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@Moonie posted:

Good morning everyone  

Cool overcast start to the day here. First line full of washing on the line. Second lot in the washer 

It should be dry today then the next dry day will be Thursday followed by at least four days of rain 

I hope you all have a lovely day 

four days of rain, followed by two dry days followed by four days of rain so extremely unsettled.

El Loro

Dealing with the tax return of a client. Has some shares including some in his employer, a well known plc. As is often the case employees buy shares in their employer by setting asisde a regular amount out of their pay. Then when sufficient money has built up, it's used to buy shares. The client has been doing this for 20 years and from time to time will sell some of the shares.

Capital gains tax is liable on any gain. Shares in a company are dealt with in a pool. To give a very simplistic example. 100 shares in A plc are bought at ÂĢ1 each so ÂĢ100 paid. A year later another 100 shares in A plc are bought at ÂĢ2 each so ÂĢ200 paid. So the pool cost of the 200 shares is ÂĢ300. Then 50 shares are sold for ÂĢ4 each so ÂĢ400 proceeds. The pool cost of those 50 shares is 50/200 x ÂĢ300 = ÂĢ75. He has a capital gain of ÂĢ400 less ÂĢ75 equals ÂĢ325. He still has 200 - 50 equals 150 shares and the cost for tax purposes is ÂĢ225 (ÂĢ300 - ÂĢ75, the same as 150/200 x ÂĢ300).

As you can imagine, over 20 years, the calculation becomes rather complex.

Client has sold some of the shares in A plc for the first time I've been doing his returns (about the last 7 years). So when I ask him for documents to be able to work out the tax I think you can guess that he's found nothing so far.

There's an annual exemption for capital gains tax. The amount he got for the shares is less than the expempt amount so we don't have to do anything for the return I'm doing. But there could well be big problems in future years.

(I did tell him in writing back in 2014 to keep contract notes for investments as I would need to see them if he sold shares so he can't hold me responsible if he gets problems in future)

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Dealing with the tax return of a client. Has some shares including some in his employer, a well known plc. As is often the case employees buy shares in their employer by setting asisde a regular amount out of their pay. Then when sufficient money has built up, it's used to buy shares. The client has been doing this for 20 years and from time to time will sell some of the shares.

Capital gains tax is liable on any gain. Shares in a company are dealt with in a pool. To give a very simplistic example. 100 shares in A plc are bought at ÂĢ1 each so ÂĢ100 paid. A year later another 100 shares in A plc are bought at ÂĢ2 each so ÂĢ200 paid. So the pool cost of the 200 shares is ÂĢ300. Then 50 shares are sold for ÂĢ4 each so ÂĢ400 proceeds. The pool cost of those 50 shares is 50/200 x ÂĢ300 = ÂĢ75. He has a capital gain of ÂĢ400 less ÂĢ75 equals ÂĢ325. He still has 200 - 50 equals 150 shares and the cost for tax purposes is ÂĢ225 (ÂĢ300 - ÂĢ75, the same as 150/200 x ÂĢ300).

As you can imagine, over 20 years, the calculation becomes rather complex.

Client has sold some of the shares in A plc for the first time I've been doing his returns (about the last 7 years). So when I ask him for documents to be able to work out the tax I think you can guess that he's found nothing so far.

There's an annual exemption for capital gains tax. The amount he got for the shares is less than the expempt amount so we don't have to do anything for the return I'm doing. But there could well be big problems in future years.

(I did tell him in writing back in 2014 to keep contract notes for investments as I would need to see them if he sold shares so he can't hold me responsible if he gets problems in future)

That’s simple?  

Not to me it isn’t El 


A partial reprieve for the Red button text service from the BBC. It was going to be axed months ago but the BBC decided to postpone the axe. It's now staying but with less pages.

Local, national and international news will now remain on the red button, along with the sports news headlines, fixtures and results; and weather forecast.

Yet from mid-2021, features like the lottery results and in-depth sport stories, for example, will no longer feature.

The red button streaming channel(s) weren't under threat.

El Loro
@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all 

Weather has been changeable - rain, then sun, then rain again.

Minding went well yesterday 

Squiggle, how fabulous to see a deer in your garden - aren’t they just gorgeous creatures?

El and Moonie, hope you gents have both had a good day?

Hi Yogi 

I’m glad your minding went well 

My day has been a good one bar the all day rain   


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