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Cosmopolitan posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Cosmopolitan posted:

I'm setting the record button for Channel 4, 9pm tonight - Amy.

Did you see the programme on BBC Four about the 7" vinyl single?

I saw most of it, but will need to finish the rest off on iPlayer. 

Yes, I think it's a repeat..?  BBC 4 does some good muso stuff.

Yes they do. I really love that station. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

Not sure how many here are interested, but C5 are finally showing the 2nd series of "Gotham", starting tonight at 10pm between CBB and BotS.


Also, the 3rd series of "Agents of SHIELD" is finally getting a UK broadcast. However it's not on C4 - they've squeezed it out onto E4. Repeat broadcast has just started, so I expect anyone reading this who's interested will have to go onto catch-up...

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:

Meant to post this yesterday but couldn't:


Particularly good 'Only Connect' last night: both first semi-final and 200th show. Appropriately ended in a tie-break, with Victoria munching her way through a celebratory cake throughout!

(And before you ask, it was an iced fruit cake: not a more appropriate Victoria Sponge... )

...And the second semi-final has just ended in a tie-break too!

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:

Meant to post this yesterday but couldn't:


Particularly good 'Only Connect' last night: both first semi-final and 200th show. Appropriately ended in a tie-break, with Victoria munching her way through a celebratory cake throughout!

(And before you ask, it was an iced fruit cake: not a more appropriate Victoria Sponge... )

...And the second semi-final has just ended in a tie-break too!

I saw it and could not believe my eyes. I screamed "Fix" !!!!

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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