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Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny here today , but with a very cold wind .I had a terrible night , and am not feeling 100%, but I did go for a walk , which helped a little bit . Aside from that , the gardener has been and mowed the lawns , I’ve done a load of washing , fed wildlife , and some general tidying up . …so another exciting day chez Baz ! I hope everyone else is having a more exciting Friday than me.

Mollie , I hope you are having a good day ….and that you’ve managed to take out shares in B&Q . I hope BB comes back in the autumn , and they have it for a longer time this year .Teatime club has been good this week , but will be nice to have a change next week. Hicky , I hope today has been a good day re your kidney pain….and that things are settling down .Yes, Ocado have a great variety of things , eh…. I’ve even bought some M&S underwear etc via it . Glad you got a refund for the oysters .

Well it will be CBB final and some GB for me tonight .Have a good evening both , and take it easy .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Not a bad night for me, had a strange dream where a feller came up from the sewer via the loo, in a terrible state covered in flies, we went and sat outside and had a natter. wow, haw strange was that.

Sorry you had a bad night Baz, hope things get better for you today, i havent had much pain today really and havent taken any painkillers, my May appointment at urology has been put back to June 3rd.

Had a couple of small duck breasts for tea, makes a change., going out for brekkie on sunday with No.#3 son, hoping i am up to it this week.

I have the F1 so happy about that, got tons of recording its hard to find time to watch them.

I've nearly finished my Ocado order but its for a week 'Saturday, unlike Iceland they dont bill you till they have delivered, Iceland say they dont, but they do they bill you when you order, i cant get over the amount of food options it is crazy, an utter delight.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny, but chilly and showers ….however , I did get out for a walk this morning, so better than yesterday .Aside from that I’ve not really done a lot , just some washing and general clearing up , so a lazy day chez Baz .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Sunday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , we’ve spoken ….hope you are having a good day , but hope you’ve left something in B&Q .Hicky , wow , that’s some dream .How are you feeling now ? I’m  so glad you are so pleased with Ocado ….I love them too .

Well there is no CBB now , so I will have to find something else to watch ! But there is Celeb Bake Off , so that’s a start .Have a good  evening both , and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you manage a walk Baz, i went out for brekkie with No.#3 son, males a change to get out.

The Baemer is comeing tomorrow at 4pm so i can get my hair tidy again for hospital Wednesday.

I am still making my next Ocado order, wow, up to £150 all ready, but some nice stuff.

Got my washing in, better go and move it to the dryer as it should be finished washing now.

Had a walk around the garden with son, all seems ok, will wait a while yet before i get the plants, although its probably ok in the greenhouse but doubt if the plants are on sale yet at the size i want.

Sushi for tea tonight, so easy and dont even have to cook it.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.




Sorry you were not well the other night. Hope you feel better now.

Thanks so much for the Birthday wishes and the parcel and card too.

Glad you made it out for your walk today. Any sign of Cyril lately?

Gosh I never thought of ordering stuff other than food from Ocado.Didn't know you could. I like M and S undies so will take a look.

I did read they have comissioned CBB for 2025, so it sounds like it will be all steam ahead for BB again this autumn. HOpe so. Think I enjoyed BB more than CBB.

So good to see Benidorm back again.


How nice you managed to make it out to brekkie with your son. Such a nice treat going out for brekkie and its excellent news you haven't needed the painkillers.

That is so good you like sushi as not only is it good for you, but as you say. its nice and easy.

what a weird dream that one was.

i agree that Ocado are great to shop from.

From what Baz says, it looks like we can order m and S clothes from there too.

Haven't done much this weekend other than usual washing/housework, but have gone a few times with MrM to B and Q as he can only get 6 bags gravel in the car, and he needs loads and loads of them .

Lovely day Sunday, so sat in garden for awhile with pup on my lap but she got too hot, so had to go indoors. Not too hot for me yet though.

It was MrM's birthday Friday, so we went to the local pub for tea with the lads. Very nice it was.We just had a pizza hut takeaway today for mine, as son has  to go to reahearsals and we all enjoy pizza hut.

Have a good evening both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie & Baz.

Happy Birthday Mollie, not very good on dates, hope you are feeling better as Baz said you hadnt been well.

Happy Belated Birthday to mr M as well.

I had the Barber here this afternoon, saved me getting taxis and messing about, i wanted a trim before i go to the hospital on Wednesday so that was handy, she is lovely as well.

You can get B&Q to deliver cant you Mollie, surely, you dont want to be loading the car, it doesnt do it any good.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  A sunny day here , and I’m still fighting the good fight with the bliddy ants ! Not too bad a night , so I went for a walk first thing . Aside from that I’ve changed sheets and pillowcases , washed , ironed , and cleaned the kitchen ….i also went out and did a bit of weeding in the front flowerbed ….so not a totally wasted day chez Baz .I hope everyone else is having a nice Tuesday .

Mollie , I’m glad you had a nice birthday ….and belated best wishes to Mr M too .Yes, I enjoyed BB more than CBB ….I think CBB always seems a bit contrived. ….but I’m glad that both will be back for a second series .Yes, you can get things like M&S underwear from Ocado ….i think they also do things like T shirts , leggings etc . They also do things like M&S piilowcases and sheets, towels etc. It was nice to have Benidorm back ….and it’s on next week too …so that’s teatime club sorted .Hicky, glad the barber spruced you up before your hospital appointment.I hope the latter goes well tomorrow .How are your kidneys now ? I hope things have settled down now .

Well it’s the Zoo , and then HGTV for me tonight .Have a good evening both , and take care .



Thanks both for the birthday greetings for me and MrM.


glad you are feeling better, and hope those ants are really on the way out completely now.

Yes I know what you mean, BB does seem a lot more natural than CBB.

I am really going to enjoy looking for clothing and bedding on Ocado now I know how to find that. I hadn't even noticed that M and S section at the bottom. I thought Ocado only did food. So thanks for the info.

Yes it is lovely to have Benidorm back. I liked the animal lady today and am looking forward to the return of Bambi tomorrow.


I hope the hosptial visit goes ok tomorrow. Give me a whatsap if you can to let me know how things go.

That is so handy having the barber come to you. Save you taxi fare too.

I keep telling MrM to get gravel delivered, but he reckons its easier for him to carry the smaller bags round the back as they deliver in big sacks and he said he doesn't think they will get the lorry down our driveway. (its a long one shared with 2 other houses). I have lost count of how many times we have been backwards and forwards to B and Q now. At least the pup loves going there, as she sits on her blanket in the trolley and lots of people stroke her.

What a lovely warm sunny day it has been today. Got lots of washing dry anyway.

Not sure what I am watching on tv tonight.
Generally only have chance to watch around an hour now.

But I have been enjoying watching Married at 1st Sight Australia. I record them as the episodes are so long. Thanks Baz for introducing this to me.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad your night was ok Baz and you got a walk in, my pains have more or less gone, almost, just a little niggle i assume from the pipe between kidney and bladder, i'm sure the stent never worked, if it did why would i have had pain, doesnt make sense.

I can understand why Mr M doesnt want the big stone bags delivered, surely they will deliver the small ones if he asked wouldnt they, Mr M is talking about bulk delivery, i meant just delivering what you order like the small bags.


both x

Hope Hicky is getting on ok at the hospital.

And hope Baz's ants are continuing their march away out from her house!

Been to lunch today at Harvester with my friend and her grandson. I had a brie/tomato tart. Very nice.

Looking forward to teatime club in Benidorm.

What a weird day weather wise, nice in the sun but when sun went in, it was feezing and started to hail!

Have a good afternoon both xxx


Good Morning Mollie & Baz.

We have spoken Mollie, had a good night, no more slight pains which i still dont understand, at the hospital they say it was the stent, but i dont think it was, i'm sure it was the stuff trying to get down the Urether alongside the stent, he showed me the stent ater it was removed, it wasnt as i expected, this one was short about 10" long white and it looked very thin, it looked like it was put in to stop the Urether closing when agrivated by the old stone sludge passing through.

I had boiled Costco massive sausage for brekkie as the skins dont seem to be natural, they must be the new Collagen type which go hard when fried or cooked in the oven or air fryer, but with boiling for 15 mins they are more edible as i dont want to bin them really as i had over 4kg of them, my lad got me them, have ordered some from Ocado now.

Hope Baz had a good night and not had a nightmare about ants.


Afternoon Mollie annd Hicky  Another crap night , and I had to wait in for a delivery , but I did manage a short walk to the shops midday . It was very sunny here this morning , but now it’s throwing it down again! I’ve been quite busy today though ….i cleaned the kitchen ….no sign off the ants so far today …., washed down some of the outside paintwork , washed , emptied bins , and fed the wildlife . Cyril has obviously visited overnight , and he must have come back while I was out on my walk cos when I went out to the bin I caught sight of his rear scampering across the wall.I hope everyone else is enjoying their Thursday .

Mollie , have you had any snow today ….I hear they did in Swansea .I used to love going to the Harvester …,good food and a reasonable price .I hope we get some Ant action in Benidorm tonight .Hicky , I’m glad things went ok at the hospital yesterday …and I hope the discomfort has settled down .Have you realised that Ocado also does things like like clothes , bedding, and household things, like  tea towels , towels , pots and pans ?

Well it’s Dragons Den , Apprentice, and probably Hotel Inspector for me tonight .I hope you both have a nice evening , and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry you had a bad night Baz, nothing worse, my night was ok, no problems since they took the stent out, i am happy about that.

I have been ordering some non food items, fairy liquid, anti bac sprays, i dont use teatowels i use disposable paper towels, if you use teatowels you are just putting rubbish back onto the next item you wipe, and as i cant see much i cant take the chance.

I've got the darts on tonight, Luke Littler has just beaten the world No.1, its night 9 of 17, this one is from Belfast, its on 7pm till 11pm.

The weather was all sun this morning then changed to rain, not what we want.

I've booked my Ocado for Saturday 4pm, they deleted 6 items and showed be subs, but i ordered Wednesday, how would they know they wouldnt have the items on Friday night or whenever they pick them, i am going to ring them up tomorrow for an answer.

To make it more strange, some items that they deleted i put back in when i went online to edit the order, crazy.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny , and quite warm here today ….so I went for a walk first thing . I was thinking there seemed to be a lot of traffic around for a Sunday !Aside from that , I’ve cleaned kitchen and bathroom, fed wildlife , and done some washing …so not a bad SATURDAY .I hope you are all enjoying your day , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I hope you ( and Dolly) are having a nice time at the beach .Ill be around for the bridal shower later , if you’re back in time .Hicky , I’m glad your stent is out and things have settled down .I think Ocado warn you if they know some things won’t be available for the date you’ve chosen to give you the time to order something else , rather than things not turning up on the day of delivery .

Not a lot on tv on Saturday night , so I think we are going to watch a couple of Grand Designs . I hope you both have a good evening and take care of yourselves .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Yes, so easy to mix the days p Baz, i do it all the time, nice and sunny here as well

Got an email saying an item of M&S fresh orange with bits wasnt available for my delivery today at 4pm so  I rang Ocado up as they didnt have my M&S orange juice when it has 40 items on the web site that could have been used for a substitution, anyway, i told him to tell the software guys to change the algorithm as its not working and the computer didnt send me a substitute, anyway the feller said he would send me 2 bottles of orange juice out tomorrow afternoon as i told him i cant be without orange for another 2 weeks.

He said its not done by a human, its an algorithm. 🥸 get it fixed i told him, he has used a voucher to pay for it as well, sending me £10 lf tropicana orange with bits, and he sent me a £10 voucher as well, for me to use on next order.

So all is good, worth ringing up, the feller wasnt sure if he could do that for me, he couldnt put orange on the wagon as the food is from a different area, there is a store and a warehouse or something, i think the food is broughgt to the delivery area already bagged up to go on the delivery van.

So they are going to bring me 3 Tropicana fresh orange with bits free on Monday afternoon, how good is that.

Hope Mollie is having a good day.




that is good you got your walk in. Fancy thinking it was busy for a Sunday, then remembering it was a Saturday.

Your Cyril sounds like he is still enjoying all the produce round at your house.

We were fiddled out of our wedding today, but at least we got to go to Spain. (which was good).

Did you get round to watching Hotel Inspector? I really enjoyed the different storyline and the visit to Italy, plus the couple were so sweet.

Decided against the beach today, as the weather was too good, which means it would be too busy there being Bank Hol weekend. But we did go twice to B and Q to get more gravel. For the 2nd visit I did ask to stop at Mcdonalds on the way, so we could have a Creme Egg Mcflurry and share a Hot Cross Bun Hot Pie.

Yes we did get a covering of snow round here on Thursday morning, but it melted later on in the morning.

Thanks for the Ocado info. I never knew they sold all that other stuff too. So much easier than going to the shops for it.


So glad you are much improved now that the stent has gone.

Luke is continuing to do well at the darts then. Its good you have darts to watch again, I know you enjoy it.

Well Ocado have certainly done all they can to sort you out this week. Baz and I I am really pleased with them.  We rarely get subs or items missing. But when I did the order for Good Friday, it said some items were unavailable, but when I checked nearer the delivery date, they were available again. So I think you may have had problems this weekend as its Easter weekend, and it has been madness in all the food shops. Even Costcos huge car park was full early Thursday morning. I had my Ocado delivered Friday and luckily nothing was missing or subbed, which is good as I am doing a roast dinner tomorrow for Easter day.

4 Kilo of sausages, Costco certainly don't go for small portions.

Today started off warm and sunny, then at lunch time, it poured down, so had to ring son to get all my washing in. Then it dried up again late afternoon. Its like April showers in March.

Going to watch the !% Club after I have sorted the washing out.

Poor Dolly had a bad day yesterday. Ate her brekkie, played a little, then suddenly went off, shaky and unsteady on her legs, tail between her legs. She was then sick on and off 3 times, and slept for ages. But by early evening was back to normal chasing her ball and eating her puppy biccies. The trouble is, she is always snuffling and tries to eat stupid stuff, so it could have been anything she snuffled out on her walk. We do watch her closely and I know they grow out of it when they are older. We can't leave anything within her reach around the house. Her brother was ill all night the other night as he found the packs of puppy treats and ate all 3 of them. My friend found the 3 empty packs, so then knew what it was. He has grown tall enough to grab them off the kitched cupboard. So we are carefull where we keep her treats.

Have a good evening both xxx


Morning  Mollie & Baz

The sausages were 2 packs, each 2.4kg i think, my lad had already wrapped each one so it could be frozen.

Yes, pups have no idea what they can or cant eat so they eat everything they can, maybe he should be on a lead so you jbow where she is and what she is eating.

I have ordered a iphone 14 Plus as i am having problems with charging with the C lead and all my lads have iphones so i am finding things my android cant do so i am going to see if i can get all my apps sorted on apple, i have changes my fingerprint access over to face access as some apples dont have a finger sensor, so its all fun, but it doesnt come till Tuesday, but i also ordered the magnetis wifi charger and wallet.

Had some M&S strawberries, they were juicy and sour, i will ring them Tuesday

Getting a refund


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Rained and drizzled  all day here , so no walk ….although I did pop to the shop at the top of the road ….so I got a bit of fresh air. Aside from that I’ve spent most of the day washing , doing some general tidying up , feeding the wildlife ,  dealing with the bliddy ants, and filling cracks ! I hope everyone else is having a more exciting day than I am.

Hi Mollie Awwwww poor Dolly ….I am glad she is ok now though .Yes, we got well and truly stuffed re DTTB !But that million quid villa helped a bit .I haven’t watched Hotel Inspector ….i didn’t bother recording it in the end cos I’ve got so many programmes recorded that I still haven’t watched .I enjoyed the Pilgrimage programme though ….and am looking forward to the second episode on Friday .Hicky , well done with sorting out the Ocado problem….sounds like you did well .I only had to contact them once in the last couple of years , and also did ok .Ive always had iPhones since they first come out , as my son told me when he gave me the first one , they are idiot proof .

Well it’s an hgtv night for us this evening .Have a good one , and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Not had a bad day, my lad came at 10am, didnt bother going out for brekkie as wasnt sure who was open and i wasnt really hungry so we decided he would go and bring back fish and chips but we couldnt find one open for midday, he went to one that the web said was open but it wasnt but on the way back he called at one we have been using for years and it was ope, that was lovely, the fish and chips were 1st class.

My Ocado orange juice arrived just after 3pm, 3 x 1.5L in one bag, but it had been booked out as the standard 3 bags so they had charged 30p. the driver asked if i had bags to go back, i said yes but dont worry about them, anyway, the driver must have booked 2 bags in as i had only got 1, the next thing is, i got a bank notification that Ocado had billed me 10p for the bag as i didnt send it back, how strange, i got 4.5L of fresh orange worth £10 with a free voucher, they also sent me another £10 voucher and they bill me 10p for a bag, and i have 19 bags on my table.

I've been finding out what the process is to change from my Moto mobile to my new iphone 14 Plus when it arrives, my lad might be able to come and help me or i might ring the computer guy who sorted the change over of my last mobile but i would have to ask if he knows iphones of course.

Weather not so nice here today, but judging by pics from my lad in Cormwall its lovely there, they are all on the beach and going in the water.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.




Are you still feeling well now? Hope so.

That is nice your son visited and you both got to enjoy fish and chips. Maybe some places are taking an extended Easter break, so that is why you had a problem with the other place?

How odd they bother charging you for a bag, when you have a free delivery and had all those to send back. But I guess when you send them all back next time, you will get a refund.

That is a great help that you son wrapped each sausage up for you. They are certainly going to last awhile.

MrM too had the same problem charging his phone. Luckily, my friends hubby was replacing his Samsunge 21 for a Google Pixel, and they were only offering him £100 part exchange for his old one, despite them costing £200 to £300 on Amazon. So we gave him the £100 and MrM is well pleased with it. Hope you get on well with your new phone.

The strawberries are generally not nice yet because the British ones aren't ready yet. I think most are Spanish, so tasteless. I too threw a box away that I got from Co-op. Won't be long till the British ones will be here though. Hope we get a good crop as we haven't had much sun so far.

Yes pup is never off the lead outdoors, but still snuffles anything on the ground before we have chance to gently tug her away and tell her off. And if anything is dropped on the floor in the house, in the mouth it goes. Everything is put out of her reach now. She is terrible for going in our pockets to nick a tissue and run away with it!   The other day I had to pull one out of the back of her throat as it got stuck when she tried to swallow it. My friend tells me our pup's brother has ruined 2 remote controls, and a pack of coasters. Luckily, she is not that bad and leaves stuff like that alone. Pups are such fun the way they play, but hard work at times.

I think the sun is quite warm now when it comes out. I have sat out in the garden a few times now, and had to put the sun umbrella up because the pup was uncomfy and panting with her tongue out. But we are still getting showers on and off most days.


Those ants have proved to be a real pain for you. Hope they disappear for good soon.

I recorded Pilgrimage, but haven't got round to watching it yet.

Not sure if I have ever watched hgtv, or even if I get it, as we don't have sky, so can't get some shows.

We do sometimes watch some of the S4C Welsh station if there is anything good on. They even have their own Gogglebox. I have to read the subtitles though, but MrM doesn't as Welsh is his first language.

I am enjoying Benidorm being back for Teatime Club.

Done loads of washing this morning whilst the sun was out. But then it started to rain later this afternoon before it was quite dry. So will stick it on the airer indoors.

Am still eating my delicous Crunchy Easter egg as it was quite a big one. My skinny son hasn't even opened his yet. He is always too busy to bother eating much in general.

We had a Pizza Hut takeaway for an Easter treat on Saturday and I did a roast dinner on the Sunday.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes, an fine now after stent came out, the Ocado driver asked me if i had any bags to go back, i didnt realise he meant so they wouldnt charge me for the one he gave me, not that a 10p charge is a problem, just so strange.

A 2nd hand item should never be more than half the original price, i didnt realise that iphone have an apple plug which goes into the phone, its called a Lightning Cable, the plug for the phone is specially made for Apple.

I have been charging the iphone, my lad is popping in later tomorrow, we will see if we can swap them over.

Hope Baz had a good night and day today.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰🥰 It was heavy rain overnight , and showery this morning …but the sun is out right now .🙄🤣🤣Not a great night , but I needed to get some birthday cards , so I went for a walk first thing . Apart from that , I’ve done some washing , hoovered , dusted and cleaned kitchen . I restocked the wildlife …..Cyril must have visited overnight cos there wasn’t even one monkey nut left ! 🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣I hope everyone else is having a more exciting Wednesday than me .🤣🤣🥰🥰🥰🥰

Mollie , you definitely have hgtv , cos we have watched PITS on it in the past .🤣🤣Ooooo naughty Dolly Sounds like you had a good Easter .I enjoyed Pilgrimage ….and goes without saying that I am enjoying Bargain Brits .Hicky, sounds like you’ve done quite well out of Ocado .Yes, they charge for the bags , but refund you if you give them back the next week .

Well it’s George , and MC for me tonight .Have a good evening both , and take care .🥰🥰


Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

I was keeping the bag till i had a load of them as they said they will take up to 99 at once, so wasnt going to keep sending 6's back as i#, not sure if they credit my account or send the money back to my credit card.

My lad said he would try and come later to help me set up the new iphone 14 plus, i have been reading up on various web posts but find some a bit confusing on where to start, as it says if you complete the setup on the iphone 1st you will have to reset it and lete all i put in, but i need to start the install as it says open the app needed which is 'Move from Android'.

Weather changes all the time, rain wind sun, heaven knows what is next.

Been watching recordings of Bargain Brits & Battlebots which is the same as Robot Wars which was dumped in the UK and it was so good, so the UK people have to take their Robots to the US to compete.

Sushi for tea, so yummy and saves me cooking so all is good, brekkie was instant porridge, great to be able to put some Alpro oat drink in and its 2 mins in microwave, at 2pm had an avacado & a Happy Monkey Strawberry and Banana Smoothy, i have one every day abd one of my sons is a director No. #2 son, they are for childrens packed lunches i think but its just nice to have.

Yes, Cyril wont leave nuts, he would go and check to see if they are still there, they just store them, but they bury 50% and of those they forget where they put 50% of those buried so you get trees growing everywhere.

Hope Mollie had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I’ve waited in all day for a delivery ….due between 10.44-14.44 ….and a) I needed to go to the postbox , and b) I really need to pop up the local shop ! It finally arrived at about 13.30.Aside from that , I’ve not really done much , just some general tidying up , washing , fed wildlife , and emptied bins . On the plus side the gardener has been so at least my lawns ( and hedge) are tidy !I hope everyone else is having a less annoying day than I am !

Mollie , I hope you are enjoying B&Q car park Just make sure you make it to the airport on time .Hicky, I hope you’ve managed to sort your iPhone out now . Yes, Cyril tends to bury some monkey nuts , but normally only in the autumn .At least it keeps the lawn aerated I tend to give my Ocado bags back every week .

Well it’s MC, Pilgrimage and GB for me tonight .Have a good evening both and look after yourselves .


both x


Sorry you had an irritating day,its annoying when you are waiting a long time for a parcel to come.

But glad you are pleased with the look of your garden now.

MrM still has lots to do in ours, as it was such a mess when we moved in.  So that is why we have so many visits to B and Q. I usually sit in the car, but sometimes I push Dolly around in the trolley, as she loves that. We have booked for someone to put in a slabbed patio, but its a 10 week wait to get it done! So we have about another 7 weeks to wait yet.

If Cyril only buries nuts in autumn, then he is certainly hungry right now, the amount of nuts he is getting through at your place.

I too send my carrier bags back to Ocado on a weekly basis, and they just take the amount off my final bill.


too right, the weather is extremely changable right now. Drives me mad washing wise, it in and out, on that washing line, like a yo-yo.

Its handy you like sushin so as its nice and easy for you and healthy too. My family like those monkey drinks too.

Hope your son was able to sort your phone out for you.

Have been busy the last couple of days, as I met a friend in Cardiff yesterday and we went for lunch, then to the theatre.

And today went out with another friend and her grandson for lunch at Harvester.  Then we went to the farm to collect the milk and he enjoyed looking at the young lambs bouncing around in the field. He took a piece of fur that was stuck in the fence, to show his mum.

Am going to watch Gogglebox tonight when I have sorted the washing out. Will record Pilgrim

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Not done a lot today, had a delivery from Amazon, i ordered some packs of 20g x 20 of jam & marmalade as using the jar can have problems as it can go mouldy and i dont notice so through a few odd jars of stuff out because most jars of food dont last long once opened even in the fridge, love them on toasted hot cross buns,

My lad came, it took 3 houes to get the iphone sorted with contacts, photo's etc moved over but of course we had to download all the apps again and set up which took some time as the secirity wanted all sorts of codes etc, what a nightmare.

Getting used to the iphone but am in constant comms with lad in Cornwall so got plenty of help and advice, every action is so different from Android, but i like the charging, glad i have changed anyway, still a lot to learn though.

I rang Ocado again, omg, i have spend a week putting items into my basket online and then thought, i might as well sign in so i can see what i bought last time as it tells me if i select an item i have had befire, had abot £50 of items, well, i logged in and the basket went to 0, i had lost my items, i rang them up to complain as i didnt know what waqs in the basket and told them i shouldnt have been able to load a basket if i wasnt logged in, another bug in the system.

Great having the darts last night, Luke won the night again, wow, and i have F1 today and all weekend as well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a bad night , and I feel a bit better today , so I went for a walk first thing . Honestly , despite being dry today , the ground is so sodden ….there are big  puddles everywhere ….and branches down ….in fact , I heard a dog walker saying that there were actually ducks on a huge puddle on the local sports field .Apart from my walk I’ve not really done much , just one load of washing  ( and thankfully no ironing ) , fed wildlife , and some general tidying up ….so a very lazy Sunday .I hope everyone else is enjoying their day .

Mollie , the groom yesterday was lovely , eh .I hope you are having a nice day, and are not overdoing things ….cos you need all your strength to carry your suitcase tomorrow .Hicky , I’m not quite sure what you mean about your Ocado order . I’ve never had that problem , but I always log in before I start putting stuff in my basket ….in fact I didn’t know it was possible to do anything different . Glad you are getting used to your iPhone though .I used to have to contact my son in the early days too….but I’ve had Apple for 20 years now , so I’m used to it .

Well it’s Celeb Bake Off , and two nature programmes for me tonight , so that’s my viewing sorted .Have a good evening both, and take care .


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Glad you night was ok Baz, mine was a bit broken up but had gone to bed early anyway.

I orfered a pacl of air fryer liners for my Ninja model as i gave the others away as they didnt fit this one.

Yes, Ocado lets you fill the basket / trolley with items, i always did that on Iceland then i only signed in when i picked a delivery date / time so i assumed Ocado was the same, i was pretty annoyed to lose my trolley of items as it was so hard to try and work out what i had put in the trolley over the week.

I am enjoying the iphone, the battery seems a lot better than my android, the battery % hardly seems to move which is fantastic, great compared to the Moto.

Glad i have f1 this weekend from Japan anyway.

Hope Mollie is having a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰A better night  and day chez Baz. It’s  been chucking it down all morning ….I got soaked  just rescuing the bins and feeding wildlife … no walk …although I did pop up the shop at the top of the road …which means I  got a bit of fresh air . There were huge puddles all over the pavements , and empty  bins that hadn’t been rescued were blowing all over the place ! 😱The  sun has just come out now , but it’s still breezy ! Consequently I haven’t really done much , just some washing , dusting and cleaned kitchen . I hope everyone else is having a good Tuesday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , I hope you’re not getting blown away down there , and that you had a good nights rest. I hope the weather will be better in Benidorm at 5 o’clock .🤣🤣Hicky , glad you are liking your iPhone , like I say I’ve got both and iPhone and and iPad …..and have had both for a decade ….in fact I don’t even own a working laptop …I can do everything on my iPad . Re Ocado , I’ve got a standing weekly delivery date and basket of goods  …..which I can …and do …alter as needs be .

Well it’s going to be an hgtv / home improvement viewing evening for me  .🤣Have a good night both , and look after yourselves .🥰


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Pouring down here in the night and all morning, it has cleared so took some rubbish to the wheelie bin.

Glad you night was ok Baz, nothing worse than a disturbed night, or day, i toss and turn, probably too hot, think i will have to get the summer duvet out.

Its Salmon for tea, i rang Ocado up the other day as i'd had the meal, M&S sausages, butter mash and onion gravy, but it had half the gravy needed so had to leave half the mash, i wasnt at all pleased so left a review for them.

The 100 portions of Irish butter came earlier, so much easier than messing about with a bar of butter.

I've almost finished my Ocado order, cant think of what else i need.

Hope Mollie has a good Tuesday.




Glad you are feeling a bit better now. Sounds like it was very wet there today, it must be wet if ducks are on the field!

Am really enjoying our trips to Benidorm, but since the hour changed, the pup just wants to play even more than she used to at that time. She tries all her tricks to distract me when I try to type on my lappy... eg...bangs her paws on my keyboard, kicks the lid closed, and hates me texting too! So please excuse if my typing goes weird. I often have to type with one finger, as the other one is holding her cheesy stick to keep her quiet, or I am throwing her ball for her to retrieve.

Hope the ants stay away now, and hope you stay well now that stress has hopefully gone.


that is a good idea to order the small portions of jam/marmalade, to prevent you accidently eating any mould.

3 hours to sort out your new phone, hope it is all sorted ok now.

Hope your ocado order goes ok now. Like Baz, I have never had a problem with items in my basket, but i too always log in as soon as i go on their site and that way means it all stays in my basket. i use the favourites to choose what i want again.

i dont seem to have much free time what with never ending washing and cleaning , shopping for 4 and a pup.

mrm does help when he can, but he has lots to do in the garden when hes not working. ...they have asked me if i want some hours at the school again, i love the job but think its too much for me now with everything else and the arthritis.

Am out for brekkie tomorrow with my friend and her grandson, which is nice.

Went to the seaside the weekend as it was high tide and stormy... the stormchasesers were there taking photos, the sea was even too rough for the surfers.

pup asleep on her back on my lap, so sweet, so excuse typing....

have a good evening both. xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I checked out my Ocado order for delivery Friday midday, i'll see what turns up, so strange them letting you fill a basket that gets emptied when you log in, with Iceland i filled the basket with my order then booked a delivery slot and signed in, thats why ni got caught out.

Am enjoying the iphone, will get used to it, the battery sure lasts longer than my other one, and charges faster as well.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰🥰A much better day here weather wise , and chez Baz .👍🏻I had a reasonable night too , so I  went for a walk first thing , changed sheets and pillowcases , washed, ironed , cleaned kitchen and did a bit of weeding . …so I’ve been quite productive .🤣🤣I hope everyone else is enjoying their Thursday .😁

Mollie , awwwww way to go Dolly 🤣🤣🤗🤗I use my Ocado favourites too ….much easier .🤣I hope you had a nice brekkie with your friend ….and I’ll see you for some Ant time later .😁🥰🥰Hicky, glad you are enjoying your iPhone .👍🏻Good idea about the butter ….i use lurpak lighter ( easy spread) , which like you say , is much easier than a block of butter . 👍🏻🥰🥰

Well it’s MC and Apprentice for me tonight ….so a fun evening viewing .🤣Have a good one , and take care .🥰🥰


both x


glad to hear you are having a better day today, and got a nice walk in.

How good was Benidorm today!!!  Ant is just so sweet and Dingdong Val!  Well what can i say about her and her rampant sales tactics. I had to how she was happily counting out her evenings takings after that "party".

I don't like the spreadable butters. Think it is the added oils I am not keen on. I like just pure butter, so I just cut off the size I want and soften it in the microwave. We buy the big 500gm packs from costo as my family get through so much of it.

That is good you have a nice evenings viewing lined up.


That is good you like your new phone.

I think you had just got used to Icleands methods of ordering, but hopefully will get used to ocados soon. I think when I had asda, you had to sign in first for them too. But I have always signed in for any of my deliveries before putting stuff in the basket, even Iceland, so didn't notice they did a different method. I also check out when I put them in the basket, then edit it nearer the time depending on what I need.

How is your brother now? Was it Spain or France he lived in?

And are you well and pain free since your hospital visits?

Enoyed brekkie with my friend and her little 4 year old grandson. A lady there asked me how old my little boy was ..   Don't think I could go back to those days again, as I know teenage years soon catch up after.  We went somewhere else for a change and  you have fruit, yogurt, cereal to start with as well as full cooked brekkie too, so that was nice. The little lad loved the Nutella spread.

It rained again today and it rained yesterday too.

So MrM has had to have a break from doing anything in the garden. He has put a couple of new shiny sockets in the lounge though and we have decided on our curtains, rug and cushions, all from Dunelm.

I also bought a new cooler quite cover set as the nights are getting milder.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I have got the phone to say "Charging" when i plug it in, will take some time to sort it all but plenty of utube vids to help.

Watching the darts tonight, so good.

Glad your night was ok Baz, and a walk as well, that is good.

Looking forward to my Ocado delivery tomorrow, will have to freeze a lot.


Evening Mollie

I forgot to post my last posr and you came in before i posted it.

Havent heard from my brother in France.

Yes, well & painfree so happy about that.

Yes, i will get my summer duvet from the other room, i put it in the wardrobe.

Been watching the darts again, wow, Luke Littler is in the final, he has just won 2 games and beet the world no. 1 Luke Humphies before.


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Ocado Delivery came, i'll show you what arrived, they didnt have the hot cross buns, i returned a baf of bags to them, most of the fresh foods i freeze, but have to rewrap items into smaller portions as its not so easy when frozen to separate stuff, i gave the driver a small box of quality street as they dont get many tips, he delivers to big houses around West Kirby & Caldy were the rich live and he says they never give him a bean.

I wont post the food list in this post i will put it in a post of its own as its rather big.


12th April
    1 Dole Fruit Salad With Cherry In Juice £2.30
    1 M&S Ripen at Home Small Bananas £1.25
    1 Ocado Maris Piper Potatoes £1.90
    2 Cadbury Crunchie Chocolate Bar Multipack £3.70
    1 Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut Chocolate Bar £1.50
    2 Epicure Petit Pois & Whole Baby Carrots £3.00
    1 M&S Honey Roasted Cashews £6.00
    1 McVitie's Digestives Milk Chocolate Biscuits Twin Pack £3.00
    1 Bertinet Seven Seeds & Grains Sourdough £1.76
    1 M&S Ultimate Crumpets £1.60
    2 Alpro Oat Long Life Drink £4.20
    1 Kikkoman Sushi Sauce £2.62
    2 Fanta Orange Zero £3.50

To be Frozen
To Freeze 1 Ginsters Cornish Pasty £3.75
To Freeze  1 Ocado 1 Beef Fillet Steak £7.27
To Freeze 1 M&S 10 Day Matured Beef Fillet Steak £8.36
To Freeze 1 M&S 2 British Ribeye Steaks £10.00
To Freeze 1 M&S 2 Lightly Dusted Plaice Fillets £5.00
To Freeze  1 M&S Seafood Selection £4.75
To Freeze  2 Mowi ASC Scottish Salmon Fillets £11.50
To Freeze  2 M&S Select Farms British 6 Pork Sausages £7.21
To Freeze  2 M&S Select Farms British Thick Cut Unsmoked Back Bacon £6.79
To Freeze  1 Pukka Cheese & Bacon Pie £2.00
To Freeze  1 Pukka Pies Chicken & Mushroom £2.00
To Freeze  1 Pukka Pies Chip Shop Curry Pie £2.00
To Freeze  1 Pukka Pies Minced Beef & Onion £2.00
To Freeze  1 Tanpopo Natsu Sushi £4.75
    3 Happy Monkey Strawberry & Banana Kids Smoothie £5.50
    1 Light & Free Strawberry Greek Style 0% Added Sugar Fat Free Yoghurt £1.50
    1 M&S 2 Cream & Strawberry Jam Doughnuts £2.25
    1 M&S British Medium Cheddar 10 Slices £2.80
    2 M&S Eat Now Eat Later Hass Avocados £7.50
    1 M&S Fruit Trifles £3.00
    1 M&S Seedless Black Grapes £2.65
    1 M&S Tangerines Family Pack £2.50
    1 M&S Taste Buds Strawberry Greek Yogurt £1.25
    1 Ocado Mixed Weight Free Range Eggs £3.25
    1 Ocado Ripe & Ready to Eat Pears £2.30
    2 Tropicana Pure Orange Fruit Juice with Extra Juicy Bits £6.00


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  🥰🥰I’m having trouble posting here 😡😡Not a bad night , but it was raining AGAIN first thing😡 , and I’m not feeling 100% , so no walk today . Consequently I’ve had a really lazy day !  All I’ve done is some washing, cleaned kitchen and fed wildlife . I was going to do the duvet shuffle but couldn’t face it , so it will have to wait until tomorrow ! I hope everyone else is enjoying their Saturday , whatever you are up to.

Mollie , it was a great week in Bargain Brits , eh I hope you slept ok and are having a nice day . I will see you…..and Dolly….outside the church at 6 .Hicky , I’m glad you are pain free and , that’s some shopping list .I tend to mostly get my M&S from Ocado …and the rest of my stuff from Sainsbury .

Not sure what I am watching this evening , except for the new Bettany Hughes programme , but sure we will find something .Have a good one ….and take care .


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