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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Lol lovely to see pirate & velvet's posts in here today have a great weekend both of you

Sweet dreams yogi have a wonderful PB day tomorrow

It is they feel part of the family now, and Skylark back too, it's lovely when we can all be together.  Busy lives but popping in when we can, I just hope moonie is able to join us again too.


Lovely to see you Ros but sorry to hear you are feeling under par, hope the pressure eases soon and that you can relax a little at half term


A bit drizzly here but mostly the forecast for the weekend is not too bad. It's breezy here too EL, they keep mentioning a big storm on the way, I hope it's not.


Enjoy your Saturday everyone - and Yogi I hope you have a lovely PB day


Hi everyone 
Oh dear that accountant been a bad boy hasnt he 
Hospital went well , thanks. 
Weather here lovely today, the sun is shining.
Lovely pic, squiggle, awww.
Hope everyone well, hoping to see moonie back soon.
Have a super day with PB, Yogi. 
Love to all, and have a good day, whatever you up too. I am catching up with boring housework 


Belated greetings everyone.

PB arrived early this morning and she is a bit poorly. She has been very sick and lethargic so DIL took her to her GP and was given linctus - for a gastric bug!  Anyway, the sickness is settling down but she still has diarrhoea amd is very lethargic. She is having a nap atm, hence the flying visit. She did manage to summon up the energy to feed her birdies!

Off to read back before she wakes up, see you later.


Skylark, I noticed in your post that hospital went well.


Last edited by Yogi19

I wait to see what happens with that accountant. He has yet to appear at the Cheltenham Magistrates court on most of those charges. I assume that the magistrates are likely to pass it on the the Gloucester Crown court as the charges are quite serious. If he pleads not guilty then there would be a trial and so there would be a jury. It's possible that I could be called for jury service being local so I have to be careful with what I say in public.


El Loro
Evening all
Sorry for my late appearance, there's a nasty sick bug sweeping the local area which left us short staffed today, it's been pretty busy too but we still had a great day
Mr summer is away so I had to walk bramble after work, but it's been a gorgeous day here so I really enjoyed that.
I then did my bookkeeping, had a lovely bath and am now enjoying pizza, a margarita and a cosy hug with bramble

Hope you all had a good day, big hugs for you all

Get well soon PB

El- oh.dear! What a naughty boy!!!!!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I hope PB feels better soon. Linctus for a gastric bug

Her throat was a bit red and he thought that coughing could have made her sick. Random, I know. 

She has had diarrhoea all day, so in my unqualified opinion, it is a gastric bug.


When she woke after her nap, she seemed a lot livelier. Middle and youngest sons were visiting and she had great fun playing with them. Lots of raisins were fed to the blackbirds and she has realised where granny keeps the bird seed. She points to the tub, opens the lid then points outdoors, shouting "birdies!".

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Hope she feels better real soon, was she cuddly?

I've updated my iPad but not my phone

She is always cuddly with me but she was particularly cuddly in the morning.


My phone is so old, I don't think it can take the update, and after the disaster on my IPad, I don't think I'd bother anyway.

Aw bless her, I bet she felt comforted just being with you

I think there is always problems after an iOS update, so I wait a few weeks. But I haven't  done my phone yet because I don't have the space, and haven't taken the trouble to back up to the computer yet... I'll get round to it one of these days. My apps keep crashing now though
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Aw bless her, I bet she felt comforted just being with you

I think there is always problems after an iOS update, so I wait a few weeks. But I haven't  done my phone yet because I don't have the space, and haven't taken the trouble to back up to the computer yet... I'll get round to it one of these days. My apps keep crashing now though

It's so frustrating when the apps do that.

After the problems with the last update, I ought to have known better and waited a while.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone.

Weather is very wet and windy.

I'm hoping for a relaxed Sunday - let's see how that works out.

Have a good day everyone.

Me too, well after church.  This week has been manic.  I hope PB is feeling much better this morning, poor little mite.


Very breezy here, with huge great clouds being blown across the sky, fairly mild for the time of year though.  I am at the stage I always am at this time of year I will be glad when all the leaves have gone and I can get the garden looking nice and tidy again.


Enjoy your Sunday everyone


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