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I think it's going to be a tense week for you both ^ I wish you lots of luck and hope you get the desired result

Snowflakes this year yogi stockings for 2015. I personally think next years cards have much more potential, snowflakes are a bit plain really.
El, it's a shame your friend couldn't have added something a bit more festive to his drawings

I took bramble for a walk, then mr summer wanted sushi for tea- who could say no to that! I tried a couple of new things to me and loved them, it's such a good way to get some good healthy veg into you
~Sparkling Summer~

The spiders are definitely bigger this year - I think they have been taking steroids! The only thing I don't like about autumn is that the spiders come into the house. Last year, youngest son's GF took her gorgeous 4year old nephew to get some conkers and he sent some over to me to keep the spiders at bay. Apparently they don't like horse chestnuts. I thought it was an old wives tale but it worked. Unfortunately he hasn't been visiting his auntie recently, so we have no new conkers this year.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
Really?! I've never heard that before, I might have to just try that out
I'm glad you've had a lazy day, you deserve a good rest

I noticed that a lot of those sprays which are supposed to repel spiders have horse chestnut oil in them, so I think there is something in it.

 I'm glad you've had a good day too.


Originally Posted by ~Sweet Sequins~:
I can't wait to tell my friend at work that, she's terrified of spiders and is planning to go Conker picking with her sons.
Where do you put the conkers?

Ask her to get some conkers for you.

We put them on the window ledges and in the corners of the room. 

I had to explain what they were doing there when the Virgin guy was fixing my internet.


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