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Evening Mollie & Baz.

I saw your reason for going to get the wood with MrM, always good to get out i agree, it must have been a problem getting all the posts in though.

You can get some nice climing plants to grow on the trellis, so many lovely climers to choose from.

I did order some treats, the bill for tomorrow is £165, the Cupboard stuff i'll show you  here:

    2 Butterkist Crunchy Toffee Popcorn £3.00
    1 Cadbury Crunchie Chocolate Bar Multipack £2.50
    1 Cadbury Crunchie Chocolate Bar Multipack £1.50
    2 Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut Chocolate Bar £3.00
    1 Ferrero Rocher 16 Pieces £6.50
    3 Haribo Jelly Babies Sweets Sharing Bag £3.95
    2 John West Mackerel Fillets in Sweet Chilli £3.00
    1 Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolate Truffles £6.30
    2 M&S Belgian Milk Chocolate Cashews £3.00
    1 M&S Crinkle Cut Gherkin Burger Pickle £1.35
    1 M&S Honey Roasted Cashews £6.00
    1 Terry's Milk Chocolate Orange £2.00
    1 Brioche Pasquier Croissant £1.75
    1 La Boulangere Selection 6 All Butter Croissants £2.85
    2 M&S Super Seeded Bread Loaf £3.20
    1 Alpro Oat Long Life Drink £1.60
    2 Fanta Orange Zero £3.50
    1 Bacofoil 2 in 1 Parchment & Foil £3.60
    1 Nicky Elite 3 Ply Quilted Toilet Tissue £6.25

I think normal landlines finish in 2015, you will get voip which is voice over ip address so your phone would be on with the broadband, think mine is that but i dont need a landline so will be taking it out, got to check that the redirection from landline to my mobile with work when i unplug the landline, it should do but i want to test it.

I didnt order any ice cream stuff as i still have 24 choc ice creams from last summer in my ice cream drawer in the freezer section.

You need to be careful with your knee, its so hard to get attention from the NHS and if it gets worse you could have a problem if you need an op or something.

I can show the fridge list from Ocado if you want, i divide it into 2 section on my test files as i show which of the items to repack / divide to be frozen.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰🥰Another sunny day here …..but I had to wait in for two deliveries , so no walk today . But I did go out and play with my new hedge trimmer, the back garden, so I got used to it before putting myself on show in the front garden  .🤣🤣It’s great …..or at least it was once I’d managed to work out how to put the bliddy thing together !🤣🤣🤣Not only will it be great for the front hedges , but it’s got quite a long reach , so is perfect for the bushes in the back garden too . The battery is great too …charges in about 30 minutes ….so go me .🤣🤣🤣Aside from that , I stripped the bed , done the duvet shuffle , two loads of washing , ironing , and dusting ….so quite a productive day all round .🤣🤣🤣I hope everyone else is having a nice , relaxing Saturday .😁

Mollie , yes we have had fun in teatime club this week .Dolly is obviously a very discerning doggie preferring B&Q to Wickes ….Mr B would have approved .I hope you are enjoying some sun , and that it wasn’t too warm for you last night .Hicky , I still have a landline too …although the only people that tend to use it are scammers .I have a favourites list saved on my Ocado account …makes it much quicker ….you can add to it , or take away from it at will . Glad I’m not the only one that orders treats .

Well I think we are watching nature programmes that we recorded tonight . Have a good evening both. Take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Thats the problem with deliveries, depends who from, some deliveries come 2 days early, not Amazon mind, but i hate having to wait for any delivery.

Glad you got the trimmer working ok, you need to be careful with those as they can chop through quite thick branches, but great having the battery type.

Had my toe nails cut today as the girl had to change my appointment which was Wednesday but she couldnt make it.

I was watching a program of 24hrs in A&E and realised i had seen it before, so looked into the data and it was from 2016, omg they are just recycling the shows over and over, and all the channels do the same.

Ocado seem to put all what i order into the faves which is handy but means it takes so long to go through them all, and unfavourite the ones i wont buy agin.

I got a voucher from Ocado today as the price match with Tesco showed Ocado was £3.24 dearer, that was nice, i had so much stuff this week that it came in 13 or 14 bags, wow.

Had a walk around the garden, need to spray some of the fruit trees as some pests are eating the leaves, think its just the cherry trees.

Hope Mollie had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Well my booster jab hit me big time last night ! I don’t normally suffer from them …..but not only did I develop a very sore arm , but I felt like I’d got a bad case of flu overnight .😱Consequently, I’ve only done the bare minimum today ….some washing , fed the wildlife , popped up the local shop for some milk, and the rest of the day I’ve spent laying on the sofa cuddling my hot water bottle . I hope everyone else is having a better day .

Mollie , I hope you’re having a good day. I enjoyed Welsh Chapel last night .We can pick and choose with teatime club programmes this week .How is Dolly ? Any B&Q trips today ?Hicky , yes , I sometimes get vouchers too you say it’s money for old rope . Yes, I’m loving my hedge trimmerGlad you got your toenail’s done , even if you had to wait a little while . I agree about all the repeats on the tv …it’s so annoying .

Well it’s Love Triangle Australia , and HGTV tonight .I hope you both have a good evening and look after yourselves .


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Sorry to hear your jab left you with some discomfort, strange how it effects some people different, i just had the sore arm, i think last time a jab made me feel unwell i'm suren it was the flu one.

I managed to to get some fruit tree spray from my garden shed, i must have about 8 different ones, brought one in and also got one of my sprays which i will use, its only a 1L one but its one you pump up, i have the large pump one but dont need that much spray, 1L should be plenty, problem is i cant make it yet as there is too much wind, so have to wait for little wind and no sun, oh dear.

I need to order less stuff from Ocado, Fridays delivery took 12 bags, a normal delivery is probably 6, 3 for cupboard, 3 for fridge, i had 6 for fridge & 6 for cupboard.

Its awkward having an order every 2 weeks but cant be bothered with a weekly delivery, but a lot of items are for stock so dont need to order on each order.

She comes to do my toenails every 8 weeks which i find fine, but my finger nails grow so quick, they are so annoying and having to keep trimming them is a pain.

One of my Lads #5 is flying to Berlin today as he has a meeting tomorrow with his new company he has joined.

Hope Mollie is having a good day, i sent her some pics etc forwarded from my lad  #4 in The Philippines.


both x

The early morning chaous of my family all dashing around to get off for work is over, and pup (like me) is tired, so thought I would put all the house jobs aside, and take a short rest whilst pup sleeps on my lap.


hope you had a better nights sleep last night and are fully recovered from the jab today. You did right resting as much as you could yesterday, whilst your body fought off the after effects.

I too am really enjoying the Welsh chapel show and MrM is too, as it is not far from where he comes from. Its nice we have a few choices for our Tea Time club.

I also really enjoyed that new reality show, Fortune Hotel last night.

Dolly is as cute and mischievous as ever. Still loves her toys and playing fetch. One or other of us seems to be continually playing fetch with her ball when we are in the house, even though MrM does take her on lots of walks. She still gets lots of attention whenever we go out. She knows if she stares at people and wags her tail, they are likely to stroke her.

Last night she thumped my lappy with her paws to get my attention during Tea Time Club, so that is why I couldn't get out of those capitals. MrM looked at it and he said somehow she has managed to reverse the keys, so I had to put "caps Lock" on to get OUT of the capitals. I know you realise now when you see weird typing from me, that pup usually has something to do with it.

Thankfully the lappy is back to normal now.


Oh yes, I'd like to see your Ocado fridge list as well please. I did enjoy reading your Cupboard list, as it gives me some ideas of different stuff to try for me and the family.

That's good you got your toe nails done at home again.

Oh dear about your A and E viewing. I too find this so annoying, when you start to watch and realise its all been seen before. Far too much of this lately.

I know what you mean about the ever growing favourites list. I didn't realise you could unfavourite them, will have to look up and see if I can do this, as I now have a huge list, some of which I only bought as a one off.

That is nice you got a voucher back from Ocado. At least that shows you are getting value for money from ocado.

Sounds like you need to monitor your produce to keep those pests at bay, as you don't want them spoiling them. Hopefully the wind has died down now so you can sort it. It has here today.

Hope your lad's Berlin business trip goes well. I visited Berlin many years ago as a teenager to stay with a family we met whilst on holiday in Ibiza. Very interesting to see the history of the wall.

Thank you for whatapping the lovely family photos. The children are growing quickly now.

The men are here doing our patio at last. And of course on day 1 yesterday , it rained constantly, after having had such a lovely sunny weekend too. But they put up a tent type thing and just carried on regardless. The sleepers are pretty huge and they are putting the base of stones down now, and then they going to make a step. We are having broken paving instead of decking as OT told me to avoid it, as it can get slippy.

Dolly has tired herself out barking at them, as she thinks she is guarding us. I have to keep picking her up and reminding her it is fine to have them in our garden. Then she forgets and starts barking again later, after she has napped or played.

Going for carvary lunch with my friend today. (the one who gave us Dolly), so we like to talk about the dogs. She kept the only boy pup and her other dog was the mum dog originally. Dolly recognises my friend and her hubby straight away as soon as she sees them, and gets so excited. Which is to be expected I guess, as they bought her up for the first 8 weeks of her life. My friend said she is so glad she decided not to sell any of the pups, as they all went to either her family or us, so she knows they all went to good homes and is contact with them all as they grow up. So I like to treat her to lunch now and again. She could have sold those pups for a lot of money.

Better submit now, as its taken me 2 hours to complete, with interruptions and little jobs.

Have a good day both..  xxxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

On the favourites list you see a little heart, click on it and you can remove from the list.

I will post the fridge list at the end of my post, its quite big as you can imagine.

Its still too windy to spray the fruit trees which is a blow, will have to wait.

My lads flight was delayed to Ireland to transfer to Berlin flight, and would have missed the flight to Berlin so they put him up in a hotel till this mornings flight.

Your Patio will be lovely when its finished, broken paving on gravel, where are the sleepers going, around the edges?

Hope Baz had a good night.

To be frozen
    1 Fish Said Fred ASC Whole Sea Bream £6.00
    2 Ginsters Cheddar & Caramelised Onion Pasty £3.00
    1 Ginsters Large Sausage Roll £1.50
   1 Ginsters Original Cornish Pasty £1.50
   1 M&S 2 Cornish Pasties £3.50
   1 M&S Scottish Single Salmon Fillet £3.20
   1 M&S Select Farms British 12 Free Range Pork Chipolatas £4.50
   1 M&S Select Farms Rack of Lamb £13.53
   1 M&S Shepherd's Pie £3.50
   1 Packington Free Range Old English Sausage £5.00
    2 Pukka Pies All Steak £3.00
   1 Tanpopo Natsu Sushi £4.75
    1 M&S Hot Shots Multipack £3.75
    2 Happy Monkey Strawberry & Banana Kids Smoothie £4.60
    1 M&S British 12 Unsmoked Streaky Bacon Rashers £4.00
    1 M&S British Medium Cheddar 10 Slices £2.80
    1 M&S Brown Cooking Onions £1.10
    1 M&S Eat Now Eat Later Hass Avocados £3.75
    2 M&S Low Fat Live Yogurts Strawberry, Black Cherry, Peach & Apricot £4.30
    1 M&S Mussels in a White Wine & Parsley Sauce £3.80
    1 Ocado Black Seedless Grapes £1.80
    1 Ocado Mixed Weight Free Range Eggs £3.25
    1 Ocado Ripe & Ready to Eat Pears £2.30
    2 Tropicana Pure Orange Fruit Juice with Extra Juicy Bits £6.00
    2 Tropicana Pure Smooth Orange Fruit Juice £6.00


Afternoon Mollie annd Hicky  Overcast , but mild here today . I had a very eventful walk , and not in a good way . I was strolling down a side road, heading to a local shop ,  when I noticed a guy acting a bit strangely just ahead of me.  He crossed  the road right in front of a car . I saw the car driver wind his window down and shout at him. I presumed it was because the guy had walked in front of his car , but as the car driver reached me he leant over and said ….”don’t go near that guy love  , he tried to grab my 80 year old mil “ I thanked him and decided to cross over the road …..but when I looked back I noticed the guy walking almost parallel to me . Needless to say I sped up and made it to the shop . I got what I wanted , and as I was waiting at the till I saw the guy was still there , but had turned round and was walking back the other way again . I have to admit it shook me up a bit , so I mentioned it to the shop assistant . There is a primary school just down the road , so after some discussion I agreed to go into the school and let them know what had gone on , just in case .  My guess is that the guy may have had some sort of psychiatric problems…..there is a psych ward at the local hospital ….but even so . Anyway , the school said they would notify the community police unit . Needless to say I stayed on the main road all the way home, and will be taking a different route tomorrow . 🤣🤣🤣🤣I hope everyone else is having a less fraught day than me .🤣🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰

Mollie yes , I realised it was probably Dolly typing .Yes, we certainly get around on teatime club , eh . By the way , Dame said last night that she had gone to use her credit card but there were no funds available ….i told her to stop griping as we had only spent a million quid recently ! Hicky, I think of all the Covid jabs/ boosters I’ve had I’ve only had two * adverse * reactions ….so I can’t complain .Good grief , that’s some Ocado list .Sorry you lad flight got delayed , but at least they put him up in a hotel .

Well it’s a full trashy night tv for us tonight ….LT Australia and Celeb Ex on the Beach .Have a good evening both , and take care .


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Wow, that was a scary trip to the shop Baz, the feller could have mental problens or maybe he's high on drugs, could be hard to tell, think the police should have been informed so they could have a word with him and find out what he's up to and why hes there.

My lad arrived in Berlin ok today, he said it was pretty hot there as well.

I managed to spray my trees this morning as wind had eased and sun was shady so did all the trees.

I had a text chat with a person from BT online, i changed the broadband that they had been going on about for years and also cancelled the landline as i only get scam calls from London.

I find the Fanta Zero drink rather lovely, also the Pasties, so easy to heat and eat, i also love fresh orange, and with such a selection of chocy treats its hard to control my intake but i do limit intake of each item.

I have noticed some weeds have come back in the greenhouse tubs so will have to soend half an hour back in there as soon as possible.

Hope Mollie is having a good day.


both x


Sorry you had such a horrible experience yesterday. It must've shaken you up at the time. As Hicky said, he could be either mental or off his head with drugs.

That's good you realised it was Dolly messing with the keyboard, and I had not lost it, with all that rubbish typing. She hates me being on my lappy.

Oh yes, I remember now, we couldn't reisist buying that £1million house, so am glad Dame was so understanding when you explained why her card was now maxed out.

Hope you enjoyed your trashy tv last night. I really am enjoying Fortune Hotel. (and the presenter is so dishy!)


Thank you for the shopping list. Very interesting. You are certainly well stocked up now.

I sometimes get pasties. But last time I bought a pack of 4, one was still left on the "Use By" date, so I dumped it. I never thought of freezing it, so that's a good idea of yours.

Did you manage to do your weeding?

Glad your lad finally arrived in Berlin. Hope he has a good business trip.

Lucky the wind stopped, so you could spray those trees before the pests ruined any more of them.

Do BT need to do any work at your home in order to update your broadband. They had to when we moved in here, both on outside cables and inside too,  and last week they had to do some work for my neighbour to update her broadband too.

I am watching 4 in A Bed right now and pup is driving me mad. Every time someone rings the Ring doorbell on it, she barks like mad thinking someone is ringing our doorbell. So I have had turn the volume off the tv until they stop ringing the bell.

The landscapers have finished our patio and it looks lovely. Its slabs of different sizes and slightly different colours. Our garden is sloped so they had to build a couple of steps to it. MrM said he would put a hand rail in, as its diffucult for me to get down from it. They worked through the pouring rain all day on Monday, luckily it was dry after that.

Have really enjoyed this series of Hotel Ispector, as it has been different to previousl series, so that stopped it being dull. But will need to record Hotel Inspector, as I want to watch Fortune Hotel live.

What are you watching Hicky?

Have a nice evening both xx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I never got out to do the weeding in the greenhouse, will see what weather is like tomorrow, my lad is back from Berlin, he got in at 6pm.

I filled in a feedback form to tell Ginsters that they have a spelling mistake on the Pasty wrapper, they have spelt intake wrong and have spelt it inatke, i couldnt let it go so had to tell them, they probably know, it was on the cheese and onion one and also the original 180g.

I got Fibre Broadband some time ago so have the external fibre cables and the inside work, they must have just changed it at the other end, i was on a 150 now its on 500, i did a speed test and it was 495 so very pleased, and they took out the landline.

I have Darts tonight, night 16 of 17, Luke Littler just played and won, one game he needed 120, wow, he got 3 x 40 (double top) what a lad, amazing.

I watch all the hospital ones as they are real life, and the operations, also Salvage Hunters but Drew was divorced about 5 years ago, and T left the show years ago, used to love Storage Hunters but some still have Big D in and he died years ago.

I try to record most programs so i am in charge and can watch & pause when want.

I used to watch Hotel inspector but got bored, how is it new?

Glad you got your Patio finished, yes, a handrail would be very handy, and needed.

Hope Baz had a good night.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny and quite warm here today….not a bad night for me , so I went for a walk first thing ….but I kept my eyes open.Aside from that I’ve done some washing , hoovered , fed wildlife , and deweeded the patio…so quite a relaxed day chez Baz .I hope everyone else is enjoying some sunshine .

Mollie , yes, Dame was very understanding and said we could buy whatever we wanted cos she knows how frugal we are ….well words to that effect .I hope you are having a good day and. the weather is nice down there ….i might have to venture into my short sleeved nightie again tonight , maybe , perhaps . Hicky , glad your son got to Berlin and that you got your spraying done . I tried watching this series of Hotel Inspector , but unlike Mollie , I don’t like the new format .

Well it’s MC and GB tonight , but not sure what else we will be watching .Have a good evening both . Take care .


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad you got a walk in Baz, didnt go in the greenhouse as its been hot and sunny all day.

I rang british gas again about my gas meter not talking to my display or to BG, they said its the sofware, it was changed sometime ago and wont talk to the meters now, its not the meter, they are working on getting the mers working again from their end.

My lad got back from Berlin last night, he was very impressed with the offices etc, it has projects in 46 countries so that is pretty darn big, my lad hopes to look after the UK projects.

Hope Mollie has had a good Friday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Wall to wall sunshine here ….and very warm …so I slapped on the factor 50 before I went for my walk this morning . Aside from that , I’ve changed the sheets and pillowcases , washed , ironed , cleaned kitchen , fed wildlife ….had pork chops for my lunch , and that’s me done for the day .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday .

Mollie , I hope Mr M is feeling better today , and that your day is a bit less fraught than yesterday . Did you find any more glass ? I hope Dolly is behaving herself …and that your skirting boards have survived .Hicky , glad your son got back from Berlin without any more delays . I had my smart meter installed a couple of years ago , and so far I’ve not had my problems ….crosses everything .🤞🏻🤞🏻

Well it’s Welsh Chapel for me tonight ….its a real feel good programme .I hope you both have a good evening …and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you got a walk in Baz, i havent done much today, made a nice meal with the rack of Lamb i had, did some spuds and opened a ton of peas and baby carrots, then some gravy so that was nice.

Filled the dishwasher, then emptied and put away the contents ready for a new start tomorrow, i just rinse and dry what i use daily or else i would be putting the machine on all the time, i use the paper kitchen towels as i only use the dishcloth for my hands, its easier to wipe a dish or knife etc with a paper towel then throw the paper away in the rubbish bin.

Had a load of pics and vids from my lad in the Philippines, i still play chess with my Lad from Cornwall every day.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny , but the air feels * heavy* today ….and heavy rain forecast overnight and tomorrow . Not a bad night , so I went for a walk first thing ….but it felt quite *airless* ! Aside from that , the gardener has been,  so lawns are tidy again ! I fed the wildlife , cleaned the bathroom and kitchen , washed , and hoovered ….so quite a productive day chez Baz .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Tuesday ..

Mollie , I hope  you are having a good day ,  that things have calmed down a bit chez M …..and that Mr M has fully recovered now , and able to take Dolly for long walkies.Hicky, I’ve just had some nice lamb steaks for my lunch ….lamb is my favourite meat .Lovely that you’ve had lots of nice photos etc from you son in the Phillipines .

Well it’s MC , Sewing Bee , and LT for me tonight ….so that’s my viewing sorted .I hope you both have a nice evening . Take care .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad your night was ok and you got your walk in, its been nice and sunny here with 20c, it says light rain and light wind but havent seen any rain yet., more or less finished my Ocado order will sort it tomorrow for delivery Friday or Sat, its up to £155 so far, but so hard to take stuff off.

Love the Bargan loving Brits, just watching a recording, and watched a find/fix/flog before with Henry & Gemma, but getting kidded with Money for Nothing as they can advertise it is Sarah then find its not Sarah its AJ or Ray, so annoying.

Having a Fray Bentos steak & kidney pie for tea for a change, got 4 in the cupboard, i like to change the daily meals so one day its fish, then a pie, then say sushi, then chicken wings but i have loads of pasta rice and curry to use up as well as plenty of other foods like mince and bolognese sauces.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


both x


It has certainly cooled down here today, but has been very warm up till today. So have dug the cardy out again.

But at least it has been dry all week  (unlike London when Rishi got a soaking giving his election speech!). I guess that suit (probably worth about £1000 knowing his expensive tastes in clothing) is ruined now.

Hope you managed to get your walk in today.

Am enjoying Tea time viewing this week, as we have had such a good portion of Ant. What an amazing person he is.

And LT is brilliant. Am trying to catch up when I have a quick sit down.


That is great how you still pay chess daily with your son, and I enjoyed seeing the pics of your family in the sun. The kiddies are so cute.

The wooden sleepers have gone all round the edge of the paito and there is a bit of a gap round the edges, (there was a big tree stump there), so MrM has used the small gap to put plants in. So it looks lovely.

Baz and I love watching Bargain Brits too. I heard on the news that around 50% of Smartmeters are not working properly now! Typical, they push people to have them, but haven't made them to a high standard. We didn't want one, but unforurtunately there was already one here when we moved in, so we had no choice. I don't use the indoor machine though, even though they posted us one, as don't trust it to work properly. I can see daily useage online though.

The 1st episode of Hotel Inspector was really different because it was just a cafe and no hotel, and she went to Italy (the area the owners were from) to get some ideas. It was very interesting. Now it is more or less the same as before as she is doing hotels/BB's again. The only difference i can see now is that they have toned down on her swearing. (maybe so they can air it earlier?). I enjoy that show, and hope she does succeed long term in helping out those struggling businesses.

Do you watch Race Around the World? This series has been really interesting. We have seen a lot of Thailand on it and the contestants are good. I am a couple of weeks behind though, as don't have much free time for tv lately and have been trying to keep up with Love Triangle Australia. (thanks to recommendation by Baz).

I have really enjoyed Fortune Hotel this week too, its a clever realtiy show set in a beaufitul hotel in Caribbean with a prize pot of £250k.

No Ocado delivery for you this week then?

You do sound well stocked up. I get a delivery every week, but with 4 of us and the pup, I do have a long list. I like trying all their different types of bread. Am going to try a different rye loaf this week. Have just finished this weeks list, but always edit and add stuff before delivery date.

I have been so busy this last week. MrM got a nasty virus. He said he has never had such a sore throat as this one. He couldn't eat at all for 2 days. He is back at work now, but his voice still sounds a bit grough. I have been keeping well out of his way, and he doesn't come into the kitchen, so I have been sending food/drinks upstairs to him. The pup has missed her long walks with him, so she has had to make do with shorter ones with me and no chicken, as I can't stand the thought of cooking chicken. So I have done a lot of ball throwing lately to occupy her.

Son working long hours, so am having to give him his tea a lot later than the rest of us. He is shattered when he gets home, so wouldn't eat anything other than cereal if I didn't do him a meal. Never mind, I have still managed to do tea Time viewing for an hour with Baz.

Have a good day both, off to peg the washing out. xxx


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

My Ocado gelivery is booked for Friday, still cant get over the choice they give me, the hardest part is deciding what not to add to the order when there is so much fantastic food etc, 60% of which i have never heard of even, and the items from so many countries is amazing, i do experiment a bit just to see wjat i like or not as the case may be.

I am always thinking of the next days meals so i can take them from the freezer if need be, as when i move it to the fridge to thaw out if sometimes takes longer than i expected so move it the night before.

I think those big old sleepers are great, the ones i got to make my raised beds where quite thin, think they were 2.4m x 25cm x 5cm, think i bought about 24 as i needed 5 just to make 1 raised bed, 1 was cut into 4 which made 4 ends while 2 large ones each side finished the bed which was 2.8m lomg by .6m wide and 50cm high.

Saw another episode of Money for nothing, it said Sarah Moore, but she wasnt in it, so annoyed, i am being conned.

I'm waiting for an Amazon delivery, ordered a set of wire racks ro fin in my air fryer to give more circulation round the items being heated or cooked, i put the parchment lined foil inside the fryer basket base as i dont want any food getting on the fryer base or lining as its hard to get off.

Forecast shows a lot of rain for the next few weeks so am going to turn of the auto watering for the raised beds.

Hope Baz had a good night and a good #thursday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Overcast , and damp here today , and I had to wait in for a delivery , but I did manage a short walk this morning , so blew away a few cobwebs .Aside from that I’ve not done much , just some washing, dusting , and general cleaning . I hope everyone else is having a more exciting Friday than me.

Mollie, we’ve spoken , but I hope you feel better soon….just don’t overdo things .Hicky, I’m glad you are really happy with Ocado , and yes , there isn’t much they don’t sell.Its been quite chilly here the last couple of days , more like bliddy March than nearly June ! As for the rain I’m thinking of building an ark !

Well it’s going to be Gogglebox and the new reality programme the Nevermets for me tonight .Have a good evening , and both look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you got a walk in Baz, i stayed in but have turned the watering off for the raised beds as the big plastic dish i have on a table outside my back door tells me how much rain we had or if its raining, and the forecast i keep an eye on on my computer for my area.

My Ocado came, all correct as well, so good, watched Luke Littler last night, he won the £275,000 top prize and also 4 x £10,000 for each of the weeks he won, and he got a 9 dart finish as well, only the 2nd time ever its been done in the final, it was at the O2 in London with 14,000 inside seated.

I got some yummy foods again this week, i love Potato Salad, so hard to stop eating though, i ate the whole portion with a teaspood, yummy, i sent 12 bags back with the driver and have some tasty meals now, mind you i still have leads of food in the garage.

I have go F1 today and all weekend and FIFIFI to watch and loads of recording if i need more.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰🥰Drizzly most of the morning , although the sun is out at the moment ….and no sign of the predicted thunderstorms .🙄🤣🤣Consequently , I didn’t go for a walk , but I did pop up the local shop and went out and swept the patio , so at least I’ve got some from fresh air .😁Aside from that I’ve done the duvet shuffle , two loads of washing , cleaned kitchen and bathrooms and fed the wildlife . …so not a totally wasted day chez Baz .🤣I hope everyone else is having a good Sunday .😁

Mollie , I hope you are feeling much better today , and that you are still taking it easy , cos these viruses can really take it out of you .🥰🥰Hicky , I used to loved potato salad , so don’t blame you eating the whole thing .🤣🤣That young darts player is brilliant , isn’t he .👍🏻🥰🥰

Not sure what tonight’s viewing is , but I’m watching Judge Judy and Repair Shop this afternoon .🤣Have a good evening both, and take care .🥰🥰


both xx


hope the weather is kind enough for you to get your walk in today.

We too had a cold day, but it only lasted only day, so it was back to the jumper and winter nightie for that day.

Can't complain though as we haven't had much rain. Sounds like you have had more than your share lately.

Is Bargain Brits on again next week? I really enjoyed it last week, it was great seeing some of our faves.

How was the new Nevermets programme?


Glad you were pleased with your Ocado. Mine came today and as always, I was very pleased with it. As you say, we are spoilt for choice. I have tried yet another 2 different seeded/sour dough loaves this week and got a good supply of ice lollies too and found some crisps called Discos that we used to eat as kids, that have recently been introduced.

Good idea, think I too will order some potato salad as I love the M and S one. Do you have the Charlotte one or the Traditional one? I like the Charlotte one best.

How nice you have had F1 to watch all weekend.

I have started the new series of Bridgerton on Netflix. I have watched them all, they are excellent, especially the period costumes and scenery.

Quite a nice day here again today, only a very short shower this morning, so sat in the garden inbetwen jobs.

I caught the virus off MrM. so have had a sore throat for 3 days and have felt tired, so haven't been out at all. Its moved to a blocked nose now, so hope that means it will start to clear soon. MrM has nearly cleared it apart from a cough now and again.

Its Race Around the World for me tonight, as this series in Thailand is really good.

Have a good evening both. xxx


Good day Mollie & Baz.

Shame you couldnt get your usual walk in Baz, but a trip to the local shop is better than none.

Only 16c here with light rain and a gentle breeze, i did the usual 3 machine Sunday, Wash mackine, dryer and dishwasher, they added a few quid onto the lecky bill mind.

I had the 2 small whole Bream last night but, oh dear, it was bad enough having the head on and looking at me eat it, the biggest problem was i couldnt see the bones so had to constantly pick them out of my mouth, some were minute so all in all it was a disaster, the fish had a fantastic taste but wont be getting those again, my eyes are hopeless, i can hardly see what is on the plate / fork but i can read the reg number of the car 25m away, strange.

I get all sorts of food to eat just to see if its worth leaving in my faveourites list or to remove it,  i have got fillets of Monkfish to try, at least that wont have small bones in it, the salmon fillets are nice, the Pukka stead pies are real yummy, always have a couple of those on the order, i did one of the Fray Bentos steak & kidney pies in the air fryer the other day, wow, it was perfect, 180c for 25 mins, and in the air fryer with it being such a small area it costs just a few pence to keep the area at a constant temperature.

I havent tried the charlotte potato salad i just got the original as wasnt sure if i changed i would like it or not.

I have reverted back to the M&S Super Seeded Bread Loaf £1.60 as the slices fit in the toaster.

I have moved the smartmeter display from the hall onto my desk, its great as it has a clock on it and it also tells me the temperature, but being able to see the usage is great as i can see when one of the machines finishes by the circular wattage graph, a pity it doesnt show the gas as well, but the lecky is more important as its 4 times the cost of gas, and my only gas use is the central heating, there are 3.5m smartmeters in the uk not working at the moment.

Hope the virus gets out and stays out Mollie & Mr M.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Rained nearly all day here…..I had to go to the shop though …and came back looking like Rishi Sunak .🤣🤣I had a dreadful night ….so I’ve not really done a lot today , just changed sheets and pillowcases , washed , ironed and hoovered . The bin men were here at 7 o’clock this morning .😱😱Anyway , that’s the sum total of my exciting Tuesday .🤣I hope everyone else is enjoying their day , whatever you are doing .

Mollie , how are you feeling today ? I hope the nose has stopped running .Have you looked at the bedding sale yet ?Bargain Brits is on next week , but a new series of Sun, Sea and Selling Houses starts next Monday , if you fancy a change of scene .Hicky , wow Fray Bentos pies ….that takes me right back to my childhood, and early marriage  .Did you enjoy it ? I had some M&S battered cod for lunch today …it’s very nice . I also like the M&S poached salmon …..but it’s gone up so much in price that I don’t really have it these days .

Well it’s Great British Sewing Bee for me tonight .Have a good evening both and look after yourselves l


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Sorry you had a bad night Baz, i just toss and turn, too hot really but i like to be covered

Yes, the Fray Bentos steak & kidney pie sure is a winner, the puff pastry top is so good and the pie is full of lovely meat and gravy, mind you, the Pukka steak pies are fantastic as well, i try stuff and if its good i leave it in the Faves otherwise i remove it.

I like 24 hrs in A&E, but its hard to find one of those i havent seen, hard to find anything i havent seen, they are digging up all the olod Discovery shows, which most fo them are, all the outside ones are from Discovery, i like the Alaska shows, Casualty 24/7 is good, Tiping point is ok, and Catchphrase.

Hope Mollie has been ok today.


both x


hope the weather has been better there today, than it was yesterday. It was a nice, mainly sunny day here today, but the wind is still quite chilly. So my cardy remained on, in the garden today.

Sorry you had a bad night, ,hope you have a better night tonight. Its horrible when you can't sleep, the nighttime seems to go on forever on those nights.

My son likes battered cod, but have never tried the M and S ones, will have to give them a go. I usually get the Birds Eye ones.

MrM likes the salmon too, but as you say, it is very expensive now.

The nose stopped running thank goodness, so I am on the road to recovery.

Big choice for us at Tea Time Club next week then. Wonder if the Brits is the new series or an old one?


Are those Fray Bentos pies the ones you cook in the tin? I have never had one of those.

I too can get too hot at night, so sleep with my fan on when we get warm nights. I find its hard to get covers/nightware right at the moment, as the weather is still so changable.

Have you being doing anything in your garden lately? Sounds like we have some nice dry weather to come, so expect it won't be long until you think about sorting your watering system out.

I am a lot better today thanks. A nusiance these viruses are, as they make you feel so tired.

So haven't arranged to go out anywhere this week.

But I have managed a short morning walk with the pup to help clear my blocked up head.

Not sure what tv I am watching tonight, seem to be dropping off at night since I got this virus though.

Have a good evening both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a bad night , but it was drizzly here this morning ….and I’m still not feeling 100% ….so I only had a short walk first thing . Aside from that I’ve never really done a lot , just some washing , cleaned kitchen and fed the wildlife ….so a very , very , lazy day chez Baz .I hope everyone  else is having a more productive day than I am.🤣🤣

Mollie , glad you are feeling a bit better now ….hopefully you will be back to your normal self soon .I think the Brits is a new series …so might be worth giving it a whirl on Monday , and if we don’t like it we can swap back to Benidorm . I am looking forward to Dick and Angel, and Caravan park next week .Hicky , yes, I used to love the puff pastry .Sadly , onions ( and garlic) have been off the menu for me for about 7 years now ….because of my stomach problems ,…so I’m afraid I can no longer eat the pies …..but just you mentioning it took me right back to my mums kitchen…they were very modern in those days  .

Not sure what we are watching this evening , but sure we will find something .Have a nice evening both . Take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes, the fray Bentos pies are in the big tin, quite a job to take the lid off of course, but its ok with my electric can opener, the pie is so good i could eat one every day.

My watering system has been on all May, have turned it off again though with having so much rain.

Window cleaners came, they do a good job really, had a call from the hospital about my appointment Monday asking if i can go 30 mins earlier to get an Xray, so pleased about that as i want see what kidney stones i have and where they are now, wouldnt be surprised if they have gone.

Only been trying to sort my kidney stones out since 1961, 63 years and still not got rid of them all, had loads of different operations / procedures, one even gave me Sepsis but still have one or 2, one report said i had 3 in my right kidney, later i was told it was 2, but during the op they said they could only find one, which they zapped, and i am supposed to have another in the left kidney as the big one that caused the Sepsis actually disintergrated and was gone on the next scan leaving one.

All good fun eh.


both xx


glad you are feeling better now. And I am pleased to say, I am too (apart from being left a bit more tired than normal).

Hope you managed to get a little walk in today.

Its a shame you can't eat pies now, especially as you used to love puff pastry. But hopefully you do manage to find something you can enjoy from the vast choice that Ocado offers us all.

Enjoyed Bargain Brits this week, nice to see Bambi back on the show today.


all those years trying to sort out those kidney stones, how tiresome for you.

But glad to hear the hospital are going to check it out on Monday. Let's hope they have gone completely now, or there is not much of them left by now to bother you.

Do you need a taxi to get there and back?

Do you feel up to sorting a visit out to your family abroad yet? How are they? Have they decided to settle anywhere in particular yet?

Haven't been anywhere the last 2 weeks as MrM had this virus, then I caught it. But I did manage to sit with my friend for a little while in her garden today, as she too was just getting over a similiar virus.

It has been lovely weather wise, as its been sunny but with a bit of cloud to cool down inbetween.

My Ocado is coming in the morning, so looking forward to that. A few treats for all the family, and some yummy breads for my morning toast.

I made cheese and potato pie for tea tonight, with some grilled tomatoes. I share the tomatoes with the pup as she loves them.

First day of summer tomorrow, and luckily the forecast sounds good. Nice and warm, but not too hot.

Hope the forecast is right.

Have a good evening both xxx


Good Morning Mollie & Baz.

Yes, these kidney stones really have caused me so much trouble over the years, it would be lovely to get rid of them, i think i have one left in my left kidney but not sure really, not sure about the right one.

I'l get a taxi on Monday as its only local and dont know how long i will be, no plans yet for visit abroad, family still in the Philippines but due to go travelling again.

Forecast here 15c to 20c during the day, thats pretty cool for me,

Had some cocktail sausages for brekkie with beans on toast, had half of them, not impressed, had fish last night, monkfish tail fillets, no taste really but pretty expensive, finding little tast in fish on its own, only really like battered cod from the chippy, the salmon is ok in small doses, finding it harder and harder to find tasty food, i just prefer one item on its own, unless its a pie which i love.

It seems that most items of food, whether fish or meats need certain other ingredients to disguise the fact that the  main dish item has very little taste, and chefs put a lot of items in a dish because they like a variety of colour, nothing to do with the taste.

Hope Baz slept ok last night.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  A good night , for a change ….so I’ve been quite productive today . I changed the sheets and pillowcases , washed , ironed , hoovered , and , as it was a lovely sunny morning , I went for a long walk ….so go me .I hope everyone else is having a good Saturday too.

Mollie , glad you are feeling better now ….but don’t go overdoing things !Yes, good to see Bambi again, but she needs to up her game .I hope your weekend is going well , and that Dolly is behaving herself .Hicky , wow , it’s taken them a long time to get on top of your kidney stones out I hope they’ve finally managed to sort them out .I like M&S battered cod from Ocado lAnyway , I hope the xray goes ok on Monday .

Well it’s Grand Designs , and then some stuff we’ve recorded tonight …so that’s my Saturday evening sorted .Have a good one , and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad your night was ok and you got a walk in, my lad popped in to give me the latest news, he is at the hospital Monday as well, but an hour earlier, he has been trying to get a piece of NHS equipment changed for years, each time he had an appointment they had a reason why they couldnt upgrade it each time, about 3 times before, but its a bit early for me to go so i'll get a taxi, depending when he is sorted will depend whether he can bring me home.

Yes, cant wait to see how many stones are still left after all these years, one was removed from one of the tubes many years ago and they gave it to me, i kept it in a small jar for years, not sure if i dumped it as i used the jar for some meds at one time.

I'm going out with my lad for fish and chips tomorrow for lunch, i just love those when its cooked while we wait, cant beat that,


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I had a good night , but I had to wait in for three deliveries , which didn’t come til midday , so no walk …..although I did pop up the local shop . Aside from that I’ve not really done a lot , just two loads of washing ,  hoovered , put the bins out ready for collection tomorrow , and fed wildlife ….so lazy day chez Baz .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Monday .

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but glad you are feeling better .If I was you I wouldn’t put the long sleeved nightie away just yet if I was you I’m looking forward to our week of teatime club .Hicky, I hope the hospital visit  went ok today, and that you got the result you hoped for. I also hope you enjoyed your fish and chips too.

Well it’s a HGTV night for me …and I think Ros and I might watch a MILF manor we recorded too.Have a good one and take care l


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Its always a pain having to stay in for deliveries, i try not to order so much these days as they can deliver at all times these days.

I was at the hospital for 3hrs 30mins, all so busy, in queues for xray, to see the nurse, then to give blood, and the nurse couldnt call the xray up, she is going to send me for an MRI scan or something, so i am no better off.

I went out with my lad Sunday to a food hut down by Moreton beach, got a large cod & chips, brought the rest home and had it last night for tea.

Its dinky Melton Mowbry pork pies for tea, you get about 10 in the pack, should be nice, but it did say not suitable for freezing, oh dear, didnt see that.

Hope Mollie had a good day and has now recovered.




glad you had a good night, shame you had to stay in for the deliveries, so missed your walk.

You were right about not putting away the long sleeved nightie yet, as its cooler today (which I am glad about, as it got a bit too hot yesterday!)...

Enjoyed our trip to Spain today, glad to see Colin is on again tomorrow.


oh dear what a shame today's hospital appointment bought no answers for you, especially as you were there for so long. Hope they don't leave you waiting too long for the MRI appointment now.

That was nice you got a little outing with your son to Moreton, and fish and chips too. They must have been a large portion if they stretched for tea too.

Sounds like you are going to be eating pork pies for awhile as you have 10 of them!

A magpie swooped in yesterday whilst Dolly was playing in the garden and nicked her hard cheese chewy stick. It was quite big too. Those Himalayan cheese aren't cheap either, so that magpie struck lucky.

Pleased with my Ocado delivery (as usual). I get one every week, usually on weekends.

Have a good evening both x

time to get the washing in, so much easier now I can dry it on the line in the garden.


Evening Mollie & Baz.

NHS sent me a text message telling me i have a letter from them in a link, it took me into the NHS app, it was 5 pages telling me about the next appointment, which is on the 13th at Clatterbridge for a CT scan, so hard to read the pages on my phone so printed it but it didnt print too well, not sure why, i should have saved it as a PDF or try to send to my email.

The 10 Pork Pies was in a small packet, they were party pies, i ate them all anyway, cut each in half and had with some brown sauce.

Dont the magpies take gifts to their mate, i'm sure i heard that once.

Hope Baz slept ok last night.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky   Sunny , with the odd shower here today …but still quite chilly . I had to wait in for a delivery , and I’m not feeling 109% , so I didn’t go for a walk ….although, once the delivery had arrived mid morning , I did go up the local shop cos I was out of bird food .Aside from that I’ve spent the morning changing sheets and pillowcases , hoovering , doing two loads of washing and ironing ….so not a totally wasted Wednesday .I hope everyone else is enjoying theirs .

Mollie , I hope you are having a good day …..I did warn you not to ditch the nightie .Yes , it was nice to see Colin yesterday ….although I could do without the drag bit.I am looking forward to the Caravan Park tomorrow evening .Hicky , bummer about the hospital visit …but glad you’ve not got to wait too long for the CT scan .I used to love pork pies and brown sauce .

Well it’s a trashy viewing night …Ros and I are going to binge on Love Island. I hope you have a nice evening and take care .


Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

The more bird food you put out Baz, the more they will eat, or the more birds that will soon find out where a feed station is, isnt it the winter when they need food, they are never going to turn down a feeding station.

Its been rather nice here today, and gardener rang me to see he could come at lunchtime, he came at 1pm and he was weeding everywhere for 2-1/2 including going round with the spray weed killer to see if it will kill the ivy etc that comes under the fence and through the fence panel joints, we will see.

Neighbour put my rubbish bin out and gardener put the garden bin out as it had enough in by then.

I completed the Ocado order so thats down for a 11am Friday delivery.

I have the New: Happy Campers down for recording, the same as Bargain Loving Brits, love that.

I planted some old dried peas i have had for years, a packet lasts that long, i've put them in 3 big tubs about 10 in each, a few may come up, got nothing to put in the greenhouse, so might leave it this year.

Hope Mollie had a good day.

Last edited by Hicky

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Overcast here today , I had a decent night , but I’m not feeling very chipper today , so I only went for a short walk this morning . …and haven’t done a lot today . …just some washing , cleaned kitchen, watered the new bedding plants , and fed the wildlife . I had pork chops for lunch and that’s the sum total of my exciting day . I hope everyone else is having a better day than I am .

Mollie , I enjoyed caravan park yesterday …I hope you did too.I hope you had a good night , and that your knee is a bit better today . I’ll see you for teatime club later .Hicky , my gardeners came yesterday and planted up the bedding plants in the front garden , so now I’m on watering duty .i need them to come and weed the back garden , but will have to wait for that for a week or so .Mollie and I watch Bargain Brits every afternoon .

Well it’s Love Island , and GB for me tonight .Have a good evening , whatever you are watching . Take care .


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