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Dave just eff right off.

Steve does not need your voodoo. In fact, if anyone in the history of BB had ever deserved a slap, you did right there 

You can lay your sweaty paws on Steve's "nubs" (what kind of word is nubs btw?) as much as you like, they won't grow back, and further more why presume he even WANTS "healing"?

Why presume (becasue you are friggin' prejudiced that's why) he must want to be made "whole" or whatever claptrap you think.  How do you know he isn't happy as Larry JUST as he is?  He seems happy doesn't he?  Why does he have to fit into your world view of what's "normal"?

DIVERSITY Dave, it's a good word. Better than any of the crap you spout.


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OMG! Did he just come out with that claptrap?
yes, he informed Dave (not asked, but TOLD him) that he was going to get his hands on Steve's "nubs" so they would grow.

Steve (imo looked uncomfortable) and said "I think that's even beyond God's abilities" and laughed.

Dave said anything was possible and he was going to do it.

Why does Steve have to change who and what he is to fit Dave's world view?

How about Dave just stops being a disabilist numpty and accepts Steve exactly the way he is.  And maybe society should adapt to disabilities instead of voodoo crap "healing" and Steve changing (in some parallel universe in Dave's head) to fit in.
That's unfortunate...he obviously does not accept God's Will (like it tell him to in the very famous Lord's Prayer)
I'm not a believer but I have every respect for those with faith. If Dave said he would pray to help Steve cope with his disabilities I'd have no problem with that...or if he said he would pray for society to be more accepting, I'd have thought that was sweet and touching.

But like you say, why can't he accept that maybe it's God's will that Steve is disabled, for whatever reasons...Presumably he believes "thy will be done"

Mr L has just turned the air blue here
why can't he accept that maybe it's God's will that Steve is disabled, for whatever reasons...Presumably he believes "thy will be done"

Maybe he believes he's channelling God's will to heal him or something?  Ostensibly ridiculously egocentric to reckon you're some God's agent on Earth but not really unknown I guess.  
Maybe he believes he's channelling God's will to heal him or something? Ostensibly ridiculously egocentric to reckon you're some God's agent on Earth but not really unknown I guess.
That's exactly what he thinks, like he's a conduit for God or summat...but that's not the point.  I wanted to have a SHOUTY rant at him!

I've got no problem with him preaching or anything, I know it's a duty to "spread the Good News" and all that...but implying that Steve is "wrong" and needs "fixing" pushes my buttons.
Maybe he believes he's channelling God's will to heal him or something?  Ostensibly ridiculously egocentric to reckon you're some God's agent on Earth but not really unknown I guess
Yeah...that makes rational and empirical sense both at the same time...which can't be right because they are diametrically opposed. For example, if we take the Cartesian circle as a starting point, we can assume that (all things being equal) that a sentient being in full acknowledgement of their own faculties would in an ideal world presume that all things are possible in the known universe. In short, the dude in Big Brother using an hypothesis based on faith and outmoded belief systems. So in the final analysis, the Friar Dave out of Big Brother 2010 is talking out of his arse....and I'm gonna give myself a  and take a bow 

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