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There's been recent news stories about concern over the security of wireless connections on things other than computers and phones.

In order to demonstrate that the concern is justified someone has been able to use the remote accessing feature on a wifi Canon Pixma printer to get a working primitive version of the compuer game Doom being shown on the printer screen.



El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

There's been recent news stories about concern over the security of wireless connections on things other than computers and phones.

In order to demonstrate that the concern is justified someone has been able to use the remote accessing feature on a wifi Canon Pixma printer to get a working primitive version of the compuer game Doom being shown on the printer screen.



Oh dear, nothing seems safe from hackers.


Hi Velvet


I've been internet banking for more than 8 years.  I find it very secure.  My password and confidential information - both of which you have to use to log in are very hard to crack, and so far so good.  In fact I rely upon it. I have a wireless connection but my location is, I suppose, a little bit out of the norm in that my nearest neighbours are probably not in range of the wi-fi and people stand out like sore thumbs if they stop in the lane.  In fact we hardly ever get anyone who doesn't live here driving up.

Last edited by squiggle

I've always found internet banking pretty safe too a few years ago mr summer got a phone call from the bank because someone had attempted to hack into his account, the bank had immediately noticed it wasn't his usual I.P. Address nor was it a time of day he's ever logged in before. They tracked the culprit down to china!
We were very impressed with the bank that day
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Lol sounds about right
I like edible gifts too though, we often leave a creme egg out for each other during Easter time

 Cream eggs are yummy. I once hid a box of six in my underwear drawer, and ate them in the bathroom with the door locked. Not all at once!

That was in my chocoholic days. I don't eat chocolate very often nowadays.


Good morning everyone, I love to see the dew sparkling on the cobwebs, so pretty.


I hope all goes well with the eye test this afternoon Yogi and that your new glasses, if you need them, aren't too expensive.  I do hope you can sleep better tonight, I know it's a worrying and upsetting time and I think that whichever way the vote goes there are going to be hurt feelings on both sides.


Enjoy your day everyone

Originally Posted by El Loro:

My client has just rung me to say that they have relooked at their stock listing they gave me and have realised that they've missed things off so they have redone the listing. I think their profiit will have fallen, but not as drastically as my draft accounts.


That's good news, they must be relieved. Good job you got them to recheck things.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, I love to see the dew sparkling on the cobwebs, so pretty.


I hope all goes well with the eye test this afternoon Yogi and that your new glasses, if you need them, aren't too expensive.  I do hope you can sleep better tonight, I know it's a worrying and upsetting time and I think that whichever way the vote goes there are going to be hurt feelings on both sides.


Enjoy your day everyone

Me too, and I especially love to see cobwebs when it's frosty and they are all twinkly and pretty.


This referendum had definitely fractured Scotland. No matter what the result, the wounds are going to take an awful long time to heal.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Afternoon all  


Blah day, blah mood. Hope you're faring better than me   


Moonie in my thoughts  


Hope the eye test goes well Yogi  

It did, thanks Velvet. I need a change to my prescription, but all is well.

Sorry you are in a blah blah mood.


NO campaigners were outside the opticians, asking people politely and quietly if they would like a leaflet, or would like to discuss the referendum issues.

Along came a group of YES campaigners with a megaphone to heckle them.

Staff in the opticians said their clients had commented on the marked difference in campaign styles. I know which one I prefer.

Our MP was there, campaigning for the NOs. He has been working his socks off, in the face of verbal and even physical abuse. The man deserves a medal.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Are you getting new frames yogi? Or just lenses?

It's awful the way some campaigners behave, they should be setting a better example than abusing people.

New frames too, Summer. 


Some people think that shouting gets their message across. Personally, I switch off when people are shouting in my face.

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Are you getting new frames yogi? Or just lenses?

It's awful the way some campaigners behave, they should be setting a better example than abusing people.

New frames too, Summer. 


Some people think that shouting gets their message across. Personally, I switch off when people are shouting in my face.

I'd steer away from underwired as I given up trying to reset the lense on mine    (Glasses not bras)


Get the karate oot when you see them the morra Yogi       They're no just cybernats - they need takin out. And I'm just the boy for the job   




 I tend to go for half frames. Full frames irritated my skin, where they touched under my eyes.


Boudica/Boadicea has nothing on me when I go into full battle mode. We can defeat them.


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