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Evening Mollie & Baz.

Sorry to hear you havent been good Mollie, you need to use the trolley for support, you shouldnt reallly be pushing it around.

I keep the plastic food delivery bags from Iceland as i use them to put the rubbish in for the wheelie bin.

Yes, the darts every Thursday evening is great for me, they are so good and it gives me a lovely evenings viewing, and F1 back very soon.

Going to sort out Ocado next week, i know they do awful good food and a massive selection, think my lad in Cornwall use them all the time.

I got 3 packs of cooked chicken thighs from Iceland yesterday, had 3 fot tea when they arrived, i eat them cold with a touch of salt, so yummy like that.

I have loads of food in stock so have to be careful i dont buy too much, also my lad #3 has said he got me 2 packs of big sausages from Costco, and he is coming agin tomorrow.

Hope Baz had a good night.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I hope everyone is having a good Monday.  It’s very chilly and cloudy here , but dry so far ! A so so night , but I went for a short walk this morning , and blew a few cobwebs away .Aside from that I’ve not really done much , just cleaned the kitchen , put bins out ready for collection tomorrow , fed wildlife , and done a load of washing . …so a lazy day chez Baz .

Mollie , lousy result on doi yesterday !  Sorry you’ve been so rough …..but hope you feel a bit better today , and that you slept ok though , and  that your day is going well . I will see you for teatime club at 5 .Hicky , yes, Ocado has loads of choice ….I tend to use it for the M&S , but they have loads of own brand stuff , which is really well priced .They also take back any carrier bags , and refund you for them …I think it’s 10p a bag .

It’s an hgtv , home makeovers , night tonight .CBB starts next Monday .Have a good evening both and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes, chilly today but dry, my lad came and brought me 2 large bags of Costco big sausages, he had wrapped each sausage in baking sheet so they stay separate and froze them for me as well.

We went out for a fish and chips at Parkgate, wonderful fish, then we went for a drive along the coast of west kirby and hoylake, then went to docs as i needed a urine sample bottle for the hospital tomorrow, and he's going to take me which is great.

I will be seeing what food i can get from Ocado, as you say, they have M&S and own brand, i will have to register first though.

Hope Mollie has had a good Monday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Rained on and off here today , so the furthest I’ve been is to pop up to the local shop ….i also had to wait in for three  deliveries ….two of which have arrived , one is now coming tomorrow !Consequently I’ve mooched around the house ….I have changed the sheets and pillowcases , hoovered , washed and ironed . Now I’m slobbed out on the sofa for the afternoon . I hope everyone else is having a more exciting day than me.

Mollie , shame we couldn’t spend any of dames money yesterday , but I’m sure we will later in the week ….providing we can dodge Ivor .I hope you are feeling a bit better , and are having a good day . I’ll see you outside the dress shop later .Hicky, sounds like you had a nice day out with your son , and I hope the hospital visit went ok yesterday .

I think Ros and I will be watching some of the trashy tv we’ve recorded tonight .Have a good evening both , and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes, rain on and off here as well, my mobile rang this morning while i was still in bed, try to stay till around 10 if i havent got to get up for any reason, anyway, by the time i sat up, put my glasses on and tried to answer it went off, but it said i had a voicemail, checked that and it gave me a number to ring, rang the number but it was the wrong number, it was the hospital pharmacy, strange, so started to find the right number in my paperwork i got from the hospital staff, as i was doing that my mobile rang again, it was the sdame person, yes, she had given me the wrong number, only 1 digit wrong but that always gets someone else, i should have had an ECG while there yesterday but noone did one so i had to go back, i rang my lad and he came and took me, the nurse had trouble getting the stickers to stay on my skin in 2 places as i put cream, E45 as i have dry sjin, she got them to stick in the end, hope the results are ok.

I registered on Ocado, have been putting stuff in my basket, wow, they really do have a massive amount of stuff to choose from so its going to be very interesting, will see about a delivery for saturday, will have to be careful i dont over order.

My lad brought me 2 big packs of massive sausages from Costco, about 4kg in 2 bags, he had individually wrapped each on in baking paper so they could be frozen, they are like the chip shop ones, big.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Not to bad here, 5c with some rain and wind, oh dear, will be staying in.

I ordered my Ocado list, wow, they do everything, even what Iceland didnt so am very happy, had a problem getting a slot, i ordered Thursday but the times i like had gone till Sunday so got 11:30 then, if i get what i ordered i will be very happy, and its good them taking bags back and refunding 10p each.

The ECG was ok, nurse had trouble sticking 2 pads on as she said i had cream on my skin, dont know how the result was but they didnt ring so hopefully i passed.

Thursday darts was so good, am now watching F1 from Bahrain, my recording, but its all a day early, not sure why.

I tried cooking one of the massive sausages in the air fryer using the grill setting and putting the temperature probe in and setting it to 70c, it was fine.

Hope you both having a good Friday.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯° I hope everyone is having a nice Friday . Heavy rain this morning , but the sun has been out the last couple of hours.  Because of the rain I didn’t go for a walk , but did pop up the local shop for a pint of milk .😁 I have also did  a bit in the garden , once the sun came out ….so I’ve got some fresh air. Aside from that I’ve done the duvet shuffle , two loads of washing, hoovered , dusted and cleaned the kitchen , so not a totally wasted day chez Baz .

Mollie , I’ll see you outside the dress shop later …..shame we’ve not managed to spend any money this week , but I’m sure we will be able to make a dent in Dames credit card next week .I hope your day is going well ….and don’t forget it’s Gogglebox tonight. Hicky , glad you finally got your ecg and that it was ok. I’m glad you registered with Ocado and hope you are pleased with it when it arrives . Yes, they do have almost anything you can imagine .Are you going to watch CBB next week ?

Well it’s GB and some stuff we’ve recorded tonight ….so that’s my evening sorted .Have a good one , and take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Pity the weather was against you going for a walk, when the sun came out i nipped to the recycle wheelie with a bag of recycle stuff, then bolted the back gate as the wheelie was back in position.

I ccoked 2 chicken thighs in the air fryer, used the grill setting as it lets me use the temperature probe, so set the heat down to 200c and the probe to 80c, once the target temp was reached the fryer turns off, the chicken was lovely.

I have F1 to watch, have watched 2 recording today and have another 2 to watch from today, i found out why the races started a day early, it is because of Ramadam so they shouldnt race Sunday as its too noisey.

It looks like my son no.#3 will be able to take me to the hospital on the 12th and pick me up and stay with me as you need someone to stay with you for 24 hrs after the op.


both x


Pity the rain stopped your usual walk, but glad it eased, so you managed to get in the garden.

Enjoyed our visit to the local dress shop today. Teatime club has been good this week , swopping and changing. Nice to have a change though. Mabe we will get to spend some cash next week though?


Glad to hear your ECG went ok, despite all the confusion getting it sorted and the pads having trouble sticking.

How nice your son took you a ride and for a chippy meal the other day.

That is handy your son got you all those sausages for you, then wrapped them individually for your convenience, and it cooked well in your air fryer. We buy Costco chicken breasts for the dog and cut them up into 2 (as they are huge) and she has a piece each day freshly cooked, which she enjoys.

I agree Ocado has so much choice in food, I enjoy shopping with them. I have placed an order for Sunday. If you like them, it is worth getting a delivery pass, as it saves lots on delivery costs. Hope you are pleased when the delivery arrives.

Nice to see you have had both darts and F1 to enjoy watching. Do you plan on watching CBB on Monday?

My back is much improved today, thank goodness. Have had to be carefull this week. I did manage to go out for brekkie with my friend and her grandson and used my coat behind my back, so managed ok. We went somewhere different as I knew they had comfy padded chairs.

Today we went to collect our milk from the farm shed, and the farmers wife had left 2 big plates of complimentary home made Welsh cakes and a bunch of daffodils out as it was St Davids Day. (it is non manned, and you just pay for any veg with cash in an honesty box). They were delcious.

MrM is hoping for a bit of dry weather this weekend, so he can get in the garden. He has lots to do in it. He finished making the slabbed steps, but has to put gravel all round them now.

Pup continues to be an absolute delight. Loves us to throw her ball for her. Its just a little soft one, so safe indoors and not too big for her little mouth. She loves going out in the car in her booster seat, as she can see everthing that goes on, and if we are sitting in a car park and open the window, people will come up to the window to stroke her.

Going to watch Gogglebox tonight. Pup is usually fast asleep on my lap by that time.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes, couldnt believ the amount of variety of items they can supply, hope it all comes.

I have missed a night of darts, didnt realise it was on yesterday and all weekend, i say it by a fluke, but i should have checked my PDC web link, silly me, its on afternoon and evening, problem is it changes between channels which is confusing unless you know its on, then you just check, itv3 or 4 or 426 or a few others.

Yes, that was handy my lad taking me, he should be able to take me for the op on the 12th as well, and bring me home and stay with me till the next night as i need 24hr looking after after the op.

I will try and record CBB as i dont like watching them live incase i get bored and i can skip.

This rain is crazy, i have put a metal table close enough for me to see outside the back doo with big plastic saucers inwith a brick incase it dries out so it wont blow away, it lets me see if its raining and also it shows me the wind as the water moves, i'll make something better to show how strong the wind is, but an evergreen tree not far away shows be the wind strength.

Hope Baz had a good night and day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky   Sunny , but frosty and  a very chilly wind here today . A so so night , but I went for a walk first thing . There is still a lot of standing water about , and my back lawn is still waterlogged , but it’s looking drier this week , so hopefully things will start to dry out .  I did a bit  more in the back garden , a load of washing , and cleaned the kitchen and bathroom , so not a totally wasted Sunday .I hope everyone else is enjoying their day, whatever you are up to.

Mollie , glad your back is a lot better ….and the puppy sounds adorable .Yes , it was nice to have a lovely bride yesterday too ….what a nice young lady she was. I’m sure we will mange to spend some of Dames money this week , as long as we can dodge Ivor .Hicky , I hope all your shopping arrived ok , and that you like it .How annoying that you missed your darts though . You are right about the rain ….everywhere around here is sodden …but hopefully we will get some dry weather soon !

Its DOI and Pottery for me tonight .I hope you both have a nice evening . Take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes, sunny today, glad you got a walk in Baz.

I only went out to the garage to put a seeded loaf in the freezer, all my items ordered got delivered, had a pasty for brekkie, a dressed crab as 2pm and a pack of Sushi or tea, i rang Ocado to check if i could freeze the other packs of Sushi, he didnt know, i said that Iceland used to have Sushi and it was always frozen, he said he would freeze it, but the web didnt say yes or no.

Yes, fancy me missing a days darts, cant be helped, had darts today afternoon on tonight, its on now ITV4 so thats fine.

Anf they will take the bags back & refund 10p each, they would take back the iceland ones but dont pay for them, so they wont be getting those, and the bags say what type of food is in the bag, food cupboard, fresh, frozen which is good.

I cant see me going back to Iceland really as Ocado has such a vast erray of foods.

Will go and load the dishwasher for my weekly cleanup of plates etc and cutting boards.

Hope Mollie had a good day.




Glad you got a walk in and managed to do a bit in the garden. Our garden is very soggy too.

It was a beautiful sunny day today, so lets hope that forecast you mention is right and it continues to dry up now .

Yes for Tea time Club, I can see a spend time coming up this week.


Glad to see all your Ocado arrived ok. We rarely seem to have stuff replaced or missing. So we won't go back to any other supermarket either.

What a shame you missed some of the darts, but with all these channels, it can get confusing.

Its lucky your son can take you to your op and stay with you after. I hope all goes well on the day.

Well it was definately spring like here today.

Despite a frost first thing, it ended up being lovely in the sun. Dried all my washing and I sat out in the garden for awhile whilst MrM did more work on the garden steps.

Then we took pup to seaside. She loves going there and whines loudly with excitement when we are on the way and she smells the sea. We saw our first lambs of the spring. They are just so small. And we had our first ice creams of the season sitting out on the seafront. I had my fave lime striped one and son had choccy striped one.

Enoyed Dancing on Ice, and was pleased with the result. Hope Myles wins. He has been consistently the best.

Time to sort washing out and tidy up before bed.

Then will watch the Welsh Gogglebox. I have to read the subtitles, but with Welsh being MrM's first language, he doesn't need the subtitles.

Have a good evening both. xxx


Good Morning Mollie & Baz.

Weather ok here today, expecting Podietrist before long, have put the washing machine on to do a wash load, will put in dryer when done..

It was great being able to order Sushi again after Iceland dropped it from sale, there is such a vast choice of foods i am spoilt.

I was going to have smoked fish for brekkie but with lady coming i thought i better have croussants heated in air fryer and with butter and sandwich spread on top which doesnt stink the house out.

I got salt cod as well from Ocado, that is a bonus as i love that.

Hope Baz had a good night.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I hope everyone is having a good day . I’m still not feeling 100% , and it wasn’t a great night , but it is dry and sunny , so I went for a walk and also did a bit in the back garden ….so I got plenty of fresh air . Aside from that I’ve changed the sheet, washed , ironed and dusted , so not a totally wasted day …..but I’m done for the day now, and my butt is firmly planted on the sofa for the afternoon .

Mollie , awwwww how sweet that puppy gets excited going to the sea …..and lovely to see some lambs ….makes it feel like spring is here , eh . My son is coming up on Sunday so it’s doubtful I will make all the doi final ….unless he brings my daughter with him, in which case he leaves a bit earlier to take her home ….but I’ll let you know ….and I expect Kaytee will be there .Hicky , I’m so pleased you like Ocado …as Mollie says , I rarely have any subs or missing items . …and yes, they have a huge selection of food and other items .

Well it’s GBM and CBB for me tonight , which makes my viewing schedule easier .Have a good evening both , and look after yourselves .


Good Evening Mollie & Baz.

Hope you are soon felling 100% Baz & have a better night, cant you record programs, i always record series i am going to watch, it gives me more control.

Yes, Ocado is really good, i was telling the lady doing my feet so she might look into them, they are so good its going to hard to just choosethe items i need and not the items i would like, i'm going to just order every 2 weeks or it will get a bit expensive, I think Β£100 every 2 weeks is reasonable, but i only order the most expensive items, naughty me, have got Oysters down on the list, Salmon, fresh orange, strawberries, Yoghurt, crab, seafood etc.

I did some homemade chips, i have some spuds and i have a hand chipper machine in the kitchen & so easy to do in the air fryer.

Hope Mollie had a good day.


both x


aaww sorry you have been feeling unwell. Hope you are improved today.

How nice your son is doing that long drive again to see his mam for Mother's Day. Don't worry about DOI. Just enjoy his visits. We might go out for tea anyway. I bet you wil be ordering a few extra treats from Ocado in anticipation of his visit. There is always plenty to choose from with that store, which is good.

Am enjoying Tea time club and our variation week again. Yesterday's bonkers couple made me laugh, can't believe they bought the most horrible house of the lot!


Glad you are pleased with your Ocado. Yes you are spoilt for choice with them, and they have plenty of luxury items too. But its nice to treat yourself now and again.

I think homemade chips are yummy. Do you par boil before air fryer or just peel and spray with oil, then put in air fryer? I haven't tried homemade ones yet. only frozen. And am not that keen on frozen ones.

A lovely sunny warm day today, so sat out in the garden, got lots of clothes dry. The pup loves the sun too, so sat on my lap and listened to all the birds singing. Later we took her to the seafront for a nice runaround with son. I had another lime stripe ice cream.

Went to farm shop yesterday and bought the zero miles, zero plastic milk straight from the farm and some freshly dug up potatoes, that I cooked for tea tonight. They were very nice too.

I am enjoying CBB. But won't watch the aftershow, as don't like the presenter. Enjoy hearing Marcus commentate though.

Have good evening both. xxx

Hope the dry weather lasts for us all .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Yes, Ocado has such a vast selection, typed in Avocado and got 64 items of choice, wow.

I dont peel spuds as the goodness is in the peel like in many other fruit and veg, i dont par boil either, i just soaked the chips in cold water for an hour, drained and dried using kitchen towel, i put a table spoon of veg oil into a bowl and tossed the chips in the bowl to try and coat the chips then left them till ready to fry, put them as a single layer in the fryer basket set fryer to 180c for 20 mins, at 10 mins i tossed the chips around and closed the lid for the last 10 minutes, they were very good.

I am recording CBB, havent started to watch yet.

I have darts tomorrow night and F1 fri, sat, sun so i'm fine for tv watching.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Not a great night ….my hip woke me up every bliddy hour ! I think it was because I forgot to put my electric blanket on before I went to bed , which seems to relax my muscles ! But I did go for a long walk this morning  , and also popped up the local shop ….so I got some fresh air , and boosted my step count .Aside from that I’ve not done much , just some washing ,  fed wildlife and general tidying up . I hope everyone else is having a decent Thursday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , yes, I’m enjoying teatime club and CBB , but like you I won’t watch the after show because I can’t abide AJ ….and from what I read during BB last year , it’s a very biased programme ! I hope you’ve managed to go to the sea again ….your lime stripe ice cream sounds yummy . Hicky , I’m glad you are getting lots of yummy stuff from Ocado .I have a delivery each week ….usually about Β£50 .I do record some programmes , but a lot of what I watch I watch live with FMs in the evening .

Well it’s a full evening for me tonight , GBM , Apprentice , and CBB on plus 1 .I hope you both have a good evening too . Take care .


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Sorry to hear your hip is giving you trouble at night, do you need some pain killers to help you sleep, or maybe you need ibuprofin to ease things.

Weather OK here, only went out to the wheelie, got to go out again as forgot to put bolt on back gate, window cleaners came so had to leave bolt for them to get in this morning as they sent a text last night saying they were coming.

Hope Mollie has had a good day.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I feel better today , and had a reasonable night , but still didn’t feel up to a walk , although I did pop up the local shop .  I’ve also done the duvet shuffle , changed sheets , done two lots of washing and ironing , and dusted ….so a more productive day chez Baz . I hope everyone else is enjoying their Saturday .

Mollie , I enjoyed Cbb yesterday , but not with who got evicted .I hope you are having a good day , and the limo is primed and running….as is George . Hicky , I don’t take painkillers in less it’s absolutely necessary because I have stomach problems .My gardeners came yesterday and did the first mow of the year , so things are looking quite tidy now .

No CBB tonight , so Ros and I will be catching up on programmes we’ve recorded …Botched , and Naked Attraction .Have a good evening both . Take care .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Glad you had a reasonable night Baz, and got to the shops, i only went as far as the garage to bring a few food items in, corn on the cob and some other goodies, i have enough of them in the garage.

Didnt know Paracetamol could give you stomach problwms, oh dear that doesnt help your hip.

Wow, didnt realise the grass was growing all ready, i dont have grass, well not real stuff as i only grow what i can eat, i know anjmals eat grass but you have to luck after them so thats out.

I have been trying to eat food i have that i dont want but also dont want to throw out so decided to eat it all.

I am watching my recording of CBB the launch, i am way behind but have so many programmes recorded its a problem.

Hope Molley has had a good day.


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Hope you both had a good night, not much going on here, had a pack of Ocado Sushi last night, so nice, still have a small stock, just 3 meals, have got my next order ready for next weekend.

I have had my water bottal for my feet the last couple of nights, although they would warm up in bed but its nice to feel a warm rubber bottle, i dont have it hot as it hasnt got a cover, i put some cold water into it first.

Am enjoying my Crypto, have only got a few grand invested in a few coins but its nice to see it going up and down, today it had made 200% but hoping it will make a lot more in the summer, i just do it for fun really, it gives me something to watch, its under the control of one of my lads so i cant directly do anything with it, i also have a million coins in another one but it hasnt gone public yet, all good fun.

Have a great day all.


Afternoon Mollie annd Hicky  I had a lovely Mothers Day ….had both kids , which was an bit surprising , but nice .Overcast here today …but dry ….so I went for a walk cos the rain is due to return tomorrow ! Aside from that , I’ve put the bins out ready for collection, done a bit of hoovering , cleaned the kitchen , and done a load of washing …so quite a productive day chez Baz . My son finally got home and 11.30 last night , bless him. I hope everyone else is having a good Monday , whatever you are up to .

Mollie , we’ve spoken , but glad you got a bit spoilt yesterday .How is your day going? I’m looking forward to the noms  tonight , but looks like they are going to use Sharon to fix the bliddy thing again .I will see you for DTI though , and we can always switch to PITS if we need to .Hicky , gosh, you’re brave investing in Crypto.But glad it’s working for you .I put my electric blanket on for a little while before bed ….when Mollie reminds me …I find it helps me relax …..but I still love my hot water bottle ..I quite often cuddle it during the day, if I’m feeling a bit down .

Well apart from CBB and George , I’m not sure what we are watching tonight , but sure we will find something . Have a nice evening both , and look after yourselves .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

The weather is so strange, one day blowing a gale and pouring with rain, next day dry no wind at all.

Glad you both had a nice Mothers day, you sure deserve it, as do all mothers.

I got some Crypto a few years ago as i had spare cash wasting in the bank, my lad has been doing xrypto for many years so he talked me into it, I'm only up about Β£77,000 but i just do it for fun, if it does well this year i will probably take some out if son thinks it advisable, but it goes up and down so always interesting to watch.

Going to cook a couple of chicken thighs for tea.


Afternoon Mollie annd Hicky  Overcast here , but dry and not a bad night , so I went for a walk first thing . Apart from that I’ve not really done a lot , just some general cleaning , dusting, washing , and fed the wildlife ….no sign of Cyril , but I’m sure he will be back .I hope everyone else is having a good Wednesday , whatever you are up to l

Mollie , I hope you are having a good day . I’m really enjoying cbb ….its heating up nicely , eh .Face to face noms and a double eviction  should be interesting .I hope Louie is up on Friday …what a truly horrible man he is . Hicky , wow , you’ve done well with the crypto . When are you having your next Ocado delivery? Mine came today , so I’m all stocked up .

Well it’s a full evening viewing ….gmb , cbb, and na . Have a good  evening both . Take care .


Good Evening Mollie & Baz.

Was at the hospital having an op on kidney stones under general anaesthetic, what a day, arrived at 12:30, so many tests again, dozens of questions, and telling me what can go wrong an about side effects and what i can expect after i recover in the recovery ward, that was interesting, got home at 7pm but we stopped to pick up some food, good job my lad took me and picked me up and he stayed the night and till 3pm today, very handy.

Had an awfuk night, kept wanting the loo but every time i sat down it was so painful inside, so i had to wait half an hour for the pain to go then i went back to bed, then i had reflux so had to take a Rennie tablet, so up about every hour or so, have started on Codeine as they are stronger, the blood in urine should stop in a few days, they say, not sure when the pain stops, but lucky enough i dont have pain in bed or when not on loo or doing a wee.

I have an order filled in, havent sorted the delivery day / time yet, the bill id up to Β£131 so far but i am going to do every 2 weeks now.

My crypto went up to about Β£160,000 so asked my lad to take a bit out for me so i can get a nice seat to the Philippines when all is ok, i need an appointment to have the stent removed in a couple of weeks, mind you of that Β£160k my oringinal steak on the 4 coins was a total of Β£37k so Β£123 k isnt a bad profit.

Its dry here today, think i will have a pasty for tea as i've eaten very little since monday, i couldnt eat tuesday morning because of the op, then had a piece of toast and a small biscuit in the recovery ward, and didnt fancy the food i bought as i didnt fancy eating.

Hope Mollie had a good night and a good Wednesday.


Good Afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Hope you are both well and had a good night and day.

Have booked the delivery of Ocado for 10:30 saturday, have been taking the para and codeine as i have pain still when having a wee but no pain otherwise, also those tabs make you sleepy so maybe thats why i slept ok, only got up twice.

Trying to get some cash from the crypto but Oz is a pain as they only have a small money transfer policy, any transaction must be less than AUD$10k which is less than Β£5k uk which is a pain so my lad in the Philippines is doing a small run to see if we can transfer some across, he has an account in the uk so we are going to try that route.

I am going to give my lads some money, one with a big mortgage will try crypto, my lad abroad will advice on that, the other lad wants to move again, back to this side of the river so some money will come in handy for them

.I have an appointment at the hospital to get my stent out on Wed 27th Mar which is good but i will have to get a taxi there and back probably.

I've got darts to watch tonight, night 7 of 17


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  I had to wait in for a delivery , but it came quite early so I dashed out to the shop and the postbox , cos I had a couple of cards I needed to send , and got back just before the bliddy heavens opened again .Aside from that I’ve done the duvet shuffle , two loads of washing , fed wildlife , and monce Cyril stops stuffing his face , I’ll empty the bins .I hope everyone else is enjoying their Friday .

OMG Hicky , that sounds like a nightmare .I hope you are feeling a little better today , that your pain has subsided a bit , and that it sorts your stones out once and for all. . Glad you’ve got another Ocado delivery coming tomorrow ….I have a running , set day . You can always alter it , but it means I don’t  have to worry about trying to get a slot .Mollie , those face to face nominations were hilarious eh .I bliddy hope Feckin Sue goes this week though ….and I’d be more than happy if she took either Louie or Levi with her .Fern has her number though , eh . I hope you’re having a good day , and see you for DTI at 5 .

Well it’s Eviction night , so that’s my  viewing sorted .Have a good evening both , and take care , especially Hicky .


Good afternoon Mollie & Baz.

Not a bad night really, and pain has eased a little as well, also did a No. 2, so glad about that, 1st since Monday.

My lad came this morning and we are going out for brekkie Sunday, that will be nice.

We have managed to get some money through from the Crypto via Oz and the UK, but can only get small amounts as anything over AUD$9,900 will be flagged so it will take a week to get the money through.

But its better to take some out while i'm winning, i was so much up it would be soft not to take a bit out because it could all collapse overnight, at one time i was Β£110,000 up.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Rained heavily overnight , but eased off mid morning , so I went for a walk ….and popped into the shop for some more bird food . Part of my walking route is flooded again !Cyril visited twice today …first time he cleared up all the monkey nuts , so I went out later and replenished them….and he came back for seconds ! Not a  bad night , so I changed the sheets , washed and ironed , and cleaned kitchen , so not a totally wasted Sunday .I hope everyone else is enjoying their day .

Mollie , I hope  your day is going well . I’m looking to CBB tonight ….I am going to  miss it when it finishes on Friday .Still , at least we’ve got teatime club to keep us busy .Hicky , I hope you are continuing to improve …and are in less pain now .Hope you had a nice brekkie with your son today .

Well it’s Celeb Bake Off and Cbb for me tonight , so that’s my viewing more or less sorted . Have a good evening both , whatever you are watching . Take care .


both x


glad you got your walk in and Cyril is still visiting your place to stock up. He is so spoilt with a double supply of monkey nuts.

Glad your night was not too bad. Long many it continue.

Yes I too am looking forward to CBB, have been enjoying this series and too am glad we have tea time club as I will miss CBB too. Its been far too short. As you say, the face to face noms were brilliant.


Sorry you have had such an awful time after your op. But as you say it was lucky your lad was around to take and bring you back. Hope you are feeling better by now, and hope with that op being over now, means you are a step closer to going to see your family abroad.

Hope your hospital appointment goes ok on the 27th too. Didn't know they took stents out. Do they have to put another one in?

Thats nice your son is coming over to take you out for brekkie. Hope you enjoyed it. Where did you go?

Yes good idea to get some crypto out whilst its high as it is so unpredictable. Sounds like its complicated to get it out though.

Glad you are pleased with ocado. I know we are too.

Been really busy this week, as son needed a lot of help with a job application. Its one of those ones where you need to address the criteria, so he likes me to help. And pup keeps us busy too. We like to take her out in the car somewhere each day, as its good for pups to get uses to different people and places.

Also with 4 of us and pup, my washing is endless. Sometimes I treat myself to 1 day off then regret it the next day. Will be glad when we don't need to wear so many clothes. So much easier in summer with not so many jumpers to wash and it dries quickly on the line.

MrM doing lots in the garden (when its not raining, that is). We are still waiting for the builders to do the patio though.

So I hardly have time to watch tv now. But I make sure everyone at home knows i need to watch Tea time club and CBB.

Have a good evening both. xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Things are a bit better today, pain is less which is a bonus, wasnt up to going out for brekkie when som came so he went a Subway and brought back a lovely bacon, sausage and tomato toasted granery roll, very nice.

He opened an Oyster for me, very salty and small, so tonight i opened 6 to put butter in and grill, what a joke, they are so small a dozen would have made a mouthful so have told Ocado i want my money back, the dozen cost Β£12 i wouldnt have them if they were free, they should have left them in the sea, i know they are farmed but that was rediculous.

All my Ocado order arrived, no missing items which is great so i am fine for another couple of weeks.

I went to bed at 8pm last night as i just needed to rest, but feel a lot better now.




that is good the pain has eased now.

Shame you weren't up to going out for brekkie, but glad you enjoyed Subway. I haven't been there for awhile, but I do like their sarnies.

Sounds like the oysters are not worth buying. But its good no items were missing. I rarely get items missing since I changed to Ocado.

MrM bought me a bag of Cadbury mini eggs, ,but the size of the bag has shrunk and they used to be Β£1 and are Β£1.30 now!

I did read they have had a bad cocoa crop for the last 4 years, so choc prices have gone up lots.

Lovely day today, so managed to sit in the garden for a little while with pup on my lap. She got so warm, she was panting with tongue out, so took her inside. Makes a nice change to cold weather. My washing dried nicely too.

CBB's task was so funny last night, am enjoying this series as much as the last one.

Time to sort washing/dishwasher out now. Then go to Lidl for a bit of extras.


hope you are well today and slept ok last night.

See you for CBB.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

I am going to throw the rest of the Oysters in the bin, they arent worth the bother of even opening, i just cant understand them being sold even, its like a joke.

I have loads of food anyway, had finished my half chicken and just eat what i fancy.

My Crypto has done me well, gave my lads some and will keep some for myself, i withdraw Β£55,000 40k for the lads and 15 for me, i still have loads left anyway, waiting for 1 coin to launch then i my holding should be Β£122,00 as it stands, but if it goes up, wow, the one that hasnt launched yet to private or public, i got in befor the launch and i have 1,003,900 coins, so that could be interesting eh.

Hope Baz had a good night and day, i'm just off to bed, my water looks good, wee pain very slight, but i have a pain thats come in my lower back at times, always something eh.




your crypto certainly has done you good. At least you won't have money worries to prevent your aim of going abroad to live.

Sorry to hear you have lower back pain now. Think that is connected with the kidneys isn't it? So probably an after effect of your op? Hope it clears up soon.

What have you been watching on tv lately?

I have really been enjoying CBB but it ends Friday.

Bit dull and drizzly so far so today's wash will have to stay indoors, unless it clears up later.

Have to get a bit of food shopping again, didn't realise son had run out of cereal and when he goes out very early for filming, he only grabs cereal. Will also go to the farm to get our milk too. My family get through a litre a day.


hope you slept ok last night.

Look forward to seeing you for Tea time club.

Have a good day both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°Another sunny day here ….and quite warm . Not a bad night , so I went for a walk first thing, and did a bit of weeding in the garden. …so I got plenty of fresh air .🀣🀣 Aside from that I’ve cleaned the kitchen, done some washing , rescued the bin, and fed wildlife . I hope everyone else is enjoying their Tuesday .😁

Mollie , it’s a shame cbb isn’t on longer …it makes my viewing easy Wow , you get through a lot of milk .The rain hasn’t arrived here yet …but think it’s going to be wet tomorrow ! I hope your day is going well , and I’ll defo see you for teatime club . By the way , Bargain Brits is back for teatime club next week .Hicky , I’m glad you are happy with Ocado .How are you feeling today ? Has everything settled down now ?

Apart from cbb I’m not sure what we are watching tonight , but no doubt we will find something .Have a good evening and look after yourselves .


Evening Mollie & Baz.

My kidney pain has eased a lot, water good colour, not sure why my back pain came, it seemed to arrive as my right kidney pain lowered, hope its not from the stone in my left kidney, had another appointment to see urology on 20th May, not sure what that is for, its just as an outpatient.

My back pain suddenly stopped an hour ago, strange.

Very pleased with my Crypto, one of my coins is up Β£42,000 but will leave it and see how it gors, will be happy when my other coin launches, the coin that i took money from is still up a couple of grand now anyway, a payment to the uk santander got held up as the bank froze the acc, my lad had to ring from the Philippines to free it, but another payment came to me today, all good fun.

I'm just watching docu's and recording at the mo.

I love bargain brits, always record all those, so good.

I got a full refund for the Oysters, then i rang them to tell them of my concerns, they should never be sold, i didnt even bother opening the other half i put them out with the rubbish, i said in the online tick chart that the problem was size but that would really have related to clothes size i assume not an Oyster.


both x


glad to see you had good weather, so got a walk and a bit of gardening in.

Yes I will miss CBB after Friday. As you say, it makes viewing easy knowing there is something good to watch each night at 9.


so glad you are feeling so much better now.

I too love Bargain Brits, glad to see a new series coming next week.

I guessed Ocado would give you a full refund, which is good.

Went to Toby for lunch today with friend , very nice.

And it actually didn;t rain all afternoon. So my washing dried quite well.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Havent been to the Toby for years.

Strange my pains, the back pain comes and goes, it went earlier, not sure if its related to my laft kidney or not, water seems back to normal colour so happy with that.

I find the amount of items on Ocado incredible, never seen anything like it, such a massive selection.

Have got darts tonight and F1 from tomorrow so i'm ok for viewing, i have been watching the dan walker and Helen Shelton Penine shows, so good, yes, glad bargan brits back Monday, i'll record incase i am busy, cant take a chance on ,issing it.

Hope Baz had a good night and Thursday.


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