envelope was unmarked and inside was a set of instructions for getting to a holiday chalet in Woolacombe. I thought this was rather strange as it clearly was instructions rather than an advert. I realised that the car driver had put it in the wrong house but there were no contact details on the instructions. I asked the immediate neighbours and it wasn't for them.


About 2-3 hours later there was a knock at the door. The man asked if I had received the envelope. It turned out that his girlfriend had delivered the letter to the right numbered house but the wrong road. The road started with the same letter but other than that there is no similarity and the other road was over half a mile a way and is closer to where my parents' house was.


In the evening we saw a film - Coraline. Animated film but too scary for young children. Very strange film and too odd to really be able to say whether we liked it or not. Although the story is totally different, the feel of the film reminded me of The Nightmare before Christmas, and I realised afterwards that both films were directed by Henry Selick.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, another lovely morning (I just love saying that after all the rain)


I so agree about Ryan, the different actor annoyed me because he looks nothing like the real Ryan (I know he was an actor too but you know what I mean ) and now he has had a personality transplant, goes off a sweet kid and comes back a mercenary monster.  And they pay people to write these scripts!


My goodness for a minute there EL I thought you were heading down my way, Woolacombe is very close.


Yogi I have 2 teeny weeny pieces of the lemon drizzle left and I shall have one after my lunch today and one tomorrow.  And I served ham sandwiches and pate sandwiches and the pate ones were the smooth spreading Ardennes pate from M& S, it is to die for



Good morning everyone. Day started off sunny and is now cloudy. Squiggle, I knew what you meant about the "real" Ryan:grin: You were very restrained with that lemon drizzle cake - if it had been in my house, it would have been gone by now, Glad you solved the mystery of the letter, El. Going to pick up eldest and middle sons (and Harvey) in a wee while, so see you all later
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
good afternoon all, a lovely sunny day here I'm having my lunch outside for a change. I haven't seen coralline but remember it having good reviews at the time, is it a happy film?

Coraline ends happily enough but it is quite nightmarish in places, It isn't a film suitable for younger children. The reason why it is an animated film isn't to attract children but because it would be near impossible to make in real life.

El Loro
good morning I'm having a lay in!!!!!!! Mr summer is up with Bramble and although I still woke early, I don't need to leave my comfy duvet just yet We had dinner at BIL & SIL's last night, it was a good laugh miss bramble got to spend time with 7 other dogs, which she loved. The youngest and also biggest, a German pointer, took a special interest in bramble and they enjoyed a few games of rough & tumble together Did everyone have a nice Saturday? And what are your plans for today?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast with drizzle.

Mr Yogi and I had planned to trim the shrubs/hedge in the back garden but the weather has put an end to that idea. I think a trip to the garden centre may be on the cards now.

Oh, and we need to nip to B&Q for a new light swtich, as the one in the bathroom appears to be broken - and I don't fancy showering in the dark.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast with drizzle.

Mr Yogi and I had planned to trim the shrubs/hedge in the back garden but the weather has put an end to that idea. I think a trip to the garden centre may be on the cards now.

Oh, and we need to nip to B&Q for a new light swtich, as the one in the bathroom appears to be broken - and I don't fancy showering in the dark.

I hope the day has brightened up for you - here's it's a gorgeously sunny day.


You don't want to be showering in the dark - it would be too easy to slip and get injured, and we wouldn't want that


Dropped my brother off at the station - his next visit won't be for the best part of 10 weeks.

El Loro
Thank goodness the nights are light at the mo yogi hope you got your light switch sorted out El I hope you & your brother had a good weekend, I'm sure those 10 weeks will appear to have gone quickly by the end of them. We've been into work today to have a good clear out of junk that was in the storage area, it wasn't a pleasant task but it is done and looks & feels much tidier now those are not the kind of jobs I could have done quickly in between seeing to clients. My mum is in town so we're heading out to have tea with her & her man friend it's so cute that she has someone after so long Hope you all had a good day
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
P.S. squiggle, after seeing your post I have decided to order scampi for my tea!

Hope yours was as delicious as mine, do you have tartare sauce with it?  I adore tartare sauce.


I am glad your mum has found happiness again, and its good that you managed to have a good sort out, I hope all goes smoothly tomorrow.


I am sure those 10 weeks will speed by especially with the Olympics to watch EL.


Yogi hope you managed to get your light switch sorted, and thank goodness the daylight lasts so long nowadays, especially in Scotland.


Good morning everyone


Another warm gloriously sunny day - I could get used to this


The vicar announced in church yesterday that there is a bingo evening in the church hall to raise money for the Childrens Society. For reasons best known to themselves, they are having it on Friday evening from 7.30. I wonder just how many people will turn up (and no, it's unlikely to be over in time for people to get back home by 9)



El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone. Weather was atrocious last night. So wet and windy, you would have though it was November. Not much better this morning.

My candlelit bath was good, Summer - very relaxing.

I posted my gloriously sunny day before I saw your post, Yogi. The weather is crazy

No problem, El, I'm glad someone is having some sunshine.


Yogi I can't believe that you are getting horrible weather.  When I saw the national forecast I saw that the far north of Scotland was in for some rain but I thought you would be fine where you were.  It's taken the shine off my own sunshine now   Let's hope you too get a bit of sun soon.


Thinking of you Summer, hope the sun is shining wherever you are today.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Yogi I can't believe that you are getting horrible weather.  When I saw the national forecast I saw that the far north of Scotland was in for some rain but I thought you would be fine where you were.  It's taken the shine off my own sunshine now   Let's hope you too get a bit of sun soon.


Thinking of you Summer, hope the sun is shining wherever you are today.

Oh no Squiggle, please enjoy your sunshine. I'm really glad that you don't have the same weather as me. You don't fancy taking in a lodger, do you?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Yogi I can't believe that you are getting horrible weather.  When I saw the national forecast I saw that the far north of Scotland was in for some rain but I thought you would be fine where you were.  It's taken the shine off my own sunshine now   Let's hope you too get a bit of sun soon.


Thinking of you Summer, hope the sun is shining wherever you are today.

Oh no Squiggle, please enjoy your sunshine. I'm really glad that you don't have the same weather as me. You don't fancy taking in a lodger, do you?

Spare room's all ready and it's a beyootiful day here.


Last week I went to see a potential new client.


Today, I ran an online proof of identity on him. It is a legal requirement for accountants to get proof of identity under the money laundering law. The result of my search was a 100% failure rate - as far as Equifax (which is one of the world leaders in this sort of thing) is concerned, my client does not exist, and he's not on the electoral roll.


Hugely embarassing, but I have had to ring him and left a message for him to ring me back, and it means that I cannot act for him without committing a criminal offence. There is no leeway permitted here at all. I will pass his books back to him. He will have to do his accounts and tax himself as no accountant will touch him (other than someone who ignores the law).


Either my client has given me a fictitious name or he has a major problem with Equifax or there is a problem with the online service I use.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Oh dear EL, he does sound dodgy, I wonder why?

I'm trying to sort this out. I'm waiting for him to come back to me.

Seems very odd that if he were hiding anything he would want to hand over his books to an accountant. I remember when i went to apply for a contract phone i wasnt showing up anywhere,then on Experian i was (i think it was that). Maybe different systems keep different info. You will know your job better tho El, hope you get it sorted.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Yogi I can't believe that you are getting horrible weather.  When I saw the national forecast I saw that the far north of Scotland was in for some rain but I thought you would be fine where you were.  It's taken the shine off my own sunshine now   Let's hope you too get a bit of sun soon.


Thinking of you Summer, hope the sun is shining wherever you are today.

Oh no Squiggle, please enjoy your sunshine. I'm really glad that you don't have the same weather as me. You don't fancy taking in a lodger, do you?

Spare room's all ready and it's a beyootiful day here.

Thank you, I'm off to pack my case.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Oh dear EL, he does sound dodgy, I wonder why?

I'm trying to sort this out. I'm waiting for him to come back to me.

Seems very odd that if he were hiding anything he would want to hand over his books to an accountant. I remember when i went to apply for a contract phone i wasnt showing up anywhere,then on Experian i was (i think it was that). Maybe different systems keep different info. You will know your job better tho El, hope you get it sorted.

Maybe it's just a computer blip. Hope you get things sorted out, El.

*night owls* Sunny but windy day here, busy at work.. My mum & her man friend came for tea, I think they look happy in each others company El I hope the client isn't a genuine person who's identity has gone kaput I hope it can be resolved, or if he's dodgy, avoided Must catch some sleep if possible, hope you all feel ok and I should be around tomorrow
~Sparkling Summer~

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