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@Moonie posted:

I’m pleased to here it

Apparently it’s 6° here now and not going any lower overnight but heavy rain to come during the night

I hope you don’t need to go out tomorrow

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie, Ros and Velvet

Hug for any night owls

@Yogi19 posted:

I hope you don’t need to go out tomorrow

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Moonie, Ros and Velvet

Hug for any night owls

I do but a family bubble member is taking me

Night night, sleep well, sweet dreams Yogi, Rosss, Velvet and visitors

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

It has been a bit of a dreich day.

Aww Moonie, I hope you aren’t too sore tomorrow

El the idea of donuts being named after a Pope made me lol

Hi Velvet, hope you are doing okay

Okay. Waiting for the house of cards  

@squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone it's a wet day to come but not as cold. Be careful out today Moonie no more bumps and bruises please.

Enjoy your day everyone

Hi squiggle

Fankoo and I shall do my very best not to damage any other parts

You enjoy your day too


Hectic last couple of hours for me regarding clients. A client emailed me and I had to ring him urgently about something he mentioned - far too complicated to attempt to explain.

Having sorted that one out, a few minutes later another client rang. Was the 3rd self employment income support grant yet claimable? Yes, it became available on 30 November. She should have received an email from HMRC on that day. She couldn't find that she had received it. So I emailed her a link to the HMRC page for that. I had sent emails on the 25th to any client who might be intending to claim and I had mentioned that it was available from the 30th,

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Hectic last couple of hours for me regarding clients. A client emailed me and I had to ring him urgently about something he mentioned - far too complicated to attempt to explain.

Having sorted that one out, a few minutes later another client rang. Was the 3rd self employment income support grant yet claimable? Yes, it became available on 30 November. She should have received an email from HMRC on that day. She couldn't find that she had received it. So I emailed her a link to the HMRC page for that. I had sent emails on the 25th to any client who might be intending to claim and I had mentioned that it was available from the 30th,

It’s a good job your clients have you to help them El


Evening all

It has rained all day.

Moonie, I hope you haven’t been aching today after bumping yourself yesterday.

El, Moonie is right, your clients are lucky to have you.

Summer, good to see you in here. Hope you are enjoying the lead up to Christmas

I hope you’ve all had a good day

@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

It has rained all day.

Moonie, I hope you haven’t been aching today after bumping yourself yesterday.

El, Moonie is right, your clients are lucky to have you.

Summer, good to see you in here. Hope you are enjoying the lead up to Christmas

I hope you’ve all had a good day

Hi Yogi

It’s not to bad fankoo

Two decent grazes about an inch long. Already healing quite nicely. No bruising as such. Just tender to the touch

A part from that my day has been good. I hope yours has too


Good morning everyone

Its cloudy but dry. Windy. I haven’t been outside yet but a guess would be, it’s cold

Its not my intention to do a lot today but one never knows

Have a lovely day everyone

@El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Cloudy with bits of brightness here.

Moonie and Yogi, thanks re my clients

Moonie, I'm glad you are on the mend

I hope everyone has a good day

Your welcome and thanks El


I rewatched "The Lavender Hill Mob" to see if I could spot Valerie Singleton. I couldn't. There's a scene in the film where Alec Guinness and Stanley Holloway go to a girls school and go into a classroom to try to exchange items which had been mis-sold to 6 girls. I think it likely that she was one of the girls in that classroom but not one of the 6.

El Loro

I have Wolves v Villa on. The commentator came out with a phrase you often hear, that to me doesn’t make a lot of sense. It was “that was closer than it looks”

If it looks close then it was

@Moonie posted:

I have Wolves v Villa on. The commentator came out with a phrase you often hear, that to me doesn’t make a lot of sense. It was “that was closer than it looks”

If it looks close then it was

I think it might be that from one camera angle an attempt at goal appeared to miss by quite a margin but when viewed from another angle, it appears much closer.

El Loro
@Yogi19 posted:

I got very little sleep last night so it’s a quick Hi and Bye from me tonight.

I hope you all had a good day

Goodnight Moonie and Ros

Hug for the night owls

Awww, sorry to hear that Yogi

I hope you sleep better tonight

My day was good fankoo


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