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~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Hi moonie I've had a stressful day, very short staffed because one of my colleagues had a "migraine" when one of the others was on holiday. 

I'm laying in and then going walking tomorrow

How was your day? 


A layin is a good idea to get over a stressful day 

I hope you and Bramble have a lovely walk 


My day was good fankoo 


Good morning I'm listening to love songs on radio 2. I enjoy it, and makes me smile because I know that my mum & some of my friends will be listening too 


aw yogi you poor thing I hope you manage to enjoy your visitors without falling asleep on them, and that tonight is a better nights sleep for you. 

El- always and I was enjoying a lay in until miss bramble decided she wanted to play I've roughed her up sufficiently and popped her back on the bottom of my bed! 


Two of my favourite movies are on this afternoon Pocahontas is my favourite Disney princess. She's on at 3.30pm, on one of the main channels. And at 4pm, Uncle Buck! John Candy was great in this film and it also stars a young Macaulay Culkin, this was a film he did just before his starring role in Home Alone

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a beautiful morning.  Aww Yogi I wonder why you had such a poor night's sleep?  Any reason that you can think of?  I am sure you will zonk out tonight and sleep soundly, try and take it a little easier today if you can, get everyone to muck in.


I love Uncle Buck Summer, always makes me laugh.  This made me laugh too, poor little guy



Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning Buddies  

It's cool and cloudy here. The sun is trying to make an appearance but not having much success at present 


Sweet, sorry I never made it back last night. I woke up at 1-15  

I love the expression "roughed her up" re Miss Bramble 


Yogi, sorry you didn't sleep very well last night. I hope you have a lovely day with your family 


El, pleased you have some sunshine 


squiggle, glad you have a sunny start too 


Have a lovely day everyone 

velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:
velvet donkey posted:

Evening troops    


Another sunny day here. Beginning to wonder if I need travellers cheques when I wake up.


Hope all are well    

All is well with me fankoo 

I hope your weekend has been a good one Velvet 

Quiet Moons but no probs     


Glad to hear all is well    

Quiet is good on occasions Velvet 



Velvet, it's been sunny here all day as well


Moonie, I was listening to the Forest Green/Grimsby match. Forest Green were hit in the first half by two goals in just over a minute. They played better in the second half, but apart from one goal they didn't make the most of their chances including a bad miss from just 6 yards from goal. The treasurer at our church will be pleased with the result as she hoped Grimsby would win - she was born in Cleethorpes, close to Grimsby.

El Loro

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