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Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Valentine~ posted:

Evening yogi aw get well soon tiddlers, bless them. There's just bugs flying around everywhere at the mo, this is my 2nd cold this year so far! My skin has gone eczema crazy too, as always happens when I'm under par, I look very fabulous as you can imagine lol 


have they gone home or sleeping over?

 I hope your cold gets better and your eczema clears up soon.

No sleepover tonight, although PB wanted to. She was so poorly though, I knew by bedtime, she'd have been asking for her mum.

hugs for both - hope they are better soon yogi

Rocking Ros Rose

If you have heard about a car being hit by a London to Gloucester train yesterday afternoon (the driver had no chance) it was on a level crossing not on a public road. It's on a path which goes from a public road to farm buildings, There was a similar accident there in 2014.


The railway line between Gloucester and Stroud remains closed.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Afternoon all.

Thanks for your good wishes everyone. BB's nose is running but otherwise he isn't too bad. PB was sick (catarrh) last night but she slept well and felt well enough to go to nursery. I have a feeling she might wilt again in the afternoon.

Summer, I hope you and your friend's daughter have a good day, despite your cold.

Joe, is Toots in hospital again? He has had a tough time.

El, I hate level crossings!

One night on a holiday in England, Mr Y and I were in the car with the boys and stopped at a level crossing (which had flashing lights but no barriers) as the lights were flashing to warn of an oncoming train. In his rear view mirror, Mr Y spotted a van careering towards us and managed to swing our car into the verge, otherwise the van would have hit us and pushed us onto the crossing. The van went straight through the level crossing, despite the hazard warning lights flashing, and the train missed it by seconds. 


that's shocking yogi! The van driver was reckless. I wonder why there were no barriers. I'm very glad you didn't get hit  

I ended up going in to work today! My colleague had fallen down the stairs before work and somehow convinced herself she would be ok to still come in. I took her & her daughter home and worked the rest of the day myself, I suspect she's cracked a rib but so far she refuses to see a doctor  

my cold is much better, but my other colleague has it something awful. It's not keeping our spirits down though


I hope you're all in better shape and have enjoyed your day

~Sparkling Summer~

Morning all. Apologies, I was sure I had posted a goodnight post last night. I must have forgotten to hit 'post reply'.

Weather is frosty up here.

El, you could be right about that driver - or he was just a risk taking idiot!

Joe, I hope Toots feels better once his gall bladder is removed and recovers well from the op. He's certainly had a tough time.

Summer, I hope your colleague isn't in too much pain after her fall.

Velvet, I'm glad Dolly is able to shake off the limp, it does sound like she has a touch of arthritis. Keira also has some stiffness in her back legs when she has been lying down for a while and the vet has said it's a touch of arthritis in her hips.

Squiggle, are your pheasants still visiting?

Have a good day everyone.


Re the fatal accident at a level crossing on the railway line. The path from the public road ove the line to farm buildings is closed to the public by a locked gate. Agricultural workers needing access are provided with a key. There's a telephone at the date that they should use to ckeck that it's safe. The local council say that there was only one keyholder.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, bright but cold here.  How very odd about that gate and the access to the level crossing, sounds like they shouldn't have been on that road.  Level crossings can be scary places and especially when they have no gates.


Your poor colleague Summer, I know broken ribs are very painful and the docs can do nothing except give painkillers.


Yes Yogi all 4 were here yesterday and the male pheasant has taken to strolling past the window, peering down the valley and then taking off and swooping down, fascinating to see him fly, only little wings which he flaps furiously to start with and then spreads stiffly to glide.  They have also taken to dust baths where there is some earth at the base of one of the big trees.


Enjoy your day everyone

El Loro posted:

Commuting in a Chinese village has become a little easier now - thanks to a steel ladder

The clip isn't suitable for vertigo sufferers.

That's incredible! They must be so fit. Surely a lift of some kind will one day be constructed? Encouraging tourism is a good idea 


good afternoon all sleet & snow here today, it's very damp and cold. Everyone seems to be in good spirits though  

~Sparkling Summer~
El Loro posted:

Academics have come up with what they call the first historically accurate portrait of Mr Darcy. Fans of Colin Firth are not impressed.

I saw that in the paper, all I could think was 'that's not MY Mr Darcy'


It's been a beautiful day, really like a Spring day, I had the window open all day long and it was refreshingly cool not cold, such a blessing in February.


There used to be a railway line between Stonehouse and Nailworth in Gloucestershire. It was completed 150 years ago in 1867. The line went through the village of Dudbridge. The line disappeared many years ago and most of it is now a cycle path.


Chris West from Stroud decided to celebrate the 150th anniversary by making his own train with the engine being made from a mobility scooter. And went with his children and some of their friends on the path between Dudbridge and Nailsworth, some 3 miles.'s a clip at the start of the article but there's no option to embed it here.


El Loro
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, bright but cold here.  How very odd about that gate and the access to the level crossing, sounds like they shouldn't have been on that road.  Level crossings can be scary places and especially when they have no gates.


Your poor colleague Summer, I know broken ribs are very painful and the docs can do nothing except give painkillers.


Yes Yogi all 4 were here yesterday and the male pheasant has taken to strolling past the window, peering down the valley and then taking off and swooping down, fascinating to see him fly, only little wings which he flaps furiously to start with and then spreads stiffly to glide.  They have also taken to dust baths where there is some earth at the base of one of the big trees.


Enjoy your day everyone

Must be brilliant to watch them.

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Evening Yogi     


The sis has pheasants and I think they're a wee bit territorial. They were pecking at her patio doors last summer   

Evening Velvet.


I wouldn't mind some pheasants visiting my garden 

Me neither Yogi  


Hope PB and BB are getting over it and your son's stookie isn't itching too bad     

The kids aren't doing too bad but they've passed it on to me.

My son's coping well with the stookie. He's very determined so it's not stopping him from doing very much.


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