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Yogi, I think there will be shortages or restrictions on many vegetables & salad items for some time to come. It's because of so many would be imported from Spain where the main growing region has had the heaviest rain in the last 30 years causing crop shortages. They say the shortages could last for a couple of months.

El Loro

A fascinating BBC video clip of photographs of local customs around the country, best seen full screen,

And the local one here of cheese rolling down Coopers Hiill on May Day does have a photo.


If you don't know what gurning is, it's pulling a face, the Crabapple Fair at Egremont in Cumbria photo is the one with that. And freehold-dunting at Newbiggin-by-the-Sea in Northumberland looks excruciatingly painful

El Loro

Good morning everyone, wet and windy here too, our highest gust is about noon and is estimated to be 45mph.


I love those quirky traditions, there must he hundreds and hundreds more too.  Locally to us there is the Earl of Rone, in Padstow there is 'Obby 'Oss and of course Widdecombe Fair and Tar Barrelling in Ottery St Mary.


Enjoy your day everyone

El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


Dry, fairly cloudy and cooler here.


I agree with you about the result, not that I saw any of it, don't know who was in it or who won - I knew it would be awful


I hope everyone has a good day


Good morning everyone.


Heavy rain overnight and grey skies ATM.


Middle son might pop in for a visit this afternoon. Otherwise, we have no plans.

Have a good day everyone.


I mentioned Milton Keynes being 50 years old nearly 2 weeks ago. As part of their 50th anniversary celebrations they've made Milton Keynes into a game.


It's a good idea to get people more active going around town. I wonder if other places will run the same sort of thing. It's a bit like a cross between Summer's Snow Dogs and Pokemon Go.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Good morning everyone


Cloudy, misty and not very warm here. Forecast to turn colder during the next week for some time - real winter could be coming


Summer, I hope you can recuperate today


Song I've heard snippets from a couple of times recently. It's from 1969, written by Donovan (Leitch) for Mary Hopkin. It's one of those rare songs which there's nothing else quite like it.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

I've worked out that I heard a snippet from Voyage of the Moon on Radio 6 on 6 September last year. It wasn't so much that I liked it but that it was unusual and as you say Mary Hopkin's voice is very clear. It was just before I went to bed and I'd forgotten about it. Then last night I happened to see the start of a film called The Falling on BBC 2. It wasn't a film I was going to watch but the same song was sung right at the beginning of the film. It was easy to find what the song was through IMDB.


Yogi, I hope you are having a nice time out with your future DIL


Squiggle, the sky is getting a bit brighter here now after a very grey morning

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Summer, I'm glad you had a lovely walk and hope you enjoy your film Harry Potter and the Penguin of Doom


That's the one where a gigantic penguin has taken over Hogwarts and is trying to turn everyone into little penguins

I'm sure hagrid can take care of the penguins until hermione figures how how to fix the problem

~Sparkling Summer~

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