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Did you move with your cooker or inherit one that was there?  I used to be able to cook one of my fruit cake recipes perfectly but as that cooker wouldn't fit in the new kitchen I had to sell it and now I find that all the fruit sinks to the bottom, no matter what I do, leaving plain cake on the top and fruit cake on the bottom   Here are some ideas the experts suggest for cakes sinking in the middle

Why do my cakes sink in the middle?

Cakes usually sink when the cake batter is not completely cooked; everyone’s ovens are different so you need to find the optimum baking time for you oven.  Also towards the end of baking test the cake repeatedly to see if it is fully baked. If a skewer inserted into the cake does not come out clean, then bake the cake for a little longer.

However other things can be the problem, here are a few:

  • Over beating the batter and incorporating too much air – the air can then cause a collapse.
  • Temperature of the oven is too high causing the cake to rise too rapidly. Tip: Invest in an oven  thermometer to check your oven temperature.
  • Opening the door to check on the cakes before the batter is set can cause the cake to sink, as can closing the oven door too sharply in the early stages of baking.
  • Placing the baked cakes to cool in a drafty place.
  • Poor recipe, baking is a chemical reaction so the proportions have to be correct.

But generally most cakes sink/dip because their outer edges were fully cooked but the centre was not!


Thank you for the tips, it is a new oven to me so I'm still getting used to it. I did open the door to take a peak, and the outside was definitely cooked more than the middle. I also had to work hard to cream the butter & sugar because it had been in the fridge... So I did plenty wrong, but I'm determined to try again. 

Squiggle & yogi, how small do you slice the apple..? I think I may have cut the chicks too big. 

El, I will definitely try the fruit in flour trick on my next attempt. 


I'm too embarrassed to show you the picture but I may show you it after I've also baked a successful one  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Thank you for the tips, it is a new oven to me so I'm still getting used to it. I did open the door to take a peak, and the outside was definitely cooked more than the middle. I also had to work hard to cream the butter & sugar because it had been in the fridge... So I did plenty wrong, but I'm determined to try again. 

Squiggle & yogi, how small do you slice the apple..? I think I may have cut the chicks too big. 

El, I will definitely try the fruit in flour trick on my next attempt. 


I'm too embarrassed to show you the picture but I may show you it after I've also baked a successful one  

I've made it with the apples in slices and also tried it with small cubes and both worked fine.


lol Your cake couldn't be any worse than the scones I make - they always end up so flat, I can't cut them in half, I need to put one on top of the other.

Yogi19 posted:
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Thank you for the tips, it is a new oven to me so I'm still getting used to it. I did open the door to take a peak, and the outside was definitely cooked more than the middle. I also had to work hard to cream the butter & sugar because it had been in the fridge... So I did plenty wrong, but I'm determined to try again. 

Squiggle & yogi, how small do you slice the apple..? I think I may have cut the chicks too big. 

El, I will definitely try the fruit in flour trick on my next attempt. 


I'm too embarrassed to show you the picture but I may show you it after I've also baked a successful one  

I've made it with the apples in slices and also tried it with small cubes and both worked fine.


lol Your cake couldn't be any worse than the scones I make - they always end up so flat, I can't cut them in half, I need to put one on top of the other.

that's brilliant, that makes me feel so much better. We must all have kitchen disasters at times  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good noon a busy start here but I'm glad I can now pop in to say hello  


i I hope you are alright and not feeling unwell squiggle, a restful day if you're tired sounds like a good idea have you got a good book on the go? 

I think squiggle will still be watching The Forsyte Saga - 26 50 minutes episodes so quite long.

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Moonie, I love the swan and cygnet video.

Squiggle, your recipe for the spiced apple cake is the best I've ever tried. It's very popular in the Yogi household.

Summer, don't worry about it - so long as it tasted good.

El, I love Lionel - even my sons and DiLs like Lionel.

Glad you like the video Yogi 

They are whoppers now, aren't they? 

El Loro posted:

Sean Conway from Cheltenham has completed his 4,000-mile ultra-triathlon around the coastline of Britain. It took 85 days to cycle, run and swim in stages around the coast.
(the reason for his beard is to stop jellyfish stinging his face rather than being a Viking).
A documentary will be shown on the Discovery channel in due course.

 I've never heard of a beard being used as a jellyfish deterent.

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Afternoon troops    


Hope we're all fine and dandy      


News on all day here. It's like a spaghetti western  

Afternoon Velvet.

I've been avoiding the news today, in case Sturgeon makes an appearance.


Moonie, the cygnets are coming on a treat. They are indeed whoppers.

I switch when Stugeron appears. She makes me feel queasy     I can't see it - you need to operate on your own currency at a deficit of 3% or less for EU admission and we're currently at 10% with the British pound.

She makes me want to throw something at my tv.

velvet donkey posted:

So the EU for wee Noddy is a long way off.

That's a relief!


Hi just signed in to say i am leaving the forum for good. Sad to see Yogi and Velvet still calling The First Minister of Scotland bad names, and one wonders why some people can be angry . No need in my opinion to be so rude and obnoxious. One may disagree with Nicola Sturgeons policies, but to call her names is rude and nasty. But the old story, dont agree, call bad names 
Dont see them moaning about the best healthcare they get....... or benefits they get....
Anyway , Bye all take care. Its been a blast, some of the time..  xx

Skylark posted:

Hi just signed in to say i am leaving the forum for good. Sad to see Yogi and Velvet still calling The First Minister of Scotland bad names, and one wonders why some people can be angry . No need in my opinion to be so rude and obnoxious. One may disagree with Nicola Sturgeons policies, but to call her names is rude and nasty. But the old story, dont agree, call bad names 
Dont see them moaning about the best healthcare they get....... or benefits they get....
Anyway , Bye all take care. Its been a blast, some of the time..  xx

This has to be a wind up right? 

Doesn't it?


Tell me it is...

Perleeeze tell me it is...


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