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Don't know if anyone else watches Victoria but I thought last night's episode was exceptionally good. It would have been set around 1845/7.  The main storyline was of the great potato famine in Ireland and it was a powerful piece of history brought to life. Not wholly historically accurate as it showed Sir Robert Peel as prime minister still in power. He was attempting to try and repeal the Corn Laws which he succeeded but at the same time trying to being in an Irish act which forced him to resign on 29 June 1846 but the episode ended in 1847, Not that it really matters, it was still extraordinarily good. I may have mentioned before that one of my ancestors came to this country from Ireland in the 1840s so I had a personal interest in the storyline.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a bit of a stiff breeze and some grey clouds but a better forecast for tomorrow onwards.


That was very brave of your neighbour EL as that fall must have shaken her up a bit and a sprained wrist is painful.  I am watching Victoria but I'm a little behind so I will look out for that episode.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good afternoon it's sunny & bright here today but very wild & windy! It's wise to stay indoors wherever possible. 


El, I'm glad your neighbour hasn't had any worse injuries, but hope she's not too badly shaken up by the experience

i love Victoria, I haven't seen last night episode yet so will look forward to that I'll be sorry to see this series finish, I hope they will film a third 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Sunny here at present.


I'm getting my car serviced and MOTd done today so will be out some of the time.


Moonie, I'm not aware of any problems with forum access so hope this was just temporary. The person to ask is Lori particilarly at night time and you can notify her by using the "@Lori" without the quotes.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Back from dropping the car off. Summer, it's fairly breezy here as well and I'm also looking a bit like a scarecrow


Squiggle, on the way back I went past the Golden Valley Hotel on the outskirts of Cheltenham. For those people who remember Crossroads which used to be on ITV years ago, the Golden Valley Hotel was used as the Crossroads Motel. So I could have decided to spend the day there and go back to collect my car later rather than coming home

El Loro

Good luck with the MOT El. I hope it passes with flying colours 


squiggle, the forum still won’t load unless I actually log on 

I have tried my lappy and it’s fine on there. It runs Google Chrome on Linux OS 

I’ll contact Lori later to see if she can offer an explanation.


Baz runs Safari on her iPad Pro, as do I and she isn’t having my problems  


Thanks Moonie


I hope Lori can help you. I assume that you've tried clearing the cache as that's the first thing to try. If your cache hasn't been cleared recently it's possible that it's become confused and can't work out what to do if you aren't logged in. And if the pages are still taking a long time to load that's another sign of a crowded cache.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Thanks Moonie


I hope Lori can help you. I assume that you've tried clearing the cache as that's the first thing to try. If your cache hasn't been cleared recently it's possible that it's become confused and can't work out what to do if you aren't logged in. And if the pages are still taking a long time to load that's another sign of a crowded cache.

Yep, have done that 

Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Thanks Moonie


I hope Lori can help you. I assume that you've tried clearing the cache as that's the first thing to try. If your cache hasn't been cleared recently it's possible that it's become confused and can't work out what to do if you aren't logged in. And if the pages are still taking a long time to load that's another sign of a crowded cache.

Yep, have done that 

Sounds as if you need to ask Lori if she has any ideas then

El Loro
El Loro posted:
Moonie posted:

El, Bazzy is having the same trouble now that i was last night and still am having on my iPad 

I'm gonna PM Lori

If you haven't done a PM yet, it would be sensible to include Baz in the PM - if you've already done a PM you can't go back and add someone else to it.

I did include Bazzy's problems in the report to Lori but didn't see the point in including here in the PM as she can't get on at all now


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