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@squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone it's cloudy again this morning. Thank you everyone it was such a privilege to see a wild animal able to feel relaxed in my garden. She stayed over an hour, getting to her feet after half an hour and then wandering around having a nibble here and there. 

Enjoy your day everyone

Hi squiggle 

You are so lucky to have a wild animal feeling so at ease in your garden 

@Moonie posted:

Thanks El, I thought I remember him being chased by the plane 

That's the most famous scene in the film

Suspicion (1941) (Joan Fontaine) An heiress marries, but is her husband plotting to kill her?
Notorious (1946) (Ingrid Bergman) A woman whose German father was convicted for treason against the USA is asked to spy on a group of her father's Nazi friends.
To Catch a Thief (1955) (Grace Kelly) The one set on the Riviera - a retired jewel thief sets out to prove his innocence after being suspected as having started stealing again.
I've seen all three films and would put Notorious ahead of Suspicion ahead of To Catch a Thief but that's jost my personal preference.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Put on the BBC site a couple of days ago but I've just discovered it.  8 photographs to look at.
The title of the article is "Aurora and rare moonbows light up the night"
So you might just want to have a look
Moonbows, also known as lunar rainbows, are caused when the light from the moon is refracted through water droplets in the air.

I love the moonbows and the Northern Lights, fankoo El  


Just been in touch with my car service people as I hadn't heard back from them. There had been a delay as the rear number plate had to be replaced. It had been on the MOT watch list for some years as it was slowly deteriorating so it must have got to the point in having to be done. I'll be going out soon to collect the car. (car's 18 years old, kept outside as I don't have a garage - the deterioration was by one of the screws)

I wanted to get the car back today as it's dry today.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Back with my car. Not too bad a cost, just over ÂĢ200 for MOT & service. Cost of number plate not shown on the invoice so I assume it's the sundries item of ÂĢ6.25+VAT.

That’s great news that you managed get your car back before the wet weather comes tomorrow. Also it didn’t cost you “an arm and a leg” either  

I have just been and shopped at my local shops as we are set for very wet weather for most of  the next three or four days. So that’s me sorted until Monday or most likely Tuesday 


Evening all 

Today was dry and sunny but quite chilly.

El, I’m glad the MOT and service weren’t too pricey 

Good thinking Moonie to get your shopping in before the rainy weather appears.

@El Loro posted:

Put on the BBC site a couple of days ago but I've just discovered it.  8 photographs to look at.
The title of the article is "Aurora and rare moonbows light up the night"
So you might just want to have a look
Moonbows, also known as lunar rainbows, are caused when the light from the moon is refracted through water droplets in the air.

I love these pics, they are stunning.😍

@El Loro posted:

Put on the BBC site a couple of days ago but I've just discovered it.  8 photographs to look at.
The title of the article is "Aurora and rare moonbows light up the night"
So you might just want to have a look
Moonbows, also known as lunar rainbows, are caused when the light from the moon is refracted through water droplets in the air.

fantastic photos EL can't chose one  I like them all - stunning photos very atmospheric

Rocking Ros Rose

By the way, I see that the Activity stream on this site and other sites is being removed some time next week, The Activity stream is accessed via Activity in the menu. Across sites generally it's hardly used by people. The logic is that it makes the programming code less complex and so allows new projects to be developed faster.

I don't have any insider knowledge, I just look at the hey.crowdstack site as it announces fothcoming changes besides being a support site.

El Loro
@Moonie posted:

Good morning everyone  

It’s cool, wet and windy here. Thank you Storm Alex 

It’s not looking good here until Monday at the earliest 

Have a great day and if you should venture out, take good care 

It's the same here. T20 cricket finals tomorrow at Edgbaston. I doubt if there's any chance of play tomorrow. Sunday is a reserve day where there's a small chance of some play late in the day. Gloucestershire is one of the four finalists. I follow them but the team is based in Bristol. In normal years they would play some matches at Cheltenham. In the days of one day matched on a Sunday I did go there. That was in the days where one of the matches was shown live on BBC Two- that stopped years ago.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

It's the same here. T20 cricket finals tomorrow at Edgbaston. I doubt if there's any chance of play tomorrow. Sunday is a reserve day where there's a small chance of some play late in the day. Gloucestershire is one of the four finalists. I follow them but the team is based in Bristol. In normal years they would play some matches at Cheltenham. In the days of one day matched on a Sunday I did go there. That was in the days where one of the matches was shown live on BBC Two- that stopped years ago.

The course of cricket including test match cricket changed when it left terrestrial television El 


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