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Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

I'm really pleased I'm free this Saturday- I'm going to watch Eurovision! The thread is usually really fun 

The thread is always good fun. I should be watching too.

Better than the actual program

 That's true of a lot of programmes.


Supper time. Back in a while

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

I'm really pleased I'm free this Saturday- I'm going to watch Eurovision! The thread is usually really fun 

The thread is always good fun. I should be watching too.

Better than the actual program

 That's true of a lot of programmes.


Supper time. Back in a while

Enjoy your supper.

~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

That's all good stuff then, I bet you can't wait to get some plants in the raises bed  I've got a raised bed too now, it's got a few lavender plants in but needs something else planting in there to fill a gap. I love home & garden shopping! 


Mmmmmm I could just eat some toast  

What about adding some herbs to your raised bed. I find them easy to grow and they don't need a lot of maintenance - and you can use them for cooking.


I finally started a diet yesterday and I could kill for some toast atm.


I'm wilting so I'll say goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer, Moonie and Velvet. Night owl hug for Ros.

Yogi19 posted:
~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

That's all good stuff then, I bet you can't wait to get some plants in the raises bed  I've got a raised bed too now, it's got a few lavender plants in but needs something else planting in there to fill a gap. I love home & garden shopping! 


Mmmmmm I could just eat some toast  

What about adding some herbs to your raised bed. I find them easy to grow and they don't need a lot of maintenance - and you can use them for cooking.


I finally started a diet yesterday and I could kill for some toast atm.


I'm wilting so I'll say goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer, Moonie and Velvet. Night owl hug for Ros.

Nite nite Yogi, sleep well. Hope your delivery is early
Sweet dreams


Good morning Buddies  

Still raining here and I see the weather forecast says it going to rain all day here again. Which means I will get wet at some time today 


Tomorrow looks like a dry, sunny and warm day and reaching 20 degrees 

Then back to wet and 13 degrees Thursday 


Off for now but back throughout the day, unless I get washed away  

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning everyone, rainy here but it's done the garden a power of good, everything looks bright and fresh and incredibly green.  It's glorious across the valley now with the mist rising from the trees and almost every tree in full leaf.  My favourite time of the year, everything bursting with new growth.


I'm glad Miss Bramble is getting her appetite back and sounds happier, she never learns does she?  Have a good walk and a good day off Summer.  Yogi give that sweet dog of yours an extra treat, I am so impressed by her.


Sends boat for Moonie, help you get around quicker and back home in the warm and dry.  A nice bit of sunshine will be just what we need for tomorrow.


Enjoy your day everyone


squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, rainy here but it's done the garden a power of good, everything looks bright and fresh and incredibly green.  It's glorious across the valley now with the mist rising from the trees and almost every tree in full leaf.  My favourite time of the year, everything bursting with new growth.


I'm glad Miss Bramble is getting her appetite back and sounds happier, she never learns does she?  Have a good walk and a good day off Summer.  Yogi give that sweet dog of yours an extra treat, I am so impressed by her.


Sends boat for Moonie, help you get around quicker and back home in the warm and dry.  A nice bit of sunshine will be just what we need for tomorrow.


Enjoy your day everyone


ta muchly squiggle

Love that boating smiley


It sounds very idyllic where you live squiggle. A lovely way for start your day  


Afternoon all 


The sun is shining. I have been busy in the garden this morning.

Still waiting on the delivery.


Moonie, I hope your weather brightens up soon.

I didn't know that sad fact about Emperor penguins, but my penguin-mad youngest son probably does.


Thanks El, I'm sure it will be a fun day tomorrow.


Squiggle, I will give Keira an extra treat for you - she will be your friend for life.Love the boat smiley.

Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all 


The sun is shining. I have been busy in the garden this morning.

Still waiting on the delivery.


Moonie, I hope your weather brightens up soon.

I didn't know that sad fact about Emperor penguins, but my penguin-mad youngest son probably does.


Thanks El, I'm sure it will be a fun day tomorrow.


Squiggle, I will give Keira an extra treat for you - she will be your friend for life.Love the boat smiley.

Yogi, we have sunshine, yeeeey 

Well for now at least 

So, your youngest is a penguin fan then?

El Loro posted:

It's brightened up here but there's a forecast of heavy showers later this afternoon. Yogi, I'm glad the weather has been good enough for you to do gardening. I hope your delivery comes soon


I was aware of the high mortality of young penguins

Sad but that's nature, isn't it El?

Those 10% come back to the place they where born and the cycle goes on 


Good afternoon all the day has runaway with me! It's been lovely though and I can't believe we're having lovely weather while you lot have rain  

ive done a gorgeous walk today, had lunch with friends, and popped to the garden centre I've bought some pretty little alpines! 


I didn't know that about emporer penguins either, that's incredibly sad  

~Sparkling Summer~

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