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velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:

How's your son's arm Yogi?  How long does he have with the cast?

They x-rayed it through the cast last week and say it's knitting well. He'll have to keep the cast on for another fortnight at least.

Four weeks wouldn't be too bad although I know he'll be keen to get rid of it and back to normal   

 He's coping well though.

~Sweet Valentine~ posted:

Good to hear it, Is he still at work? 


Bramble is upside down with her paws in the air I'm waiting for her to stir so I can get ready for bed. She looks too cute to disturb right now 

You know what he's like, he never even took a day off work.


 She's too cute!

BTW, I saw a gorgeous black Labrador today. He was with two ladies, collecting for Guide Dogs for the blind. His name was Dexter and he was such a sweetie, I wanted to take him home.


~Sweet Valentine~ posted:

Good luck velvet, hope you win sweet dreams


aw how lovely yogi, I love meeting other lovely dogs Dexter is a very cool name too, I wonder if Kiera would have been happy if you'd have brought him home 

I think Keira would have liked him. He was very sweet and very calm.

I'm sure PB and BB would have loved him too.

velvet donkey posted:

Evening troops  


Hope all are well or getting there. Bit nippy around three has turned into a driving wet gale. As Yogi says, nice to see you back Moons - the Baggies are going well       Interesting and quite unusual to see Bercow stick his head above the parapet this afternoon re Trump. I do think he's a decent Speaker though no Betty Boothroyd.


Have a nice evening ye all    

You should have your own newspaper column

~Sparkling Summer~

Last week George was released back on to the lake where he has lived for several years and is now doing "very well".


Caroline Gould, from Vale Wildlife Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre at Beckford near Tewkesbury, said: "He is eating well and in the water a lot, splashing about and loving being back, by the looks of it."


More than ÂĢ6,000 was raised to help pay for his treatment and for a reward to catch the person responsible.


Some of the cash will be used to build rehabilitation pools for injured water birds at the wildlife rescue centre where he was treated.

El Loro

Moin! I've had one of my better 24 hours!

Cycled out in refreshing freezing fog, the Dentist answered on the first ring as did the pharmacy. Fixed the printer and printed a load of stuff for the boss. Had a shredding session, prepared a new door bell for mother, bought tickets for the Oxford cup game, bought tickets for the Crystal Palace away game, general spring cleaning and weeded the front garden.

I love this time of the year - each day brings new enthusiasm. Hopefully!

have a great day everyone!

Garage Joe

Good morning everyone, a beautiful morning it is too.  Such a positive start to the thread this morning.  First of all lovely to have you back with us Moonie, even if only for a flying visit, see you again soon I hope.  Great news about George, lovely to hear that he is back in his home and splashing about happily, and finally a lovely positive day for you GJ with everything going right


Enjoy your day everyone

~Sweet Valentine~ posted:

Evening yogi aw get well soon tiddlers, bless them. There's just bugs flying around everywhere at the mo, this is my 2nd cold this year so far! My skin has gone eczema crazy too, as always happens when I'm under par, I look very fabulous as you can imagine lol 


have they gone home or sleeping over?

 I hope your cold gets better and your eczema clears up soon.

No sleepover tonight, although PB wanted to. She was so poorly though, I knew by bedtime, she'd have been asking for her mum.


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