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@squiggle posted:

Thanks Moonie, like EL they came first thing and its a great relief to have it emptied, it was more than overfull, not so much cardboard but it's amazing how cans and bottles of all kinds both glass and plastic add up over a week, mind you with a great bag for cardboard sitting in the middle there's not an awful lot of room left over to store the cans and bottles.

I'm glad yours got emptied quickly

In my area cardboard & paper go in a blue sack, tins, metal foil & plastic goes in the green recycling box or alternatively glass bottles/jars in that box. Some people use two green boxes where they have lots but I don't have the quantities they do.
Cardboard boxes have to be flattened before being out in the sack, metal foil has to be crumpled up into a ball, and platic bottles flattened. Not everyone does that. As a result some weeks people find that their boxes or sacks have been left as the collectors have the right to do that. We were told by the council of their policy ages ago so we were warned.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
@Yogi19 posted:

Good evening all

Another chilly day.

Mr Y was β€œcleaning the engine bay” of his car - whatever that means - but I stayed cosy indoors.

Hope you’ve all had a good day

Hi Yogi

I wasn’t to bad earlier on today but it’s going cold now. An expected low of -3

The road gritter passed by not long ago

Very sensible too

My day has been okay fankoo, I trust yours has too


A short clip of an eclipse. It was taken by the Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars and is a speeded up clip of Phobos, one of its two moons, as it passes in front of the Sun.

Phobos is small in diameter compared to our Moon with a diameter of 14 miles. The other moon is Deimos which is even smaller.

Phobos and Deimos were from Greek mythology, they were the sons of Ares, the god of war. The word "phobia" comes from phobos meaning fear.

The equivalent of Ares in Roman mythology was Mars.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

A short clip of an eclipse. It was taken by the Curiosity rover on the surface of Mars and is a speeded up clip of Phobos, one of its two moons, as it passes in front of the Sun.

Phobos is small in diameter compared to our Moon with a diameter of 14 miles. The other moon is Deimos which is even smaller.

Phobos and Deimos were from Greek mythology, they were the sons of Ares, the god of war. The word "phobia" comes from phobos meaning fear.

The equivalent of Ares in Roman mythology was Mars.

It looks like an eyeball El

@Moonie posted:

But quite beautiful

That’s good and fankoo

I have just been out to recycle bin. It was frozen closed. I had to force it open

I had to get MrY to open the bin for me the other day as the lid had frozen.
One year, my car door was frozen shut. I pulled and pulled and as it flew open the top of the door whacked me on the top of my cheekbone, giving me a lovely black eye.πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚

@Moonie posted:

That’s the proverbial β€œwalking into the door” except it whacked you


Another time, I tripped and fell into the kitchen door frameπŸ™ˆ My glasses were pressed into the bridge of my nose and the leg into the side of my face. Double black eyes that time and I still have a dent where the glasses leg whacked the side of my face.

Talk about accident prone. πŸ˜„

@Yogi19 posted:


Another time, I tripped and fell into the kitchen door frameπŸ™ˆ My glasses were pressed into the bridge of my nose and the leg into the side of my face. Double black eyes that time and I still have a dent where the glasses leg whacked the side of my face.

Talk about accident prone. πŸ˜„

Good grief

Seems you are, just a tad πŸ˜‰


Good morning I hope you’re all warm and cosy we had intermittent snow showers yesterday and it was lovely. I drove out for a walk to somewhere I hadn’t been for 5-6 years, and it was great to revisit it. Then my afternoon was a string of phone calls from various friends, just catching up.

how are you all?
mum glad your various recycling bins have been emptied, I think they really fill up this time of year!

the hair Ice looks beautiful:wow: as does the eclipse.. nature is my favourite beauty πŸ₯°

~Sparkling Summer~

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